Пример #1
func buildLevel(g *tl.Game, w, h, score int) {
	maze := generateMaze(w, h)
	l := tl.NewBaseLevel(tl.Cell{})
	g.Log("Building level with width %d and height %d", w, h)
	scoretext := tl.NewText(0, 1, "Levels explored: "+strconv.Itoa(score),
		tl.ColorBlue, tl.ColorBlack)
	g.AddEntity(tl.NewText(0, 0, "Pyramid!", tl.ColorBlue, tl.ColorBlack))
	for i, row := range maze {
		for j, path := range row {
			if path == '*' {
				l.AddEntity(tl.NewRectangle(i, j, 1, 1, tl.ColorWhite))
			} else if path == 'S' {
				l.AddEntity(NewBlock(i, j, tl.ColorRed, g, w, h, score, scoretext))
			} else if path == 'L' {
				l.AddEntity(tl.NewRectangle(i, j, 1, 1, tl.ColorBlue))