Пример #1
func RegisterPOST(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Get session
	sess := session.Instance(r)

	// If user is authenticated
	if sess.Values["id"] != nil {
		http.Redirect(w, r, "/", http.StatusFound)

	// Prevent brute force login attempts by not hitting MySQL and pretending like it was invalid :-)
	if sess.Values["register_attempt"] != nil && sess.Values["register_attempt"].(int) >= 5 {
		log.Println("Brute force register prevented")
		http.Redirect(w, r, "/register", http.StatusFound)

	// Validate with required fields
	if validate, missingField := view.Validate(r, []string{"first_name", "last_name", "email", "password"}); !validate {
		sess.AddFlash(view.Flash{"Field missing: " + missingField, view.FlashError})
		sess.Save(r, w)
		RegisterGET(w, r)

	// Get form values
	first_name := r.FormValue("first_name")
	last_name := r.FormValue("last_name")
	email := r.FormValue("email")
	password, errp := passhash.HashString(r.FormValue("password"))

	// If password hashing failed
	if errp != nil {
		sess.AddFlash(view.Flash{"An error occurred on the server. Please try again later.", view.FlashError})
		sess.Save(r, w)
		http.Redirect(w, r, "/register", http.StatusFound)

	// Get database result
	db, _ := mysql.Instance()
	defer db.Link.Close()
	result := database.User{}
	err := db.Link.Get(&result, "SELECT id FROM user WHERE email = ? LIMIT 1", email)

	if err == sql.ErrNoRows { // If success (no user exists with that email)
		_, ex := db.Link.Exec("INSERT INTO user (first_name, last_name, email, password) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", first_name, last_name, email, password)
		// Will only error if there is a problem with the query
		if ex != nil {
			sess.AddFlash(view.Flash{"An error occurred on the server. Please try again later.", view.FlashError})
			sess.Save(r, w)
		} else {
			sess.AddFlash(view.Flash{"Account created successfully for: " + email, view.FlashSuccess})
			sess.Save(r, w)
			http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", http.StatusFound)
	} else if err != nil { // Catch all other errors
		sess.AddFlash(view.Flash{"An error occurred on the server. Please try again later.", view.FlashError})
		sess.Save(r, w)
	} else { // Else the user already exists
		sess.AddFlash(view.Flash{"Account already exists for: " + email, view.FlashError})
		sess.Save(r, w)

	// Display the page
	RegisterGET(w, r)
Пример #2
func RegisterPOST(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// Get session
	sess := session.Instance(r)

	// Prevent brute force login attempts by not hitting MySQL and pretending like it was invalid :-)
	if sess.Values["register_attempt"] != nil && sess.Values["register_attempt"].(int) >= 5 {
		log.Println("Brute force register prevented")
		http.Redirect(w, r, "/register", http.StatusFound)

	// Validate with required fields
	if validate, missingField := view.Validate(r, []string{"first_name", "last_name", "email", "password"}); !validate {
		sess.AddFlash(view.Flash{"Field missing: " + missingField, view.FlashError})
		sess.Save(r, w)
		RegisterGET(w, r)

	// Validate with Google reCAPTCHA
	if !recaptcha.Verified(r) {
		sess.AddFlash(view.Flash{"reCAPTCHA invalid!", view.FlashError})
		sess.Save(r, w)
		RegisterGET(w, r)

	// Get form values
	first_name := r.FormValue("first_name")
	last_name := r.FormValue("last_name")
	email := r.FormValue("email")
	password, errp := passhash.HashString(r.FormValue("password"))

	// If password hashing failed
	if errp != nil {
		sess.AddFlash(view.Flash{"An error occurred on the server. Please try again later.", view.FlashError})
		sess.Save(r, w)
		http.Redirect(w, r, "/register", http.StatusFound)

	// Get database result
	_, err := model.UserIdByEmail(email)

	if err == sql.ErrNoRows { // If success (no user exists with that email)
		ex := model.UserCreate(first_name, last_name, email, password)
		// Will only error if there is a problem with the query
		if ex != nil {
			sess.AddFlash(view.Flash{"An error occurred on the server. Please try again later.", view.FlashError})
			sess.Save(r, w)
		} else {
			sess.AddFlash(view.Flash{"Account created successfully for: " + email, view.FlashSuccess})
			sess.Save(r, w)
			http.Redirect(w, r, "/login", http.StatusFound)
	} else if err != nil { // Catch all other errors
		sess.AddFlash(view.Flash{"An error occurred on the server. Please try again later.", view.FlashError})
		sess.Save(r, w)
	} else { // Else the user already exists
		sess.AddFlash(view.Flash{"Account already exists for: " + email, view.FlashError})
		sess.Save(r, w)

	// Display the page
	RegisterGET(w, r)