Пример #1
// registerPublicCommands adds the resources-related commands
// to the "juju" supercommand.
func (r resources) registerPublicCommands() {
	if !markRegistered(resource.ComponentName, "public-commands") {

	charmcmd.RegisterSubCommand(func(spec charmcmd.CharmstoreSpec) jujucmd.Command {
		base := charmcmd.NewCommandBase(spec)
		resBase := &resourceadapters.CharmCmdBase{base}
		return cmd.NewListCharmResourcesCommand(resBase)

	commands.RegisterEnvCommand(func() modelcmd.ModelCommand {
		return cmd.NewUploadCommand(cmd.UploadDeps{
			NewClient: func(c *cmd.UploadCommand) (cmd.UploadClient, error) {
				return resourceadapters.NewAPIClient(c.NewAPIRoot)
			OpenResource: func(s string) (cmd.ReadSeekCloser, error) {
				return os.Open(s)


	commands.RegisterEnvCommand(func() modelcmd.ModelCommand {
		return cmd.NewShowServiceCommand(cmd.ShowServiceDeps{
			NewClient: func(c *cmd.ShowServiceCommand) (cmd.ShowServiceClient, error) {
				return resourceadapters.NewAPIClient(c.NewAPIRoot)
Пример #2
// registerPublicCommands adds the resources-related commands
// to the "juju" supercommand.
func (r resources) registerPublicCommands() {
	if !markRegistered(resource.ComponentName, "public-commands") {


	commands.RegisterEnvCommand(func() modelcmd.ModelCommand {
		return cmd.NewUploadCommand(cmd.UploadDeps{
			NewClient: func(c *cmd.UploadCommand) (cmd.UploadClient, error) {
				apiRoot, err := c.NewAPIRoot()
				if err != nil {
					return nil, errors.Trace(err)
				return resourceadapters.NewAPIClient(apiRoot)
			OpenResource: func(s string) (cmd.ReadSeekCloser, error) {
				return os.Open(s)


	commands.RegisterEnvCommand(func() modelcmd.ModelCommand {
		return cmd.NewShowServiceCommand(cmd.ShowServiceDeps{
			NewClient: func(c *cmd.ShowServiceCommand) (cmd.ShowServiceClient, error) {
				apiRoot, err := c.NewAPIRoot()
				if err != nil {
					return nil, errors.Trace(err)
				return resourceadapters.NewAPIClient(apiRoot)
Пример #3
func getResources(serviceID string, newAPIRoot func() (api.Connection, error)) (map[string]resource.Resource, error) {
	resclient, err := resourceadapters.NewAPIClient(newAPIRoot)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	svcs, err := resclient.ListResources([]string{serviceID})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	// ListResources guarantees a number of values returned == number of
	// services passed in.
	return resource.AsMap(svcs[0].Resources), nil
Пример #4
// NewUpgradeCharmCommand returns a command which upgrades application's charm.
func NewUpgradeCharmCommand() cmd.Command {
	cmd := &upgradeCharmCommand{
		DeployResources: resourceadapters.DeployResources,
		ResolveCharm:    resolveCharm,
		NewCharmAdder:   newCharmAdder,
		NewCharmClient: func(conn api.Connection) CharmClient {
			return charms.NewClient(conn)
		NewCharmUpgradeClient: func(conn api.Connection) CharmUpgradeClient {
			return application.NewClient(conn)
		NewModelConfigGetter: func(conn api.Connection) ModelConfigGetter {
			return modelconfig.NewClient(conn)
		NewResourceLister: func(conn api.Connection) (ResourceLister, error) {
			resclient, err := resourceadapters.NewAPIClient(conn)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			return resclient, nil
	return modelcmd.Wrap(cmd)
Пример #5
Файл: bundle.go Проект: bac/juju
// upgradeCharm upgrades the charm for the given application to the given charm id.
// If the application is already deployed using the given charm id, do nothing.
// This function returns an error if the existing charm and the target one are
// incompatible, meaning an upgrade from one to the other is not allowed.
func (h *bundleHandler) upgradeCharm(
	api DeployAPI,
	applicationName string,
	chID charmstore.CharmID,
	csMac *macaroon.Macaroon,
	resources map[string]string,
) error {
	id := chID.URL.String()
	existing, err := h.api.GetCharmURL(applicationName)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Annotatef(err, "cannot retrieve info for application %q", applicationName)
	if existing.String() == id {
		h.log.Infof("reusing application %s (charm: %s)", applicationName, id)
		return nil
	url, err := charm.ParseURL(id)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Annotatef(err, "cannot parse charm URL %q", id)
	chID.URL = url
	if url.WithRevision(-1).Path() != existing.WithRevision(-1).Path() {
		return errors.Errorf("bundle charm %q is incompatible with existing charm %q", id, existing)
	charmsClient := charms.NewClient(api)
	resourceLister, err := resourceadapters.NewAPIClient(api)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	filtered, err := getUpgradeResources(charmsClient, resourceLister, applicationName, url, resources)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Trace(err)
	var resNames2IDs map[string]string
	if len(filtered) != 0 {
		resNames2IDs, err = resourceadapters.DeployResources(
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
	cfg := application.SetCharmConfig{
		ApplicationName: applicationName,
		CharmID:         chID,
		ResourceIDs:     resNames2IDs,
	if err := h.api.SetCharm(cfg); err != nil {
		return errors.Annotatef(err, "cannot upgrade charm to %q", id)
	h.log.Infof("upgraded charm for existing application %s (from %s to %s)", applicationName, existing, id)
	for resName := range resNames2IDs {
		h.log.Infof("added resource %s", resName)
	return nil