Пример #1
func (s *FortressSuite) TestWorkersIndependent(c *gc.C) {
	fix := newFixture(c)
	defer fix.TearDown(c)

	// Create a separate worker and associated guard from the same manifold.
	worker2, err := fix.manifold.Start(nil)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	defer CheckStop(c, worker2)
	var guard2 fortress.Guard
	err = fix.manifold.Output(worker2, &guard2)
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)

	// Unlock the separate worker; check the original worker is unaffected.
	err = guard2.Unlock()
	c.Assert(err, jc.ErrorIsNil)
	AssertLocked(c, fix.Guest(c))
Пример #2
// updateCharmDir sets charm directory availability for sharing among
// concurrent workers according to local operation state.
func updateCharmDir(opState operation.State, guard fortress.Guard, abort fortress.Abort) error {
	var changing bool

	// Determine if the charm content is changing.
	if opState.Kind == operation.Install || opState.Kind == operation.Upgrade {
		changing = true
	} else if opState.Kind == operation.RunHook && opState.Hook != nil && opState.Hook.Kind == hooks.UpgradeCharm {
		changing = true

	available := opState.Started && !opState.Stopped && !changing
	logger.Tracef("charmdir: available=%v opState: started=%v stopped=%v changing=%v",
		available, opState.Started, opState.Stopped, changing)
	if available {
		return guard.Unlock()
	} else {
		return guard.Lockdown(abort)