// ByYear takes a Stream of DateCount instances and returns a Stream of
// YearCount instances by totaling the counts in the DateCount instances
// by year. The DateCount instances must be ordered by Date. Caller must Close
// the returned Stream. Calling Close on returned Stream also closes s.
func ByYear(s functional.Stream) functional.Stream {
	return functional.NewGenerator(func(e functional.Emitter) error {
		var ptr interface{}
		var opened bool
		var incoming DateCount

		// As soon as caller calls Close() we quit without pulling unnecessary
		// values from underlying stream.
		if ptr, opened = e.EmitPtr(); !opened {
			return s.Close()
		var err error

		// We get the first date while propagating any errors to the caller.
		// Note that we stay in this loop until either we get a first date or
		// caller calls Close()
		for err = s.Next(&incoming); err != nil; err = s.Next(&incoming) {
			// Propagate error and yield execution to caller. Then get the next
			// pointer caller pases to Next().
			if ptr, opened = e.Return(err); !opened {
				return s.Close()
		currentYear := incoming.Date.Year()

		// Running total for current year
		sum := incoming.Count

		// When Done marker is reached, we have to emit the count of the final year.
		for err = s.Next(&incoming); err != functional.Done; err = s.Next(&incoming) {

			// Propagate any errors to caller.
			if err != nil {
				if ptr, opened = e.Return(err); !opened {
					return s.Close()
			year := incoming.Date.Year()

			// If year changed, emit the count for the current year.
			// Then change currentYear and and make sum be the running total for
			// that year.
			if year != currentYear {
				*ptr.(*YearCount) = YearCount{Year: currentYear, Count: sum}
				if ptr, opened = e.Return(nil); !opened {
					return s.Close()
				sum = incoming.Count
				currentYear = year
			} else {
				sum += incoming.Count
		// Emit the final year.
		*ptr.(*YearCount) = YearCount{Year: currentYear, Count: sum}

		// Note that we return nil, not functional.Done, since we are emitting the
		// count for the final year. The call to WaitForClose() takes
		// care of returning functional.Done to the caller until the caller calls
		// Close()
		return s.Close()