Пример #1
// Test that the signup with saving the secret, logout, then login
// flow works.
func TestSignupWithStoreThenLogin(t *testing.T) {

	tc := SetupEngineTest(t, "signup with store then login")
	defer tc.Cleanup()

	fu := NewFakeUserOrBust(tc.T, "lssl")

	if userHasStoredSecret(&tc, fu.Username) {
		t.Errorf("User %s unexpectedly has a stored secret", fu.Username)

	arg := MakeTestSignupEngineRunArg(fu)
	arg.StoreSecret = true
	_ = SignupFakeUserWithArg(tc, fu, arg)


	// TODO: Mock out the SecretStore and make sure that it's
	// actually consulted.
	if err := tc.G.LoginState().LoginWithStoredSecret(fu.Username, nil); err != nil {

	if err := libkb.ClearStoredSecret(tc.G, fu.NormalizedUsername()); err != nil {

	if userHasStoredSecret(&tc, fu.Username) {
		t.Errorf("User %s unexpectedly has a stored secret", fu.Username)
Пример #2
func (e *ResetEngine) Run(ctx *Context) (err error) {
	username := e.G().Env.GetUsername()
	if clearSecretErr := libkb.ClearStoredSecret(username); clearSecretErr != nil {
		e.G().Log.Warning("ClearStoredSecret error: %s", clearSecretErr)
	if err = e.G().Logout(); err != nil {
	if _, err = e.G().LocalDb.Nuke(); err != nil {
Пример #3
func (e *DeprovisionEngine) Run(ctx *Context) (err error) {
	// Deprovision steps
	// =================
	// 1. If the user is logged in:
	//   a) Revoke all the current device's keys.
	//   b) Log out.
	// 2. Delete all the user's secret keys!!!
	// 3. Delete the user from the config file.
	// 4. Db nuke.

	if e.doRevoke {
		err = e.attemptLoggedInRevoke(ctx)
		if err != nil {

	if clearSecretErr := libkb.ClearStoredSecret(e.G(), e.username); clearSecretErr != nil {
		e.G().Log.Warning("ClearStoredSecret error: %s", clearSecretErr)

	// XXX: Delete the user's secret keyring. It's very important that we never
	// do this to the wrong user. Please do not copy this code :)
	ctx.LogUI.Info("Deleting %s's secret keys file...", e.username.String())
	filename := e.G().SKBFilenameForUser(e.username)
	err = os.Remove(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to delete secret key file: %s", err)

	ctx.LogUI.Info("Deleting %s from config.json...", e.username.String())
	if err = e.G().Env.GetConfigWriter().NukeUser(e.username); err != nil {

	// The config entries we just nuked could still be in memory. Clear them.
	e.G().Env.GetConfigWriter().SetUserConfig(nil, true /* overwrite; ignored */)

	ctx.LogUI.Info("Clearing the local cache db...")
	if _, err = e.G().LocalDb.Nuke(); err != nil {

	ctx.LogUI.Info("Deprovision finished.")
Пример #4
// Test that the login flow with passphrase and with saving the secret
// works.
func TestLoginWithPassphraseWithStore(t *testing.T) {
	// TODO: Get this working on non-OS X platforms (by mocking
	// out the SecretStore).
	if !libkb.HasSecretStore() {
		t.Skip("Skipping test since there is no secret store")

	tc := SetupEngineTest(t, "login with passphrase (with store)")
	defer tc.Cleanup()

	fu := CreateAndSignupFakeUser(tc, "lwpws")

	if userHasStoredSecret(&tc, fu.Username) {
		t.Errorf("User %s unexpectedly has a stored secret", fu.Username)

	if err := tc.G.LoginState().LoginWithPassphrase(fu.Username, fu.Passphrase, true, nil); err != nil {


	if !userHasStoredSecret(&tc, fu.Username) {
		t.Errorf("User %s unexpectedly does not have a stored secret", fu.Username)

	// TODO: Mock out the SecretStore and make sure that it's
	// actually consulted.
	if err := tc.G.LoginState().LoginWithStoredSecret(fu.Username, nil); err != nil {

	if err := libkb.ClearStoredSecret(fu.NormalizedUsername()); err != nil {

	if userHasStoredSecret(&tc, fu.Username) {
		t.Errorf("User %s unexpectedly has a stored secret", fu.Username)
Пример #5
func (h *LoginHandler) ClearStoredSecret(_ context.Context, arg keybase1.ClearStoredSecretArg) error {
	return libkb.ClearStoredSecret(h.G(), libkb.NewNormalizedUsername(arg.Username))
Пример #6
func (e *DeprovisionEngine) Run(ctx *Context) (err error) {
	// Deprovision steps
	// =================
	// 1. If the user is logged in:
	//   a) Revoke all the current device's keys.
	//   b) Log out.
	// 2. Delete all the user's secret keys!!!
	// 3. Delete the user from the config file.
	// 4. Db nuke.

	// If the user to deprovision is currently logged in, we need to revoke
	// their keys and then log out.
	isLoggedIn, err := IsLoggedIn(e, ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if e.G().Env.GetUsername().Eq(e.username) && isLoggedIn {
		revokeArg := RevokeDeviceEngineArgs{
			ID:    e.G().Env.GetDeviceID(),
			Force: true,
		revokeEng := NewRevokeDeviceEngine(revokeArg, e.G())
		err = revokeEng.Run(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		ctx.LogUI.Info("Logging out...")
		if err = e.G().Logout(); err != nil {
	} else {
		ctx.LogUI.Warning("User %s is not logged in, so we aren't revoking their keys on the server.", e.username)
		ctx.LogUI.Warning("To do that yourself, use `keybase device remove` from a logged in device.")

	if clearSecretErr := libkb.ClearStoredSecret(e.G(), e.username); clearSecretErr != nil {
		e.G().Log.Warning("ClearStoredSecret error: %s", clearSecretErr)

	// XXX: Delete the user's secret keyring. It's very important that we never
	// do this to the wrong user. Please do not copy this code :)
	ctx.LogUI.Info("Deleting %s's secret keys file...", e.username.String())
	filename := e.G().SKBFilenameForUser(e.username)
	err = os.Remove(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to delete secret key file: %s", err)

	ctx.LogUI.Info("Deleting %s from config.json...", e.username.String())
	if err = e.G().Env.GetConfigWriter().NukeUser(e.username); err != nil {

	// The config entries we just nuked could still be in memory. Clear them.
	e.G().Env.GetConfigWriter().SetUserConfig(nil, true /* overwrite; ignored */)

	ctx.LogUI.Info("Clearing the local cache db...")
	if _, err = e.G().LocalDb.Nuke(); err != nil {

	ctx.LogUI.Info("Deprovision finished.")
Пример #7
// Test that the login flow using the secret store works.
func TestLoginWithStoredSecret(t *testing.T) {
	// TODO: Get this working on non-OS X platforms (by mocking
	// out the SecretStore).
	if !libkb.HasSecretStore() {
		t.Skip("Skipping test since there is no secret store")

	tc := SetupEngineTest(t, "login with stored secret")
	defer tc.Cleanup()

	fu := CreateAndSignupFakeUser(tc, "lwss")

	if userHasStoredSecret(&tc, fu.Username) {
		t.Errorf("User %s unexpectedly has a stored secret", fu.Username)

	mockGetPassphrase := &GetKeybasePassphraseMock{
		Passphrase:  fu.Passphrase,
		StoreSecret: true,
	if err := tc.G.LoginState().LoginWithPrompt("", nil, mockGetPassphrase, nil); err != nil {


	if !mockGetPassphrase.Called {
		t.Errorf("secretUI.GetKeybasePassphrase() unexpectedly not called")


	if !userHasStoredSecret(&tc, fu.Username) {
		t.Errorf("User %s unexpectedly does not have a stored secret", fu.Username)

	// TODO: Mock out the SecretStore and make sure that it's
	// actually consulted.
	if err := tc.G.LoginState().LoginWithStoredSecret(fu.Username, nil); err != nil {


	if err := libkb.ClearStoredSecret(fu.NormalizedUsername()); err != nil {

	if userHasStoredSecret(&tc, fu.Username) {
		t.Errorf("User %s unexpectedly has a stored secret", fu.Username)

	if err := tc.G.LoginState().LoginWithStoredSecret(fu.Username, nil); err == nil {
		t.Error("Did not get expected error")

	if err := tc.G.LoginState().LoginWithStoredSecret("", nil); err == nil {
		t.Error("Did not get expected error")

	fu = CreateAndSignupFakeUser(tc, "lwss")

	if err := tc.G.LoginState().LoginWithStoredSecret(fu.Username, nil); err == nil {
		t.Error("Did not get expected error")