Пример #1
func doFillRsids(c *cli.Context) {
	arg_bucket := c.String("bucket")
	arg_setup := c.Bool("setup")
	arg_overwrite := c.Bool("overwrite")
	arg_strict := c.Bool("strict")

	if len(c.Args()) <= 2 {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "[FATAL] too few arguments")
		cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "fill-rsids")
	} else if !arg_overwrite && arg_strict {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "[FATAL] -strict option is only effective with -overwrite option")
		cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "fill-rsids")
	} else if arg_bucket == "" {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "[FATAL] -bucket is required")
		cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "fill-rsids")

	databaseName := "bolt.db"
	bucketName := []byte(path.Base(arg_bucket))

	// Store chrpos <=> rsid mappings into bolt.db
	db, err := bolt.Open(databaseName, 0600, nil)
	if err != nil {
	defer db.Close()

	if arg_setup {
		f, err := os.Open(arg_bucket)
		if err != nil {
		defer f.Close()

		gz, err := gzip.NewReader(f)
		if err != nil {
		defer gz.Close()

		// TODO: workaround for non-uniq chrpos. skip high rs numbers?
		err = db.Batch(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
			bucket, err := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists(bucketName)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			map_reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(gz, 128*1024)
			map_line, err := lib.Readln(map_reader)
			for err == nil {
				// chrom/pos to rs id mapping resource file ([TAB] delimited)
				// | rs id  | chrom  | pos    |
				// |--------|--------|--------|
				// |  xxxxx |     xx |  xxxxx |
				records := strings.Split(map_line, "\t")
				rsId := strings.Replace(records[0], "rs", "", 1)
				rsChr := records[1]
				rsPos, _ := strconv.ParseInt(records[2], 10, 64)

				if rsChr != "" && rsChr != "NotOn" && rsChr != "Multi" && rsChr != "Un" && rsChr != "PAR" {
					// | chrom id   |  0-filled pos  |
					// |------------|----------------|
					// |        xx  |     xxxxxxxxx  |
					// | (2 digits) |     (9 digits) |
					chrpos := lib.ChrPos(rsChr, rsPos)
					key := lib.Itob(chrpos)
					val := []byte(rsId) // TODO: put/get rsId as byte(int)
					err = bucket.Put(key, val)

				map_line, err = lib.Readln(map_reader)
			if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
				return err

			return nil
		if err != nil {


	// Parse VCF header lines
	reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin, 64*1024)

	line, err := lib.Readln(reader)
	for err == nil {
		if strings.HasPrefix(line, "##") {
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#CHROM") {
		} else {
			err = errors.New("Invalid VCF header")

		line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {

	// Parse VCF body lines
	pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`rs(\d+)`)

	line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	for err == nil {
		records := strings.Split(line, "\t")

		chrom := records[0]
		pos, _ := strconv.ParseInt(records[1], 10, 64)
		snpId := records[2]

		rsIdFound := pattern.FindStringSubmatch(snpId)
		// Skip or fill rs id. Switch by '-overwrite' option.
		// | input     | overwrite = t | overwrite = f |
		// |-----------|---------------|---------------|
		// | "rsxxxx"  | fill          | skip          |
		// | "."       | fill          | fill          |
		if rsIdFound != nil && !arg_overwrite {
			// Skip
		} else if (rsIdFound != nil && arg_overwrite) || rsIdFound == nil {
			// Fill
			result := []string{}
			result = append(result, records[0:2]...)

			err = db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
				bucket := tx.Bucket(bucketName)
				if bucket == nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("Bucket %q not found!", bucketName)

				val := bucket.Get(lib.Itob(lib.ChrPos(chrom, pos)))

				if val != nil {
					// Fill rs id if locus is found.
					result = append(result, "rs"+string(val))
				} else {

					if arg_strict {
						// Fill '.' if locus in not found ('-strict' option).
						result = append(result, ".")
					} else {
						// Keep original record (including '.') if locus is not found.
						result = append(result, snpId)

				return nil
			if err != nil {

			result = append(result, records[3:]...)
			fmt.Println(strings.Join(result, "\t"))

		line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
Пример #2
func doToTab(c *cli.Context) {
	is_without_header := c.Bool("without-header")
	is_without_chr_pos := c.Bool("without-chr-pos")
	is_rs_id_as_int := c.Bool("rs-id-as-int")
	is_genotype_as_pg_array := c.Bool("genotype-as-pg-array")
	is_chrx_genotype_as_homo := c.Bool("chrx-genotype-as-h**o")

	reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin, 128*1024)

	line, err := lib.Readln(reader)
	for err == nil {
		if strings.HasPrefix(line, "##") {
			// pass
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#CHROM") {
			if !is_without_header {
				fields := strings.Split(line, "\t")
				if !is_without_chr_pos {
				} else {
				fmt.Println(strings.Join(fields[9:], "\t"))
		} else {
			err = errors.New("Invalid VCF header")

		line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {

	pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`rs(\d+)`)

	line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	for err == nil {
		records := strings.Split(line, "\t")

		chrom := records[0]
		pos := records[1]
		id := records[2]

		if is_rs_id_as_int {
			id_found := pattern.FindStringSubmatch(records[2])
			if id_found != nil {
				id = id_found[1]

		ref := records[3]
		alt := strings.Split(records[4], ",")
		format := strings.Split(records[8], ":")
		gts := records[9:]

		genotypes := []string{}

		for i := range gts {
			gt := strings.Split(gts[i], ":")

			for j := range gt {
				var genotype string
				if format[j] == "GT" {
					_gt := gt2genotype(ref, alt, gt[j])

					if is_chrx_genotype_as_homo && chrom == "X" {
						if len(_gt) == 1 {
							_gt = append(_gt, _gt...)

					if is_genotype_as_pg_array {
						genotype = "{" + strings.Join(_gt, ",") + "}"
					} else {
						genotype = strings.Join(_gt, "/")
					genotypes = append(genotypes, genotype)

		result := []string{}
		if !is_without_chr_pos {
			result = []string{chrom, pos, id}
		} else {
			result = []string{id}
		result = append(result, genotypes...)
		fmt.Println(strings.Join(result, "\t"))

		line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
Пример #3
func doFix(c *cli.Context) {
	arg_remove_chr_string := c.Bool("remove-chr-string")
	arg_remove_qual := c.Bool("remove-qual")
	arg_remove_filter := c.Bool("remove-filter")
	arg_remove_info := c.Bool("remove-info")
	arg_keep_gt_only := c.Bool("keep-only-gt")

	// Parse header lines
	reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin, 128*1024)

	contig_pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`##contig=<(.+)>`)
	info_pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`##INFO=<(.+)>`)
	format_pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`##FORMAT=<(.+)>`)
	filter_pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`##FILTER=<(.+)>`)

	line, err := lib.Readln(reader)
	for err == nil {
		if strings.HasPrefix(line, "##") {
			contig_founds := contig_pattern.FindStringSubmatch(line)
			info_founds := info_pattern.FindStringSubmatch(line)
			format_founds := format_pattern.FindStringSubmatch(line)
			filter_founds := filter_pattern.FindStringSubmatch(line)

			if arg_remove_chr_string && contig_founds != nil {
				// Remove 'chr' from contig meta-infos in header
				result := []string{}
				for _, x := range strings.Split(contig_founds[1], ",") {
					if strings.HasPrefix(x, "ID") {
						result = append(result, strings.Replace(x, "chr", "", 1))
					} else {
						result = append(result, x)
				fmt.Println("##contig=<" + strings.Join(result, ",") + ">")
			} else if arg_remove_info && info_founds != nil {
				// Skip INFO meta-info
			} else if arg_remove_filter && filter_founds != nil {
				// Skip FILTER meta-info
			} else if arg_keep_gt_only && format_founds != nil {
				// Skip FORMAT meta-info tags except GT
				for _, x := range strings.Split(format_founds[1], ",") {
					if x == "ID=GT" {
			} else {
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#CHROM") {
		} else {
			err = errors.New("Invalid VCF header")

		line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {

	// Parse body lines

	// > 1.4.1 Fixed fields
	// > There are 8 fixed fields per record. All data lines are tab-delimited.
	// > In all cases, missing values are specified with a dot ('.').
	line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	for err == nil {
		records := strings.Split(line, "\t")

		var chrom string
		if arg_remove_chr_string {
			chrom = strings.Replace(records[0], "chr", "", 1)
		} else {
			chrom = records[0]

		// > 6. QUAL - quality: Phred-scaled quality score for the assertion made in ALT.
		// > ... If unknown, the missing value should be specified. (Numeric)
		var qual string
		if arg_remove_qual {
			qual = "."
		} else {
			qual = records[5]

		// > 7. FILTER - filter status: PASS if this position has passed all filters, i.e. a call is made at this position.
		// > ... If filters have not been applied, then this field should be set to the missing value.
		// > (String, no white-space or semi-colons permitted)
		var filter string
		if arg_remove_filter {
			filter = "."
		} else {
			filter = records[6]

		var info string
		if arg_remove_info {
			info = "."
		} else {
			info = records[7]

		var format string
		genotypes := []string{}
		if arg_keep_gt_only {
			// > 1.4.2 Genotype fields
			// > ... The first sub-field must always be the genotype (GT) if it is present.
			format = "GT"
			for _, genotype := range records[9:] {
				genotypes = append(genotypes, strings.Split(genotype, ":")[0])
		} else {
			format = records[8]
			genotypes = records[9:]

		result := []string{}
		result = append(result, chrom)
		result = append(result, records[1:5]...)
		result = append(result, qual)
		result = append(result, filter)
		result = append(result, info)
		result = append(result, format)
		result = append(result, genotypes...)
		fmt.Println(strings.Join(result, "\t"))

		line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
Пример #4
func doFilter(c *cli.Context) {
	arg_keep_ids := c.String("keep-ids")
	arg_keep_pos := c.String("keep-pos")
	arg_keep_only_pass := c.Bool("keep-only-pass")

	pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`rs(\d+)`)

	keep_ids := make(map[int]bool)
	keep_pos := make(map[int64]bool)

	// Get SNP IDs to be kept if exists
	if arg_keep_ids != "" {
		var ids_fp *os.File
		var err error

		ids_fp, err = os.Open(arg_keep_ids)
		if err != nil {
		defer ids_fp.Close()

		ids_reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(ids_fp, 128*1024)
		ids_line, err := lib.Readln(ids_reader)
		for err == nil {
			id_found := pattern.FindStringSubmatch(ids_line)
			if id_found != nil {
				keep_id, _ := strconv.Atoi(id_found[1])
				keep_ids[keep_id] = true

			ids_line, err = lib.Readln(ids_reader)
		if err != nil && err != io.EOF {

	// Get loci to be kept if exists
	if arg_keep_pos != "" {
		var pos_fp *os.File
		var err error

		pos_fp, err = os.Open(arg_keep_pos)
		if err != nil {
		defer pos_fp.Close()

		pos_reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(pos_fp, 128*1024)
		pos_line, err := lib.Readln(pos_reader)
		for err == nil {
			records := strings.Split(pos_line, "\t")
			chrom := records[0]
			pos, _ := strconv.ParseInt(records[1], 10, 64)
			chrpos := lib.ChrPos(chrom, pos)
			keep_pos[chrpos] = true

			pos_line, err = lib.Readln(pos_reader)
		if err != nil && err != io.EOF {

	// Parse header lines
	reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin, 128*1024)

	line, err := lib.Readln(reader)
	for err == nil {
		if strings.HasPrefix(line, "##") {
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#CHROM") {
		} else {
			err = errors.New("Invalid VCF header")

		line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {

	// Parse body lines
	line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	for err == nil {
		records := strings.Split(line, "\t")
		var is_pass bool

		// Filter by id
		if arg_keep_ids != "" {
			id_found := pattern.FindStringSubmatch(records[2])
			if id_found != nil {
				id, _ := strconv.Atoi(id_found[1])

				if keep_ids[id] {
					is_pass = true

		// Filter by loci
		if arg_keep_pos != "" {
			chrom := records[0]
			pos, _ := strconv.ParseInt(records[1], 10, 64)
			chrpos := lib.ChrPos(chrom, pos)

			if keep_pos[chrpos] {
				is_pass = true

		// Filter by FILTER = PASS
		if arg_keep_only_pass {
			if records[6] == "PASS" {
				is_pass = true
			} else {
				is_pass = false

		if is_pass {

		line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {

Пример #5
func doSubset(c *cli.Context) {
	arg_keep_id := c.String("keep-id")
	arg_keep_ids := c.String("keep-ids")
	arg_keep_index := c.String("keep-index")

	reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin, 64*1024)

	// Parse header lines
	var sample_ids []string

	line, err := lib.Readln(reader)
	for err == nil {
		if strings.HasPrefix(line, "##") {
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#CHROM") {
			fields := strings.Split(line, "\t")
			fmt.Print(strings.Join(fields[0:9], "\t"))
			sample_ids = fields[9:]
		} else {
			err = errors.New("Invalid VCF header")

		line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {

	// Get indices of sample IDs to be kept
	keep_ids := []string{}
	keep_idxs := []int{}

	if arg_keep_id != "" || arg_keep_ids != "" {
		if arg_keep_id != "" {
			// A sample ID to be kept. E.g., NA00001
			keep_ids = append(keep_ids, arg_keep_id)
		} else {
			// Path to a file of sample IDs to be kept. Each line contains one sample ID.
			fp, err := os.Open(arg_keep_ids)
			if err != nil {
			defer fp.Close()

			ids_reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(fp, 128*1024)
			ids_line, err := lib.Readln(ids_reader)
			for err == nil {
				keep_ids = append(keep_ids, ids_line)
				ids_line, err = lib.Readln(ids_reader)
			if err != nil && err != io.EOF {

		for i := range keep_ids {
			for j := range sample_ids {
				if keep_ids[i] == sample_ids[j] {
					keep_idxs = append(keep_idxs, j)

		if len(keep_idxs) == 0 {
			log.Fatal("No sample IDs matched.")

	} else if arg_keep_index != "" {
		// An index of sample ID field to be kept. E.g., to keep 1st sample, set: 0
		_keep_idx, _ := strconv.Atoi(arg_keep_index)

		if _keep_idx > len(sample_ids) {
			log.Fatal("No sample IDs matched.")
		keep_idxs = append(keep_idxs, _keep_idx)

	fmt.Println(strings.Join(subset(sample_ids, keep_idxs), "\t"))

	line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	for err == nil {
		records := strings.Split(line, "\t")

		result := []string{}
		result = append(result, records[0:9]...)
		result = append(result, subset(records[9:], keep_idxs)...)
		fmt.Println(strings.Join(result, "\t"))

		line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
Пример #6
func doFreq(c *cli.Context) {
	reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin, 128*1024)

	line, err := lib.Readln(reader)
	for err == nil {
		if strings.HasPrefix(line, "##") {
			// pass
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#CHROM") {
		} else {
			err = errors.New("Invalid VCF header")

		line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {

	pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`[|/]`)

	line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	for err == nil {
		records := strings.Split(line, "\t")

		chrom := records[0]
		pos := records[1]
		id := records[2]
		ref := records[3]
		alt := strings.Split(records[4], ",")
		format := strings.Split(records[8], ":")
		gts := records[9:]

		alleles := []string{}
		alleles = append(alleles, ref)
		alleles = append(alleles, alt...)

		var count []int
		for i := 0; i < len(alleles); i++ {
			count = append(count, 0)

		for i := range gts {
			gt := strings.Split(gts[i], ":")

			for j := range gt {
				if format[j] == "GT" {
					gt_idxs := pattern.Split(gt[j], -1)

					for i := range gt_idxs {
						gt_idx, _ := strconv.Atoi(gt_idxs[i])
						count[gt_idx] += 1

		total := float64(sum(count)) // TODO: decimal?
		freqs := []string{}
		for i := range count {
			freqs = append(freqs, fmt.Sprintf("%.4f", float64(count[i])/total)) // TODO:

		result := []string{chrom, pos, id, strings.Join(alleles, ","), strings.Join(freqs, ",")}
		fmt.Println(strings.Join(result, "\t"))

		line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
Пример #7
func doUpdate(c *cli.Context) {
	arg_rs_merge_arch := c.String("rs-merge-arch")

	if arg_rs_merge_arch == "" {
		cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "update")

	f, err := os.Open(arg_rs_merge_arch)
	if err != nil {
	defer f.Close()

	gz, err := gzip.NewReader(f)
	if err != nil {
	defer gz.Close()

	// [dbSNP Column Description for table: RsMergeArc](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/snp_db_table_description.cgi?t=RsMergeArch)
	// - Table name and description
	// | Table Description                                                                                                             |
	// |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
	// | "refSNP(rs) cluster is based on unique genome position. On new genome assembly, previously different contig may               |
	// | align. So different rs clusters map to the same location. In this case, we merge the rs. This table tracks this merging."     |
	// - Table column and description
	// | Column            | Description                                                                | Type          | Byte | Order |
	// |-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+------+-------|
	// | rsHigh            | Since rs# is assigned sequentially. Low number means the rs occurs         | int           |    4 |     1 |
	// |                   | early. So we always merge high rs number into low rs number.               |               |      |       |
	// | rsLow             |                                                                            | int           |    4 |     2 |
	// | build_id          | dbSNP build id when this rsHigh was merged into rsLow.                     | smallint      |    2 |     3 |
	// | orien             | The orientation between rsHigh and rsLow.                                  | tinyint       |    1 |     4 |
	// | create_time       |                                                                            | smalldatetime |    4 |     5 |
	// | last_updated_time |                                                                            | smalldatetime |    4 |     6 |
	// | rsCurrent         | rsCurrent is the current rs for rsHigh. If rs9 is merged into rs5 which is | int           |    4 |     7 |
	// |                   | later merged into rs2, then rsCurrent is 2 for rsHigh=9.                   |               |      |       |
	// | orien2Current     |                                                                            | tinyint       |    1 |     8 |
	// This table/column description is last updated at: Mar 18 2015 02:51:00:000PM.

	// Get merge mappings of rs IDs
	rsHigh2current := make(map[int]int)

	map_reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(gz, 128*1024)
	map_line, err := lib.Readln(map_reader)
	for err == nil {
		records := strings.Split(map_line, "\t")
		rsHigh, _ := strconv.Atoi(records[0])
		rsCurrent, _ := strconv.Atoi(records[6])
		rsHigh2current[rsHigh] = rsCurrent

		map_line, err = lib.Readln(map_reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {

	// Parse header lines
	reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(os.Stdin, 128*1024)

	line, err := lib.Readln(reader)
	for err == nil {
		if strings.HasPrefix(line, "##") {
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#CHROM") {
		} else {
			err = errors.New("Invalid VCF header")

		line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {

	pattern := regexp.MustCompile(`rs(\d+)`)

	line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	for err == nil {
		records := strings.Split(line, "\t")

		// Update rs ID
		var id_updated_str string
		id_found := pattern.FindStringSubmatch(records[2])
		if id_found != nil {
			id, _ := strconv.Atoi(id_found[1])
			id_updated := rsHigh2current[id]

			if id_updated != 0 {
				id_updated_str = "rs" + strconv.Itoa(id_updated) // Map to current ID
			} else {
				id_updated_str = records[2] // ID is not listed in merge history
		} else {
			id_updated_str = records[2] // ID is not rs ID

		result := []string{}
		result = append(result, records[0:2]...)
		result = append(result, id_updated_str)
		result = append(result, records[3:]...)
		fmt.Println(strings.Join(result, "\t"))

		line, err = lib.Readln(reader)
	if err != nil && err != io.EOF {