Пример #1
func main() {

	if *flagEnableOutput {
		fmt.Printf("%v", testutil.NewKiteKey().Raw)

Пример #2
func init() {
	conf = config.New()
	conf.Username = "******"
	conf.KontrolURL = "http://localhost:4099/kite"
	conf.KontrolKey = testkeys.Public
	conf.KontrolUser = "******"
	conf.KiteKey = testutil.NewKiteKey().Raw

	kontrol.DefaultPort = 4099
	kon := kontrol.New(conf.Copy(), "0.1.0")

	switch os.Getenv("KONTROL_STORAGE") {
	case "etcd":
		kon.SetStorage(kontrol.NewEtcd(nil, kon.Kite.Log))
	case "postgres":
		p := kontrol.NewPostgres(nil, kon.Kite.Log)
		kon.SetStorage(kontrol.NewEtcd(nil, kon.Kite.Log))

	kon.AddKeyPair("", testkeys.Public, testkeys.Private)

	go kon.Run()
Пример #3
func TestProxy(t *testing.T) {
	conf := config.New()
	conf.Username = "******"
	conf.KontrolURL = "ws://localhost:6666/kite"
	conf.KontrolKey = testkeys.Public
	conf.KontrolUser = "******"
	conf.KiteKey = testutil.NewKiteKey().Raw
	conf.Transport = config.WebSocket // tunnel only works via WebSocket

	// start kontrol
	color.Green("Starting kontrol")
	kontrol.DefaultPort = 6666
	kon := kontrol.New(conf.Copy(), "0.1.0")

	switch os.Getenv("KONTROL_STORAGE") {
	case "etcd":
		kon.SetStorage(kontrol.NewEtcd(nil, kon.Kite.Log))
	case "postgres":
		p := kontrol.NewPostgres(nil, kon.Kite.Log)
		kon.SetStorage(kontrol.NewEtcd(nil, kon.Kite.Log))

	kon.AddKeyPair("", testkeys.Public, testkeys.Private)

	go kon.Run()

	DefaultPort = 4999
	DefaultPublicHost = "localhost:4999"
	prxConf := conf.Copy()
	prxConf.DisableAuthentication = true // no kontrol running in test
	prx := New(prxConf, "0.1.0", testkeys.Public, testkeys.Private)

	log.Println("Proxy started")

	// Proxy kite is ready.
	kite1 := kite.New("kite1", "1.0.0")
	kite1.Config = conf.Copy()
	kite1.HandleFunc("foo", func(r *kite.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		return "bar", nil

	prxClt := kite1.NewClient("http://localhost:4999/kite")
	err := prxClt.Dial()
	if err != nil {

	// Kite1 is connected to proxy.

	result, err := prxClt.TellWithTimeout("register", 4*time.Second)
	if err != nil {

	proxyURL := result.MustString()

	log.Printf("Registered to proxy with URL: %s", proxyURL)

	if !strings.Contains(proxyURL, "/proxy") {
		t.Fatalf("Invalid proxy URL: %s", proxyURL)

	kite2 := kite.New("kite2", "1.0.0")
	kite2.Config = conf.Copy()

	kite1remote := kite2.NewClient(proxyURL)

	err = kite1remote.Dial()
	if err != nil {

	// kite2 is connected to kite1 via proxy kite.

	result, err = kite1remote.TellWithTimeout("foo", 4*time.Second)
	if err != nil {

	s := result.MustString()
	if s != "bar" {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong reply: %s", s)
Пример #4
func TestWebSocketProxy(t *testing.T) {
	color.Blue("====> Starting WebSocket test")
	conf := config.New()
	conf.Username = "******"
	conf.KontrolURL = "http://localhost:5555/kite"
	conf.KontrolKey = testkeys.Public
	conf.KontrolUser = "******"
	conf.KiteKey = testutil.NewKiteKey().Raw

	// start kontrol
	color.Green("Starting kontrol")
	kontrol.DefaultPort = 5555
	kon := kontrol.New(conf.Copy(), "0.1.0")

	switch os.Getenv("KONTROL_STORAGE") {
	case "etcd":
		kon.SetStorage(kontrol.NewEtcd(nil, kon.Kite.Log))
	case "postgres":
		p := kontrol.NewPostgres(nil, kon.Kite.Log)
		kon.SetStorage(kontrol.NewEtcd(nil, kon.Kite.Log))

	kon.AddKeyPair("", testkeys.Public, testkeys.Private)

	go kon.Run()

	// start proxy
	color.Green("Starting Proxy and registering to Kontrol")
	proxyConf := conf.Copy()
	proxyConf.Port = 4999
	proxy := New(proxyConf)
	proxy.PublicHost = "localhost"
	proxy.PublicPort = proxyConf.Port
	proxy.Scheme = "http"
	go proxy.Run()

	proxyRegisterURL := &url.URL{
		Scheme: proxy.Scheme,
		Host:   proxy.PublicHost + ":" + strconv.Itoa(proxy.PublicPort),
		Path:   "/kite",

	fmt.Printf("proxyRegisterURL %+v\n", proxyRegisterURL)

	_, err := proxy.Kite.Register(proxyRegisterURL)
	if err != nil {

	// start now backend kite
	color.Green("Starting BackendKite")
	backendKite := kite.New("backendKite", "1.0.0")
	backendKite.Config = conf.Copy()
	backendKite.HandleFunc("foo", func(r *kite.Request) (interface{}, error) {
		return "bar", nil

	backendKite.Config.Port = 7777
	kiteUrl := &url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "localhost:7777", Path: "/kite"}

	go backendKite.Run()

	// now search for a proxy from kontrol
	color.Green("BackendKite is searching proxy from kontrol")
	kites, err := backendKite.GetKites(&protocol.KontrolQuery{
		Username:    "******",
		Environment: config.DefaultConfig.Environment,
		Name:        Name,
	if err != nil {

	proxyKite := kites[0]
	err = proxyKite.Dial()
	if err != nil {

	// backendKite is connected to proxy, now let us register to proxy and get
	// a proxy url. We send our url to proxy, it needs it in order to proxy us
	color.Green("Backendkite found proxy, now registering to it")
	result, err := proxyKite.TellWithTimeout("register", 4*time.Second, kiteUrl.String())
	if err != nil {

	proxyURL := result.MustString()
	if !strings.Contains(proxyURL, "/proxy") {
		t.Fatalf("Invalid proxy URL: %s", proxyURL)

	registerURL, err := url.Parse(proxyURL)
	if err != nil {

	// register ourself to kontrol with this proxyUrl
	color.Green("BackendKite is registering to Kontrol with the result from proxy")
	go backendKite.RegisterForever(registerURL)

	// now another completely foreign kite and will search for our backend
	// kite, connect to it and execute the "foo" method
	color.Green("Foreign kite started")
	foreignKite := kite.New("foreignKite", "1.0.0")
	foreignKite.Config = conf.Copy()

	color.Green("Querying backendKite now")
	backendKites, err := foreignKite.GetKites(&protocol.KontrolQuery{
		Username:    "******",
		Environment: config.DefaultConfig.Environment,
		Name:        "backendKite",

	remoteBackendKite := backendKites[0]
	color.Green("Dialing BackendKite")
	err = remoteBackendKite.Dial()
	if err != nil {

	// foreignKite is connected to backendKite via proxy kite, fire our call...
	color.Green("Calling BackendKite's foo method")
	result, err = remoteBackendKite.TellWithTimeout("foo", 4*time.Second)
	if err != nil {

	s := result.MustString()
	if s != "bar" {
		t.Fatalf("Wrong reply: %s", s)
Пример #5
func init() {
	if s := os.Getenv("KLOUD_TEST_REGION"); s != "" {
		team.Region = s
	if s := os.Getenv("KLOUD_TEST_INSTANCE_TYPE"); s != "" {
		team.InstanceType = s
	repoPath, err := currentRepoPath()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("currentRepoPath error:", err)

	conf = config.New()
	conf.Username = "******"

	conf.KontrolURL = os.Getenv("KLOUD_KONTROL_URL")
	if conf.KontrolURL == "" {
		conf.KontrolURL = "http://localhost:4099/kite"

	conf.KontrolKey = testkeys.Public
	conf.KontrolUser = "******"
	conf.KiteKey = testutil.NewKiteKey().Raw

	// Power up our own kontrol kite for self-contained tests
	log.Println("Starting Kontrol Test Instance")
	kontrol.DefaultPort = 4099
	kntrl := kontrol.New(conf.Copy(), "0.1.0")
	p := kontrol.NewPostgres(nil, kntrl.Kite.Log)
	kntrl.AddKeyPair("", testkeys.Public, testkeys.Private)

	go kntrl.Run()

	// Power up kloud kite
	log.Println("Starting Kloud Test Instance")
	kloudKite = kite.New("kloud", "0.0.1")
	kloudKite.Config = conf.Copy()
	kloudKite.Config.Port = 4002
	kiteURL := &url.URL{Scheme: "http", Host: "localhost:4002", Path: "/kite"}
	_, err = kloudKite.Register(kiteURL)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("kloud ", err.Error())

	awsProvider, slProvider = providers()

	// Add Kloud handlers
	kld := kloudWithProviders(awsProvider, slProvider)
	kloudKite.HandleFunc("plan", kld.Plan)
	kloudKite.HandleFunc("apply", kld.Apply)
	kloudKite.HandleFunc("bootstrap", kld.Bootstrap)
	kloudKite.HandleFunc("authenticate", kld.Authenticate)

	kloudKite.HandleFunc("build", kld.Build)
	kloudKite.HandleFunc("destroy", kld.Destroy)
	kloudKite.HandleFunc("stop", kld.Stop)
	kloudKite.HandleFunc("start", kld.Start)
	kloudKite.HandleFunc("reinit", kld.Reinit)
	kloudKite.HandleFunc("resize", kld.Resize)
	kloudKite.HandleFunc("restart", kld.Restart)
	kloudKite.HandleFunc("event", kld.Event)
	kloudKite.HandleFunc("createSnapshot", kld.CreateSnapshot)
	kloudKite.HandleFunc("deleteSnapshot", kld.DeleteSnapshot)

	go kloudKite.Run()

	// Power up our terraformer kite
	log.Println("Starting Terraform Test Instance")
	tConf := &terraformer.Config{
		Port:        2300,
		Region:      "dev",
		Environment: "dev",
		AWS: terraformer.AWS{
			Key:    os.Getenv("TERRAFORMER_KEY"),
			Secret: os.Getenv("TERRAFORMER_SECRET"),
			Bucket: "koding-terraformer-state-dev",
		LocalStorePath: filepath.Join(repoPath, filepath.FromSlash("go/data/terraformer")),

	t, err := terraformer.New(tConf, logging.NewCustom("terraformer", false))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("terraformer ", err.Error())

	terraformerKite, err := terraformer.NewKite(t, tConf)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("terraformer ", err.Error())

	// no need to register to kontrol, kloud talks directly via a secret key
	terraformerKite.Config = conf.Copy()
	terraformerKite.Config.Port = 2300

	go terraformerKite.Run()

	log.Println("=== Test instances are up and ready!. Executing now the tests... ===")

	// hashicorp.terraform outputs many logs, discard them