Пример #1
func TestSingleton(t *testing.T) {
	log1 := GetAuditLogger()
	test.AssertNotNil(t, log1, "Logger shouldn't be nil")

	log2 := GetAuditLogger()
	test.AssertEquals(t, log1, log2)

	writer, err := syslog.New(syslog.LOG_EMERG|syslog.LOG_KERN, "tag")
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Could not construct syslog object")

	stats, _ := statsd.NewNoopClient(nil)
	log3, err := NewAuditLogger(writer, stats)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Could not construct audit logger")

	// Should not work
	err = SetAuditLogger(log3)
	test.AssertError(t, err, "Can't re-set")

	// Verify no change
	log4 := GetAuditLogger()

	// Verify that log4 != log3
	test.AssertNotEquals(t, log4, log3)

	// Verify that log4 == log2 == log1
	test.AssertEquals(t, log4, log2)
	test.AssertEquals(t, log4, log1)
Пример #2
func TestReuseAuthorizationDisabled(t *testing.T) {
	_, sa, ra, _, cleanUp := initAuthorities(t)
	defer cleanUp()

	// Turn *off* AuthZ Reuse
	ra.reuseValidAuthz = false

	// Create one finalized authorization
	finalAuthz := AuthzInitial
	finalAuthz.Status = "valid"
	exp := ra.clk.Now().Add(365 * 24 * time.Hour)
	finalAuthz.Expires = &exp
	finalAuthz.Challenges[0].Status = "valid"
	finalAuthz.RegistrationID = Registration.ID
	finalAuthz, err := sa.NewPendingAuthorization(ctx, finalAuthz)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Could not store test pending authorization")
	err = sa.FinalizeAuthorization(ctx, finalAuthz)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Could not finalize test pending authorization")

	// Now create another authorization for the same Reg.ID/domain
	secondAuthz, err := ra.NewAuthorization(ctx, AuthzRequest, Registration.ID)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "NewAuthorization for secondAuthz failed")

	// The second authz should not have the same ID as the previous AuthZ,
	// because we have set `reuseValidAuthZ` to false. It should be a fresh
	// & unique authz
	test.AssertNotEquals(t, finalAuthz.ID, secondAuthz.ID)

	// The second authz shouldn't be valid, but pending since it is a brand new
	// authz, not a reused one
	test.AssertEquals(t, secondAuthz.Status, core.StatusPending)
func TestProblemDetails(t *testing.T) {
	pb, err := problemDetailsToPB(nil)
	test.AssertNotEquals(t, err, "problemDetailToPB failed")
	test.Assert(t, pb == nil, "Returned corepb.ProblemDetails is not nil")

	prob := &probs.ProblemDetails{Type: probs.TLSProblem, Detail: "asd", HTTPStatus: 200}
	pb, err = problemDetailsToPB(prob)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "problemDetailToPB failed")
	test.Assert(t, pb != nil, "return corepb.ProblemDetails is nill")
	test.AssertDeepEquals(t, *pb.ProblemType, string(prob.Type))
	test.AssertEquals(t, *pb.Detail, prob.Detail)
	test.AssertEquals(t, int(*pb.HttpStatus), prob.HTTPStatus)

	recon, err := pbToProblemDetails(pb)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "pbToProblemDetails failed")
	test.AssertDeepEquals(t, recon, prob)

	recon, err = pbToProblemDetails(nil)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "pbToProblemDetails failed")
	test.Assert(t, recon == nil, "Returned core.PRoblemDetails is not nil")
	_, err = pbToProblemDetails(&corepb.ProblemDetails{})
	test.AssertError(t, err, "pbToProblemDetails did not fail")
	test.AssertEquals(t, err, ErrMissingParameters)
	empty := ""
	_, err = pbToProblemDetails(&corepb.ProblemDetails{ProblemType: &empty})
	test.AssertError(t, err, "pbToProblemDetails did not fail")
	test.AssertEquals(t, err, ErrMissingParameters)
	_, err = pbToProblemDetails(&corepb.ProblemDetails{Detail: &empty})
	test.AssertError(t, err, "pbToProblemDetails did not fail")
	test.AssertEquals(t, err, ErrMissingParameters)
Пример #4
func TestReuseExpiringAuthorization(t *testing.T) {
	_, sa, ra, _, cleanUp := initAuthorities(t)
	defer cleanUp()

	// Turn on AuthZ Reuse
	ra.reuseValidAuthz = true

	// Create one finalized authorization that expires in 12 hours from now
	expiringAuth := AuthzInitial
	expiringAuth.Status = "valid"
	exp := ra.clk.Now().Add(12 * time.Hour)
	expiringAuth.Expires = &exp
	expiringAuth.Challenges[0].Status = "valid"
	expiringAuth.RegistrationID = Registration.ID
	expiringAuth, err := sa.NewPendingAuthorization(ctx, expiringAuth)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Could not store test pending authorization")
	err = sa.FinalizeAuthorization(ctx, expiringAuth)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "Could not finalize test pending authorization")

	// Now create another authorization for the same Reg.ID/domain
	secondAuthz, err := ra.NewAuthorization(ctx, AuthzRequest, Registration.ID)
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "NewAuthorization for secondAuthz failed")

	// The second authz should not have the same ID as the previous AuthZ,
	// because the existing valid authorization expires within 1 day from now
	test.AssertNotEquals(t, expiringAuth.ID, secondAuthz.ID)

	// The second authz shouldn't be valid, but pending since it is a brand new
	// authz, not a reused one
	test.AssertEquals(t, secondAuthz.Status, core.StatusPending)
Пример #5
func TestLoadCert(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		path        string
		expectedErr string
			"Issuer certificate was not provided in config.",
			"open ../does/not/exist: no such file or directory",
			"Invalid certificate value returned",

	for _, tc := range testCases {
		_, err := LoadCert(tc.path)
		test.AssertError(t, err, fmt.Sprintf("LoadCert(%q) did not error", tc.path))
		test.AssertEquals(t, err.Error(), tc.expectedErr)

	bytes, err := LoadCert("../test/test-ca.pem")
	test.AssertNotError(t, err, "LoadCert(../test/test-ca.pem) errored")
	test.AssertNotEquals(t, len(bytes), 0)
Пример #6
func TestIndex(t *testing.T) {
	wfe := setupWFE(t)
	wfe.IndexCacheDuration = time.Second * 10

	responseWriter := httptest.NewRecorder()

	url, _ := url.Parse("/")
	wfe.Index(responseWriter, &http.Request{
		Method: "GET",
		URL:    url,
	test.AssertEquals(t, responseWriter.Code, http.StatusOK)
	test.AssertNotEquals(t, responseWriter.Body.String(), "404 page not found\n")
	test.Assert(t, strings.Contains(responseWriter.Body.String(), wfe.NewReg),
		"new-reg not found")
	test.AssertEquals(t, responseWriter.Header().Get("Cache-Control"), "public, max-age=10")

	url, _ = url.Parse("/foo")
	wfe.Index(responseWriter, &http.Request{
		URL: url,
	//test.AssertEquals(t, responseWriter.Code, http.StatusNotFound)
	test.AssertEquals(t, responseWriter.Body.String(), "404 page not found\n")
	test.AssertEquals(t, responseWriter.Header().Get("Cache-Control"), "")
Пример #7
func TestHandleFunc(t *testing.T) {
	wfe := setupWFE(t)
	var mux *http.ServeMux
	var rw *httptest.ResponseRecorder
	var stubCalled bool
	runWrappedHandler := func(req *http.Request, allowed ...string) {
		mux = http.NewServeMux()
		rw = httptest.NewRecorder()
		stubCalled = false
		wfe.HandleFunc(mux, "/test", func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
			stubCalled = true
		}, allowed...)
		req.URL = mustParseURL("/test")
		mux.ServeHTTP(rw, req)

	// Plain requests (no CORS)
	type testCase struct {
		allowed       []string
		reqMethod     string
		shouldSucceed bool
	var lastNonce string
	for _, c := range []testCase{
		{[]string{"GET", "POST"}, "GET", true},
		{[]string{"GET", "POST"}, "POST", true},
		{[]string{"GET"}, "", false},
		{[]string{"GET"}, "POST", false},
		{[]string{"GET"}, "OPTIONS", false},     // TODO, #469
		{[]string{"GET"}, "MAKE-COFFEE", false}, // 405, or 418?
	} {
		runWrappedHandler(&http.Request{Method: c.reqMethod}, c.allowed...)
		test.AssertEquals(t, stubCalled, c.shouldSucceed)
		if c.shouldSucceed {
			test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Code, http.StatusOK)
		} else {
			test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Code, http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
			test.AssertEquals(t, sortHeader(rw.Header().Get("Allow")), strings.Join(c.allowed, ", "))
				`{"type":"urn:acme:error:malformed","detail":"Method not allowed"}`)
		nonce := rw.Header().Get("Replay-Nonce")
		test.AssertNotEquals(t, nonce, lastNonce)
		lastNonce = nonce

	// Disallowed method returns error JSON in body
	runWrappedHandler(&http.Request{Method: "PUT"}, "GET", "POST")
	test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Header().Get("Content-Type"), "application/problem+json")
	test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Body.String(), `{"type":"urn:acme:error:malformed","detail":"Method not allowed"}`)
	test.AssertEquals(t, sortHeader(rw.Header().Get("Allow")), "GET, POST")

	// Disallowed method special case: response to HEAD has got no body
	runWrappedHandler(&http.Request{Method: "HEAD"}, "GET", "POST")
	test.AssertEquals(t, stubCalled, false)
	test.AssertEquals(t, rw.Body.String(), "")
	test.AssertEquals(t, sortHeader(rw.Header().Get("Allow")), "GET, POST")
Пример #8
func TestIndex(t *testing.T) {
	wfe := setupWFE(t)

	responseWriter := httptest.NewRecorder()

	url, _ := url.Parse("/")
	wfe.Index(responseWriter, &http.Request{
		Method: "GET",
		URL:    url,
	test.AssertEquals(t, responseWriter.Code, http.StatusOK)
	test.AssertNotEquals(t, responseWriter.Body.String(), "404 page not found\n")
	test.Assert(t, strings.Contains(responseWriter.Body.String(), wfe.NewReg),
		"new-reg not found")

	url, _ = url.Parse("/foo")
	wfe.Index(responseWriter, &http.Request{
		URL: url,
	//test.AssertEquals(t, responseWriter.Code, http.StatusNotFound)
	test.AssertEquals(t, responseWriter.Body.String(), "404 page not found\n")
Пример #9
func TestSingleton(t *testing.T) {
	log1 := Get()
	test.AssertNotNil(t, log1, "Logger shouldn't be nil")

	log2 := Get()
	test.AssertEquals(t, log1, log2)

	audit := setup(t)

	// Should not work
	err := Set(audit)
	test.AssertError(t, err, "Can't re-set")

	// Verify no change
	log4 := Get()

	// Verify that log4 != log3
	test.AssertNotEquals(t, log4, audit)

	// Verify that log4 == log2 == log1
	test.AssertEquals(t, log4, log2)
	test.AssertEquals(t, log4, log1)
Пример #10
func TestIndex(t *testing.T) {
	wfe := NewWebFrontEndImpl()
	// panic: http: multiple registrations for / [recovered]
	wfe.NewReg = "/acme/new-reg"
	responseWriter := httptest.NewRecorder()

	url, _ := url.Parse("/")
	wfe.Index(responseWriter, &http.Request{
		URL: url,
	test.AssertEquals(t, responseWriter.Code, http.StatusOK)
	test.AssertNotEquals(t, responseWriter.Body.String(), "404 page not found\n")
	test.Assert(t, strings.Contains(responseWriter.Body.String(), wfe.NewReg),
		"new-reg not found")

	url, _ = url.Parse("/foo")
	wfe.Index(responseWriter, &http.Request{
		URL: url,
	//test.AssertEquals(t, responseWriter.Code, http.StatusNotFound)
	test.AssertEquals(t, responseWriter.Body.String(), "404 page not found\n")