Пример #1
// Project can be used to project a Property retrieved from a Projection query
// into a different datatype. For example, if you have a PTInt property, you
// could Project(PTTime) to convert it to a time.Time. The following conversions
// are supported:
//   PTXXX <-> PTXXX (i.e. identity)
//   PTInt <-> PTTime
//   PTString <-> PTBlobKey
//   PTString <-> PTBytes
//   PTNull <-> Anything
func (p *Property) Project(to PropertyType) (interface{}, error) {
	switch {
	case to == p.propType:
		return p.value, nil

	case to == PTInt && p.propType == PTTime:
		t := p.value.(time.Time)
		v := uint64(t.Unix())*1e6 + uint64(t.Nanosecond()/1e3)
		return int64(v), nil

	case to == PTTime && p.propType == PTInt:
		v := p.value.(int64)
		return time.Unix(int64(v/1e6), int64((v%1e6)*1e3)).UTC(), nil

	case to == PTString && p.propType == PTBytes:
		return string(p.value.([]byte)), nil

	case to == PTString && p.propType == PTBlobKey:
		return string(p.value.(blobstore.Key)), nil

	case to == PTBytes && p.propType == PTString:
		return []byte(p.value.(string)), nil

	case to == PTBlobKey && p.propType == PTString:
		return blobstore.Key(p.value.(string)), nil

	case to == PTNull:
		return nil, nil

	case p.propType == PTNull:
		switch to {
		case PTInt:
			return int64(0), nil
		case PTTime:
			return time.Time{}, nil
		case PTBool:
			return false, nil
		case PTBytes:
			return []byte(nil), nil
		case PTString:
			return "", nil
		case PTFloat:
			return float64(0), nil
		case PTGeoPoint:
			return GeoPoint{}, nil
		case PTKey:
			return nil, nil
		case PTBlobKey:
			return blobstore.Key(""), nil
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to project %s to %s", p.propType, to)
Пример #2
func dsR2FProp(in datastore.Property) (ds.Property, error) {
	val := in.Value
	switch x := val.(type) {
	case datastore.ByteString:
		val = []byte(x)
	case *datastore.Key:
		val = dsR2F(x)
	case appengine.BlobKey:
		val = bs.Key(x)
	case appengine.GeoPoint:
		val = ds.GeoPoint(x)
	case time.Time:
		// "appengine" layer instantiates with Local timezone.
		if x.IsZero() {
			val = time.Time{}
		} else {
			val = x.UTC()
		val = maybeIndexValue(val)
	ret := ds.Property{}
	is := ds.ShouldIndex
	if in.NoIndex {
		is = ds.NoIndex
	err := ret.SetValue(val, is)
	return ret, err
Пример #3
func (tf *typeFilter) Load(props []datastore.Property) error {
	tf.pm = make(ds.PropertyMap, len(props))
	for _, p := range props {
		val := p.Value
		switch x := val.(type) {
		case datastore.ByteString:
			val = []byte(x)
		case *datastore.Key:
			val = dsR2F(x)
		case appengine.BlobKey:
			val = bs.Key(x)
		case appengine.GeoPoint:
			val = ds.GeoPoint(x)
		case time.Time:
			// "appengine" layer instantiates with Local timezone.
			val = x.UTC()
			val = maybeIndexValue(val)
		prop := ds.Property{}
		is := ds.ShouldIndex
		if p.NoIndex {
			is = ds.NoIndex
		if err := prop.SetValue(val, is); err != nil {
			return err
		tf.pm[p.Name] = append(tf.pm[p.Name], prop)
	return nil
Пример #4
// Value returns the current value held by this property. It's guaranteed to
// be a valid value type (i.e. `p.SetValue(p.Value(), true)` will never return
// an error).
func (p *Property) Value() interface{} {
	switch p.propType {
	case PTBytes:
		return p.value.(byteSequence).bytes()
	case PTString:
		return p.value.(byteSequence).string()
	case PTBlobKey:
		return blobstore.Key(p.value.(byteSequence).string())
		return p.value
Пример #5
// ReadProperty reads a Property from the buffer. `context`, `appid`, and
// `namespace` behave the same way they do for ReadKey, but only have an
// effect if the decoded property has a Key value.
func ReadProperty(buf Buffer, context KeyContext, appid, namespace string) (p ds.Property, err error) {
	val := interface{}(nil)
	b, err := buf.ReadByte()
	if err != nil {
	is := ds.ShouldIndex
	if (b & 0x80) == 0 {
		is = ds.NoIndex
	switch ds.PropertyType(b & 0x7f) {
	case ds.PTNull:
	case ds.PTBool:
		b, err = buf.ReadByte()
		val = (b != 0)
	case ds.PTInt:
		val, _, err = cmpbin.ReadInt(buf)
	case ds.PTFloat:
		val, _, err = cmpbin.ReadFloat64(buf)
	case ds.PTString:
		val, _, err = cmpbin.ReadString(buf)
	case ds.PTBytes:
		val, _, err = cmpbin.ReadBytes(buf)
	case ds.PTTime:
		val, err = ReadTime(buf)
	case ds.PTGeoPoint:
		val, err = ReadGeoPoint(buf)
	case ds.PTKey:
		val, err = ReadKey(buf, context, appid, namespace)
	case ds.PTBlobKey:
		s := ""
		if s, _, err = cmpbin.ReadString(buf); err != nil {
		val = blobstore.Key(s)
		err = fmt.Errorf("read: unknown type! %v", b)
	if err == nil {
		err = p.SetValue(val, is)
Пример #6
		src:    &Underspecified{},
		plsErr: "non-concrete interface",
		desc: "mismatch (string)",
		src: PropertyMap{
			"K": {mp(199)},
			"S": {mp([]byte("cats"))},
			"F": {mp("nurbs")},
		want:    &MismatchTypes{},
		loadErr: "type mismatch",
		desc:    "mismatch (float)",
		src:     PropertyMap{"F": {mp(blobstore.Key("wot"))}},
		want:    &MismatchTypes{},
		loadErr: "type mismatch",
		desc:    "mismatch (float/overflow)",
		src:     PropertyMap{"F": {mp(math.MaxFloat64)}},
		want:    &MismatchTypes{},
		loadErr: "overflows",
		desc:    "mismatch (key)",
		src:     PropertyMap{"K": {mp(false)}},
		want:    &MismatchTypes{},
		loadErr: "type mismatch",
Пример #7
func TestPropertyMapSerialization(t *testing.T) {

	tests := []dspmapTC{
				"R": {mp(false), mp(2.1), mpNI(3)},
				"S": {mp("hello"), mp("world")},
				"DS":        {mp(mkKey("appy", "ns", "Foo", 7)), mp(mkKey("other", "", "Yot", "wheeep"))},
				"blobstore": {mp(blobstore.Key("sup")), mp(blobstore.Key("nerds"))},
				"G": {mp(ds.GeoPoint{Lat: 1, Lng: 2})},
				"S":          {mp("sup"), mp("fool"), mp("nerd")},
				"D.Foo.Nerd": {mp([]byte("sup")), mp([]byte("fool"))},
				"T": {
			"empty vals",
				"T": {mp(true), mp(true)},
				"F": {mp(false), mp(false)},
				"N": {mp(nil), mp(nil)},
				"E": {},

	Convey("PropertyMap serialization", t, func() {
		Convey("round trip", func() {
			for _, tc := range tests {
				tc := tc
				Convey(tc.name, func() {
					data := ToBytesWithContext(tc.props)
					dec, err := ReadPropertyMap(mkBuf(data), WithContext, "", "")
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)
					So(dec, ShouldResemble, tc.props)
Пример #8
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

package datastore

import (


var (
	typeOfBool              = reflect.TypeOf(true)
	typeOfBSKey             = reflect.TypeOf(blobstore.Key(""))
	typeOfCursorCB          = reflect.TypeOf(CursorCB(nil))
	typeOfGeoPoint          = reflect.TypeOf(GeoPoint{})
	typeOfInt64             = reflect.TypeOf(int64(0))
	typeOfKey               = reflect.TypeOf((*Key)(nil)).Elem()
	typeOfPropertyConverter = reflect.TypeOf((*PropertyConverter)(nil)).Elem()
	typeOfPropertyLoadSaver = reflect.TypeOf((*PropertyLoadSaver)(nil)).Elem()
	typeOfString            = reflect.TypeOf("")
	typeOfTime              = reflect.TypeOf(time.Time{})
	typeOfToggle            = reflect.TypeOf(Auto)
Пример #9
// Project can be used to project a Property retrieved from a Projection query
// into a different datatype. For example, if you have a PTInt property, you
// could Project(PTTime) to convert it to a time.Time. The following conversions
// are supported:
//   PTString <-> PTBlobKey
//   PTString <-> PTBytes
//   PTXXX <-> PTXXX (i.e. identity)
//   PTInt <-> PTTime
//   PTNull <-> Anything
func (p *Property) Project(to PropertyType) (interface{}, error) {
	if to == PTNull {
		return nil, nil

	pt, v := p.propType, p.value
	switch pt {
	case PTBytes, PTString, PTBlobKey:
		v := v.(byteSequence)
		switch to {
		case PTBytes:
			return v.bytes(), nil
		case PTString:
			return v.string(), nil
		case PTBlobKey:
			return blobstore.Key(v.string()), nil

	case PTTime:
		switch to {
		case PTInt:
			return TimeToInt(v.(time.Time)), nil
		case PTTime:
			return v, nil

	case PTInt:
		switch to {
		case PTInt:
			return v, nil
		case PTTime:
			return IntToTime(v.(int64)), nil

	case to:
		return v, nil

	case PTNull:
		switch to {
		case PTInt:
			return int64(0), nil
		case PTTime:
			return time.Time{}, nil
		case PTBool:
			return false, nil
		case PTBytes:
			return []byte(nil), nil
		case PTString:
			return "", nil
		case PTFloat:
			return float64(0), nil
		case PTGeoPoint:
			return GeoPoint{}, nil
		case PTKey:
			return nil, nil
		case PTBlobKey:
			return blobstore.Key(""), nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to project %s to %s", pt, to)
Пример #10
func TestProperties(t *testing.T) {

	Convey("Test Property", t, func() {
		Convey("Construction", func() {
			Convey("empty", func() {
				pv := Property{}
				So(pv.Value(), ShouldBeNil)
				So(pv.IndexSetting(), ShouldEqual, ShouldIndex)
				So(pv.Type().String(), ShouldEqual, "PTNull")
			Convey("set", func() {
				pv := MkPropertyNI(100)
				So(pv.Value(), ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, int64(100))
				So(pv.Value(), ShouldEqual, 100)
				So(pv.IndexSetting(), ShouldEqual, NoIndex)
				So(pv.Type().String(), ShouldEqual, "PTInt")

				So(pv.SetValue(nil, ShouldIndex), ShouldBeNil)
				So(pv.Value(), ShouldBeNil)
				So(pv.IndexSetting(), ShouldEqual, ShouldIndex)
				So(pv.Type().String(), ShouldEqual, "PTNull")
			Convey("derived types", func() {
				Convey("int", func() {
					pv := MkProperty(19)
					So(pv.Value(), ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, int64(19))
					So(pv.Value(), ShouldEqual, 19)
					So(pv.IndexSetting(), ShouldEqual, ShouldIndex)
					So(pv.Type().String(), ShouldEqual, "PTInt")
				Convey("bool (true)", func() {
					pv := MkProperty(mybool(true))
					So(pv.Value(), ShouldBeTrue)
					So(pv.IndexSetting(), ShouldEqual, ShouldIndex)
					So(pv.Type().String(), ShouldEqual, "PTBool")
				Convey("string", func() {
					pv := MkProperty(mystring("sup"))
					So(pv.Value(), ShouldEqual, "sup")
					So(pv.IndexSetting(), ShouldEqual, ShouldIndex)
					So(pv.Type().String(), ShouldEqual, "PTString")
				Convey("blobstore.Key is distinquished", func() {
					pv := MkProperty(blobstore.Key("sup"))
					So(pv.Value(), ShouldEqual, blobstore.Key("sup"))
					So(pv.IndexSetting(), ShouldEqual, ShouldIndex)
					So(pv.Type().String(), ShouldEqual, "PTBlobKey")
				Convey("float", func() {
					pv := Property{}
					So(pv.SetValue(myfloat(19.7), ShouldIndex), ShouldBeNil)
					So(pv.Value(), ShouldHaveSameTypeAs, float64(19.7))
					So(pv.Value(), ShouldEqual, float32(19.7))
					So(pv.IndexSetting(), ShouldEqual, ShouldIndex)
					So(pv.Type().String(), ShouldEqual, "PTFloat")
			Convey("bad type", func() {
				pv := Property{}
				err := pv.SetValue(complex(100, 29), ShouldIndex)
				So(err.Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "has bad type complex")
				So(pv.Value(), ShouldBeNil)
				So(pv.IndexSetting(), ShouldEqual, ShouldIndex)
				So(pv.Type().String(), ShouldEqual, "PTNull")
			Convey("invalid GeoPoint", func() {
				pv := Property{}
				err := pv.SetValue(GeoPoint{-1000, 0}, ShouldIndex)
				So(err.Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "invalid GeoPoint value")
				So(pv.Value(), ShouldBeNil)
				So(pv.IndexSetting(), ShouldEqual, ShouldIndex)
				So(pv.Type().String(), ShouldEqual, "PTNull")
			Convey("invalid time", func() {
				pv := Property{}
				loc, err := time.LoadLocation("America/Los_Angeles")
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				t := time.Date(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, loc)

				err = pv.SetValue(t, ShouldIndex)
				So(err.Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "time value has wrong Location")

				err = pv.SetValue(time.Unix(math.MaxInt64, 0).UTC(), ShouldIndex)
				So(err.Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "time value out of range")
				So(pv.Value(), ShouldBeNil)
				So(pv.IndexSetting(), ShouldEqual, ShouldIndex)
				So(pv.Type().String(), ShouldEqual, "PTNull")
			Convey("time gets rounded", func() {
				pv := Property{}
				now := time.Now().In(time.UTC)
				now = now.Round(time.Microsecond).Add(time.Nanosecond * 313)
				So(pv.SetValue(now, ShouldIndex), ShouldBeNil)
				So(pv.Value(), ShouldHappenBefore, now)
				So(pv.IndexSetting(), ShouldEqual, ShouldIndex)
				So(pv.Type().String(), ShouldEqual, "PTTime")
			Convey("zero time", func() {
				now := time.Time{}
				So(now.IsZero(), ShouldBeTrue)

				pv := Property{}
				So(pv.SetValue(now, ShouldIndex), ShouldBeNil)
				So(pv.Value(), ShouldResemble, now)
				v, err := pv.Project(PTInt)
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				So(v, ShouldEqual, 0)

				So(pv.SetValue(0, ShouldIndex), ShouldBeNil)
				So(pv.Value(), ShouldEqual, 0)
				v, err = pv.Project(PTTime)
				So(err, ShouldBeNil)
				So(v.(time.Time).IsZero(), ShouldBeTrue)
			Convey("[]byte allows IndexSetting", func() {
				pv := Property{}
				So(pv.SetValue([]byte("hello"), ShouldIndex), ShouldBeNil)
				So(pv.Value(), ShouldResemble, []byte("hello"))
				So(pv.IndexSetting(), ShouldEqual, ShouldIndex)
				So(pv.Type().String(), ShouldEqual, "PTBytes")

		Convey("Comparison", func() {
			Convey(`A []byte property should equal a string property with the same value.`, func() {
				a := MkProperty([]byte("ohaithere"))
				b := MkProperty("ohaithere")
				So(a.Equal(&b), ShouldBeTrue)
Пример #11
var estimateSizeTests = []struct {
	pm     PropertyMap
	expect int
	{PropertyMap{"Something": {}}, 9},
	{PropertyMap{"Something": mps(100)}, 18},
	{PropertyMap{"Something": mps(100.1, "sup")}, 22},
		"Something": mps(100, "sup"),
		"Keys":      mps(MakeKey("aid", "ns", "parent", "something", "kind", int64(20))),
	}, 59},
		"Null":   mps(nil),
		"Bool":   mps(true, false),
		"GP":     mps(GeoPoint{23.2, 122.1}),
		"bskey":  mps(blobstore.Key("hello")),
		"[]byte": mps([]byte("sup")),
	}, 59},

func stablePmString(pm PropertyMap) string {
	keys := make([]string, 0, len(pm))
	for k := range pm {
		keys = append(keys, k)

	buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
	_, _ = buf.WriteString("map[")
	for i, k := range keys {
		if i != 0 {
		"Extra", "nuts",

var collapsedData = []ds.PropertyMap{
	// PTTime
	pmap("$key", key("Kind", 1), Next,
		"Date", time.Date(2000, time.January, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC), Next,
	pmap("$key", key("Kind", 2), Next,
		"Date", time.Date(2000, time.March, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC), Next,

	// PTBlobKey
	pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3), Next,
		"Key", blobstore.Key("foo"), Next,
	pmap("$key", key("Kind", 4), Next,
		"Key", blobstore.Key("qux"), Next,

	// PTBytes
	pmap("$key", key("Kind", 5), Next,
		"Val", []byte("ohai"), Next,
	pmap("$key", key("Kind", 6), Next,
		"Val", []byte("uwutm8"), Next,

var queryExecutionTests = []qExTest{