Пример #1
Файл: info.go Проект: ralic/lxd
func remoteInfo(d *lxd.Client) error {
	serverStatus, err := d.ServerStatus()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	data, err := yaml.Marshal(&serverStatus)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	fmt.Printf("%s", data)

	return nil
Пример #2
func spawnContainers(c *lxd.Client, count int, image string, privileged bool) error {
	batch := *argParallel
	if batch < 1 {
		// Detect the number of parallel actions
		cpus, err := ioutil.ReadDir("/sys/bus/cpu/devices")
		if err != nil {
			return err

		batch = len(cpus)

	batches := count / batch
	remainder := count % batch

	// Print the test header
	st, err := c.ServerStatus()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	privilegedStr := "unprivileged"
	if privileged {
		privilegedStr = "privileged"

	mode := "normal startup"
	if *argFreeze {
		mode = "start and freeze"

	fmt.Printf("Test environment:\n")
	fmt.Printf("  Server backend: %s\n", st.Environment.Server)
	fmt.Printf("  Server version: %s\n", st.Environment.ServerVersion)
	fmt.Printf("  Kernel: %s\n", st.Environment.Kernel)
	fmt.Printf("  Kernel architecture: %s\n", st.Environment.KernelArchitecture)
	fmt.Printf("  Kernel version: %s\n", st.Environment.KernelVersion)
	fmt.Printf("  Storage backend: %s\n", st.Environment.Storage)
	fmt.Printf("  Storage version: %s\n", st.Environment.StorageVersion)
	fmt.Printf("  Container backend: %s\n", st.Environment.Driver)
	fmt.Printf("  Container version: %s\n", st.Environment.DriverVersion)
	fmt.Printf("Test variables:\n")
	fmt.Printf("  Container count: %d\n", count)
	fmt.Printf("  Container mode: %s\n", privilegedStr)
	fmt.Printf("  Startup mode: %s\n", mode)
	fmt.Printf("  Image: %s\n", image)
	fmt.Printf("  Batches: %d\n", batches)
	fmt.Printf("  Batch size: %d\n", batch)
	fmt.Printf("  Remainder: %d\n", remainder)

	// Pre-load the image
	var fingerprint string
	if strings.Contains(image, ":") {
		var remote string
		remote, fingerprint = lxd.DefaultConfig.ParseRemoteAndContainer(image)

		if fingerprint == "" {
			fingerprint = "default"

		d, err := lxd.NewClient(&lxd.DefaultConfig, remote)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		target := d.GetAlias(fingerprint)
		if target != "" {
			fingerprint = target

		_, err = c.GetImageInfo(fingerprint)
		if err != nil {
			logf("Importing image into local store: %s", fingerprint)
			err := d.CopyImage(fingerprint, c, false, nil, false, false, nil)
			if err != nil {
				return err
		} else {
			logf("Found image in local store: %s", fingerprint)
	} else {
		fingerprint = image
		logf("Found image in local store: %s", fingerprint)

	// Start the containers
	spawnedCount := 0
	nameFormat := "benchmark-%." + fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(fmt.Sprintf("%d", count))) + "d"
	wgBatch := sync.WaitGroup{}
	nextStat := batch

	startContainer := func(name string) {
		defer wgBatch.Done()

		// Configure
		config := map[string]string{}
		if privileged {
			config["security.privileged"] = "true"
		config["user.lxd-benchmark"] = "true"

		// Create
		resp, err := c.Init(name, "local", fingerprint, nil, config, nil, false)
		if err != nil {
			logf(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to spawn container '%s': %s", name, err))

		err = c.WaitForSuccess(resp.Operation)
		if err != nil {
			logf(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to spawn container '%s': %s", name, err))

		// Start
		resp, err = c.Action(name, "start", -1, false, false)
		if err != nil {
			logf(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to spawn container '%s': %s", name, err))

		err = c.WaitForSuccess(resp.Operation)
		if err != nil {
			logf(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to spawn container '%s': %s", name, err))

		// Freeze
		if *argFreeze {
			resp, err = c.Action(name, "freeze", -1, false, false)
			if err != nil {
				logf(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to spawn container '%s': %s", name, err))

			err = c.WaitForSuccess(resp.Operation)
			if err != nil {
				logf(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to spawn container '%s': %s", name, err))

	logf("Starting the test")
	timeStart := time.Now()

	for i := 0; i < batches; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < batch; j++ {
			spawnedCount = spawnedCount + 1
			name := fmt.Sprintf(nameFormat, spawnedCount)

			go startContainer(name)

		if spawnedCount >= nextStat {
			interval := time.Since(timeStart).Seconds()
			logf("Started %d containers in %.3fs (%.3f/s)", spawnedCount, interval, float64(spawnedCount)/interval)
			nextStat = nextStat * 2

	for k := 0; k < remainder; k++ {
		spawnedCount = spawnedCount + 1
		name := fmt.Sprintf(nameFormat, spawnedCount)

		go startContainer(name)

	logf("Test completed in %.3fs", time.Since(timeStart).Seconds())

	return nil
Пример #3
Файл: config.go Проект: vahe/lxd
func (c *configCmd) doDaemonConfigEdit(client *lxd.Client) error {
	// If stdin isn't a terminal, read text from it
	if !termios.IsTerminal(int(syscall.Stdin)) {
		contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		newdata := shared.BriefServerState{}
		err = yaml.Unmarshal(contents, &newdata)
		if err != nil {
			return err

		_, err = client.UpdateServerConfig(newdata)
		return err

	// Extract the current value
	config, err := client.ServerStatus()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	brief := config.Brief()
	data, err := yaml.Marshal(&brief)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Spawn the editor
	content, err := shared.TextEditor("", []byte(c.configEditHelp()+"\n\n"+string(data)))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	for {
		// Parse the text received from the editor
		newdata := shared.BriefServerState{}
		err = yaml.Unmarshal(content, &newdata)
		if err == nil {
			_, err = client.UpdateServerConfig(newdata)

		// Respawn the editor
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, i18n.G("Config parsing error: %s")+"\n", err)
			fmt.Println(i18n.G("Press enter to start the editor again"))

			_, err := os.Stdin.Read(make([]byte, 1))
			if err != nil {
				return err

			content, err = shared.TextEditor("", content)
			if err != nil {
				return err
	return nil