Пример #1
// Resolve wraps Unbound's ub_resolve.
func (u *Unbound) Resolve(name string, rrtype, rrclass uint16) (*Result, error) {
	res := C.new_ub_result()
	r := new(Result)
	defer C.ub_resolve_free(res)
	i := C.ub_resolve(u.ctx, C.CString(name), C.int(rrtype), C.int(rrclass), &res)
	err := newError(int(i))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	r.Qname = C.GoString(res.qname)
	r.Qtype = uint16(res.qtype)
	r.Qclass = uint16(res.qclass)

	r.CanonName = C.GoString(res.canonname)
	r.Rcode = int(res.rcode)
	r.AnswerPacket = new(dns.Msg)
	r.AnswerPacket.Unpack(C.GoBytes(res.answer_packet, res.answer_len)) // Should always work
	r.HaveData = res.havedata == 1
	r.NxDomain = res.nxdomain == 1
	r.Secure = res.secure == 1
	r.Bogus = res.bogus == 1
	r.WhyBogus = C.GoString(res.why_bogus)

	// Re-create the RRs
	var h dns.RR_Header
	h.Name = r.Qname
	h.Rrtype = r.Qtype
	h.Class = r.Qclass
	h.Ttl = 0

	r.Data = make([][]byte, 0)
	r.Rr = make([]dns.RR, 0)
	j := 0
	if r.HaveData {
		b := C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(C.array_elem_char(res.data, C.int(j))), C.array_elem_int(res.len, C.int(j)))
		for len(b) != 0 {
			// Create the RR
			h.Rdlength = uint16(len(b))
			msg := make([]byte, 20+len(h.Name)) // Long enough
			off, _ := dns.PackStruct(&h, msg, 0)
			msg = msg[:off]
			rrbuf := append(msg, b...)
			rr, _, err := dns.UnpackRR(rrbuf, 0)
			if err == nil {
				r.Rr = append(r.Rr, rr)

			r.Data = append(r.Data, b)
			b = C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(C.array_elem_char(res.data, C.int(j))), C.array_elem_int(res.len, C.int(j)))

	return r, err
Пример #2
func statusRR(z *Zone) []dns.RR {
	h := dns.RR_Header{Ttl: 1, Class: dns.ClassINET, Rrtype: dns.TypeTXT}
	h.Name = "_status." + z.Origin + "."

	status := map[string]string{"v": VERSION, "id": serverId}

	hostname, err := os.Hostname()
	if err == nil {
		status["h"] = hostname
	status["up"] = strconv.Itoa(int(time.Since(timeStarted).Seconds()))
	status["qs"] = strconv.FormatUint(qCounter, 10)

	js, err := json.Marshal(status)

	return []dns.RR{&dns.RR_TXT{Hdr: h, Txt: []string{string(js)}}}
Пример #3
func statusRR(label string) []dns.RR {
	h := dns.RR_Header{Ttl: 1, Class: dns.ClassINET, Rrtype: dns.TypeTXT}
	h.Name = label

	status := map[string]string{"v": VERSION, "id": serverID}

	hostname, err := os.Hostname()
	if err == nil {
		status["h"] = hostname

	qCounter := metrics.Get("queries").(metrics.Meter)
	status["up"] = strconv.Itoa(int(time.Since(timeStarted).Seconds()))
	status["qs"] = strconv.FormatInt(qCounter.Count(), 10)
	status["qps1"] = fmt.Sprintf("%.4f", qCounter.Rate1())

	js, err := json.Marshal(status)

	return []dns.RR{&dns.TXT{Hdr: h, Txt: []string{string(js)}}}
Пример #4
func (srv *Server) serve(w dns.ResponseWriter, req *dns.Msg, z *Zone) {

	qname := req.Question[0].Name
	qtype := req.Question[0].Qtype

	var qle *querylog.Entry

	if srv.queryLogger != nil {
		qle = &querylog.Entry{
			Time:   time.Now().UnixNano(),
			Origin: z.Origin,
			Name:   qname,
			Qtype:  qtype,
		defer srv.queryLogger.Write(qle)

	logPrintf("[zone %s] incoming  %s %s (id %d) from %s\n", z.Origin, qname,
		dns.TypeToString[qtype], req.Id, w.RemoteAddr())

	// Global meter

	// Zone meter

	logPrintln("Got request", req)

	label := getQuestionName(z, req)


	// IP that's talking to us (not EDNS CLIENT SUBNET)
	var realIP net.IP

	if addr, ok := w.RemoteAddr().(*net.UDPAddr); ok {
		realIP = make(net.IP, len(addr.IP))
		copy(realIP, addr.IP)
	} else if addr, ok := w.RemoteAddr().(*net.TCPAddr); ok {
		realIP = make(net.IP, len(addr.IP))
		copy(realIP, addr.IP)
	if qle != nil {
		qle.RemoteAddr = realIP.String()


	var ip net.IP // EDNS or real IP
	var edns *dns.EDNS0_SUBNET
	var opt_rr *dns.OPT

	for _, extra := range req.Extra {

		switch extra.(type) {
		case *dns.OPT:
			for _, o := range extra.(*dns.OPT).Option {
				opt_rr = extra.(*dns.OPT)
				switch e := o.(type) {
				case *dns.EDNS0_NSID:
					// do stuff with e.Nsid
				case *dns.EDNS0_SUBNET:
					logPrintln("Got edns", e.Address, e.Family, e.SourceNetmask, e.SourceScope)
					if e.Address != nil {
						edns = e
						ip = e.Address

						if qle != nil {
							qle.HasECS = true
							qle.ClientAddr = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", ip, e.SourceNetmask)

	if len(ip) == 0 { // no edns subnet
		ip = realIP
		if qle != nil {
			qle.ClientAddr = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", ip, len(ip)*8)

	targets, netmask := z.Options.Targeting.GetTargets(ip)

	if qle != nil {
		qle.Targets = targets

	m := new(dns.Msg)

	if qle != nil {
		defer func() {
			qle.Rcode = m.Rcode
			qle.Answers = len(m.Answer)

	if e := m.IsEdns0(); e != nil {
		m.SetEdns0(4096, e.Do())
	m.Authoritative = true

	// TODO: set scope to 0 if there are no alternate responses
	if edns != nil {
		if edns.Family != 0 {
			if netmask < 16 {
				netmask = 16
			edns.SourceScope = uint8(netmask)
			m.Extra = append(m.Extra, opt_rr)

	labels, labelQtype := z.findLabels(label, targets, qTypes{dns.TypeMF, dns.TypeCNAME, qtype})
	if labelQtype == 0 {
		labelQtype = qtype

	if labels == nil {

		permitDebug := !*flagPrivateDebug || (realIP != nil && realIP.IsLoopback())

		firstLabel := (strings.Split(label, "."))[0]

		if qle != nil {
			qle.LabelName = firstLabel

		if permitDebug && firstLabel == "_status" {
			if qtype == dns.TypeANY || qtype == dns.TypeTXT {
				m.Answer = statusRR(label + "." + z.Origin + ".")
			} else {
				m.Ns = append(m.Ns, z.SoaRR())
			m.Authoritative = true

		if firstLabel == "_country" {
			if qtype == dns.TypeANY || qtype == dns.TypeTXT {
				h := dns.RR_Header{Ttl: 1, Class: dns.ClassINET, Rrtype: dns.TypeTXT}
				h.Name = label + "." + z.Origin + "."

				txt := []string{

				targets, netmask := z.Options.Targeting.GetTargets(ip)
				txt = append(txt, strings.Join(targets, " "))
				txt = append(txt, fmt.Sprintf("/%d", netmask), serverID, serverIP)

				m.Answer = []dns.RR{&dns.TXT{Hdr: h,
					Txt: txt,
			} else {
				m.Ns = append(m.Ns, z.SoaRR())

			m.Authoritative = true


		// return NXDOMAIN
		m.SetRcode(req, dns.RcodeNameError)
		m.Authoritative = true

		m.Ns = []dns.RR{z.SoaRR()}


	if servers := labels.Picker(labelQtype, labels.MaxHosts); servers != nil {
		var rrs []dns.RR
		for _, record := range servers {
			rr := dns.Copy(record.RR)
			rr.Header().Name = qname
			rrs = append(rrs, rr)
		m.Answer = rrs

	if len(m.Answer) == 0 {
		// Return a SOA so the NOERROR answer gets cached
		m.Ns = append(m.Ns, z.SoaRR())


	if qle != nil {
		qle.LabelName = labels.Label
		qle.Answers = len(m.Answer)
		qle.Rcode = m.Rcode
	err := w.WriteMsg(m)
	if err != nil {
		// if Pack'ing fails the Write fails. Return SERVFAIL.
		log.Println("Error writing packet", m)
		dns.HandleFailed(w, req)
Пример #5
func setupZoneData(data map[string]interface{}, Zone *Zone) {

	recordTypes := map[string]uint16{
		"a":     dns.TypeA,
		"aaaa":  dns.TypeAAAA,
		"ns":    dns.TypeNS,
		"cname": dns.TypeCNAME,
		"alias": dns.TypeMF,

	for dk, dv_inter := range data {

		dv := dv_inter.(map[string]interface{})

		//log.Printf("K %s V %s TYPE-V %T\n", dk, dv, dv)

		dk = strings.ToLower(dk)
		Zone.Labels[dk] = new(Label)
		label := Zone.Labels[dk]
		label.Label = dk
		label.Ttl = Zone.Options.Ttl
		label.MaxHosts = Zone.Options.MaxHosts

		if ttl, ok := dv["ttl"]; ok {
			label.Ttl = valueToInt(ttl)

		if maxHosts, ok := dv["max_hosts"]; ok {
			label.MaxHosts = valueToInt(maxHosts)

		for rType, dnsType := range recordTypes {

			rdata := dv[rType]

			if rdata == nil {
				//log.Printf("No %s records for label %s\n", rType, dk)

			//log.Printf("rdata %s TYPE-R %T\n", rdata, rdata)

			records := make(map[string][]interface{})

			switch rdata.(type) {
			case map[string]interface{}:
				// Handle NS map syntax, map[ns2.example.net:<nil> ns1.example.net:<nil>]
				tmp := make([]interface{}, 0)
				for rdata_k, rdata_v := range rdata.(map[string]interface{}) {
					if rdata_v == nil {
						rdata_v = ""
					tmp = append(tmp, []string{rdata_k, rdata_v.(string)})
				records[rType] = tmp
			case string:
				// CNAME and alias
				tmp := make([]interface{}, 1)
				tmp[0] = rdata.(string)
				records[rType] = tmp
				records[rType] = rdata.([]interface{})

			//log.Printf("RECORDS %s TYPE-REC %T\n", Records, Records)

			if label.Records == nil {
				label.Records = make(map[uint16]Records)
				label.Weight = make(map[uint16]int)

			label.Records[dnsType] = make(Records, len(records[rType]))

			for i := 0; i < len(records[rType]); i++ {

				//log.Printf("RT %T %#v\n", records[rType][i], records[rType][i])

				record := new(Record)

				var h dns.RR_Header
				// log.Println("TTL OPTIONS", Zone.Options.Ttl)
				h.Ttl = uint32(label.Ttl)
				h.Class = dns.ClassINET
				h.Rrtype = dnsType
				h.Name = label.Label + "." + Zone.Origin + "."

				switch dnsType {
				case dns.TypeA, dns.TypeAAAA:
					rec := records[rType][i].([]interface{})
					ip := rec[0].(string)
					var err error
					switch rec[1].(type) {
					case string:
						record.Weight, err = strconv.Atoi(rec[1].(string))
						if err != nil {
							panic("Error converting weight to integer")
						label.Weight[dnsType] += record.Weight
					case float64:
						record.Weight = int(rec[1].(float64))
						label.Weight[dnsType] += record.Weight
					switch dnsType {
					case dns.TypeA:
						if x := net.ParseIP(ip); x != nil {
							record.RR = &dns.RR_A{Hdr: h, A: x}
						panic("Bad A record")
					case dns.TypeAAAA:
						if x := net.ParseIP(ip); x != nil {
							record.RR = &dns.RR_AAAA{Hdr: h, AAAA: x}
						panic("Bad AAAA record")

				case dns.TypeCNAME:
					rec := records[rType][i]
					record.RR = &dns.RR_CNAME{Hdr: h, Target: dns.Fqdn(rec.(string))}

				case dns.TypeMF:
					rec := records[rType][i]
					// MF records (how we store aliases) are not FQDNs
					record.RR = &dns.RR_MF{Hdr: h, Mf: rec.(string)}

				case dns.TypeNS:
					rec := records[rType][i]
					if h.Ttl < 86400 {
						h.Ttl = 86400

					var ns string

					switch rec.(type) {
					case string:
						ns = rec.(string)
					case []string:
						recl := rec.([]string)
						ns = recl[0]
						if len(recl[1]) > 0 {
							log.Println("NS records with names syntax not supported")
						log.Printf("Data: %T %#v\n", rec, rec)
						panic("Unrecognized NS format/syntax")

					rr := &dns.RR_NS{Hdr: h, Ns: dns.Fqdn(ns)}

					record.RR = rr

					log.Println("type:", rType)
					panic("Don't know how to handle this type")

				if record.RR == nil {
					panic("record.RR is nil")

				label.Records[dnsType][i] = *record
			if label.Weight[dnsType] > 0 {


Пример #6
func setupZoneData(data map[string]interface{}, Zone *Zone) {
	recordTypes := map[string]uint16{
		"a":     dns.TypeA,
		"aaaa":  dns.TypeAAAA,
		"alias": dns.TypeMF,
		"cname": dns.TypeCNAME,
		"mx":    dns.TypeMX,
		"ns":    dns.TypeNS,
		"txt":   dns.TypeTXT,
		"spf":   dns.TypeSPF,
		"srv":   dns.TypeSRV,
		"ptr":   dns.TypePTR,

	for dk, dv_inter := range data {
		dv := dv_inter.(map[string]interface{})

		//log.Printf("K %s V %s TYPE-V %T\n", dk, dv, dv)

		label := Zone.AddLabel(dk)

		for rType, rdata := range dv {
			switch rType {
			case "max_hosts":
				label.MaxHosts = valueToInt(rdata)
			case "ttl":
				label.Ttl = valueToInt(rdata)

			dnsType, ok := recordTypes[rType]
			if !ok {
				log.Printf("Unsupported record type '%s'\n", rType)

			if rdata == nil {
				//log.Printf("No %s records for label %s\n", rType, dk)

			//log.Printf("rdata %s TYPE-R %T\n", rdata, rdata)

			records := make(map[string][]interface{})

			switch rdata.(type) {
			case map[string]interface{}:
				// Handle NS map syntax, map[ns2.example.net:<nil> ns1.example.net:<nil>]
				tmp := make([]interface{}, 0)
				for rdataK, rdataV := range rdata.(map[string]interface{}) {
					if rdataV == nil {
						rdataV = ""
					tmp = append(tmp, []string{rdataK, rdataV.(string)})
				records[rType] = tmp
			case string:
				// CNAME and alias
				tmp := make([]interface{}, 1)
				tmp[0] = rdata.(string)
				records[rType] = tmp
				records[rType] = rdata.([]interface{})

			//log.Printf("RECORDS %s TYPE-REC %T\n", Records, Records)

			label.Records[dnsType] = make(Records, len(records[rType]))

			for i := 0; i < len(records[rType]); i++ {
				//log.Printf("RT %T %#v\n", records[rType][i], records[rType][i])

				record := new(Record)

				var h dns.RR_Header
				h.Class = dns.ClassINET
				h.Rrtype = dnsType

				// We add the TTL as a last pass because we might not have
				// processed it yet when we process the record data.

				switch len(label.Label) {
				case 0:
					h.Name = Zone.Origin + "."
					h.Name = label.Label + "." + Zone.Origin + "."

				switch dnsType {
				case dns.TypeA, dns.TypeAAAA, dns.TypePTR:

					str, weight := getStringWeight(records[rType][i].([]interface{}))
					ip := str
					record.Weight = weight

					switch dnsType {
					case dns.TypePTR:
						record.RR = &dns.PTR{Hdr: h, Ptr: ip}
					case dns.TypeA:
						if x := net.ParseIP(ip); x != nil {
							record.RR = &dns.A{Hdr: h, A: x}
						panic(fmt.Errorf("Bad A record %s for %s", ip, dk))
					case dns.TypeAAAA:
						if x := net.ParseIP(ip); x != nil {
							record.RR = &dns.AAAA{Hdr: h, AAAA: x}
						panic(fmt.Errorf("Bad AAAA record %s for %s", ip, dk))

				case dns.TypeMX:
					rec := records[rType][i].(map[string]interface{})
					pref := uint16(0)
					mx := rec["mx"].(string)
					if !strings.HasSuffix(mx, ".") {
						mx = mx + "."
					if rec["weight"] != nil {
						record.Weight = valueToInt(rec["weight"])
					if rec["preference"] != nil {
						pref = uint16(valueToInt(rec["preference"]))
					record.RR = &dns.MX{
						Hdr:        h,
						Mx:         mx,
						Preference: pref}

				case dns.TypeSRV:
					rec := records[rType][i].(map[string]interface{})
					priority := uint16(0)
					srv_weight := uint16(0)
					port := uint16(0)
					target := rec["target"].(string)

					if !dns.IsFqdn(target) {
						target = target + "." + Zone.Origin

					if rec["srv_weight"] != nil {
						srv_weight = uint16(valueToInt(rec["srv_weight"]))
					if rec["port"] != nil {
						port = uint16(valueToInt(rec["port"]))
					if rec["priority"] != nil {
						priority = uint16(valueToInt(rec["priority"]))
					record.RR = &dns.SRV{
						Hdr:      h,
						Priority: priority,
						Weight:   srv_weight,
						Port:     port,
						Target:   target}

				case dns.TypeCNAME:
					rec := records[rType][i]
					var target string
					var weight int
					switch rec.(type) {
					case string:
						target = rec.(string)
					case []interface{}:
						target, weight = getStringWeight(rec.([]interface{}))
					if !dns.IsFqdn(target) {
						target = target + "." + Zone.Origin
					record.Weight = weight
					record.RR = &dns.CNAME{Hdr: h, Target: dns.Fqdn(target)}

				case dns.TypeMF:
					rec := records[rType][i]
					// MF records (how we store aliases) are not FQDNs
					record.RR = &dns.MF{Hdr: h, Mf: rec.(string)}

				case dns.TypeNS:
					rec := records[rType][i]
					if h.Ttl < 86400 {
						h.Ttl = 86400

					var ns string

					switch rec.(type) {
					case string:
						ns = rec.(string)
					case []string:
						recl := rec.([]string)
						ns = recl[0]
						if len(recl[1]) > 0 {
							log.Println("NS records with names syntax not supported")
						log.Printf("Data: %T %#v\n", rec, rec)
						panic("Unrecognized NS format/syntax")

					rr := &dns.NS{Hdr: h, Ns: dns.Fqdn(ns)}

					record.RR = rr

				case dns.TypeTXT:
					rec := records[rType][i]

					var txt string

					switch rec.(type) {
					case string:
						txt = rec.(string)
					case map[string]interface{}:

						recmap := rec.(map[string]interface{})

						if weight, ok := recmap["weight"]; ok {
							record.Weight = valueToInt(weight)
						if t, ok := recmap["txt"]; ok {
							txt = t.(string)
					if len(txt) > 0 {
						rr := &dns.TXT{Hdr: h, Txt: []string{txt}}
						record.RR = rr
					} else {
						log.Printf("Zero length txt record for '%s' in '%s'\n", label.Label, Zone.Origin)
					// Initial SPF support added here, cribbed from the TypeTXT case definition - SPF records should be handled identically

				case dns.TypeSPF:
					rec := records[rType][i]

					var spf string

					switch rec.(type) {
					case string:
						spf = rec.(string)
					case map[string]interface{}:

						recmap := rec.(map[string]interface{})

						if weight, ok := recmap["weight"]; ok {
							record.Weight = valueToInt(weight)
						if t, ok := recmap["spf"]; ok {
							spf = t.(string)
					if len(spf) > 0 {
						rr := &dns.SPF{Hdr: h, Txt: []string{spf}}
						record.RR = rr
					} else {
						log.Printf("Zero length SPF record for '%s' in '%s'\n", label.Label, Zone.Origin)

					log.Println("type:", rType)
					panic("Don't know how to handle this type")

				if record.RR == nil {
					panic("record.RR is nil")

				label.Weight[dnsType] += record.Weight
				label.Records[dnsType][i] = *record
			if label.Weight[dnsType] > 0 {

	// loop over exisiting labels, create zone records for missing sub-domains
	// and set TTLs
	for k := range Zone.Labels {
		if strings.Contains(k, ".") {
			subLabels := strings.Split(k, ".")
			for i := 1; i < len(subLabels); i++ {
				subSubLabel := strings.Join(subLabels[i:], ".")
				if _, ok := Zone.Labels[subSubLabel]; !ok {
		if Zone.Labels[k].Ttl > 0 {
			for _, records := range Zone.Labels[k].Records {
				for _, r := range records {
					r.RR.Header().Ttl = uint32(Zone.Labels[k].Ttl)


Пример #7
func serve(w dns.ResponseWriter, req *dns.Msg, z *Zone) {

	qtype := req.Question[0].Qtype

	logPrintf("[zone %s] incoming %s %s %d from %s\n", z.Origin, req.Question[0].Name,
		dns.Rr_str[qtype], req.MsgHdr.Id, w.RemoteAddr())

	// is this safe/atomic or does it need to go through a channel?

	logPrintln("Got request", req)

	label := getQuestionName(z, req)

	var country string
	if geoIP != nil {
		ip, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(w.RemoteAddr().String())
		country = strings.ToLower(geoIP.GetCountry(ip))
		logPrintln("Country:", ip, country)

	m := new(dns.Msg)
	if e := m.IsEdns0(); e != nil {
		m.SetEdns0(4096, e.Do())
	m.Authoritative = true

	// TODO(ask) Fix the findLabels API to make this work better
	if alias := z.findLabels(label, "", dns.TypeMF); alias != nil &&
		alias.Records[dns.TypeMF] != nil {
		// We found an alias record, so pretend the question was for that name instead
		label = alias.firstRR(dns.TypeMF).(*dns.RR_MF).Mf

	labels := z.findLabels(label, country, qtype)
	if labels == nil {

		if label == "_status" && (qtype == dns.TypeANY || qtype == dns.TypeTXT) {
			m.Answer = statusRR(z)
			m.Authoritative = true

		if label == "_country" && (qtype == dns.TypeANY || qtype == dns.TypeTXT) {
			h := dns.RR_Header{Ttl: 1, Class: dns.ClassINET, Rrtype: dns.TypeTXT}
			h.Name = "_country." + z.Origin + "."

			m.Answer = []dns.RR{&dns.RR_TXT{Hdr: h,
				Txt: []string{

			m.Authoritative = true

		// return NXDOMAIN
		m.SetRcode(req, dns.RcodeNameError)
		m.Authoritative = true

		m.Ns = []dns.RR{z.SoaRR()}


	if servers := labels.Picker(qtype, labels.MaxHosts); servers != nil {
		var rrs []dns.RR
		for _, record := range servers {
			rr := record.RR
			rr.Header().Name = req.Question[0].Name
			rrs = append(rrs, rr)
		m.Answer = rrs

	if len(m.Answer) == 0 {
		if labels := z.Labels[label]; labels != nil {
			if _, ok := labels.Records[dns.TypeCNAME]; ok {
				cname := labels.firstRR(dns.TypeCNAME)
				m.Answer = append(m.Answer, cname)
		} else {
			m.Ns = append(m.Ns, z.SoaRR())


	err := w.Write(m)
	if err != nil {
		// if Pack'ing fails the Write fails. Return SERVFAIL.
		log.Println("Error writing packet", m)
		dns.HandleFailed(w, req)