Пример #1
func getVolumes() chan *reaperaws.Volume {
	ch := make(chan *reaperaws.Volume)
	go func() {
		volumeCh := reaperaws.AllVolumes()
		regionSums := make(map[reapable.Region]int)
		volumeSizeSums := make(map[reapable.Region]map[int64]int)
		filteredCount := make(map[reapable.Region]int)
		whitelistedCount := make(map[reapable.Region]int)
		for volume := range volumeCh {
			// make the map if it is not initialized
			if volumeSizeSums[volume.Region()] == nil {
				volumeSizeSums[volume.Region()] = make(map[int64]int)

			if isWhitelisted(volume) {


			if matchesFilters(volume) {
			ch <- volume

		for region, sum := range regionSums {
			log.Info("Found %d total volumes in %s", sum, region)

		go func() {
			for region, regionMap := range volumeSizeSums {
				for volumeType, volumeSizeSum := range regionMap {
					err := reaperevents.NewStatistic("reaper.volumes.total",
						[]string{fmt.Sprintf("region:%s,volumesize:%d", region, volumeType)})
					if err != nil {
					err = reaperevents.NewStatistic("reaper.volumes.filtered",
						[]string{fmt.Sprintf("region:%s,volumesize:%d", region, volumeType)})
					if err != nil {
				err := reaperevents.NewStatistic("reaper.volumes.whitelistedCount",
					[]string{fmt.Sprintf("region:%s", region)})
				if err != nil {
	return ch
Пример #2
func getSecurityGroups() chan *reaperaws.SecurityGroup {
	ch := make(chan *reaperaws.SecurityGroup)
	go func() {
		securityGroupCh := reaperaws.AllSecurityGroups()
		regionSums := make(map[reapable.Region]int)
		filteredCount := make(map[reapable.Region]int)
		whitelistedCount := make(map[reapable.Region]int)
		for sg := range securityGroupCh {

			if isWhitelisted(sg) {

			if matchesFilters(sg) {
			ch <- sg

		for region, sum := range regionSums {
			log.Info("Found %d total SecurityGroups in %s", sum, region)
		go func() {
			for region, regionSum := range regionSums {
				err := reaperevents.NewStatistic("reaper.securitygroups.total",
					[]string{fmt.Sprintf("region:%s", region), config.EventTag})
				if err != nil {
				err = reaperevents.NewStatistic("reaper.securitygroups.whitelistedCount",
					[]string{fmt.Sprintf("region:%s", region), config.EventTag})
				if err != nil {
				err = reaperevents.NewStatistic("reaper.securitygroups.filtered",
					[]string{fmt.Sprintf("region:%s", region), config.EventTag})
				if err != nil {
	return ch
Пример #3
// AllSecurityGroups describes every instance in the requested regions
// *SecurityGroups are created for each *ec2.SecurityGroup
// and are passed to a channel
func AllSecurityGroups() chan *SecurityGroup {
	ch := make(chan *SecurityGroup, len(config.Regions))
	// waitgroup for all regions
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	for _, region := range config.Regions {
		go func(region string) {
			defer wg.Done()
			// add region to waitgroup
			api := ec2.New(sess, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion(region))
			resp, err := api.DescribeSecurityGroups(&ec2.DescribeSecurityGroupsInput{})
			for _, sg := range resp.SecurityGroups {
				ch <- NewSecurityGroup(region, sg)
			if err != nil {
				// probably should do something here...
	go func() {
		// in a separate goroutine, wait for all regions to finish
		// when they finish, close the chan

	return ch
Пример #4
func getCloudformations() chan *reaperaws.Cloudformation {
	ch := make(chan *reaperaws.Cloudformation)
	go func() {
		cfs := reaperaws.AllCloudformations()
		regionSums := make(map[reapable.Region]int)
		filteredCount := make(map[reapable.Region]int)
		whitelistedCount := make(map[reapable.Region]int)
		for cf := range cfs {
			if isWhitelisted(cf) {

			if matchesFilters(cf) {
			ch <- cf
		for region, sum := range regionSums {
			log.Info("Found %d total Cloudformation Stacks in %s", sum, region)
		go func() {
			for region, regionSum := range regionSums {
				err := reaperevents.NewStatistic("reaper.cloudformations.total",
					[]string{fmt.Sprintf("region:%s", region), config.EventTag})
				if err != nil {
				err = reaperevents.NewStatistic("reaper.cloudformations.filtered",
					[]string{fmt.Sprintf("region:%s", region), config.EventTag})
				if err != nil {
				err = reaperevents.NewStatistic("reaper.cloudformations.whitelistedCount",
					[]string{fmt.Sprintf("region:%s", region), config.EventTag})
				if err != nil {
	return ch
Пример #5
// matchesFilters applies the relevant filter groups to a filterable
func matchesFilters(filterable filters.Filterable) bool {
	// recover from potential panics caused by malformed filters
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			log.Error("Recovered in matchesFilters with panic: ", r)

	var groups map[string]filters.FilterGroup
	switch filterable.(type) {
	case *reaperaws.Instance:
		groups = config.Instances.FilterGroups
	case *reaperaws.AutoScalingGroup:
		groups = config.AutoScalingGroups.FilterGroups
	case *reaperaws.Cloudformation:
		groups = config.Cloudformations.FilterGroups
	case *reaperaws.SecurityGroup:
		groups = config.SecurityGroups.FilterGroups
	case *reaperaws.Volume:
		groups = config.Volumes.FilterGroups
		log.Warning("You probably screwed up and need to make sure matchesFilters works!")
		return false

	matched := false

	// if there are no filters groups defined default to not match
	if len(groups) == 0 {
		return false

	shouldFilter := false
	for _, group := range groups {
		if len(group) > 0 {
			// there is a filter
			shouldFilter = true
	// no filters, default to not match
	if !shouldFilter {
		return false

	for name, group := range groups {
		didMatch := filters.ApplyFilters(filterable, group)
		if didMatch {
			matched = true
			filterable.AddFilterGroup(name, group)

	// convenient
	if isWhitelisted(filterable) {
		matched = false

	return matched
Пример #6
// AWSConsoleURL returns the url that can be used to access the resource on the AWS Console
func (a *AutoScalingGroup) AWSConsoleURL() *url.URL {
	url, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("https://%s.console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/autoscaling/home?region=%s#AutoScalingGroups:id=%s;view=details",
		a.Region().String(), a.Region().String(), url.QueryEscape(a.ID().String())))
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Error generating AWSConsoleURL. ", err)
	return url
Пример #7
// AWSConsoleURL returns the url that can be used to access the resource on the AWS Console
func (a *Instance) AWSConsoleURL() *url.URL {
	url, err := url.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("https://%s.console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2/home?region=%s#Instances:instanceId=%s",
		a.Region().String(), a.Region().String(), url.QueryEscape(a.ID().String())))
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Error generating AWSConsoleURL. ", err)
	return url
Пример #8
func (filter *Filter) BoolValue(v int) (bool, error) {
	b, err := strconv.ParseBool(filter.Arguments[v])
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("could not parse %s as bool", filter.Arguments[v]))
		return false, err
	return b, nil
Пример #9
func (filter *Filter) Int64Value(v int) (int64, error) {
	// parseint -> base 10, 64 bit int
	i, err := strconv.ParseInt(filter.Arguments[v], 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("could not parse %s as int64", filter.Arguments[v]))
		return 0, err
	return i, nil
Пример #10
// AWSConsoleURL returns the url that can be used to access the resource on the AWS Console
func (a *Cloudformation) AWSConsoleURL() *url.URL {
	url, err := url.Parse("https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home")
	// setting RawQuery because QueryEscape messes with the "/"s in the url
	url.RawQuery = fmt.Sprintf("region=%s#/stacks?filter=active&tab=overview&stackId=%s", a.Region().String(), a.ID().String())
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Error generating AWSConsoleURL. ", err)
	return url
Пример #11
func (e *Datadog) getGodspeed() {
	var gs *godspeed.Godspeed
	var err error
	// if config options not set, use defaults
	if e.Config.Host == "" || e.Config.Port == "" {
		gs, err = godspeed.NewDefault()
	} else {
		port, err := strconv.Atoi(e.Config.Port)
		if err != nil {
		gs, err = godspeed.New(e.Config.Host, port, false)
	if err != nil {
	e._godspeed = gs
Пример #12
// Ready NEEDS to be called for EventReporters and Reapables to be properly initialized
// which means events AND config need to be set BEFORE Ready
func Ready() {

	if r := reapable.NewReapables(config.AWS.Regions); r != nil {
		reapables = *r
	} else {
		log.Error("reapables improperly initialized")
Пример #13
// MakeWhitelistLink creates a tokenized link for whitelisting
func makeWhitelistLink(region reapable.Region, id reapable.ID, tokenSecret, apiURL string) (string, error) {
	whitelist, err := token.Tokenize(tokenSecret,
		token.NewWhitelistJob(region.String(), id.String()))
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Error creating whitelist link: ", err)
		return "", err

	return makeURL(apiURL, "whitelist", whitelist), nil
Пример #14
func Cleanup() {
	for _, er := range *eventReporters {
		c, ok := er.(Cleaner)
		if ok {
			if err := c.Cleanup(); err != nil {
Пример #15
// MakeStopLink creates a tokenized link for stopping
func makeStopLink(region reapable.Region, id reapable.ID, tokenSecret, apiURL string) (string, error) {
	stop, err := token.Tokenize(tokenSecret,
		token.NewStopJob(region.String(), id.String()))
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Error creating ScaleToZero link: ", err)
		return "", err

	return makeURL(apiURL, "stop", stop), nil
Пример #16
func GetPrices() {
	// prevent shadowing
	var err error
	log.Info("Downloading prices")
	pricesMap, err = prices.DownloadPricesMap(prices.Ec2PricingUrl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error getting prices: %s", err.Error()))
	log.Info("Successfully downloaded prices")
Пример #17
func (r *Reaper) reap() {
	reapables := allReapables()

	filteredOwnerMap := make(map[string][]reaperevents.Reapable)
	for _, reapable := range reapables {
		// default owner should ensure this does not happen
		if reapable.Owner() == nil {
			log.Error("Resource %s has no owner", reapable.ReapableDescriptionTiny())

		// TODO naively re-call matchesFilters here
		// after previously calling it for statistics
		if matchesFilters(reapable) {
			// group resources by owner
			owner := reapable.Owner().Address
			filteredOwnerMap[owner] = append(filteredOwnerMap[owner], reapable)

	// trigger batch events for each filtered owned resource in a goroutine
	// for each owner in the owner map
	go func() {
		// trigger a per owner batch event
		for _, filteredOwnedReapables := range filteredOwnerMap {
			// if there's only one resource for the owner, do a single event
			if len(filteredOwnedReapables) == 1 {
				if err := reaperevents.NewReapableEvent(filteredOwnedReapables[0], []string{config.EventTag}); err != nil {
			} else {
				// batch event
				if err := reaperevents.NewBatchReapableEvent(filteredOwnedReapables, []string{config.EventTag}); err != nil {
Пример #18
// Terminate is a method of reapable.Terminable, which is embedded in reapable.Reapable
func (a *AutoScalingGroup) Terminate() (bool, error) {
	log.Info("Terminating AutoScalingGroup %s", a.ReapableDescriptionTiny())
	as := autoscaling.New(session.New(&aws.Config{Region: aws.String(a.Region().String())}))
	input := &autoscaling.DeleteAutoScalingGroupInput{
		AutoScalingGroupName: aws.String(a.ID().String()),
	_, err := as.DeleteAutoScalingGroup(input)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("could not delete AutoScalingGroup ", a.ReapableDescriptionTiny())
		return false, err
	return true, nil
Пример #19
// Terminate is a method of reapable.Terminable, which is embedded in reapable.Reapable
func (a *Cloudformation) Terminate() (bool, error) {
	log.Info("Terminating Cloudformation %s", a.ReapableDescriptionTiny())
	as := cloudformation.New(sess, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion(a.Region().String()))

	input := &cloudformation.DeleteStackInput{
		StackName: aws.String(a.ID().String()),
	_, err := as.DeleteStack(input)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("could not delete Cloudformation ", a.ReapableDescriptionTiny())
		return false, err
	return false, nil
Пример #20
// Terminate is a method of reapable.Terminable, which is embedded in reapable.Reapable
func (a *SecurityGroup) Terminate() (bool, error) {
	log.Info("Terminating SecurityGroup ", a.ReapableDescriptionTiny())
	api := ec2.New(sess, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion(string(a.Region())))

	input := &ec2.DeleteSecurityGroupInput{
		GroupName: aws.String(a.ID().String()),
	_, err := api.DeleteSecurityGroup(input)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("could not delete SecurityGroup ", a.ReapableDescriptionTiny())
		return false, err
	return false, nil
Пример #21
func populatePricesMap(r io.Reader) (PricesMap, error) {
	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			log.Error("Recovered from a panic: ", r)

	// initialize inner map
	pricesMap := make(PricesMap)
	for _, region := range regions {
		pricesMap[region] = make(map[string]string)

	pd := new(PriceData)
	err := json.NewDecoder(r).Decode(pd)
	if err != nil {
		return PricesMap{}, err

	for sku, productData := range pd.Products {
		// only get prices for EC2 instances
		if productData.ProductFamily != "Compute Instance" {
		for _, termData := range pd.Terms.OnDemand[sku] {
			for _, dimensionData := range termData.PriceDimensions {
				if region, ok := regions[productData.Attributes.Location]; ok {
					pricesMap[region][productData.Attributes.InstanceType] = dimensionData.PricePerUnit.USD
				} else {
					log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Region not found for sku %s location %s", sku, productData.Attributes.Location))

	return pricesMap, nil
Пример #22
// Stop by region, id, calls a Reapable's own Stop method
func Stop(region reapable.Region, id reapable.ID) error {
	reapable, err := reapables.Get(region, id)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	_, err = reapable.Stop()
	if err != nil {
		log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Could not stop resource with region: %s and id: %s. Error: %s",
			region, id, err.Error()))
		return err
	log.Debug("Stop ", reapable.ReapableDescriptionShort())

	return nil
Пример #23
func (a *AutoScalingGroup) scaleToSize(size int64, minSize int64) (bool, error) {
	log.Info("Scaling AutoScalingGroup %s to size %d.", a.ReapableDescriptionTiny(), size)
	as := autoscaling.New(session.New(&aws.Config{Region: aws.String(a.Region().String())}))
	input := &autoscaling.UpdateAutoScalingGroupInput{
		AutoScalingGroupName: aws.String(a.ID().String()),
		DesiredCapacity:      &size,
		MinSize:              &minSize,

	_, err := as.UpdateAutoScalingGroup(input)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("could not update AutoScalingGroup ", a.ReapableDescriptionTiny())
		return false, err
	return true, nil
Пример #24
// cloudformationResources returns a chan of CloudformationResources, sourced from the AWS API
// there is rate limiting in the AWS API for CloudformationResources, so we delay
// this is skippable with the CLI flag -withoutCloudformationResources
func cloudformationResources(region, id string) chan *cloudformation.StackResource {
	ch := make(chan *cloudformation.StackResource)

	if config.WithoutCloudformationResources {
		return ch

	api := cloudformation.New(sess, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion(region))
	go func() {

		// this query can fail, so we retry
		didRetry := false
		input := &cloudformation.DescribeStackResourcesInput{StackName: &id}

		// initial query
		resp, err := api.DescribeStackResources(input)
		for err != nil {
			sleepTime := 2*time.Second + time.Duration(rand.Intn(2000))*time.Millisecond
			if err != nil {
				// this error is annoying and will come up all the time... so you can disable it
				if strings.Split(err.Error(), ":")[0] == "Throttling" && log.Extras() {
					log.Warning("StackResources: %s (retrying %s after %ds)", err.Error(), id, sleepTime*1.0/time.Second)
				} else if strings.Split(err.Error(), ":")[0] != "Throttling" {
					// any other errors
					log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("StackResources: %s (retrying %s after %ds)", err.Error(), id, sleepTime*1.0/time.Second))

			// wait a random amount of time... hopefully long enough to beat rate limiting

			// retry query
			resp, err = api.DescribeStackResources(input)
			didRetry = true
		if didRetry && log.Extras() {
			log.Info("Retry succeeded for %s!", id)
		for _, resource := range resp.StackResources {
			ch <- resource
	return ch
Пример #25
func makeURL(host, action, token string) string {
	if host == "" {
		log.Error("makeURL: host is empty")

	action = url.QueryEscape(action)
	token = url.QueryEscape(token)

	vals := url.Values{}
	vals.Add(config.HTTP.Action, action)
	vals.Add(config.HTTP.Token, token)

	if host[len(host)-1:] == "/" {
		return host + "?" + vals.Encode()
	return host + "/?" + vals.Encode()
Пример #26
func main() {
	// config and events are vars in the reaper package
	// they NEED to be set before a reaper.Reaper can be initialized

	if config.DryRun {
		log.Info("Dry run mode enabled, no events will be triggered. Enable Extras in Notifications for per-event DryRun notifications.")

	// Ready() NEEDS to be called after BOTH SetConfig() and SetEvents()
	// it uses those values to set individual EventReporter config values
	// and to init the Reapables map

	// sets the config variable in Reaper's AWS package
	// this also NEEDS to be set before a Reaper can be started

	// single instance of reaper
	reapRunner := reaper.NewReaper()
	// Run the reaper process

	// run the HTTP server
	api := reaper.NewHTTPApi(config.HTTP)
	if err := api.Serve(); err != nil {
	} else {
		// HTTP server successfully started
		c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
		signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt, os.Kill)

		// waiting for an Interrupt or Kill signal
		// this channel blocks until it receives one
		sig := <-c
		log.Info("Got signal %s, stopping services", sig.String())
		log.Info("Stopping HTTP")
		log.Info("Stopping reaper runner")
Пример #27
// AllInstances describes every instance in the requested regions
// *Instances are created for each *ec2.Instance
// and are passed to a channel
func AllInstances() chan *Instance {
	ch := make(chan *Instance, len(config.Regions))
	// waitgroup for all regions
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	for _, region := range config.Regions {
		go func(region string) {
			defer wg.Done()
			// add region to waitgroup
			api := ec2.New(sess, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion(region))
			// DescribeInstancesPages does autopagination
			err := api.DescribeInstancesPages(&ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{}, func(resp *ec2.DescribeInstancesOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
				for _, res := range resp.Reservations {
					for _, instance := range res.Instances {
						ch <- NewInstance(region, instance)
				// if we are at the last page, we should not continue
				// the return value of this func is "shouldContinue"
				if lastPage {
					return false
				return true
			if err != nil {
				// probably should do something here...
	go func() {
		// in a separate goroutine, wait for all regions to finish
		// when they finish, close the chan
	return ch
Пример #28
// newReapableEvent is a method of EventReporter
func (e *ReaperEvent) newReapableEvent(r Reapable, tags []string) error {
	if e.Config.shouldTriggerFor(r) {
		var err error
		switch e.Config.Mode {
		case "Stop":
			_, err = r.Stop()
			log.Info("ReaperEvent: Stopping ", r.ReapableDescriptionShort())
			NewEvent("Reaper: Stopping ", r.ReapableDescriptionShort(), nil, []string{})
			NewCountStatistic("reaper.reapables.stopped", []string{r.ReapableDescriptionTiny()})
		case "Terminate":
			_, err = r.Terminate()
			log.Info("ReaperEvent: Terminating ", r.ReapableDescriptionShort())
			NewEvent("Reaper: Terminating ", r.ReapableDescriptionShort(), nil, []string{})
			NewCountStatistic("reaper.reapables.terminated", []string{r.ReapableDescriptionTiny()})
			log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid %s Mode %s", e.Config.Name, e.Config.Mode))
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil
Пример #29
// AllCloudformations returns a chan of Cloudformations, sourced from the AWS API
func AllCloudformations() chan *Cloudformation {
	ch := make(chan *Cloudformation, len(config.Regions))
	// waitgroup for all regions
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	for _, region := range config.Regions {
		go func(region string) {
			defer wg.Done()
			// add region to waitgroup
			api := cloudformation.New(sess, aws.NewConfig().WithRegion(region))
			err := api.DescribeStacksPages(&cloudformation.DescribeStacksInput{}, func(resp *cloudformation.DescribeStacksOutput, lastPage bool) bool {
				for _, stack := range resp.Stacks {
					ch <- NewCloudformation(region, stack)
				// if we are at the last page, we should not continue
				// the return value of this func is "shouldContinue"
				if lastPage {
					// on the last page, finish this region
					return false
				return true
			if err != nil {
				// probably should do something here...
	go func() {
		// in a separate goroutine, wait for all regions to finish
		// when they finish, close the chan

	return ch
Пример #30
// Filter is part of the filter.Filterable interface
func (a *AutoScalingGroup) Filter(filter filters.Filter) bool {
	matched := false
	// map function names to function calls
	switch filter.Function {
	case "SizeGreaterThan":
		if i, err := filter.Int64Value(0); err == nil && a.sizeGreaterThan(i) {
			matched = true
	case "SizeLessThan":
		if i, err := filter.Int64Value(0); err == nil && a.sizeLessThan(i) {
			matched = true
	case "SizeEqualTo":
		if i, err := filter.Int64Value(0); err == nil && a.sizeEqualTo(i) {
			matched = true
	case "SizeLessThanOrEqualTo":
		if i, err := filter.Int64Value(0); err == nil && a.sizeLessThanOrEqualTo(i) {
			matched = true
	case "SizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo":
		if i, err := filter.Int64Value(0); err == nil && a.sizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(i) {
			matched = true
	case "CreatedTimeInTheLast":
		d, err := time.ParseDuration(filter.Arguments[0])
		if err == nil && a.CreatedTime != nil && time.Since(*a.CreatedTime) < d {
			matched = true
	case "CreatedTimeNotInTheLast":
		d, err := time.ParseDuration(filter.Arguments[0])
		if err == nil && a.CreatedTime != nil && time.Since(*a.CreatedTime) > d {
			matched = true
	case "InCloudformation":
		if b, err := filter.BoolValue(0); err == nil && a.IsInCloudformation == b {
			matched = true
	case "Region":
		for _, region := range filter.Arguments {
			if a.Region() == reapable.Region(region) {
				matched = true
	case "NotRegion":
		// was this resource's region one of those in the NOT list
		regionSpecified := false
		for _, region := range filter.Arguments {
			if a.Region() == reapable.Region(region) {
				regionSpecified = true
		if !regionSpecified {
			matched = true
	case "Tagged":
		if a.Tagged(filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "NotTagged":
		if !a.Tagged(filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "TagNotEqual":
		if a.Tag(filter.Arguments[0]) != filter.Arguments[1] {
			matched = true
	case "ReaperState":
		if a.reaperState.State.String() == filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "NotReaperState":
		if a.reaperState.State.String() != filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "Named":
		if a.Name == filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "NotNamed":
		if a.Name != filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "IsDependency":
		if b, err := filter.BoolValue(0); err == nil && a.Dependency == b {
			matched = true
	case "NameContains":
		if strings.Contains(a.Name, filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "NotNameContains":
		if !strings.Contains(a.Name, filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
		log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("No function %s could be found for filtering AutoScalingGroups.", filter.Function))
	return matched