Пример #1
func getThreads(c *imap.Client) ([]Thread, error) {
	set, err := imap.NewSeqSet("1:*")
	cmd, err := imap.Wait(c.Fetch(set, "X-GM-THRID", "UID"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, ErrBadConnection
	var result []Thread
	seen := make(map[string]int)
	for _, rsp := range cmd.Data {
		thrid := imap.AsString(rsp.MessageInfo().Attrs["X-GM-THRID"])
		uid := imap.AsNumber(rsp.MessageInfo().Attrs["UID"])
		if i, ok := seen[thrid]; ok {
			result[i] = append(result[i], uid)
		} else {
			result = append(result, Thread{uid})
			seen[thrid] = len(result) - 1
	return result, nil
Пример #2
 * This method moves the mail associated with the given 'UID', from the folder where it currently
 * resides, into the "toFolder" folder and sets its "Deleted" flag.
 * After this operation, the following post condition holds, if a mail with the given UID existed
 * in the original folder:
 *  - The mail in the original folder has its "Deleted" flag set
 *  - The folder 'newFolder' now contains a new mail with the Header and Content of the original
 *    mail (but with a new UID)
 * The original mail is NOT deleted from the folder where it resided (only its deleted flag is set).
 * The deletion operation will happen when the IMAP connection is closed, or the EXPUNGE operation
 * is called.
 * @param uid The UID of the mail to be moved
 * @param folder The folder in which the current mail resides (its source location)
 * @param toFolder The folder the mail should be moved to (the target folder)
 * @return Returns the UID of the newly created mail in the target folder or an error, if something
 *		   went wrong.
func (mc *MailCon) moveMail_internal(uid, folder, toFolder string) (uint32, error) {
	var targetMbox string = mc.mailbox
	// 1) First check if we need to select a specific folder in the mailbox or if it is root
	if err := mc.selectFolder(folder, true); err != nil {
		return 0, err
	// 2) Assign necessary variables and initiate IMAP Copy process
	set, _ := imap.NewSeqSet(uid)
	if len(toFolder) > 0 && toFolder != "/" {
		targetMbox = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", mc.mailbox, mc.delim, toFolder)
	cmd, err := mc.client.UIDCopy(set, targetMbox)
	var resp *imap.Response
	if resp, err = cmd.Result(imap.OK); err != nil {
		return 0,
			fmt.Errorf("[watney] ERROR waiting for result of copy command\n\t%s\n", err.Error())
	// 3) Execute the copy process to copy the mail internally to the new folder
	if _, err := mc.waitFor(mc.client.UIDStore(set, "+FLAGS",
		SerializeFlags(&Flags{Deleted: true}))); err != nil {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("[watney] ERROR waiting for result of update flags command\n\t%s\n",
	// 4) Check if the copy worked, and if so, return the new UID and no error
	// The Response is an 'COPYUID' with the fields:
	//  [0] COPYUID:string | [1] internaldate:long64 | [2] Orig-UID:uint32 | [3] New-UID:uint32
	//  The Orig-UID resambles the given UID for the original mail
	//  The New-UID is the UID of the new mail stored in the 'toFolder'
	if len(resp.Fields) == 4 {
		return imap.AsNumber(resp.Fields[3]), nil
	} else {
		return 0, errors.New("[watney] WARNING: Copy completed without doing anyting\n")
Пример #3
// fetchIDs downloads the messages with the given IDs and invokes the callback for
// each message.
func (w *IMAPSource) fetchIDs(ids []uint32) error {
	set, _ := imap.NewSeqSet("")
	w.deletionSet, _ = imap.NewSeqSet("")
	cmd, err := w.conn.Fetch(set, "RFC822", "UID", "FLAGS", "INTERNALDATE")
	if err != nil {
		logger.Errorf("FETCH failed: %s", err)
		return err
	for cmd.InProgress() {
		for _, rsp := range cmd.Data {
			_ = w.handleMessage(rsp)
		cmd.Data = nil

		// Consume other server data
		for _ = range w.conn.Data {
		w.conn.Data = nil

	if rsp, err := cmd.Result(imap.OK); err != nil {
		if err == imap.ErrAborted {
			logger.Errorf("FETCH command aborted")
		} else {
			logger.Errorf("FETCH error: %s", rsp.Info)
	} else {
		logger.Debugf("FETCH completed without errors")

	if !w.deletePlainCopies {
		return nil

	if w.deletionSet.Empty() {
		return nil

	logger.Debugf("marking mails as deleted")
	_, err = imap.Wait(w.conn.UIDStore(w.deletionSet, "+FLAGS", "(\\Deleted)"))
	if err != nil {
		logger.Errorf("failed to mark set=%v for deletion: %s", w.deletionSet.String(), err)
	return err
Пример #4
 * Loads the header and the content of the mail for the given UIDs.
func (mc *MailCon) LoadNMailsFromFolderWithSeqNbrs(folder string, seqNbrs []uint32) ([]Mail, error) {
	defer mc.mutex.Unlock()
	// TODO: Check if UIDs are below 1 and react accordingly
	var seqNbrStrings []string = make([]string, len(seqNbrs))
	for index, seqNbr := range seqNbrs {
		// FIXME: This is a potential unsafe cast if the sequence number would be bigger than
		//		  2^31-1
		seqNbrStrings[index] = strconv.Itoa(int(seqNbr))
	set, _ := imap.NewSeqSet(strings.Join(seqNbrStrings, ","))
	return mc.loadMails(set, folder, true, mc.client.Fetch)
Пример #5
@param folder The folder to retrieve mails from
@param	n > 0 The number of mails to retrieve from the folder in the mailbox
		n <= 0 All mails that are saved within the folder
@param withContent	True - Also loads the content of all mails
					False - Only loads the headers of all mails
func (mc *MailCon) LoadNMailsFromFolder(folder string, n int, withContent bool) ([]Mail, error) {
	defer mc.mutex.Unlock()
	// 1) Define the number of mails that should be loaded
	var nbrMailsExp string
	if n > 0 {
		nbrMailsExp = fmt.Sprintf("1:%d", n)
	} else {
		nbrMailsExp = "1:*"
	set, _ := imap.NewSeqSet(nbrMailsExp)
	return mc.loadMails(set, folder, withContent, mc.client.Fetch)
Пример #6
 * If the mail for the given UID can't be found in the given folder, no flags will be changed.
 * @param folder The folder, this mail resides in, e.g., "/", "Sent", ...
 * @param uid The unique server ID of this message
 * @param add True  - Sets the flag(s) as activated
 *			  False - Removes the flag(s) (sets them as deactivated)
func (mc *MailCon) UpdateMailFlags(folder, uid string, f *Flags, add bool) error {
	defer mc.mutex.Unlock()
	var task string
	// 1) Select the folder in which the mail resides whose flags should be updated
	if err := mc.selectFolder(folder, false); err != nil {
		return err
	// 2) Prepare parameters for update request and perform the request
	if add {
		task = "+"
	} else {
		task = "-"
	set, _ := imap.NewSeqSet(uid)
	_, err := mc.waitFor(mc.client.UIDStore(set, strings.Replace("*FLAGS", "*", task, 1),
	return err
Пример #7
func notifyNewEmail(c *imap.Client, mId uint32) {
	set, _ := imap.NewSeqSet("")
	cmd := ReportOK(c.Fetch(set, "FLAGS", "RFC822.HEADER"))
	for _, rsp := range cmd.Data {
		header := imap.AsBytes(rsp.MessageInfo().Attrs["RFC822.HEADER"])
		if msg, _ := mail.ReadMessage(bytes.NewReader(header)); msg != nil {
			subj := msg.Header.Get("Subject")
			from := msg.Header.Get("From")
			formattedFrom := strings.Split(from, " ")[0]
				"-message", subj,
				"-title", "Mail From: "+formattedFrom+"",
				"-sender", "com.apple.Mail",
Пример #8
 * Loads the header and the content of the mail for the given UID.
func (mc *MailCon) LoadMailFromFolderWithUID(folder string, uid uint32) (Mail, error) {
	defer mc.mutex.Unlock()
	if uid < 1 {
		return Mail{},
			errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Couldn't retrieve mail, because mail UID (%d) needs to "+
				"be greater than 0", uid))
	var (
		mails MailSlice
		err   error
	set, _ := imap.NewSeqSet(fmt.Sprintf("%d", uid))
	if mails, err = mc.loadMails(set, folder, true, mc.client.UIDFetch); err != nil {
		return Mail{},
			errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("No mail could be retrieved for the given ID: %d; due to "+
				"the error:\n%s\n", uid, err.Error()))
	if len(mails) == 0 {
		return Mail{},
			errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("No mail found for the given ID: %d\n", uid))
	return mails[0], err
Пример #9
//use imap to delete a mail
func (email *Email) DeleteEmail(w rest.ResponseWriter, r *rest.Request) {
	log.Printf("delete email...")
	addr := r.FormValue("imapAddr")
	//port := r.FormValue("smtpPort")
	user := r.FormValue("user")
	pwd := r.FormValue("pwd")
	id := r.FormValue("id")

	//check params, return error

	//create imap client
	var (
		c   *imap.Client
		cmd *imap.Command
		rsp *imap.Response

	// Connect to the server
	c, _ = imap.Dial(addr)

	// Remember to log out and close the connection when finished
	defer c.Logout(30 * time.Second)

	// Print server greeting (first response in the unilateral server data queue)
	log.Printf("Server says hello:%s", c.Data[0].Info)
	c.Data = nil

	// Enable encryption, if supported by the server
	if c.Caps["STARTTLS"] {

	// Authenticate
	if c.State() == imap.Login {
		c.Login(user, pwd)

	// List all top-level mailboxes, wait for the command to finish
	cmd, _ = imap.Wait(c.List("", "%"))

	// Print mailbox information
	log.Printf("\nTop-level mailboxes:")
	for _, rsp = range cmd.Data {
		log.Printf("|--%s", rsp.MailboxInfo())

	// Check for new unilateral server data responses
	for _, rsp = range c.Data {
		log.Printf("Server data:%s", rsp)
	c.Data = nil

	// Open a mailbox (synchronous command - no need for imap.Wait)
	c.Select("INBOX", true)
	log.Printf("\nMailbox status:%s\n", c.Mailbox)
	if c.Mailbox == nil {
		resp := EmailJsonResponse{Success: true}

	//use Expunge to delete a mail
	set, _ := imap.NewSeqSet("")
	mid, _ := strconv.Atoi(id)

	//delete mail
	cmd, err := c.Expunge(set)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("%v ", cmd)
	} else {
		log.Printf("delete mail ok")

Пример #10
func (emaill *Email) getEmailContentUseIMAP(w rest.ResponseWriter, r *rest.Request) {
	addr := r.FormValue("imapAddr")
	port := r.FormValue("imapPort")
	user := r.FormValue("user")
	pwd := r.FormValue("pwd")
	id := r.FormValue("id")

	address := addr + ":" + port
	log.Printf("get email content use imap %s\n", address)

	var (
		c   *imap.Client
		cmd *imap.Command
		rsp *imap.Response

	// Connect to the server
	c, err := imap.Dial(addr)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("dial %s error\n", address)

	// Remember to log out and close the connection when finished
	defer c.Logout(30 * time.Second)

	// Print server greeting (first response in the unilateral server data queue)
	log.Printf("Server says hello:%s", c.Data[0].Info)
	c.Data = nil

	// Enable encryption, if supported by the server
	if c.Caps["STARTTLS"] {

	// Authenticate
	if c.State() == imap.Login {
		c.Login(user, pwd)

	// List all top-level mailboxes, wait for the command to finish
	cmd, _ = imap.Wait(c.List("", "%"))

	// Print mailbox information
	log.Printf("\nTop-level mailboxes:")
	for _, rsp = range cmd.Data {
		log.Printf("|--%s", rsp.MailboxInfo())

	// Check for new unilateral server data responses
	for _, rsp = range c.Data {
		log.Printf("Server data:%s", rsp)
	c.Data = nil

	// Open a mailbox (synchronous command - no need for imap.Wait)
	c.Select("INBOX", true)
	log.Printf("\nMailbox status:%s\n", c.Mailbox)
	if c.Mailbox == nil {
		resp := EmailJsonResponse{Success: true}

	// Fetch the headers of the 10 most recent messages
	set, _ := imap.NewSeqSet("")
	// if c.Mailbox.Messages >= 10 {
	// 	set.AddRange(c.Mailbox.Messages-9, c.Mailbox.Messages) //测试只取最新一封邮件
	// } else {
	// 	set.Add("1:*")
	// }
	cmd, _ = c.Fetch(set, "RFC822.HEADER", "RFC822.TEXT") //指定要获取的内容

	// Process responses while the command is running
	log.Printf("\nget mail [%s] messages:", id)
	for cmd.InProgress() {
		// Wait for the next response (no timeout)

		// Process command data
		for _, rsp = range cmd.Data {
			header := imap.AsBytes(rsp.MessageInfo().Attrs["RFC822.HEADER"])
			if msg, _ := mail.ReadMessage(bytes.NewReader(header)); msg != nil {
				subject := msg.Header.Get("Subject")
				log.Printf("|--%s", subject)

				realSubject := GetRealSubject(subject)
				log.Printf("in rest_email.go: get real subject")

				senderAddr := msg.Header.Get("From")
				recverAddrList := msg.Header.Get("To")

				realSenderAddr := GetRealSubject(senderAddr)
				realRecverAddrList := GetRealSubject(recverAddrList)

				body := imap.AsBytes(rsp.MessageInfo().Attrs["RFC822.TEXT"])
				//log.Printf("email body: %s", body)
				//realBody  := GetRealBody(string(body))
				headerAndBody := make([]byte, len(header)+len(body))
				copy(headerAndBody, header)
				copy(headerAndBody[len(header):], body)

				msg, _ := mail.ReadMessage(bytes.NewReader(headerAndBody))
				mime, _ := enmime.ParseMIMEBody(msg)
				realBody := mime.Text //如果原始内容为html,会去掉html元素标签
				log.Printf("real body: %s", realBody)

				// log.Printf("root ======================")
				// root := mime.Root
				// if root != nil {
				// 	log.Printf(string(root.Content()))
				// 	log.Printf("child==========")
				// 	if child := root.FirstChild(); child != nil {
				// 		log.Printf(string(child.Content()))
				// 	}

				// }

				attachments := mime.Attachments
				log.Printf("attachments len=%d", len(attachments))
				count := len(attachments)
				var attachmentList []Attachment = nil
				var data EmailContent
				if count > 0 {
					attachmentList = make([]Attachment, count)
					for i := 0; i < len(attachments); i++ {
						name := attachments[i].FileName()
						content := attachments[i].Content() //todo encode by base64
						log.Printf("name===%s", name)
						attachmentList[i] = Attachment{Name: name, Body: string(content)}

				data = EmailContent{Subject: realSubject, SenderAddr: realSenderAddr,
					RecverAddrList: realRecverAddrList, Content: realBody,
					Attachments: attachmentList}

				resp := EmailJsonResponse{Success: true, Data: data}
		cmd.Data = nil

		// Process unilateral server data
		for _, rsp = range c.Data {
			log.Printf("Server data:%s", rsp)
		c.Data = nil

	// Check command completion status
	if rsp, err := cmd.Result(imap.OK); err != nil {
		if err == imap.ErrAborted {
			log.Printf("Fetch command aborted\n")
		} else {
			log.Printf("Fetch error:%s\n", rsp.Info)

Пример #11
// updateTray is called whenever a client detects that the number of unseen
// messages *may* have changed. It will search the selected folder for unseen
// messages, count them and store the result. Then it will use the notify
// channel to let our main process update the status icon.
func UpdateTray(c *imap.Client, notify chan bool, name string) {
	// Send > Search since Search adds CHARSET UTF-8 which might not be supported
	cmd, err := c.Send("SEARCH", "UNSEEN")

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("%s failed to look for new messages\n", name)
		fmt.Println("  ", err)

	if _, ok := Unseen[name]; !ok {
		Unseen[name] = []uint32{}

	unseenMessages := []uint32{}
	for cmd.InProgress() {
		// Wait for the next response (no timeout)
		err = c.Recv(-1)

		// Process command data
		for _, rsp := range cmd.Data {
			result := rsp.SearchResults()
			unseenMessages = append(unseenMessages, result...)

		// Reset for next run
		cmd.Data = nil
		c.Data = nil

	// Check command completion status
	if rsp, err := cmd.Result(imap.OK); err != nil {
		if err == imap.ErrAborted {
			fmt.Println("fetch command aborted")
		} else {
			fmt.Println("fetch error:", rsp.Info)


	fmt.Printf("%d unseen\n", len(unseenMessages))

	// Find messages that the user hasn't been notified of
	// TODO: Make this optional/configurable
	newUnseen, _ := imap.NewSeqSet("")
	numNewUnseen := 0
	for _, uid := range unseenMessages {
		seen := false
		for _, olduid := range Unseen[name] {
			if olduid == uid {
				seen = true

		if !seen {

	// If we do have new unseen messages, fetch and display them
	if numNewUnseen > 0 {
		messages := make([]string, numNewUnseen)
		i := 0

		// Fetch headers...
		cmd, _ = c.Fetch(newUnseen, "RFC822.HEADER")
		for cmd.InProgress() {
			for _, rsp := range cmd.Data {
				header := imap.AsBytes(rsp.MessageInfo().Attrs["RFC822.HEADER"])
				if msg, _ := mail.ReadMessage(bytes.NewReader(header)); msg != nil {
					subject := msg.Header.Get("Subject")
					messages[i], err = new(mime.WordDecoder).DecodeHeader(subject)
					if err != nil {
						messages[i] = subject

			cmd.Data = nil
			c.Data = nil

		// Print them in reverse order to get newest first
		notification := ""
		for ; i > 0; i-- {
			notification += "> " + messages[i-1] + "\n"
		notification = strings.TrimRight(notification, "\n")

		// And send them with notify-send!
		title := fmt.Sprintf("%s has new mail (%d unseen)", name, len(unseenMessages))
		sh := exec.Command("/usr/bin/notify-send",
			"-i", "notification-message-email",
			"-c", "email",
			title, notification)

		err := sh.Start()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Println("Failed to notify user...")
		go func() {
			// collect exit code to avoid zombies

	Unseen[name] = unseenMessages

	// Let main process know something has changed
	notify <- true
Пример #12
func main() {
	imap.DefaultLogger = log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
	imap.DefaultLogMask = imap.LogConn | imap.LogRaw

	c := Dial(Addr)
	defer func() { ReportOK(c.Logout(30 * time.Second)) }()

	if c.Caps["STARTTLS"] {

	if c.Caps["ID"] {
		ReportOK(c.ID("name", "goimap"))

	ReportOK(Login(c, User, Pass))

	if c.Caps["QUOTA"] {

	cmd := ReportOK(c.List("", ""))
	delim := cmd.Data[0].MailboxInfo().Delim

	mbox := MBox + delim + "Demo1"
	if cmd, err := imap.Wait(c.Create(mbox)); err != nil {
		if rsp, ok := err.(imap.ResponseError); ok && rsp.Status == imap.NO {
	} else {
		ReportOK(cmd, err)
	ReportOK(c.List("", MBox))
	ReportOK(c.List("", mbox))
	ReportOK(c.Rename(mbox, mbox+"2"))
	ReportOK(c.Rename(mbox+"2", mbox))

	ReportOK(c.Select(mbox, true))

	msg := []byte(strings.Replace(Msg[1:], "\n", "\r\n", -1))
	ReportOK(c.Append(mbox, nil, nil, imap.NewLiteral(msg)))

	ReportOK(c.Select(mbox, false))


	cmd = ReportOK(c.UIDSearch("SUBJECT", c.Quote("GoIMAP")))
	set, _ := imap.NewSeqSet("")

	ReportOK(c.Fetch(set, "FLAGS", "INTERNALDATE", "RFC822.SIZE", "BODY[]"))
	ReportOK(c.UIDStore(set, "+FLAGS.SILENT", imap.NewFlagSet(`\Deleted`)))
	ReportOK(c.UIDSearch("SUBJECT", c.Quote("GoIMAP")))


Пример #13
func main() {
	token := flag.String("token", "", "The Telegram bot token")
	to := flag.String("to", "", "The mail recipient")
	from := flag.String("from", "", "The mail sender")
	server := flag.String("server", "", "The mail server")
	port := flag.Int("port", 587, "The mail server port")
	user := flag.String("user", "", "")
	pass := flag.String("pass", "", "")
	subject := flag.String("subject", "", "")


	bot, err := telebot.NewBot(*token)
	if err != nil {

	// Fetching Mails and send as Telegram messages

	var (
		c   *imap.Client
		cmd *imap.Command
		rsp *imap.Response

	c, _ = imap.Dial(*server)

	defer c.Logout(30 * time.Second)

	c.Data = nil

	if c.Caps["STARTTLS"] {

	if c.State() == imap.Login {
		c.Login(*user, *pass)

	cmd, _ = imap.Wait(c.List("", "%"))

	c.Data = nil

	c.Select("INBOX", true)

	set, _ := imap.NewSeqSet("")
	cmd, _ = c.Fetch(set, "RFC822.HEADER")

	for cmd.InProgress() {

		for _, rsp = range cmd.Data {
			header := imap.AsBytes(rsp.MessageInfo().Attrs["RFC822.HEADER"])
			if msg, _ := mail.ReadMessage(bytes.NewReader(header)); msg != nil {
				fmt.Println("|--", msg.Header.Get("FROM"))
		cmd.Data = nil
		c.Data = nil

	if rsp, err := cmd.Result(imap.OK); err != nil {
		if err == imap.ErrAborted {
			fmt.Println("Fetch command aborted")
		} else {
			fmt.Println("Fetch error:", rsp.Info)

	 * Listen to Telegram messages and send as mail

	messages := make(chan telebot.Message)
	bot.Listen(messages, 1*time.Second)

	for message := range messages {

		m := gomail.NewMessage()
		m.SetHeader("From", *from)
		m.SetHeader("To", *to)
		m.SetHeader("Subject", *subject)
		m.SetBody("text/html", message.Text)

		d := gomail.NewPlainDialer(*server, *port, *user, *pass)
		d.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}

		if err := d.DialAndSend(m); err != nil {
Пример #14
// Fetch email for the specified user and host.
func Fetch(host, user, pass string) {
	c, err := imap.Dial(host)
	if err != nil {
	defer c.Logout(30 * time.Second)

	log.Println("Server says hello:", c.Data[0].Info)
	c.Data = nil

	if c.Caps["STARTTLS"] {

	if c.State() == imap.Login {
		c.Login(user, pass)

	cmd, err := imap.Wait(c.List("", "%"))
	if err != nil {

	log.Println("\nTop-level mailboxes:")
	for _, rsp := range cmd.Data {
		log.Println("|--", rsp.MailboxInfo())

	for _, rsp := range c.Data {
		log.Println("Server data:", rsp)
	c.Data = nil

	c.Select("INBOX", true)
	log.Print("\nMailbox status:\n", c.Mailbox)

	set, _ := imap.NewSeqSet("")
	if c.Mailbox.Messages >= 10 {
		set.AddRange(c.Mailbox.Messages-9, c.Mailbox.Messages)
	} else {
	cmd, _ = c.Fetch(set, "RFC822.HEADER")

	log.Println("\nMost recent messages:")
	for cmd.InProgress() {
		// Wait for the next response (no timeout)

		// Process command data
		for _, rsp := range cmd.Data {
			header := imap.AsBytes(rsp.MessageInfo().Attrs["RFC822.HEADER"])
			if msg, _ := mail.ReadMessage(bytes.NewReader(header)); msg != nil {
				log.Println("|--", msg.Header.Get("Subject"))
		cmd.Data = nil

		// Process unilateral server data
		for _, rsp := range c.Data {
			log.Println("Server data:", rsp)
		c.Data = nil

	if rsp, err := cmd.Result(imap.OK); err != nil {
		if err == imap.ErrAborted {
			log.Println("Fetch command aborted")
		} else {
			log.Println("Fetch error:", rsp.Info)
Пример #15
func transferMbox(c *cli.Context) {
	source := c.Args().Get(0)
	target := c.Args().Get(1)
	if source == "" || target == "" {
		log.Fatal("Bitte Quell- und Zielordner angeben, z.B.: mailporter transfer INBOX INBOX")
	n := imapConnect(notes)
	defer n.Logout(30 * time.Second)
	_, err := n.Select(source, true)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Kein Zugriff auf %s/%s. Fehler: %s", notes, source, err.Error())
	e := imapConnect(exchange)
	defer e.Logout(30 * time.Second)

	fmt.Println("Ermittle zu übertragende Mails...")
	criteria := []string{"ALL"}
	if c.String("before") != "" {
		criteria = append(criteria, "BEFORE "+c.String("before"))
	nc, err := imap.Wait(n.UIDSearch(strings.Join(criteria, " ")))
	var mails []uint32
	for _, r := range nc.Data {
		mails = r.SearchResults()
	reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
	fmt.Printf("%d Mails sind zu übertragen. Fortfahren (j oder n)? ", len(mails))
	cont, _ := reader.ReadString('\n')
	if strings.TrimSpace(cont) != "j" {
	fmt.Printf("Übertrage Mails.\n")
	bar := pb.StartNew(len(mails))
	set, _ := imap.NewSeqSet("")
	for _, mid := range mails {
	fetch, err := n.UIDFetch(set, "BODY.PEEK[]")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Konnte Mails nicht laden: ", err)
	flags := map[string]bool{
		"\\Seen": true,
	for fetch.InProgress() {
		for _, r := range fetch.Data {
			i := r.MessageInfo()
			if i.Size >= maxSize {
				m, err := mail.ReadMessage(bytes.NewReader(imap.AsBytes(i.Attrs["BODY[]"])))
				if err != nil {
				date, _ := m.Header.Date()
				datestring := date.Format(time.RFC822)
				fmt.Printf("WARNUNG: Mail '%s' (%s, von %s) ist zu groß für Exchange. Überspringe.\n",
					m.Header.Get("Subject"), datestring, m.Header.Get("From"))
				fetch.Data = nil
				n.Data = nil
			_, err := imap.Wait(e.Append(target, flags, nil,
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("WARNUNG: Konnte Mail nicht auf Exchange speichern.\nFehler: %s\n", err.Error())
				m, err := mail.ReadMessage(bytes.NewReader(imap.AsBytes(i.Attrs["BODY[]"])))
				if err != nil {
				date, _ := m.Header.Date()
				datestring := date.Format(time.RFC822)
				fmt.Println("Von: ", m.Header.Get("From"))
				fmt.Println("Betreff: ", m.Header.Get("Subject"))
				fmt.Println("Datum: ", datestring)
				e = imapConnect(exchange)
				defer e.Logout(30 * time.Second)
				fetch.Data = nil
				n.Data = nil
		fetch.Data = nil
		n.Data = nil
Пример #16
func ExampleClient() {
	// Note: most of error handling code is omitted for brevity
	var (
		c   *imap.Client
		cmd *imap.Command
		rsp *imap.Response

	// Connect to the server
	c, _ = imap.Dial("imap.example.com")

	// Remember to log out and close the connection when finished
	defer c.Logout(30 * time.Second)

	// Print server greeting (first response in the unilateral server data queue)
	fmt.Println("Server says hello:", c.Data[0].Info)
	c.Data = nil

	// Enable encryption, if supported by the server
	if c.Caps["STARTTLS"] {

	// Authenticate
	if c.State() == imap.Login {
		c.Login("*****@*****.**", "mysupersecretpassword")

	// List all top-level mailboxes, wait for the command to finish
	cmd, _ = imap.Wait(c.List("", "%"))

	// Print mailbox information
	fmt.Println("\nTop-level mailboxes:")
	for _, rsp = range cmd.Data {
		fmt.Println("|--", rsp.MailboxInfo())

	// Check for new unilateral server data responses
	for _, rsp = range c.Data {
		fmt.Println("Server data:", rsp)
	c.Data = nil

	// Open a mailbox (synchronous command - no need for imap.Wait)
	c.Select("INBOX", true)
	fmt.Print("\nMailbox status:\n", c.Mailbox)

	// Fetch the headers of the 10 most recent messages
	set, _ := imap.NewSeqSet("")
	if c.Mailbox.Messages >= 10 {
		set.AddRange(c.Mailbox.Messages-9, c.Mailbox.Messages)
	} else {
	cmd, _ = c.Fetch(set, "RFC822.HEADER")

	// Process responses while the command is running
	fmt.Println("\nMost recent messages:")
	for cmd.InProgress() {
		// Wait for the next response (no timeout)

		// Process command data
		for _, rsp = range cmd.Data {
			header := imap.AsBytes(rsp.MessageInfo().Attrs["RFC822.HEADER"])
			if msg, _ := mail.ReadMessage(bytes.NewReader(header)); msg != nil {
				fmt.Println("|--", msg.Header.Get("Subject"))
		cmd.Data = nil

		// Process unilateral server data
		for _, rsp = range c.Data {
			fmt.Println("Server data:", rsp)
		c.Data = nil

	// Check command completion status
	if rsp, err := cmd.Result(imap.OK); err != nil {
		if err == imap.ErrAborted {
			fmt.Println("Fetch command aborted")
		} else {
			fmt.Println("Fetch error:", rsp.Info)