Пример #1
// Run is a function to run the command
func (c *Command) Run(args []string) int {
	var err error // error holder
	var count int // key counter

	// init config
	c.config = new(config)

	// init consul config
	c.config.consulConfig = new(ccns.Config)

	// setup flags
	if err = c.setupFlags(args); err != nil {
		log.Printf("[Error] Init failed: %s", err.Error())
		return 1

	// sanity check
	if c.config.noKV && c.config.aclFileName == "" {
		log.Printf("[Error] Passing 'nokv' and an empty 'acls' file " +
			"doesn't make any sense.  You should specify an 'acls' file " +
			"when using the 'nokv' option.")
		return 1

	// build client
	if c.consulClient, err = c.config.consulConfig.New(); err != nil {
		log.Printf("[Error] Failed initialize consul client: %s", err.Error())
		return 1

	// build transformer if needed
	if c.pathTransformer, err = ct.New(c.config.pathTransform); err != nil {
		log.Printf("[Error] Failed to initialize path transformer: %s", err.Error())
		return 1

	// restore keys unless otherwise requested
	if !c.config.noKV {
		if count, err = c.restoreKeys(); err != nil {
			log.Printf("[Error] Failed to restore kv data: %s", err.Error())
			return 1

		// show success
		log.Printf("[Success] Restored %d keys from %s to %s/%s",

	// restore acls if requested
	if c.config.aclFileName != "" {
		if count, err = c.restoreAcls(); err != nil {
			log.Printf("[Error] Failed to restore ACL tokens: %s", err.Error())
			return 1

		// show success
		log.Printf("[Success] Restored %d ACL tokens from %s to %s",

	// exit clean
	return 0
Пример #2
// Run is a function to run the command
func (c *Command) Run(args []string) int {
	var err error // error holder
	var count int // key counter

	// init config
	c.config = new(config)

	// init consul config
	c.config.consulConfig = new(ccns.Config)

	// setup flags
	if err = c.setupFlags(args); err != nil {
		log.Printf("[Error] Init failed: %s", err.Error())
		return 1

	// sanity check
	if c.config.noKV && c.config.aclFileName == "" {
		log.Printf("[Error] Passing 'nokv' and an empty 'acls' file " +
			"doesn't make any sense.  You should specify an 'acls' file " +
			"when using the 'nokv' option.")
		return 1

	// build client
	if c.consulClient, err = c.config.consulConfig.New(); err != nil {
		log.Printf("[Error] Failed initialize consul client: %s", err.Error())
		return 1

	// build transformer if needed
	if c.pathTransformer, err = ct.New(c.config.pathTransform); err != nil {
		log.Printf("[Error] Failed to initialize path transformer: %s", err.Error())
		return 1

	// backup keys unless otherwise requested
	if !c.config.noKV {
		if count, err = c.backupKeys(); err != nil {
			log.Printf("[Error] Failed to backup key data: %s", err.Error())
			return 1

		// show success
		log.Printf("[Success] Backed up %d keys from %s/%s to %s",

	// backup acls if requested
	if c.config.aclFileName != "" {
		if count, err = c.backupAcls(); err != nil {
			log.Printf("[Error] Failed to backup ACL tokens: %s", err.Error())
			return 1

		// show success
		log.Printf("[Success] Backed up %d ACL tokens from %s to %s",

	// make sure they know to keep the sig
	fmt.Print("Keep your backup and signature files " +
		"in a safe place.\nYou will need both to restore your data.\n")

	// exit clean
	return 0