Пример #1
// apply the chnages to the balance folder
func apply_to_balance(tx *btc.Tx) {
	f, _ := os.Create("balance/unspent.txt")
	if f != nil {
		// append new outputs at the end of unspentOuts
		ioutil.WriteFile("balance/"+tx.Hash.String()+".tx", tx.Serialize(), 0600)

		fmt.Println("Adding", len(tx.TxOut), "new output(s) to the balance/ folder...")
		for out := range tx.TxOut {
			if k := pkscr_to_key(tx.TxOut[out].Pk_script); k != nil {
				uns := new(unspRec)
				uns.key = k
				uns.TxPrevOut.Hash = tx.Hash.Hash
				uns.TxPrevOut.Vout = uint32(out)
				uns.label = fmt.Sprint("# ", btc.UintToBtc(tx.TxOut[out].Value), " BTC @ ", k.BtcAddr.String())
				//stealth bool TODO: maybe we can fix it...
				unspentOuts = append(unspentOuts, uns)

		for j := range unspentOuts {
			if !unspentOuts[j].spent {
				fmt.Fprintln(f, unspentOuts[j].String())
	} else {
		println("ERROR: Cannot create balance/unspent.txt")
Пример #2
func (db *UnspentDB) PrintCoinAge() {
	const chunk = 10000
	var maxbl uint32
	type onerec struct {
		cnt, bts, val, valcb uint64
	age := make(map[uint32]*onerec)
	for i := range db.tdb {
		db.dbN(i).BrowseAll(func(k qdb.KeyType, v []byte) uint32 {
			rec := NewQdbRecStatic(k, v)
			a := rec.InBlock
			if a > maxbl {
				maxbl = a
			a /= chunk
			tmp := age[a]
			if tmp == nil {
				tmp = new(onerec)
			for _, ou := range rec.Outs {
				if ou != nil {
					tmp.val += ou.Value
					if rec.Coinbase {
						tmp.valcb += ou.Value
			tmp.bts += uint64(len(v))
			age[a] = tmp
			return 0
	for i := uint32(0); i <= (maxbl / chunk); i++ {
		tb := (i+1)*chunk - 1
		if tb > maxbl {
			tb = maxbl
		cnt := uint64(tb-i*chunk) + 1
		fmt.Printf(" Blocks  %6d ... %6d: %9d records, %5d MB, %18s/%16s BTC.  Per block:%7.1f records,%8d,%15s BTC\n",
			i*chunk, tb, age[i].cnt, age[i].bts>>20, btc.UintToBtc(age[i].val), btc.UintToBtc(age[i].valcb),
			float64(age[i].cnt)/float64(cnt), (age[i].bts / cnt), btc.UintToBtc(age[i].val/cnt))
Пример #3
func show_balance_stats(p string) {
	println("CachedAddrs count:", len(wallet.CachedAddrs))
	println("CacheUnspentIdx count:", len(wallet.CacheUnspentIdx))
	println("CacheUnspent count:", len(wallet.CacheUnspent))
	println("StealthAddrs count:", len(wallet.StealthAdCache))
	println("StealthSecrets:", len(wallet.StealthSecrets))
	if p != "" {
		for i := range wallet.CacheUnspent {
			if len(wallet.CacheUnspent[i].AllUnspentTx) == 0 {
				fmt.Printf("%5d) %s: empty\n", i, wallet.CacheUnspent[i].BtcAddr.String())
			} else {
				var val uint64
				for j := range wallet.CacheUnspent[i].AllUnspentTx {
					val += wallet.CacheUnspent[i].AllUnspentTx[j].Value
				fmt.Printf("%5d) %s: %s BTC in %d\n", i, wallet.CacheUnspent[i].BtcAddr.String(),
					btc.UintToBtc(val), len(wallet.CacheUnspent[i].AllUnspentTx))
Пример #4
// prepare a signed transaction
func make_signed_tx() {
	// Make an empty transaction
	tx := new(btc.Tx)
	tx.Version = 1
	tx.Lock_time = 0

	// Select as many inputs as we need to pay the full amount (with the fee)
	var btcsofar uint64
	for i := range unspentOuts {
		if unspentOuts[i].key == nil {
		uo := getUO(&unspentOuts[i].TxPrevOut)
		// add the input to our transaction:
		tin := new(btc.TxIn)
		tin.Input = unspentOuts[i].TxPrevOut
		tin.Sequence = 0xffffffff
		tx.TxIn = append(tx.TxIn, tin)

		btcsofar += uo.Value
		unspentOuts[i].spent = true
		if !*useallinputs && (btcsofar >= spendBtc+feeBtc) {
	if btcsofar < (spendBtc + feeBtc) {
		fmt.Println("ERROR: You have", btc.UintToBtc(btcsofar), "BTC, but you need",
			btc.UintToBtc(spendBtc+feeBtc), "BTC for the transaction")
	changeBtc = btcsofar - (spendBtc + feeBtc)
	if *verbose {
		fmt.Printf("Spending %d out of %d outputs...\n", len(tx.TxIn), len(unspentOuts))

	// Build transaction outputs:
	for o := range sendTo {
		outs, er := btc.NewSpendOutputs(sendTo[o].addr, sendTo[o].amount, testnet)
		if er != nil {
			fmt.Println("ERROR:", er.Error())
		tx.TxOut = append(tx.TxOut, outs...)

	if changeBtc > 0 {
		// Add one more output (with the change)
		chad := get_change_addr()
		if *verbose {
			fmt.Println("Sending change", changeBtc, "to", chad.String())
		outs, er := btc.NewSpendOutputs(chad, changeBtc, testnet)
		if er != nil {
			fmt.Println("ERROR:", er.Error())
		tx.TxOut = append(tx.TxOut, outs...)

	if *message != "" {
		// Add NULL output with an arbitrary message
		scr := new(bytes.Buffer)
		scr.WriteByte(0x6a) // OP_RETURN
		btc.WritePutLen(scr, uint32(len(*message)))
		tx.TxOut = append(tx.TxOut, &btc.TxOut{Value: 0, Pk_script: scr.Bytes()})

	signed := sign_tx(tx)

	if apply2bal && signed {
Пример #5
func dl_payment(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	if !ipchecker(r) {

	var err string

	if len(r.Form["outcnt"]) == 1 {
		var thisbal chain.AllUnspentTx
		var pay_cmd string
		var totalinput, spentsofar uint64
		var change_addr *btc.BtcAddr
		var multisig_input []*wallet.MultisigAddr

		addrs_to_msign := make(map[string]bool)

		tx := new(btc.Tx)
		tx.Version = 1
		tx.Lock_time = 0

		outcnt, _ := strconv.ParseUint(r.Form["outcnt"][0], 10, 32)

		for i := 1; i <= int(outcnt); i++ {
			is := fmt.Sprint(i)
			if len(r.Form["txout"+is]) == 1 && r.Form["txout"+is][0] == "on" {
				hash := btc.NewUint256FromString(r.Form["txid"+is][0])
				if hash != nil {
					vout, er := strconv.ParseUint(r.Form["txvout"+is][0], 10, 32)
					if er == nil {
						var po = btc.TxPrevOut{Hash: hash.Hash, Vout: uint32(vout)}
						for j := range wallet.MyBalance {
							if wallet.MyBalance[j].TxPrevOut == po {
								thisbal = append(thisbal, wallet.MyBalance[j])

								// Add the input to our tx
								tin := new(btc.TxIn)
								tin.Input = wallet.MyBalance[j].TxPrevOut
								tin.Sequence = 0xffffffff
								tx.TxIn = append(tx.TxIn, tin)

								// Add new multisig address description
								_, msi := wallet.IsMultisig(wallet.MyBalance[j].BtcAddr)
								multisig_input = append(multisig_input, msi)
								if msi != nil {
									for ai := range msi.ListOfAddres {
										addrs_to_msign[msi.ListOfAddres[ai]] = true

								// Add the value to total input value
								totalinput += wallet.MyBalance[j].Value

								// If no change specified, use the first input addr as it
								if change_addr == nil {
									change_addr = wallet.MyBalance[j].BtcAddr

		for i := 1; ; i++ {
			adridx := fmt.Sprint("adr", i)
			btcidx := fmt.Sprint("btc", i)

			if len(r.Form[adridx]) != 1 || len(r.Form[btcidx]) != 1 {

			if len(r.Form[adridx][0]) > 1 {
				addr, er := btc.NewAddrFromString(r.Form[adridx][0])
				if er == nil {
					am, er := btc.StringToSatoshis(r.Form[btcidx][0])
					if er == nil && am > 0 {
						if pay_cmd == "" {
							pay_cmd = "wallet -useallinputs -send "
						} else {
							pay_cmd += ","
						pay_cmd += addr.Enc58str + "=" + btc.UintToBtc(am)

						outs, er := btc.NewSpendOutputs(addr, am, common.CFG.Testnet)
						if er != nil {
							err = er.Error()
							goto error
						tx.TxOut = append(tx.TxOut, outs...)

						spentsofar += am
					} else {
						err = "Incorrect amount (" + r.Form[btcidx][0] + ") for Output #" + fmt.Sprint(i)
						goto error
				} else {
					err = "Incorrect address (" + r.Form[adridx][0] + ") for Output #" + fmt.Sprint(i)
					goto error

		if pay_cmd == "" {
			err = "No inputs selected"
			goto error

		am, er := btc.StringToSatoshis(r.Form["txfee"][0])
		if er != nil {
			err = "Incorrect fee value: " + r.Form["txfee"][0]
			goto error

		pay_cmd += " -fee " + r.Form["txfee"][0]
		spentsofar += am

		if len(r.Form["change"][0]) > 1 {
			addr, er := btc.NewAddrFromString(r.Form["change"][0])
			if er != nil {
				err = "Incorrect change address: " + r.Form["change"][0]
				goto error
			change_addr = addr
		pay_cmd += " -change " + change_addr.String()

		if totalinput > spentsofar {
			// Add change output
			outs, er := btc.NewSpendOutputs(change_addr, totalinput-spentsofar, common.CFG.Testnet)
			if er != nil {
				err = er.Error()
				goto error
			tx.TxOut = append(tx.TxOut, outs...)

		buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
		zi := zip.NewWriter(buf)

		was_tx := make(map[[32]byte]bool, len(thisbal))
		for i := range thisbal {
			if was_tx[thisbal[i].TxPrevOut.Hash] {
			was_tx[thisbal[i].TxPrevOut.Hash] = true
			txid := btc.NewUint256(thisbal[i].TxPrevOut.Hash[:])
			fz, _ := zi.Create("balance/" + txid.String() + ".tx")
			wallet.GetRawTransaction(thisbal[i].MinedAt, txid, fz)

		fz, _ := zi.Create("balance/unspent.txt")
		for i := range thisbal {
			fmt.Fprintln(fz, thisbal[i].UnspentTextLine())

		if len(addrs_to_msign) > 0 {
			// Multisig (or mixed) transaction ...
			for i := range multisig_input {
				if multisig_input[i] == nil {
				d, er := hex.DecodeString(multisig_input[i].RedeemScript)
				if er != nil {
					println("ERROR parsing hex RedeemScript:", er.Error())
				ms, er := btc.NewMultiSigFromP2SH(d)
				if er != nil {
					println("ERROR parsing bin RedeemScript:", er.Error())
				tx.TxIn[i].ScriptSig = ms.Bytes()
			fz, _ = zi.Create("multi_" + common.CFG.PayCommandName)
			fmt.Fprintln(fz, "wallet -raw tx2sign.txt")
			for k, _ := range addrs_to_msign {
				fmt.Fprintln(fz, "wallet -msign", k, "-raw ...")
		} else {
			if pay_cmd != "" {
				fz, _ = zi.Create(common.CFG.PayCommandName)

		// Non-multisig transaction ...
		fz, _ = zi.Create("tx2sign.txt")

		w.Header()["Content-Type"] = []string{"application/zip"}
	} else {
		err = "Bad request"
	s := load_template("send_error.html")
	write_html_head(w, r)
	s = strings.Replace(s, "<!--ERROR_MSG-->", err, 1)
Пример #6
// dump raw transaction
func dump_raw_tx() {
	tx := raw_tx_from_file(*dumptxfn)
	if tx == nil {
		fmt.Println("ERROR: Cannot decode the raw transaction")

	var unsigned, totin, totout, noins uint64

	fmt.Println("ID:", tx.Hash.String())
	fmt.Println("Tx Version:", tx.Version)
	if tx.IsCoinBase() {
		if len(tx.TxIn[0].ScriptSig) >= 4 && tx.TxIn[0].ScriptSig[0] == 3 {
			fmt.Println("Coinbase TX from block height", uint(tx.TxIn[0].ScriptSig[1])|
		} else {
			fmt.Println("Coinbase TX from an unknown block")
		s := hex.EncodeToString(tx.TxIn[0].ScriptSig)
		for len(s) > 0 {
			i := len(s)
			if i > 64 {
				i = 64
			fmt.Println("  ", s[:i])
			s = s[i:]
	} else {
		fmt.Println("TX IN cnt:", len(tx.TxIn))
		for i := range tx.TxIn {
			fmt.Printf("%4d) %s sl=%d seq=%08x\n", i, tx.TxIn[i].Input.String(),
				len(tx.TxIn[i].ScriptSig), tx.TxIn[i].Sequence)

			if intx := tx_from_balance(btc.NewUint256(tx.TxIn[i].Input.Hash[:]), false); intx != nil {
				val := intx.TxOut[tx.TxIn[i].Input.Vout].Value
				totin += val
				fmt.Printf("%15s BTC\n", btc.UintToBtc(val))
			} else {

			if len(tx.TxIn[i].ScriptSig) > 0 {
				if !dump_sigscript(tx.TxIn[i].ScriptSig) {
			} else {
	fmt.Println("TX OUT cnt:", len(tx.TxOut))
	for i := range tx.TxOut {
		totout += tx.TxOut[i].Value
		fmt.Printf("%4d) %20s BTC ", i, btc.UintToBtc(tx.TxOut[i].Value))
		addr := addr_from_pkscr(tx.TxOut[i].Pk_script)
		if addr != nil {
			if addr.Version == ver_script() {
				fmt.Println("to scriptH", addr.String())
			} else {
				fmt.Println("to address", addr.String())
		} else if len(tx.TxOut[i].Pk_script) == 40 && tx.TxOut[i].Pk_script[0] == 0x6a &&
			tx.TxOut[i].Pk_script[1] == 0x26 && tx.TxOut[i].Pk_script[2] == 0x06 {

			sha := sha256.New()

			fmt.Println("Stealth", hex.EncodeToString(sha.Sum(nil)[:4]),
		} else {
			if tx.TxOut[i].Value > 0 {
				fmt.Println("WARNING!!! These coins go to non-standard Pk_script:")
			} else {
				fmt.Println("NULL output to Pk_script:")
			ss, er := btc.ScriptToText(tx.TxOut[i].Pk_script)
			if er == nil {
				for i := range ss {
					fmt.Println("       ", ss[i])
			} else {
	fmt.Println("Lock Time:", tx.Lock_time)

	fmt.Println("Output volume:", btc.UintToBtc(totout), "BTC")
	if noins == 0 {
		fmt.Println("Input volume :", btc.UintToBtc(totin), "BTC")
		fmt.Println("Transact. fee:", btc.UintToBtc(totin-totout), "BTC")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("WARNING: Unable to figure out what the fee is")

	if !tx.IsCoinBase() {
		if unsigned > 0 {
			fmt.Println("WARNING:", unsigned, "out of", len(tx.TxIn), "inputs are not signed or signed only patially")
		} else {
			fmt.Println("All", len(tx.TxIn), "transaction inputs seem to be signed")