Пример #1
//ClientList returns a struct where the clients will be managed.
func ClientList() *clientList {

	cl := clientList{}

	cl.nextId = 0
	cl.list = make([]client, conf.MaxClients()) //The maximum number of clients
	//is determined in the configuration file.
	cl.numClients = 0

	return &cl
Пример #2
//newClient saves a new client into the struct. userAgent is used
//to reduce the possibility of a phishing attack.
func (cl *clientList) newClient(userAgent []string) (uint32, uint32, error) {
	if cl.numClients >= conf.MaxClients() {
		return 0, 0, errors.New("It have reached the maximum number of clients")

	//Search an available position in the clientLst
	var id uint32 = cl.nextId
	var found bool = false
	for !found {
		switch {

		case id >= conf.MaxClients(): //If the 'index' is bigger than
			//the maximum number of clients, it will be reset to zero
			id = 0

		case cl.list[id].occupied: //If the position is not available
			id += 1

		default: //The position is available
			cl.nextId = id + 1 //It prepares nextId to the next time
			found = true


	//Use a random number as key
	var key uint32 = rand.Uint32()

	var cli client = client{key, userAgent, true}

	//Add the client to the list
	cl.list[id] = cli
	cl.numClients += 1

	return id, key, nil
Пример #3
//IsLogged checks if a client is registered. It is true if error is "nil".
func (cl *clientList) isLogged(id uint32, key uint32, userAgent []string) error {

	if id >= conf.MaxClients() {
		return errors.New("Id is not valid")

	client := cl.list[id]

	if !client.occupied { //The position is free
		return errors.New("Client does not exist")

	} else if client.key != key {
		return errors.New("Incorrect key")

	} else if eq := reflect.DeepEqual(userAgent, client.userAgent); !eq {
		return errors.New("UserAgent not equal")

	} else {
		//Client is logged
		return nil
