func gocov_update(ir *gothic.Interpreter) { ir.Eval(` .f2.funcs delete [.f2.funcs children {}] `) ir.EvalAs(&xsourceview, ".f1.sourceview xview") ir.EvalAs(&ysourceview, ".f1.sourceview yview") gocov_test(ir) }
func gocov_test(ir *gothic.Interpreter) { var buf bytes.Buffer cmd := exec.Command("gocov", "test") cmd.Stdout = &buf err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { gocov_test_error(ir, err) return } result := struct{ Packages []*gocov.Package }{} err = json.Unmarshal(buf.Bytes(), &result) if err != nil { gocov_test_error(ir, err) return } sel := "" current = result.Packages for pi, p := range result.Packages { for fi, f := range p.Functions { r := reached(f) n := len(f.Statements) fun := fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", p.Name, f.Name) cov := fmt.Sprintf("%.2f%% (%d/%d)", percentage(r, n), r, n) file := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", p.Name, filepath.Base(f.File)) id := fmt.Sprintf("f_%d_%d", pi, fi) if prevsel != "" && prevsel == fun { sel = id } ir.Eval(`.f2.funcs insert {} end -id `, id, ` -values {`, strconv.Quote(fun), ` `, strconv.Quote(file), ` `, strconv.Quote(cov), `}`) } } dir := filepath.Dir(current[0].Functions[0].File) ir.Set("pathtext", dir) done := 0 total := 0 for _, p := range result.Packages { for _, f := range p.Functions { done += reached(f) total += len(f.Statements) } } ir.Set("covtext", fmt.Sprintf("Overall coverage: %.2f%% (%d/%d)", percentage(done, total), done, total)) if sel == "" { sel = "f_0_0" } ir.Eval(".f2.funcs selection set ", sel) }
func gocov_selection(ir *gothic.Interpreter) { var selection string ir.EvalAs(&selection, ".f2.funcs selection") var pi, fi int _, err := fmt.Sscanf(selection, "f_%d_%d", &pi, &fi) if err != nil { panic(err) } f := current[pi].Functions[fi] prevsel = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", current[pi].Name, f.Name) data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(f.File) if err != nil { panic(err) } ir.Set("source", string(data[f.Start:f.End])) ir.Eval(` .f1.sourceview configure -state normal .f1.sourceview delete 1.0 end .f1.sourceview insert end $source .f1.sourceview configure -state disabled `) for _, s := range f.Statements { if s.Reached != 0 { continue } ls, le := s.Start-f.Start, s.End-f.Start ir.Eval(`.f1.sourceview tag add red {1.0 +`, ls, `chars} {1.0 +`, le, `chars}`) } if xsourceview != "" { ir.Eval(".f1.sourceview xview moveto [lindex {", xsourceview, "} 0]") ir.Eval(".f1.sourceview yview moveto [lindex {", ysourceview, "} 0]") xsourceview = "" ysourceview = "" } }
func applyOp(op string, ir *gothic.Interpreter) { var num string ir.EvalAs(&num, "set calcText") if args[0] == nil { if op != "=" { args[0] = big.NewInt(0) args[0].SetString(num, 10) } } else { args[1] = big.NewInt(0) args[1].SetString(num, 10) } afterOp = true if args[1] == nil { lastOp = op return } switch lastOp { case "+": args[0] = args[0].Add(args[0], args[1]) case "-": args[0] = args[0].Sub(args[0], args[1]) case "/": args[0] = args[0].Div(args[0], args[1]) case "*": args[0] = args[0].Mul(args[0], args[1]) } lastOp = op args[1] = nil ir.Eval("set calcText ", args[0]) if op == "=" { args[0] = nil } }
func proc(ir *gothic.Interpreter, num string) { button := ".b" + num progress := ".p" + num channame := "proc" + num recv := make(chan int) // register channel and enable button ir.RegisterCommand(channame, func(_ string, arg int) { recv <- arg }) ir.Eval(`%{} configure -state normal`, button) for { // wait for an event <-recv // simulate activity ir.Eval(`%{} configure -state disabled -text "In Progress %{}"`, button, num) for i := 0; i <= 100; i += 2 { ir.Eval(`%{%s} configure -value %{}`, progress, i) time.Sleep(5e7) } // reset button state and progress value ir.Eval(`%{} configure -value 0`, progress) ir.Eval(`%{} configure -state normal -text "Start %{}"`, button, num) } }
func gocov_test_error(ir *gothic.Interpreter, err error) { ir.Eval(`tk_messageBox -title "gocov test error" -icon error -message `, strconv.Quote(err.Error())) }
func initGUI(ir *gothic.Interpreter) { ir.UploadImage("bg", loadPNG("background.png")) ir.Eval(`ttk::label .l -image bg`) ir.Eval(`pack .l -expand true`) }