Пример #1
func (cm *ConfigManager) parseFlags() {
	pflag.StringVarP(&cm.Flags.ConfigFile, "configfile", "c", DefaultConfigFile, "Path to config")
	pflag.StringVarP(&cm.Flags.DestHost, "dest-host", "d", "", "Destination syslog hostname or IP")
	pflag.IntVarP(&cm.Flags.DestPort, "dest-port", "p", 0, "Destination syslog port")
	if utils.CanDaemonize {
		pflag.BoolVarP(&cm.Flags.NoDaemonize, "no-detach", "D", false, "Don't daemonize and detach from the terminal")
	} else {
		cm.Flags.NoDaemonize = true
	pflag.StringVarP(&cm.Flags.Facility, "facility", "f", "user", "Facility")
	pflag.StringVar(&cm.Flags.Hostname, "hostname", "", "Local hostname to send from")
	pflag.StringVar(&cm.Flags.PidFile, "pid-file", "", "Location of the PID file")
	// --parse-syslog
	pflag.StringVarP(&cm.Flags.Severity, "severity", "s", "notice", "Severity")
	// --strip-color
	pflag.BoolVar(&cm.Flags.UseTCP, "tcp", false, "Connect via TCP (no TLS)")
	pflag.BoolVar(&cm.Flags.UseTLS, "tls", false, "Connect via TCP with TLS")
	pflag.BoolVar(&cm.Flags.Poll, "poll", false, "Detect changes by polling instead of inotify")
	pflag.Var(&cm.Flags.RefreshInterval, "new-file-check-interval", "How often to check for new files")
	_ = pflag.Bool("no-eventmachine-tail", false, "No action, provided for backwards compatibility")
	_ = pflag.Bool("eventmachine-tail", false, "No action, provided for backwards compatibility")
	pflag.StringVar(&cm.Flags.DebugLogFile, "debug-log-cfg", "", "the debug log file")
	pflag.StringVar(&cm.Flags.LogLevels, "log", "<root>=INFO", "\"logging configuration <root>=INFO;first=TRACE\"")
	cm.FlagFiles = pflag.Args()
Пример #2
func main() {
	// Handle cli flags
	var port uint
	var bridge, logLevel string
	flag.UintVarP(&port, "port", "p", 40001, "listen port")
	flag.StringVarP(&bridge, "bridge", "b", "mistify0", "bridge to join interfaces to with OVS")
	flag.StringVarP(&logLevel, "log-level", "l", "warning", "log level: debug/info/warning/error/fatal")

	// Set up logging
	if err := logx.DefaultSetup(logLevel); err != nil {
			"error": err,
			"func":  "logx.DefaultSetup",
		}).Fatal("Could not set up logging")

	o, err := ovs.NewOVS(bridge)
	if err != nil {
	// Run HTTP Server
	if err := o.RunHTTP(port); err != nil {
Пример #3
func main() {
	var port uint
	var etcdAddr, logLevel string

	flag.UintVarP(&port, "port", "p", 19000, "listen port")
	flag.StringVarP(&etcdAddr, "etcd", "e", defaultEtcdAddr, "address of etcd machine")
	flag.StringVarP(&logLevel, "log-level", "l", "warn", "log level")

	if err := logx.DefaultSetup(logLevel); err != nil {
			"error": err,
			"level": logLevel,
		}).Fatal("failed to set up logging")

	etcdClient := etcd.NewClient([]string{etcdAddr})

	if !etcdClient.SyncCluster() {
			"addr": etcdAddr,
		}).Fatal("unable to sync etcd cluster")

	ctx := lochness.NewContext(etcdClient)

	_ = Run(port, ctx)
Пример #4
func init() {
	flag.Usage = printUsage

	// set the defaults
	defaultSSL = true
	defaultPort = 38332
	defaultAddress = "localhost"

	defaultConfigPath := computeDefaultConfigPath()

	flag.StringVarP(&flagConfigPath, "config", "c", defaultConfigPath, "config file path")
	flag.StringVarP(&flagUsername, "rpcuser", "u", "", "rpc user name")
	flag.StringVarP(&flagPassword, "rpcpassword", "p", "", "rpc password")
	flag.BoolVar(&flagSSL, "ssl", defaultSSL, "use secure sockets SSL")
	flag.IntVarP(&flagPort, "port", "n", defaultPort, "port number")
	flag.StringVarP(&flagAddress, "host", "a", defaultAddress, "server address")

	flag.BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "verbose output for debugging")
	// k , ignore server certificate errors (not recommended, only for testing self-signed certificates")

	flag.BoolVar(&flagHelp, "help", false, "Display this information")
	flag.BoolVar(&flagVersion, "version", false, "Display version information")
	flag.BoolVarP(&flagInsecure, "insecure", "k", false, "Allow connections to servers with 'insecure' SSL connections e.g. self-signed certificates. By default, this option is false, unless the server is localhost or an explicit IP address, in which case the option is true.")


	flagSetMap = make(map[string]bool)
Пример #5
func init() {
	flag.StringVarP(&flagPlatform, "platform", "p", "linux",
		"the platform to build for")
	flag.StringVarP(&flagArch, "arch", "a", "amd64",
		"the architecture to build for")
	flag.StringVar(&flagBuildDir, "build-dir", "/tmp/sbuild",
		"the directory to use as a build directory")
	flag.BoolVarP(&flagVerbose, "verbose", "v", false, "be verbose")
Пример #6
func main() {
	var port uint
	var etcdAddr, bstalk, logLevel string

	// Command line flags
	flag.StringVarP(&bstalk, "beanstalk", "b", "", "address of beanstalkd server")
	flag.StringVarP(&logLevel, "log-level", "l", "warn", "log level")
	flag.StringVarP(&etcdAddr, "etcd", "e", "", "address of etcd server")
	flag.UintVarP(&port, "http", "p", 7544, "http port to publish metrics. set to 0 to disable")

	// Set up logger
	if err := logx.DefaultSetup(logLevel); err != nil {
			"error": err,
			"level": logLevel,
		}).Fatal("unable to to set up logrus")

	etcdClient := etcd.NewClient([]string{etcdAddr})

	if !etcdClient.SyncCluster() {
			"addr": etcdAddr,
		}).Fatal("unable to sync etcd cluster")

	ctx := lochness.NewContext(etcdClient)

	log.WithField("address", bstalk).Info("connection to beanstalk")
	jobQueue, err := jobqueue.NewClient(bstalk, etcdClient)
	if err != nil {
			"error":   err,
			"address": bstalk,
		}).Fatal("failed to create jobQueue client")

	// Set up metrics
	m := setupMetrics(port)
	if m != nil {

	agent := ctx.NewMistifyAgent()

	// Start consuming
	consume(jobQueue, agent, m)
Пример #7
// Start the game and then, based on command line input, start up client
// interface listeners. Finally, wait for ^C before exiting.
func main() {
	var local, serve bool
	var endpoint string
	pflag.BoolVarP(&local, "local", "l", true, "run a local interactive REPL")
	pflag.BoolVarP(&serve, "serve", "s", false, "run a networked multiuser server")
	pflag.StringVarP(&endpoint, "endpoint", "e", ":4000", "where to run the networked server")

	done, events, spellbook := StartGame()

	if serve {
		go ListenTCP(endpoint, events, spellbook)
	if local {
		go ListenLocal(events, spellbook)

	interrupt := make(chan os.Signal)
	signal.Notify(interrupt, os.Interrupt)

	quitting := false
	for !quitting {
		select {
		case <-interrupt:
			events <- &ShutdownEvent{}
		case err := <-done:
			log.Print("main() stopping: ", err)
			quitting = true
Пример #8
func main() {
	var widthstr string
	flag.StringVarP(&widthstr, "width", "w", "100%",
		"Output width. Supports column count, percentage and decimals.")
	flag.Usage = usage

	if len(flag.Args()) == 0 {

	width := getColumns(widthstr) - 1 // -1 for the reset column
	for _, fpath := range flag.Args() {
		im := aimg.NewImage(width)

		if terminal.IsTerminal(os.Stdout) {

		w, h := im.ActualSize()
		fmt.Println("File:", filepath.Base(fpath), "size:", w, "x", h)
Пример #9
func parseArgs() args {
	result := args{}
	pflag.Usage = usage
	pflag.BoolVarP(&result.options.KeepGoing, "keep-going", "k", false, "")
	pflag.BoolVar(&result.options.CheckAll, "check-all", false, "")
	pflag.StringVarP(&result.scriptFile, "file", "f", "", "")
	verbose := pflag.BoolP("verbose", "v", false, "")
	quiet := pflag.BoolP("quiet", "q", false, "")
	topics := pflag.String("debug", "", "")
	if *topics != "" {
		result.debugTopics = strings.Split(*topics, ",")

	// argh: really, we just want a callback for each occurence of -q
	// or -v, which decrements or increments verbosity
	if *quiet {
		result.verbosity = 0
	} else if *verbose {
		result.verbosity = 2
	} else {
		result.verbosity = 1

	result.options.Targets = pflag.Args()
	return result
Пример #10
func Go() {
	smtpAddr := "localhost:1025"

	goflag := false
	for _, g := range os.Args[1:] {
		if strings.HasPrefix(g, "-") && !strings.HasPrefix(g, "--") {
			if strings.HasPrefix(g, "-from ") || strings.HasPrefix(g, "-from=") ||
				strings.HasPrefix(g, "-smtp-addr ") || strings.HasPrefix(g, "-smtp-addr=") {
				goflag = true

	host, err := os.Hostname()
	if err != nil {
		host = "localhost"

	username := "******"
	user, err := user.Current()
	if err == nil && user != nil && len(user.Username) > 0 {
		username = user.Username

	fromAddr := username + "@" + host
	var recip []string

	if goflag {
		flag.StringVar(&smtpAddr, "smtp-addr", smtpAddr, "SMTP server address")
		flag.StringVar(&fromAddr, "from", fromAddr, "SMTP sender")

		recip = flag.Args()
	} else {
		pflag.StringVar(&smtpAddr, "smtp-addr", smtpAddr, "SMTP server address")
		pflag.StringVarP(&fromAddr, "from", "f", fromAddr, "SMTP sender")

		recip = pflag.Args()

	if len(recip) == 0 {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "missing recipient")

	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error reading stdin")

	err = smtp.SendMail(smtpAddr, nil, fromAddr, recip, body)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error sending mail")

Пример #11
func main() {
	path := ""
	pflag.StringVarP(&path, "tsconfig", "t", "tsconfig.json", "your tsconfig.json path")

	if err := Update(path, pflag.Args()); err != nil {
Пример #12
func init() {
	flag.BoolVar(&flagListProtocols, "list-protocols", false,
		"list all registered protocols and then exit")
	flag.BoolVar(&flagUseTransparent, "transparent", false,
		"use transparent proxying (only available on Linux)")
	flag.Uint16VarP(&flagListenPort, "port", "p", 0,
		"port to listen on")
	flag.StringVarP(&flagListenHost, "host", "h", "",
		"host to listen on")
Пример #13
func init() {
	flag.BoolVarP(&Version, "version", "v", false,
		"Output the current version of the application.")

	flag.StringVarP(&WorkingDir, "working-dir", "w", "./",
		"The directory where all the other directories reside. This "+
			"will be prepended to the rest of the configurable directories.")

	flag.StringVarP(&OutputDir, "output-dir", "o", "public",
		"The directory where the results should be placed.")

	flag.BoolVarP(&EmptyOutputDir, "empty-output-dir", "x", false,
		"Before writing to the output-dir, delete anything inside of it.")

	flag.StringVarP(&TemplateDir, "template-dir", "t", "templates",
		"The directory where the site templates are located.")

	flag.StringVarP(&BlogDir, "blog-dir", "b", "blogs",
		"The directory where the blogs are located.")

	flag.StringVarP(&StaticDir, "static-dir", "s", "static",
		"The directory where the static assets are located.")

	flag.StringVarP(&URL, "url", "u", "",
		"The url to be prepended to link in the RSS feed. Defaults to "+
			"the value in the channel <link>.")

	flag.IntVarP(&MaxIndexEntries, "index-entries", "i", 3,
		"The maximum number of entries to display on the index page.")

Пример #14
func init() {
	flag.BoolVarP(&flagVerbose, "verbose", "v", false, "be more verbose")
	flag.BoolVarP(&flagQuiet, "quiet", "q", false, "be quiet")
	flag.BoolVarP(&flagTrace, "trace", "t", false, "trace bytes copied")

	flag.StringVarP(&flagHost, "host", "h", "", "host to listen on")
	flag.Uint16VarP(&flagPort, "port", "p", 8000, "port to listen on")
	flag.VarP(&flagAllowedSourceIPs, "source-ips", "s",
		"valid source IP addresses (if none given, all allowed)")
	flag.VarP(&flagAllowedDestinationIPs, "dest-ips", "d",
		"valid destination IP addresses (if none given, all allowed)")

	flag.StringVar(&flagRemoteListener, "remote-listener", "",
		"open the SOCKS port on the remote address (e.g. ssh://user:pass@host:port)")
Пример #15
func init() {
	pflag.DurationVar(&config.TickerTime, "ticker-time", 60*time.Second, "Ticker time.")
	pflag.DurationVar(&config.DeleteTime, "delete-time", 60*time.Minute, "Time before deleting undesired units.")
	pflag.DurationVar(&config.UpdateCooldownTime, "update-cooldown-time", 15*time.Minute, "Time between updates of changed units.")

	pflag.StringVar(&config.MachineTag, "machine-tag", "", "The machine-tag to filter for.")
	pflag.StringVar(&config.UnitTemplate, "unit-template", "", "The template to render for new units. Prefix with @ to load from a file.")
	pflag.StringVar(&config.UnitPrefix, "unit-prefix", "", "The prefix for the units to identify.")

	pflag.StringVar(&glogFlags.logToStderr, "logtostderr", "true", "log to standard error instead of files")
	pflag.StringVar(&glogFlags.alsoLogToStderr, "alsologtostderr", "false", "log to standard error as well as files")
	pflag.StringVarP(&glogFlags.verbosity, "verbose", "v", "1", "log level for V logs")
	pflag.StringVar(&glogFlags.vmodule, "vmodule", "", "comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging")
	pflag.StringVar(&glogFlags.logBacktraceAt, "log_backtrace_at", "", "when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace")
Пример #16
// Initial setup when the program starts.
func setup() {
	// ensure that zpool/zfs commands do not use localized messages:
	os.Setenv("LC_ALL", "C")

	// command line flags:
	pflag.StringVarP(&cfgFile, "conf", "c", CFGFILE, "configuration file path")
	pflag.BoolVarP(&optDebug, "debug", "d", false, "print debug information to stdout")
	optHashPassword := pflag.BoolP("passwordhash", "P", false, "hash web password")
	optTest := pflag.BoolP("test", "t", false, "test configuration and exit")
	optVersion := pflag.BoolP("version", "v", false, "print version information and exit")


	if pflag.NArg() > 0 {
	if *optVersion {
	if *optHashPassword {

	// initialize logging & notification:

	if *optTest {
		optDebug = true

	cfg = getCfg()
	if cfg == nil {
	notify = setupLog(cfg)

	if *optTest {
		notifyCloseC := notify.Close()
		select { // wait max 1 second for loggers to finish
		case <-notifyCloseC:
		case <-time.After(time.Second):
Пример #17
func main() {
	var err error
	var cp string
	var initial bool
	var conferr error

	flag.StringVarP(&cp, "conf", "c", "conf.yml", "Local path to configuration file.")
	flag.BoolVarP(&initial, "initial", "i", false, "Run the initial setup of the server.")

	conferr = conf.Load(cp)
	if conferr != nil || initial {
	if err = utils.EnsureDir(conf.C.UploadDir); err != nil {
	if db, err = gorm.Open("sqlite3", conf.C.DB); err != nil {

	go monitoring.Monit(&db)

	log.Printf("[INFO][System]\tStarted goploader server on port %d\n", conf.C.Port)
	if !conf.C.Debug {
	// Default router
	r := gin.Default()
	// Templates and static files
	r.Static("/static", "./assets")
	r.Static("/favicon.ico", "./assets/favicon.ico")
	// Routes
	r.GET("/", index)
	r.POST("/", create)
	r.GET("/v/:uniuri/:key", view)
	// Run
	r.Run(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", conf.C.Port))
Пример #18
func main() {
	var err error
	var cp string
	var initial bool
	var r *gin.Engine

	tbox, _ := rice.FindBox("templates")
	abox, _ := rice.FindBox("assets")

	flag.StringVarP(&cp, "conf", "c", "conf.yml", "Local path to configuration file.")
	flag.BoolVarP(&initial, "initial", "i", false, "Run the initial setup of the server.")

	if err = conf.Load(cp, !initial); err != nil || initial {
	if err = database.Initialize(); err != nil {
	defer database.DB.Close()
	if err = models.Initialize(); err != nil {
	go monitoring.Monit()
	if r, err = router.Setup(tbox, abox); err != nil {

	logger.Info("server", "Started goploader server on port", conf.C.Port)
	if conf.C.ServeHTTPS {
		if err = http.ListenAndServeTLS(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", conf.C.Port), conf.C.SSLCert, conf.C.SSLPrivKey, r); err != nil {
			logger.Err("server", "Fatal error", err)
	} else {
		if err = r.Run(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", conf.C.Port)); err != nil {
			logger.Err("server", "Fatal error", err)
Пример #19
func main() {
	d := deferer.NewDeferer(nil)
	defer d.Run()

	id := rand.Int()
	if ID := os.Getenv("ID"); ID != "" {
		fmt.Sscanf(ID, "%d", &id)

	params := params{ID: id}
	flag.Uint64VarP(&params.Interval, "interval", "i", 30, "Interval in seconds to refresh lock")
	flag.Uint64VarP(&params.TTL, "ttl", "t", 0, "TTL for key in seconds, leave 0 for (2 * interval)")
	flag.StringVarP(&params.Key, "key", "k", "/lock", "Key to use as lock")
	flag.BoolVarP(&params.Blocking, "block", "b", false, "Block if we failed to acquire the lock")
	flag.StringVarP(&params.Addr, "etcd", "e", defaultAddr, "address of etcd machine")
	flag.Usage = func() {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage of %s: [options] -- command args\n", os.Args[0])
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\ncommand will be run with args via fork/exec not a shell\n")

	if params.TTL == 0 {
		params.TTL = params.Interval * 2

	params.Args = flag.Args()
	if len(params.Args) < 1 {
		d.Fatal("command is required")
	cmd := resolveCommand(params.Args[0])
	if cmd == "" {
	params.Args[0] = cmd

	hostname, err := os.Hostname()
	if err != nil {
			"error": err,
			"func":  "os.Hostname",
		}, "failed to get hostname")

	c := etcd.NewClient([]string{params.Addr})
	l, err := lock.Acquire(c, params.Key, hostname, params.TTL, params.Blocking)
	if err != nil {
			"error":    err,
			"func":     "lock.Acquire",
			"lock":     params.Key,
			"ttl":      params.TTL,
			"blocking": params.Blocking,
		}, "failed to get lock")

	d.Defer(func() {
		if err := l.Release(); err != nil {
				"error": err,
				"func":  "l.Release",
			}, "failed to release lock")
	params.Lock = l

	args, err := json.Marshal(&params)
	if err != nil {
			"error": err,
			"func":  "json.Marshal",
		}, "failed to serialize params")

	serviceDone := make(chan struct{})
	base := filepath.Base(params.Args[0])
	target := fmt.Sprintf("locker-%s-%d.service", base, id)
	locker := resolveCommand("locker")
	if locker == "" {
	go runService(d, serviceDone, params.ID, params.TTL, target, locker, base, string(args))

	sigs := make(chan os.Signal)
	signal.Notify(sigs, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)

	select {
	case <-serviceDone:
		log.WithField("service_state", "done").Info("service is done")
	case s := <-sigs:
		log.WithField("signal", s).Info("signal received")
		if err := killService(target, int32(s.(syscall.Signal))); err != nil {
			log.WithField("error", err).Info("failed to kill service")
Пример #20
func main() {
	// environment can only override default address
	eaddr := os.Getenv("NCONFIGD_ETCD_ADDRESS")
	if eaddr == "" {
		eaddr = eaddress

	logLevel := flag.StringP("log-level", "l", "warn", "log level")
	flag.StringVarP(&ansibleDir, "ansible", "a", ansibleDir, "directory containing the ansible run command")
	flag.StringP("etcd", "e", eaddress, "address of etcd server")
	configPath := flag.StringP("config", "c", "", "path to config file with prefixs")
	once := flag.BoolP("once", "o", false, "run only once and then exit")
	flag.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) {
		if f.Name == "etcd" {
			eaddr = f.Value.String()

	// Set up logging
	if err := logx.DefaultSetup(*logLevel); err != nil {
			"error": err,
			"func":  "logx.DefaultSetup",
			"level": *logLevel,
		}).Fatal("failed to set up logging")

	// Load config containing prefixs to watch
	config, err := loadConfig(*configPath)
	if err != nil {
			"error":      err,
			"configPath": *configPath,
		}).Fatal("failed to load config")

	log.WithField("config", config).Info("config loaded")

	// set up etcd connection
	log.WithField("address", eaddr).Info("connection to etcd")
	etcdClient := etcd.NewClient([]string{eaddr})
	// make sure we can actually connect to etcd
	if !etcdClient.SyncCluster() {
			"error":   err,
			"address": eaddr,
		}).Fatal("failed to connect to etcd cluster")

	// always run initially
	runAnsible(config, eaddr, "")
	if *once {

	// set up watcher
	w := watchKeys(config, etcdClient)

	// to coordinate clean exiting between the consumer and the signal handler
	ready := make(chan struct{}, 1)
	ready <- struct{}{}

	// handle events
	go consumeResponses(config, eaddr, w, ready)

	// handle signals for clean shutdown
	sigs := make(chan os.Signal)
	signal.Notify(sigs, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)

	s := <-sigs
	log.WithField("signal", s).Info("signal received. waiting for current task to process")
	// wait until any current processing is finished
	_ = w.Close()
Пример #21
func main() {
	conf := &Conf{}

	flag.StringVarP(&conf.ClientID, "client-id", "i", "", "OAuth client ID")
	flag.StringVarP(&conf.ClientSecret, "client-secret", "s", "", "OAuth client secret")
	flag.StringVarP(&conf.Port, "port", "p", "8080", "Port to listen on")

	if conf.ClientID == "" || conf.ClientSecret == "" {
		fmt.Printf("usage: procure --client-id <id> --client-secret <id>\n")

	respChan := make(chan *CallbackResponse)

	http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		w.Write([]byte("See console.\n"))

		err := r.ParseForm()
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Could not parse incoming form\n")

		response := &CallbackResponse{
			code:  r.Form.Get("code"),
			state: r.Form.Get("state"),

		if response.code == "" {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Server did not provide 'code' parameter\n")

		if response.state == "" {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Server did not provide 'state' parameter\n")

		respChan <- response

	go func() {
		fmt.Printf("Listening for callback on :%v\n", conf.Port)
		err := http.ListenAndServe("localhost:"+conf.Port, nil)
		if err != nil {

	spotifyEndpoint := oauth2.Endpoint{
		AuthURL:  "https://accounts.spotify.com/authorize",
		TokenURL: "https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token",

	oauthConf := &oauth2.Config{
		ClientID:     conf.ClientID,
		ClientSecret: conf.ClientSecret,
		RedirectURL:  "http://localhost:" + conf.Port,
		Scopes:       []string{"playlist-modify-public", "user-read-email"},
		Endpoint:     spotifyEndpoint,

	// should use a real state here
	url := oauthConf.AuthCodeURL("state")
	fmt.Printf("Visit the URL for the auth dialog: %v\n", url)

	response := <-respChan
	// should validate state here

	token, err := oauthConf.Exchange(oauth2.NoContext, response.code)
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Printf("Access token: %v\n", token.AccessToken)
	fmt.Printf("Refresh token: %v\n", token.RefreshToken)
	fmt.Printf("Access token expires in: %v\n", token.Expiry.Sub(time.Now()))
Пример #22
Файл: main.go Проект: ppg/rosgo
func main() {

	flag.StringVarP(&infile, "in", "i", "", "input file")
	flag.StringVarP(&outfile, "out", "o", "", "output file; defaults to '<input file>.go'")
	flag.StringVarP(&packageName, "package", "p", "", "package name for generated file; defaults to 'msgs' or 'srvs'")
	flag.BoolVar(&dryRun, "dry-run", false, "output the file that would be generated to stdout")

	if flag.NArg() < 1 {
		log.Printf("must provide type of generator")
	templateType := flag.Arg(0)
	if packageName == "" {
		packageName = templateType + "s"

	basename := fmt.Sprintf("%s.tmpl", templateType)
	data, err := Asset(basename)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("unrecognized generator template: %s (%s)", templateType, err)
	tmpl := template.New(basename)
	tmpl = tmpl.Funcs(map[string]interface{}{
		// HACK(ppg): Allow setting a loop variable a struct so we can use it
		"setloopvar": func(setter loopVarSetter, value interface{}) interface{} {
			return setter
	tmpl, err = tmpl.Parse(string(data))
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("unable to template %s: %s", templateType, err)

	data, err = Asset("msg.partial.tmpl")
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("unrecognized generator template: %s (%s)", templateType, err)
	tmpl2 := tmpl.New("msg.partial.tmpl")
	_, err = tmpl2.Parse(string(data))
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("unable to template %s: %s", templateType, err)

	if flag.NArg() > 1 {
		log.Printf("unrecognized arguments: %v", flag.Args()[1:])

	if infile == "" {
		log.Printf("must provide input file")
	if outfile == "" {
		outfile = infile + ".go"

	// Read input file
	data, err = ioutil.ReadFile(infile)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to read infile %s: %s", infile, err)
	basename = filepath.Base(infile)
	fileInfo := FileInfo{
		InFile:      infile,
		InFileBase:  filepath.Base(infile),
		Raw:         string(data),
		MD5Sum:      fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum(data)),
		PackageName: packageName,
		Name:        strings.TrimSuffix(basename, filepath.Ext(basename)),

	// Parse by type
	var spec interface{}
	switch templateType {
	case "msg":
		var msgSpec *MsgSpec
		msgSpec, err = parseMsgSpec(fileInfo.PackageName, fileInfo.Name, data)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to parse %s spec: %s", templateType, err)
		spec = msgSpec

	case "srv":
		var srvSpec *SrvSpec
		srvSpec, err = parseSrvSpec(fileInfo.PackageName, fileInfo.Name, data)
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("failed to parse %s spec: %s", templateType, err)
		spec = srvSpec

		log.Fatalf("no parser configured: %s", templateType)

	buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{})
	err = tmpl.Execute(buf, map[string]interface{}{"FileInfo": fileInfo, "Spec": spec})
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to generate Go file: %s", err)

	fset := token.NewFileSet()
	ast, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "", buf.Bytes(), parser.ParseComments)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("bad Go source code was generated: %s\n%s", err, buf.String())
	err = (&printer.Config{Mode: printer.TabIndent | printer.UseSpaces, Tabwidth: 8}).Fprint(buf, fset, ast)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("generated Go source code could not be reformatted: %s", err)

	if dryRun {

	err = ioutil.WriteFile(outfile, buf.Bytes(), 0644)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("failed to write go file: %s", err)
	log.Printf("Wrote %s from %s", outfile, infile)
Пример #23
func main() {
	output := ""
	mimetype := ""
	filetype := ""
	match := ""
	siteurl := ""

	htmlMinifier := &html.Minifier{}
	xmlMinifier := &xml.Minifier{}

	flag.Usage = func() {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s [options] [input]\n\nOptions:\n", os.Args[0])
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nInput:\n  Files or directories, leave blank to use stdin\n")
	flag.StringVarP(&output, "output", "o", "", "Output file or directory, leave blank to use stdout")
	flag.StringVar(&mimetype, "mime", "", "Mimetype (text/css, application/javascript, ...), optional for input filenames, has precendence over -type")
	flag.StringVar(&filetype, "type", "", "Filetype (css, html, js, ...), optional for input filenames")
	flag.StringVar(&match, "match", "", "Filename pattern matching using regular expressions, see https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax")
	flag.BoolVarP(&recursive, "recursive", "r", false, "Recursively minify directories")
	flag.BoolVarP(&hidden, "all", "a", false, "Minify all files, including hidden files and files in hidden directories")
	flag.BoolVarP(&list, "list", "l", false, "List all accepted filetypes")
	flag.BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "Verbose")
	flag.BoolVarP(&watch, "watch", "w", false, "Watch files and minify upon changes")
	flag.BoolVarP(&update, "update", "u", false, "Update binary")

	flag.StringVar(&siteurl, "url", "", "URL of file to enable URL minification")
	flag.BoolVar(&htmlMinifier.KeepDefaultAttrVals, "html-keep-default-attrvals", false, "Preserve default attribute values")
	flag.BoolVar(&htmlMinifier.KeepWhitespace, "html-keep-whitespace", false, "Preserve whitespace characters but still collapse multiple whitespace into one")
	flag.BoolVar(&xmlMinifier.KeepWhitespace, "xml-keep-whitespace", false, "Preserve whitespace characters but still collapse multiple whitespace into one")
	rawInputs := flag.Args()

	Error = log.New(os.Stderr, "ERROR: ", 0)
	if verbose {
		Info = log.New(os.Stderr, "INFO: ", 0)
	} else {
		Info = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "INFO: ", 0)

	if update {
		if err := equinoxUpdate(); err != nil {

	if list {
		var keys []string
		for k := range filetypeMime {
			keys = append(keys, k)
		for _, k := range keys {
			fmt.Println(k + "\t" + filetypeMime[k])

	usePipe := len(rawInputs) == 0
	mimetype = getMimetype(mimetype, filetype, usePipe)

	var err error
	if match != "" {
		pattern, err = regexp.Compile(match)
		if err != nil {

	tasks, dirDst, ok := expandInputs(rawInputs)
	if !ok {

	if output != "" {
		output = sanitizePath(output)
		if dirDst {
			if output[len(output)-1] != '/' {
				output += "/"
			if err := os.MkdirAll(output, 0777); err != nil {

	if ok = expandOutputs(output, usePipe, &tasks); !ok {

	m = min.New()
	m.AddFunc("text/css", css.Minify)
	m.Add("text/html", htmlMinifier)
	m.AddFunc("text/javascript", js.Minify)
	m.AddFunc("image/svg+xml", svg.Minify)
	m.AddFuncRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("[/+]json$"), json.Minify)
	m.AddRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("[/+]xml$"), xmlMinifier)

	if m.URL, err = url.Parse(siteurl); err != nil {

	var watcher *RecursiveWatcher
	if watch {
		if usePipe || output == "" {
			Error.Fatalln("watch only works with files that do not overwrite themselves")
		} else if len(rawInputs) > 1 {
			Error.Fatalln("watch only works with one input directory")

		input := sanitizePath(rawInputs[0])
		info, err := os.Stat(input)
		if err != nil || !info.Mode().IsDir() {
			Error.Fatalln("watch only works with an input directory")

		watcher, err = NewRecursiveWatcher(input, recursive)
		if err != nil {
		defer watcher.Close()

	start := time.Now()

	var fails int32
	if verbose {
		for _, t := range tasks {
			if ok := minify(mimetype, t); !ok {
	} else {
		var wg sync.WaitGroup
		for _, t := range tasks {
			go func(t task) {
				defer wg.Done()
				if ok := minify(mimetype, t); !ok {
					atomic.AddInt32(&fails, 1)

	if watch {
		c := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
		signal.Notify(c, os.Interrupt)

		input := sanitizePath(rawInputs[0])
		files := watcher.Run()
		for files != nil {
			select {
			case <-c:
			case file, ok := <-files:
				if !ok {
					files = nil
				file = sanitizePath(file)
				if strings.HasPrefix(file, input) {
					t := task{src: file, srcDir: input}
					if t.dst, err = getOutputFilename(output, t); err != nil {
					if !verbose {
						fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, file, "changed")
					if ok := minify(mimetype, t); !ok {

	if verbose {
		Info.Println(time.Since(start), "total")

	if fails > 0 {
Пример #24
func init() {
	flag.Usage = func() {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "nrcq(8)             System Administration Utilities            nrcq(8)\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "NAME\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  nrcq - NagRestConf Query utility\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "SYNOPSIS\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  nrcq [options] URL ENDPOINT\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "DESCRIPTION\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "EXAMPLES\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  Show all valid endpoints:\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "    nrcq -L\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  List all nagios options for the servicesets table:\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "    nrcq -l servicesets\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  Show all hosts:\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "    nrcq http://server/rest show/hosts\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  Show a subset of hosts using a simple RE2 regular expression:\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "    nrcq http://server/rest show/hosts")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " -f \"name:host2\"\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  Show a subset of services using a complex RE2 regular expression:\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  (See https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax)\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "    nrcq http://server/rest show/services")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " -f \"name:\\bhost2\\b|web,svcdesc:(?i)swap\"\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  Add a new host:\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "    nrcq http://server/rest add/hosts \\\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "      -d name:server1 \\\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "      -d alias:server1 \\\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "      -d ipaddress:server1.there.gq \\\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "      -d template:hsttmpl-local \\\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "      -d servicesets:example-lin\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "  Delete a host and all of its services:\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "    nrcq http://server/rest delete/services \\\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "      -d name:server1 \\\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "      -d \"svcdesc:.*\"\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "    nrcq http://server/rest delete/hosts \\\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "      -d name:server1 \\\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\n")

	flag.StringVarP(&Args.folder, "folder", "F", "local",
		"The system folder to query.")
	flag.StringVarP(&Args.filter, "filter", "f", "",
		"A client side RE2 regex filter, 'option:regex[,option:regex]...'")
	flag.BoolVarP(&Args.version, "version", "v", false,
		"Show the version of this program.")
	flag.BoolVarP(&Args.newline, "pack", "p", false,
		"Remove spaces and lines from the Json output.")
	flag.BoolVarP(&Args.brief, "complete", "c", false,
		"Also show fields with empty values.")
	// Done automatically now:
	//flag.BoolVarP(&Args.encode, "encode", "e", false,
	//	"URL Encode output where necessary so it can be piped to another tool.")
	flag.BoolVarP(&Args.listendpoints, "listendpoints", "L", false,
		"List all endpoints/tables.")
	flag.StringVarP(&Args.username, "username", "U", "",
		"Username for Basic Auth.")
	flag.StringVarP(&Args.password, "password", "P", "",
		"Password for Basic Auth.")
	flag.StringVarP(&Args.list, "list", "l", "",
		"List all options for the specified table. Required fields are\n\t preceded by a star, '*'.")
	flag.BoolVarP(&Args.json, "json", "j", false,
		"Output in JSON format.")
	flag.VarP(&dataFlag, "data", "d",
		"Set extra data to send, 'option:value'.\n\tThe user should not urlencode data, nrcq will do it.\n\tMay be used multiple times.")
Пример #25
 * Queries the given table name and copies the column values to either an INSERT statement or
 * an UPDATE statement.
 * Example: pgcp -U myuser -d mydb INSERT t_user "WHERE user_id < 4"
func main() {

	var outputFileName string
	flag.StringVarP(&outputFileName, "output-file", "o", "", "Sends output to a file")

	dbInfo := pgutil.DbInfo{}
	verFlag, helpFlag := dbInfo.Populate()

	if verFlag {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s version %s\n", os.Args[0], version)
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Copyright (c) 2015 Jon Carlson.  All rights reserved.")
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license")
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "that can be found here: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT")

	if helpFlag {

	// Remaining args:
	args := flag.Args()
	if len(args) < 2 {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Missing some arguments")

	// genType
	genType := strings.ToUpper(args[0])
	if genType != "INSERT" && genType != "UPDATE" {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Invalid generation type: %s.  Requires either INSERT or UPDATE\n", genType)

	if len(outputFileName) > 0 {
		var err error
		out, err = os.Create(outputFileName)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Cannot open file: %s. \n", outputFileName)
			fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)

	// tableName
	tableName := args[1]

	// idColumn (UPDATE only) and whereClause
	whereClause := ""
	idCol := ""
	if genType == "INSERT" {
		if len(args) > 2 {
			whereClause = args[2]
	} else {
		if len(args) < 3 {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "UPDATE requires an idColumn.")
		idCol = args[2]
		if len(args) > 3 {
			whereClause = args[3]

	if len(whereClause) == 0 {
		// Make sure user intended there to be no where clause
		if !misc.PromptYesNo("Did you intend to have no where clause?", true) {

	db, err := dbInfo.Open()
	check("opening database", err)

	query := "SELECT * FROM " + tableName + " " + whereClause
	printf("-- Creating %s(s) from query: %s\n", genType, query)
	rowChan, columnNames := querySqlValues(db, query)

	for row := range rowChan {
		if genType == "INSERT" {
			generateInsert(tableName, row, columnNames)
		} else {
			generateUpdate(tableName, row, idCol)
Пример #26
func main() {
	eaddr := "http://localhost:4001"
	hn := ""
	rules := "/etc/nftables.conf"
	flag.StringVarP(&eaddr, "etcd", "e", eaddr, "etcd cluster address")
	flag.StringVarP(&hn, "id", "i", hn, "hypervisor id")
	flag.StringVarP(&rules, "file", "f", rules, "nft configuration file")

	rules = canonicalizeRules(rules)

	e := etcd.NewClient([]string{eaddr})
	c := ln.NewContext(e)
	hv := getHV(hn, e, c)

	watcher, err := watcher.New(e)
	if err != nil {
			"error": err,
			"func":  "watcher.New",
		}).Fatal("failed to start watcher")

	if err = watcher.Add("/lochness/guests"); err != nil {
			"error":  err,
			"func":   "watcher.Add",
			"prefix": "/lochness/guests",
		}).Fatal("failed to add prefix to watch list")

	if err := watcher.Add("/lochness/fwgroups"); err != nil {
			"error":  err,
			"func":   "watcher.Add",
			"prefix": "/lochness/fwgroups",
		}).Fatal("failed to add prefix to watch list")

	// load rules at startup
	td, err := genRules(hv, c)
	if err != nil {
		log.WithField("error", err).Fatal("could not load intial rules")
	if err := applyRules(rules, td); err != nil {
		log.WithField("error", err).Fatal("could not apply intial rules")

	for watcher.Next() {
		td, err := genRules(hv, c)
		if err != nil {
		if err := applyRules(rules, td); err != nil {
			log.WithField("error", err).Fatal("could not apply rules")
	if err := watcher.Err(); err != nil {
Пример #27
// Read configuration from both profile and flags. Flags override profile.
func config() error {
	var err error
	if B2D.Dir, err = getCfgDir(".boot2docker"); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to get current directory: %s", err)

	filename := os.Getenv("BOOT2DOCKER_PROFILE")
	if filename == "" {
		filename = filepath.Join(B2D.Dir, "profile")
	profile, err := getProfile(filename)
	if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) { // undefined/empty profile works
		return err

	if p := os.Getenv("VBOX_INSTALL_PATH"); p != "" && runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
		B2D.VBM = profile.Get("", "vbm", filepath.Join(p, "VBoxManage.exe"))
	} else {
		B2D.VBM = profile.Get("", "vbm", "VBoxManage")

	B2D.SSH = profile.Get("", "ssh", "ssh")
	B2D.VM = profile.Get("", "vm", "boot2docker-vm")
	B2D.ISO = profile.Get("", "iso", filepath.Join(B2D.Dir, "boot2docker.iso"))

	if diskSize, err := strconv.ParseUint(profile.Get("", "disksize", "20000"), 10, 32); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid disk image size: %s", err)
	} else {
		B2D.DiskSize = uint(diskSize)

	if memory, err := strconv.ParseUint(profile.Get("", "memory", "1024"), 10, 32); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid memory size: %s", err)
	} else {
		B2D.Memory = uint(memory)

	if sshPort, err := strconv.ParseUint(profile.Get("", "sshport", "2022"), 10, 16); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid SSH port: %s", err)
	} else {
		B2D.SSHPort = uint16(sshPort)

	if dockerPort, err := strconv.ParseUint(profile.Get("", "dockerport", "4243"), 10, 16); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid DockerPort: %s", err)
	} else {
		B2D.DockerPort = uint16(dockerPort)

	// Host only networking settings
	B2D.HostIP = profile.Get("", "hostiP", "")
	B2D.DHCPIP = profile.Get("", "dhcpip", "")
	B2D.NetworkMask = profile.Get("", "netmask", "")
	B2D.LowerIPAddress = profile.Get("", "lowerip", "")
	B2D.UpperIPAddress = profile.Get("", "upperip", "")
	B2D.DHCPEnabled = profile.Get("", "dhcp", "Yes")

	// Commandline flags override profile settings.
	flag.StringVar(&B2D.VBM, "vbm", B2D.VBM, "Path to VirtualBox management utility")
	flag.StringVar(&B2D.SSH, "ssh", B2D.SSH, "Path to SSH client utility")
	flag.StringVarP(&B2D.Dir, "dir", "d", B2D.Dir, "boot2docker config directory")
	flag.StringVar(&B2D.ISO, "iso", B2D.ISO, "Path to boot2docker ISO image")
	flag.UintVarP(&B2D.DiskSize, "disksize", "s", B2D.DiskSize, "boot2docker disk image size (in MB)")
	flag.UintVarP(&B2D.Memory, "memory", "m", B2D.Memory, "Virtual machine memory size (in MB)")
	flag.Var(newUint16Value(B2D.SSHPort, &B2D.SSHPort), "sshport", "Host SSH port (forward to port 22 in VM)")
	flag.Var(newUint16Value(B2D.DockerPort, &B2D.DockerPort), "dockerport", "Host Docker port (forward to port 4243 in VM)")
	flag.StringVar(&B2D.HostIP, "hostip", B2D.HostIP, "VirtualBox host-only network IP address")
	flag.StringVar(&B2D.NetworkMask, "netmask", B2D.NetworkMask, "VirtualBox host-only network mask")
	flag.StringVar(&B2D.DHCPEnabled, "dhcp", B2D.DHCPEnabled, "Enable VirtualBox host-only network DHCP")
	flag.StringVar(&B2D.DHCPIP, "dhcpip", B2D.DHCPIP, "VirtualBox host-only network DHCP server address")
	flag.StringVar(&B2D.LowerIPAddress, "lowerip", B2D.LowerIPAddress, "VirtualBox host-only network DHCP lower bound")
	flag.StringVar(&B2D.UpperIPAddress, "upperip", B2D.UpperIPAddress, "VirtualBox host-only network DHCP upper bound")


	// Name of VM is the second argument.
	if vm := flag.Arg(1); vm != "" {
		B2D.VM = vm
	return nil
Пример #28
// Go runs the MailHog sendmail replacement.
func Go() {
	smtpAddr := "localhost:1025"

	goflag := false
	for _, g := range os.Args[1:] {
		if strings.HasPrefix(g, "-") && !strings.HasPrefix(g, "--") {
			if strings.HasPrefix(g, "-from ") || strings.HasPrefix(g, "-from=") ||
				strings.HasPrefix(g, "-smtp-addr ") || strings.HasPrefix(g, "-smtp-addr=") {
				goflag = true

	host, err := os.Hostname()
	if err != nil {
		host = "localhost"

	username := "******"
	user, err := user.Current()
	if err == nil && user != nil && len(user.Username) > 0 {
		username = user.Username

	fromAddr := username + "@" + host
	var recip []string

	if goflag {
		flag.StringVar(&smtpAddr, "smtp-addr", smtpAddr, "SMTP server address")
		flag.StringVar(&fromAddr, "from", fromAddr, "SMTP sender")

		recip = flag.Args()
	} else {
		pflag.StringVar(&smtpAddr, "smtp-addr", smtpAddr, "SMTP server address")
		pflag.StringVarP(&fromAddr, "from", "f", fromAddr, "SMTP sender")

		recip = pflag.Args()

	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error reading stdin")

	msg, err := mail.ReadMessage(bytes.NewReader(body))
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error parsing message body")

	if len(recip) == 0 {
		// We only need to parse the message to get a recipient if none where
		// provided on the command line.
		recip = append(recip, msg.Header.Get("To"))

	err = smtp.SendMail(smtpAddr, nil, fromAddr, recip, body)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error sending mail")

Пример #29
// Go runs the MailHog sendmail replacement.
func Go() {
	smtpAddr := "localhost:1025"

	goflag := false
	for _, g := range os.Args[1:] {
		if strings.HasPrefix(g, "-") && !strings.HasPrefix(g, "--") {
			if strings.HasPrefix(g, "-from ") || strings.HasPrefix(g, "-from=") ||
				strings.HasPrefix(g, "-smtp-addr ") || strings.HasPrefix(g, "-smtp-addr=") {
				goflag = true

	host, err := os.Hostname()
	if err != nil {
		host = "localhost"

	username := "******"
	user, err := user.Current()
	if err == nil && user != nil && len(user.Username) > 0 {
		username = user.Username

	fromAddr := username + "@" + host
	var recip []string

	if goflag {
		flag.StringVar(&smtpAddr, "smtp-addr", smtpAddr, "SMTP server address")
		flag.StringVar(&fromAddr, "from", fromAddr, "SMTP sender")

		recip = flag.Args()
	} else {
		pflag.StringVar(&smtpAddr, "smtp-addr", smtpAddr, "SMTP server address")
		pflag.StringVarP(&fromAddr, "from", "f", fromAddr, "SMTP sender")

		recip = pflag.Args()

	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error reading stdin")

	if len(recip) == 0 {
		// We only need to parse the message to get a recipient if none where
		// provided on the command line.
		//		re := regexp.MustCompile("(?im)^To: (.*)\r*\n$")
		re := regexp.MustCompile("(?im)^To: (.*)\r*$")
		n := bytes.IndexByte(body, 0)
		var bodyStr string
		if n < 0 {
			bodyStr = string(body)
		} else {
			bodyStr = string(body[:n])
		includedRecip := re.FindAllString(bodyStr, -1)
		if includedRecip == nil {
			fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "missing recipient")
		newRecip := make([]string, len(recip), len(recip)+len(includedRecip))
		copy(newRecip, recip)
		recip = append(newRecip, includedRecip...)

	err = smtp.SendMail(smtpAddr, nil, fromAddr, recip, body)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "error sending mail")

Пример #30
func main() {
	output := ""
	mimetype := ""
	filetype := ""
	match := ""
	siteurl := ""

	htmlMinifier := &html.Minifier{}

	flag.Usage = func() {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage: %s [options] [input]\n\nOptions:\n", os.Args[0])
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\nInput:\n  Files or directories, optional when using piping\n")
	flag.StringVarP(&output, "output", "o", "", "Output (concatenated) file (stdout when empty) or directory")
	flag.StringVar(&mimetype, "mime", "", "Mimetype (text/css, application/javascript, ...), optional for input filenames, has precendence over -type")
	flag.StringVar(&filetype, "type", "", "Filetype (css, html, js, ...), optional for input filenames")
	flag.StringVar(&match, "match", "", "Filename pattern matching using regular expressions, see https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax")
	flag.BoolVarP(&recursive, "recursive", "r", false, "Recursively minify directories")
	flag.BoolVarP(&hidden, "all", "a", false, "Minify all files, including hidden files and files in hidden directories")
	flag.BoolVarP(&list, "list", "l", false, "List all accepted filetypes")
	flag.BoolVarP(&verbose, "verbose", "v", false, "Verbose")

	flag.StringVar(&siteurl, "url", "", "URL of file to enable URL minification")
	flag.BoolVar(&htmlMinifier.KeepDefaultAttrVals, "html-keep-default-attrvals", false, "Preserve default attribute values")
	flag.BoolVar(&htmlMinifier.KeepWhitespace, "html-keep-whitespace", false, "Preserve whitespace characters but still collapse multiple whitespace into one")
	rawInputs := flag.Args()

	if list {
		var keys []string
		for k := range filetypeMime {
			keys = append(keys, k)
		for _, k := range keys {
			fmt.Println(k + "\t" + filetypeMime[k])

	usePipe := len(rawInputs) == 0
	mimetype = getMimetype(mimetype, filetype, usePipe)

	if match != "" {
		var err error
		pattern, err = regexp.Compile(match)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "ERROR: "+err.Error())

	tasks, dirDst, ok := expandInputs(rawInputs)
	if !ok {
	if ok = expandOutputs(output, dirDst, usePipe, &tasks); !ok {

	m = min.New()
	m.AddFunc("text/css", css.Minify)
	m.Add("text/html", htmlMinifier)
	m.AddFunc("text/javascript", js.Minify)
	m.AddFunc("image/svg+xml", svg.Minify)
	m.AddFuncRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("[/+]json$"), json.Minify)
	m.AddFuncRegexp(regexp.MustCompile("[/+]xml$"), xml.Minify)

	var err error
	if m.URL, err = url.Parse(siteurl); err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "ERROR: "+err.Error())

	var fails int32
	if verbose {
		for _, t := range tasks {
			if ok := minify(mimetype, t); !ok {
	} else {
		var wg sync.WaitGroup
		for _, t := range tasks {
			go func(t task) {
				defer wg.Done()
				if ok := minify(mimetype, t); !ok {
					atomic.AddInt32(&fails, 1)
	if fails > 0 {