Пример #1
func mergeTags(store *storage.Storage, tx *storage.Tx, sourceTagNames []string, destTagName string) (error, warnings) {
	destTag, err := store.TagByName(tx, destTagName)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not retrieve tag '%v': %v", destTagName, err), nil
	if destTag == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("no such tag '%v'", destTagName), nil

	warnings := make(warnings, 0, 10)
	for _, sourceTagName := range sourceTagNames {
		if sourceTagName == destTagName {
			warnings = append(warnings, fmt.Sprintf("cannot merge tag '%v' into itself", sourceTagName))

		sourceTag, err := store.TagByName(tx, sourceTagName)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("could not retrieve tag '%v': %v", sourceTagName, err), warnings
		if sourceTag == nil {
			warnings = append(warnings, fmt.Sprintf("no such tag '%v'", sourceTagName))

		log.Infof(2, "finding files tagged '%v'.", sourceTagName)

		fileTags, err := store.FileTagsByTagId(tx, sourceTag.Id, true)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("could not retrieve files for tag '%v': %v", sourceTagName, err), warnings

		log.Infof(2, "applying tag '%v' to these files.", destTagName)

		for _, fileTag := range fileTags {
			if _, err = store.AddFileTag(tx, fileTag.FileId, destTag.Id, fileTag.ValueId); err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("could not apply tag '%v' to file #%v: %v", destTagName, fileTag.FileId, err), warnings

		log.Infof(2, "deleting tag '%v'.", sourceTagName)

		if err = store.DeleteTag(tx, sourceTag.Id); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("could not delete tag '%v': %v", sourceTagName, err), warnings

	return nil, warnings