Пример #1
//VerifyImagesSame will take the two supplied image tags and see if they reference the same hexadecimal image ID;  strategy is for debug
func VerifyImagesSame(comp1, comp2, strategy string) {
	tag1 := comp1 + ":latest"
	tag2 := comp2 + ":latest"

	comps := []string{tag1, tag2}
	retIDs, gerr := GetImageIDForTags(comps)

	fmt.Fprintf(g.GinkgoWriter, "%s  compare image - %s, %s, %s, %s", strategy, tag1, tag2, retIDs[0], retIDs[1])
	o.Ω(len(retIDs[0])).Should(o.BeNumerically(">", 0))
	o.Ω(len(retIDs[1])).Should(o.BeNumerically(">", 0))
Пример #2
//VerifyImagesDifferent will that the two supplied image tags and see if they reference different hexadecimal image IDs; strategy is for ginkgo debug, also leverage ginkgo error checking
func VerifyImagesDifferent(comp1, comp2, strategy string) {
	tag1 := comp1 + ":latest"
	tag2 := comp2 + ":latest"

	comps := []string{tag1, tag2}
	retIDs, gerr := GetImageIDForTags(comps)

	g.By(fmt.Sprintf("%s  compare image - %s, %s, %s, %s", strategy, tag1, tag2, retIDs[0], retIDs[1]))
	o.Ω(len(retIDs[0])).Should(o.BeNumerically(">", 0))
	o.Ω(len(retIDs[1])).Should(o.BeNumerically(">", 0))
	o.Ω(retIDs[0] != retIDs[1]).Should(o.BeTrue())
Пример #3
//VerifyImagesSame will take the two supplied image tags and see if they reference the same hexadecimal image ID;  strategy is for debug
func VerifyImagesSame(comp1, comp2, strategy string) {
	tag1 := comp1 + ":latest"
	tag2 := comp2 + ":latest"

	comps := []string{tag1, tag2}
	retIDs, gerr := GetImageIDForTags(comps)

	g.By(fmt.Sprintf("\n%s %s  compare image - %s, %s, %s, %s", time.Now().Format(time.RFC850), strategy, tag1, tag2, retIDs[0], retIDs[1]))
	o.Ω(len(retIDs[0])).Should(o.BeNumerically(">", 0))
	o.Ω(len(retIDs[1])).Should(o.BeNumerically(">", 0))
func (d TableDurationWithDelta) MatchString(actual string) error {
	if !strings.HasSuffix(actual, d.Suffix) {
		return fmt.Errorf("expected %s to have suffix %s", actual, d.Suffix)

	actualDuration, _ := time.ParseDuration(strings.TrimSuffix(actual, d.Suffix))
	matched, err := gomega.BeNumerically("~", d.Delta, d.Duration).Match(actualDuration)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	if !matched {
		return fmt.Errorf("expected duration %s is not within delta %s of actual duration %s", d.Duration, d.Delta, actualDuration)

	return nil
Пример #5

			o.Expect(waitForLatestCondition(oc, "history-limit", deploymentRunTimeout, checkDeploymentConfigHasSynced)).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred(),
				"the controller needs to have synced with the updated deployment configuration before checking that the revision history limits are being adhered to")
			deploymentConfig, deployments, _, err := deploymentInfo(oc, "history-limit")
			// sanity check to ensure that the following asertion on the amount of old deployments is valid

			// we need to filter out any deployments that we don't care about,
			// namely the active deployment and any newer deployments
			oldDeployments := deployutil.DeploymentsForCleanup(deploymentConfig, deployments)

			// we should not have more deployments than acceptable
			o.Expect(len(oldDeployments)).To(o.BeNumerically("==", revisionHistoryLimit))

			// the deployments we continue to keep should be the latest ones
			for _, deployment := range oldDeployments {
				o.Expect(deployutil.DeploymentVersionFor(&deployment)).To(o.BeNumerically(">=", iterations-revisionHistoryLimit))

	g.Describe("with minimum ready seconds set", func() {
		g.AfterEach(func() {
			failureTrap(oc, "minreadytest", g.CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Failed)

		g.It("should not transition the deployment to Complete before satisfied [Conformance]", func() {
			_, name, err := createFixture(oc, minReadySecondsFixture)
Пример #6
func matcherToGomegaMatcher(matcher interface{}) (types.GomegaMatcher, error) {
	switch x := matcher.(type) {
	case string, int, bool, float64:
		return gomega.Equal(x), nil
	case []interface{}:
		var matchers []types.GomegaMatcher
		for _, valueI := range x {
			if subMatcher, ok := valueI.(types.GomegaMatcher); ok {
				matchers = append(matchers, subMatcher)
			} else {
				matchers = append(matchers, gomega.ContainElement(valueI))
		return gomega.And(matchers...), nil
	matcher = sanitizeExpectedValue(matcher)
	if matcher == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Missing Required Attribute")
	matcherMap, ok := matcher.(map[string]interface{})
	if !ok {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected matcher type: %T\n\n", matcher))
	var matchType string
	var value interface{}
	for matchType, value = range matcherMap {
	switch matchType {
	case "have-prefix":
		return gomega.HavePrefix(value.(string)), nil
	case "have-suffix":
		return gomega.HaveSuffix(value.(string)), nil
	case "match-regexp":
		return gomega.MatchRegexp(value.(string)), nil
	case "have-len":
		value = sanitizeExpectedValue(value)
		return gomega.HaveLen(value.(int)), nil
	case "contain-element":
		subMatcher, err := matcherToGomegaMatcher(value)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return gomega.ContainElement(subMatcher), nil
	case "not":
		subMatcher, err := matcherToGomegaMatcher(value)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return gomega.Not(subMatcher), nil
	case "consist-of":
		subMatchers, err := sliceToGomega(value)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		var interfaceSlice []interface{}
		for _, d := range subMatchers {
			interfaceSlice = append(interfaceSlice, d)
		return gomega.ConsistOf(interfaceSlice...), nil
	case "and":
		subMatchers, err := sliceToGomega(value)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return gomega.And(subMatchers...), nil
	case "or":
		subMatchers, err := sliceToGomega(value)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		return gomega.Or(subMatchers...), nil
	case "gt", "ge", "lt", "le":
		// Golang json escapes '>', '<' symbols, so we use 'gt', 'le' instead
		comparator := map[string]string{
			"gt": ">",
			"ge": ">=",
			"lt": "<",
			"le": "<=",
		return gomega.BeNumerically(comparator, value), nil

		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown matcher: %s", matchType)

Пример #7
func imageMetadataNotEmpty(image *imageapi.Image) {
	o.Expect(len(image.DockerImageMetadata.ID)).Should(o.BeNumerically(">", 0))
	o.Expect(len(image.DockerImageMetadata.Container)).Should(o.BeNumerically(">", 0))
	o.Expect(len(image.DockerImageMetadata.DockerVersion)).Should(o.BeNumerically(">", 0))
	o.Expect(len(image.DockerImageMetadata.Architecture)).Should(o.BeNumerically(">", 0))
Пример #8
		imageDigest, err := imagesutil.BuildAndPushImageOfSizeWithDocker(oc, dClient, repoName, tagName, imageSize, 1, g.GinkgoWriter, true)

		g.By("checking that the image converted...")
		image, err := oc.AsAdmin().Client().Images().Get(imageDigest)

		g.By("getting image manifest from docker-registry...")
		conn, err := regclient.NewClient(10*time.Second, true).Connect(registryURL, true)

		_, manifest, err := conn.ImageManifest(oc.Namespace(), repoName, tagName)
		o.Expect(len(manifest)).Should(o.BeNumerically(">", 0))

		g.By("restoring manifest...")
		image, err = oc.AsAdmin().Client().Images().Get(imageDigest)

		image.DockerImageManifest = string(manifest)

		newImage, err := oc.AsAdmin().Client().Images().Update(image)

		g.By("checking that the manifest is present in the image...")
		image, err = oc.AsAdmin().Client().Images().Get(imageDigest)
Пример #9
		in:   `true`,
		want: gomega.Equal(true),
	// Default for Array
		in:              `["foo", "bar"]`,
		want:            gomega.And(gomega.ContainElement("foo"), gomega.ContainElement("bar")),
		useNegateTester: true,

	// Numeric
	// Golang json escapes '>', '<' symbols, so we use 'gt', 'le' instead
		in:   `{"gt": 1}`,
		want: gomega.BeNumerically(">", float64(1)),
		in:   `{"ge": 1}`,
		want: gomega.BeNumerically(">=", float64(1)),
		in:   `{"lt": 1}`,
		want: gomega.BeNumerically("<", float64(1)),
		in:   `{"le": 1}`,
		want: gomega.BeNumerically("<=", float64(1)),

	// String