Пример #1
// regression #274
func TestBlkioSetMultipleWeightDevice(t *testing.T) {
	helper := NewCgroupTestUtil("blkio", t)
	defer helper.cleanup()

	const (
		weightDeviceBefore = "8:0 400"

	wd1 := configs.NewWeightDevice(8, 0, 500, 0)
	wd2 := configs.NewWeightDevice(8, 16, 500, 0)
	// we cannot actually set and check both because normal ioutil.WriteFile
	// when writing to cgroup file will overwrite the whole file content instead
	// of updating it as the kernel is doing. Just check the second device
	// is present will suffice for the test to ensure multiple writes are done.
	weightDeviceAfter := wd2.WeightString()

		"blkio.weight_device": weightDeviceBefore,

	helper.CgroupData.config.Resources.BlkioWeightDevice = []*configs.WeightDevice{wd1, wd2}
	blkio := &BlkioGroup{}
	if err := blkio.Set(helper.CgroupPath, helper.CgroupData.config); err != nil {

	value, err := getCgroupParamString(helper.CgroupPath, "blkio.weight_device")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to parse blkio.weight_device - %s", err)

	if value != weightDeviceAfter {
		t.Fatal("Got the wrong value, set blkio.weight_device failed.")
Пример #2
func TestBlkioSetWeightDevice(t *testing.T) {
	helper := NewCgroupTestUtil("blkio", t)
	defer helper.cleanup()

	const (
		weightDeviceBefore = "8:0 400"

	wd := configs.NewWeightDevice(8, 0, 500, 0)
	weightDeviceAfter := wd.WeightString()

		"blkio.weight_device": weightDeviceBefore,

	helper.CgroupData.config.Resources.BlkioWeightDevice = []*configs.WeightDevice{wd}
	blkio := &BlkioGroup{}
	if err := blkio.Set(helper.CgroupPath, helper.CgroupData.config); err != nil {

	value, err := getCgroupParamString(helper.CgroupPath, "blkio.weight_device")
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Failed to parse blkio.weight_device - %s", err)

	if value != weightDeviceAfter {
		t.Fatal("Got the wrong value, set blkio.weight_device failed.")
Пример #3
func (rt *libcontainerRuntime) createCgroupConfig(name string, spec *specs.LinuxRuntimeSpec, devices []*configs.Device) (*configs.Cgroup, error) {
	cr := &configs.Cgroup{
		Name:   name,
		Parent: "/containerd",
	c := &configs.Resources{
		AllowedDevices: append(devices, allowedDevices...),
	cr.Resources = c
	r := spec.Linux.Resources
	c.Memory = int64(r.Memory.Limit)
	c.MemoryReservation = int64(r.Memory.Reservation)
	c.MemorySwap = int64(r.Memory.Swap)
	c.KernelMemory = int64(r.Memory.Kernel)
	c.MemorySwappiness = int64(r.Memory.Swappiness)
	c.CpuShares = int64(r.CPU.Shares)
	c.CpuQuota = int64(r.CPU.Quota)
	c.CpuPeriod = int64(r.CPU.Period)
	c.CpuRtRuntime = int64(r.CPU.RealtimeRuntime)
	c.CpuRtPeriod = int64(r.CPU.RealtimePeriod)
	c.CpusetCpus = r.CPU.Cpus
	c.CpusetMems = r.CPU.Mems
	c.BlkioWeight = r.BlockIO.Weight
	c.BlkioLeafWeight = r.BlockIO.LeafWeight
	for _, wd := range r.BlockIO.WeightDevice {
		weightDevice := configs.NewWeightDevice(wd.Major, wd.Minor, wd.Weight, wd.LeafWeight)
		c.BlkioWeightDevice = append(c.BlkioWeightDevice, weightDevice)
	for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadBpsDevice {
		throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, td.Rate)
		c.BlkioThrottleReadBpsDevice = append(c.BlkioThrottleReadBpsDevice, throttleDevice)
	for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteBpsDevice {
		throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, td.Rate)
		c.BlkioThrottleWriteBpsDevice = append(c.BlkioThrottleWriteBpsDevice, throttleDevice)
	for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadIOPSDevice {
		throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, td.Rate)
		c.BlkioThrottleReadIOPSDevice = append(c.BlkioThrottleReadIOPSDevice, throttleDevice)
	for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteIOPSDevice {
		throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, td.Rate)
		c.BlkioThrottleWriteIOPSDevice = append(c.BlkioThrottleWriteIOPSDevice, throttleDevice)
	for _, l := range r.HugepageLimits {
		c.HugetlbLimit = append(c.HugetlbLimit, &configs.HugepageLimit{
			Pagesize: l.Pagesize,
			Limit:    l.Limit,
	c.OomKillDisable = r.DisableOOMKiller
	c.NetClsClassid = r.Network.ClassID
	for _, m := range r.Network.Priorities {
		c.NetPrioIfpriomap = append(c.NetPrioIfpriomap, &configs.IfPrioMap{
			Interface: m.Name,
			Priority:  int64(m.Priority),
	return cr, nil
Пример #4
func getBlkioWeightDevices(config *containertypes.HostConfig) ([]*blkiodev.WeightDevice, error) {
	var stat syscall.Stat_t
	var blkioWeightDevices []*blkiodev.WeightDevice

	for _, weightDevice := range config.BlkioWeightDevice {
		if err := syscall.Stat(weightDevice.Path, &stat); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		weightDevice := blkiodev.NewWeightDevice(int64(stat.Rdev/256), int64(stat.Rdev%256), weightDevice.Weight, 0)
		blkioWeightDevices = append(blkioWeightDevices, weightDevice)

	return blkioWeightDevices, nil
Пример #5
func createCgroupConfig(name string, useSystemdCgroup bool, spec *specs.Spec) (*configs.Cgroup, error) {
	var myCgroupPath string

	c := &configs.Cgroup{
		Resources: &configs.Resources{},

	if spec.Linux != nil && spec.Linux.CgroupsPath != nil {
		myCgroupPath = libcontainerUtils.CleanPath(*spec.Linux.CgroupsPath)
		if useSystemdCgroup {
			myCgroupPath = *spec.Linux.CgroupsPath

	if useSystemdCgroup {
		if myCgroupPath == "" {
			c.Parent = "system.slice"
			c.ScopePrefix = "runc"
			c.Name = name
		} else {
			// Parse the path from expected "slice:prefix:name"
			// for e.g. "system.slice:docker:1234"
			parts := strings.Split(myCgroupPath, ":")
			if len(parts) != 3 {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected cgroupsPath to be of format \"slice:prefix:name\" for systemd cgroups")
			c.Parent = parts[0]
			c.ScopePrefix = parts[1]
			c.Name = parts[2]
	} else {
		if myCgroupPath == "" {
			c.Name = name
		c.Path = myCgroupPath

	c.Resources.AllowedDevices = allowedDevices
	if spec.Linux == nil {
		return c, nil
	r := spec.Linux.Resources
	if r == nil {
		return c, nil
	for i, d := range spec.Linux.Resources.Devices {
		var (
			t     = "a"
			major = int64(-1)
			minor = int64(-1)
		if d.Type != nil {
			t = *d.Type
		if d.Major != nil {
			major = *d.Major
		if d.Minor != nil {
			minor = *d.Minor
		if d.Access == nil || *d.Access == "" {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("device access at %d field cannot be empty", i)
		dt, err := stringToDeviceRune(t)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		dd := &configs.Device{
			Type:        dt,
			Major:       major,
			Minor:       minor,
			Permissions: *d.Access,
			Allow:       d.Allow,
		c.Resources.Devices = append(c.Resources.Devices, dd)
	// append the default allowed devices to the end of the list
	c.Resources.Devices = append(c.Resources.Devices, allowedDevices...)
	if r.Memory != nil {
		if r.Memory.Limit != nil {
			c.Resources.Memory = int64(*r.Memory.Limit)
		if r.Memory.Reservation != nil {
			c.Resources.MemoryReservation = int64(*r.Memory.Reservation)
		if r.Memory.Swap != nil {
			c.Resources.MemorySwap = int64(*r.Memory.Swap)
		if r.Memory.Kernel != nil {
			c.Resources.KernelMemory = int64(*r.Memory.Kernel)
		if r.Memory.KernelTCP != nil {
			c.Resources.KernelMemoryTCP = int64(*r.Memory.KernelTCP)
		if r.Memory.Swappiness != nil {
			swappiness := int64(*r.Memory.Swappiness)
			c.Resources.MemorySwappiness = &swappiness
	if r.CPU != nil {
		if r.CPU.Shares != nil {
			c.Resources.CpuShares = int64(*r.CPU.Shares)
		if r.CPU.Quota != nil {
			c.Resources.CpuQuota = int64(*r.CPU.Quota)
		if r.CPU.Period != nil {
			c.Resources.CpuPeriod = int64(*r.CPU.Period)
		if r.CPU.RealtimeRuntime != nil {
			c.Resources.CpuRtRuntime = int64(*r.CPU.RealtimeRuntime)
		if r.CPU.RealtimePeriod != nil {
			c.Resources.CpuRtPeriod = int64(*r.CPU.RealtimePeriod)
		if r.CPU.Cpus != nil {
			c.Resources.CpusetCpus = *r.CPU.Cpus
		if r.CPU.Mems != nil {
			c.Resources.CpusetMems = *r.CPU.Mems
	if r.Pids != nil {
		c.Resources.PidsLimit = *r.Pids.Limit
	if r.BlockIO != nil {
		if r.BlockIO.Weight != nil {
			c.Resources.BlkioWeight = *r.BlockIO.Weight
		if r.BlockIO.LeafWeight != nil {
			c.Resources.BlkioLeafWeight = *r.BlockIO.LeafWeight
		if r.BlockIO.WeightDevice != nil {
			for _, wd := range r.BlockIO.WeightDevice {
				var weight, leafWeight uint16
				if wd.Weight != nil {
					weight = *wd.Weight
				if wd.LeafWeight != nil {
					leafWeight = *wd.LeafWeight
				weightDevice := configs.NewWeightDevice(wd.Major, wd.Minor, weight, leafWeight)
				c.Resources.BlkioWeightDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioWeightDevice, weightDevice)
		if r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadBpsDevice != nil {
			for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadBpsDevice {
				var rate uint64
				if td.Rate != nil {
					rate = *td.Rate
				throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, rate)
				c.Resources.BlkioThrottleReadBpsDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioThrottleReadBpsDevice, throttleDevice)
		if r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteBpsDevice != nil {
			for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteBpsDevice {
				var rate uint64
				if td.Rate != nil {
					rate = *td.Rate
				throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, rate)
				c.Resources.BlkioThrottleWriteBpsDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioThrottleWriteBpsDevice, throttleDevice)
		if r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadIOPSDevice != nil {
			for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadIOPSDevice {
				var rate uint64
				if td.Rate != nil {
					rate = *td.Rate
				throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, rate)
				c.Resources.BlkioThrottleReadIOPSDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioThrottleReadIOPSDevice, throttleDevice)
		if r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteIOPSDevice != nil {
			for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteIOPSDevice {
				var rate uint64
				if td.Rate != nil {
					rate = *td.Rate
				throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, rate)
				c.Resources.BlkioThrottleWriteIOPSDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioThrottleWriteIOPSDevice, throttleDevice)
	for _, l := range r.HugepageLimits {
		c.Resources.HugetlbLimit = append(c.Resources.HugetlbLimit, &configs.HugepageLimit{
			Pagesize: *l.Pagesize,
			Limit:    *l.Limit,
	if r.DisableOOMKiller != nil {
		c.Resources.OomKillDisable = *r.DisableOOMKiller
	if r.Network != nil {
		if r.Network.ClassID != nil {
			c.Resources.NetClsClassid = *r.Network.ClassID
		for _, m := range r.Network.Priorities {
			c.Resources.NetPrioIfpriomap = append(c.Resources.NetPrioIfpriomap, &configs.IfPrioMap{
				Interface: m.Name,
				Priority:  int64(m.Priority),
	return c, nil
Пример #6
func createCgroupConfig(name string, spec *specs.LinuxRuntimeSpec, devices []*configs.Device) (*configs.Cgroup, error) {
	myCgroupPath, err := cgroups.GetThisCgroupDir("devices")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	c := &configs.Cgroup{
		Name:           name,
		Parent:         myCgroupPath,
		AllowedDevices: append(devices, allowedDevices...),
	r := spec.Linux.Resources
	c.Memory = r.Memory.Limit
	c.MemoryReservation = r.Memory.Reservation
	c.MemorySwap = r.Memory.Swap
	c.KernelMemory = r.Memory.Kernel
	c.MemorySwappiness = r.Memory.Swappiness
	c.CpuShares = r.CPU.Shares
	c.CpuQuota = r.CPU.Quota
	c.CpuPeriod = r.CPU.Period
	c.CpuRtRuntime = r.CPU.RealtimeRuntime
	c.CpuRtPeriod = r.CPU.RealtimePeriod
	c.CpusetCpus = r.CPU.Cpus
	c.CpusetMems = r.CPU.Mems
	c.BlkioWeight = r.BlockIO.Weight
	c.BlkioLeafWeight = r.BlockIO.LeafWeight
	for _, wd := range r.BlockIO.WeightDevice {
		weightDevice := configs.NewWeightDevice(wd.Major, wd.Minor, wd.Weight, wd.LeafWeight)
		c.BlkioWeightDevice = append(c.BlkioWeightDevice, weightDevice)
	for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadBpsDevice {
		throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, td.Rate)
		c.BlkioThrottleReadBpsDevice = append(c.BlkioThrottleReadBpsDevice, throttleDevice)
	for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteBpsDevice {
		throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, td.Rate)
		c.BlkioThrottleWriteBpsDevice = append(c.BlkioThrottleWriteBpsDevice, throttleDevice)
	for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadIOPSDevice {
		throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, td.Rate)
		c.BlkioThrottleReadIOPSDevice = append(c.BlkioThrottleReadIOPSDevice, throttleDevice)
	for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteIOPSDevice {
		throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, td.Rate)
		c.BlkioThrottleWriteIOPSDevice = append(c.BlkioThrottleWriteIOPSDevice, throttleDevice)
	for _, l := range r.HugepageLimits {
		c.HugetlbLimit = append(c.HugetlbLimit, &configs.HugepageLimit{
			Pagesize: l.Pagesize,
			Limit:    l.Limit,
	c.OomKillDisable = r.DisableOOMKiller
	c.NetClsClassid = r.Network.ClassID
	for _, m := range r.Network.Priorities {
		c.NetPrioIfpriomap = append(c.NetPrioIfpriomap, &configs.IfPrioMap{
			Interface: m.Name,
			Priority:  m.Priority,
	return c, nil
Пример #7
Файл: spec.go Проект: kimh/runc
func createCgroupConfig(name string, spec *specs.LinuxRuntimeSpec, devices []*configs.Device) (*configs.Cgroup, error) {
	myCgroupPath, err := cgroups.GetThisCgroupDir("devices")
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	c := &configs.Cgroup{
		Name:      name,
		Parent:    myCgroupPath,
		Resources: &configs.Resources{},
	c.Resources.AllowedDevices = append(devices, allowedDevices...)
	r := spec.Linux.Resources
	if r != nil {
		if r.Memory != nil {
			if r.Memory.Limit != nil {
				c.Resources.Memory = int64(*r.Memory.Limit)
			if r.Memory.Reservation != nil {
				c.Resources.MemoryReservation = int64(*r.Memory.Reservation)
			if r.Memory.Swap != nil {
				c.Resources.MemorySwap = int64(*r.Memory.Swap)
			if r.Memory.Kernel != nil {
				c.Resources.KernelMemory = int64(*r.Memory.Kernel)
			if r.Memory.Swappiness != nil {
				c.Resources.MemorySwappiness = int64(*r.Memory.Swappiness)

		if r.CPU != nil {
			if r.CPU.Shares != nil {
				c.Resources.CpuShares = int64(*r.CPU.Shares)
			if r.CPU.Quota != nil {
				c.Resources.CpuQuota = int64(*r.CPU.Quota)
			if r.CPU.Period != nil {
				c.Resources.CpuPeriod = int64(*r.CPU.Period)
			if r.CPU.RealtimeRuntime != nil {
				c.Resources.CpuRtRuntime = int64(*r.CPU.RealtimeRuntime)
			if r.CPU.RealtimePeriod != nil {
				c.Resources.CpuRtPeriod = int64(*r.CPU.RealtimePeriod)
			if r.CPU.Cpus != nil {
				c.Resources.CpusetCpus = *r.CPU.Cpus
			if r.CPU.Mems != nil {
				c.Resources.CpusetMems = *r.CPU.Mems
		if r.Pids != nil {
			c.Resources.PidsLimit = *r.Pids.Limit
		if r.BlockIO != nil {
			if r.BlockIO.Weight != nil {
				c.Resources.BlkioWeight = *r.BlockIO.Weight
			if r.BlockIO.LeafWeight != nil {
				c.Resources.BlkioLeafWeight = *r.BlockIO.LeafWeight
			if r.BlockIO.WeightDevice != nil {
				for _, wd := range r.BlockIO.WeightDevice {
					weightDevice := configs.NewWeightDevice(wd.Major, wd.Minor, *wd.Weight, *wd.LeafWeight)
					c.Resources.BlkioWeightDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioWeightDevice, weightDevice)
			if r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadBpsDevice != nil {
				for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadBpsDevice {
					throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, *td.Rate)
					c.Resources.BlkioThrottleReadBpsDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioThrottleReadBpsDevice, throttleDevice)
			if r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteBpsDevice != nil {
				for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteBpsDevice {
					throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, *td.Rate)
					c.Resources.BlkioThrottleWriteBpsDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioThrottleWriteBpsDevice, throttleDevice)
			if r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadIOPSDevice != nil {
				for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadIOPSDevice {
					throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, *td.Rate)
					c.Resources.BlkioThrottleReadIOPSDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioThrottleReadIOPSDevice, throttleDevice)
			if r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteIOPSDevice != nil {
				for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteIOPSDevice {
					throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, *td.Rate)
					c.Resources.BlkioThrottleWriteIOPSDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioThrottleWriteIOPSDevice, throttleDevice)
		for _, l := range r.HugepageLimits {
			c.Resources.HugetlbLimit = append(c.Resources.HugetlbLimit, &configs.HugepageLimit{
				Pagesize: *l.Pagesize,
				Limit:    *l.Limit,
		if r.DisableOOMKiller != nil {
			c.Resources.OomKillDisable = *r.DisableOOMKiller
		if r.Network != nil {
			if r.Network.ClassID != nil {
				c.Resources.NetClsClassid = string(*r.Network.ClassID)
			for _, m := range r.Network.Priorities {
				c.Resources.NetPrioIfpriomap = append(c.Resources.NetPrioIfpriomap, &configs.IfPrioMap{
					Interface: m.Name,
					Priority:  int64(m.Priority),
	return c, nil
Пример #8
func createCgroupConfig(name string, spec *specs.LinuxSpec) (*configs.Cgroup, error) {
	var (
		err          error
		myCgroupPath string

	if spec.Linux.CgroupsPath != nil {
		myCgroupPath = libcontainerUtils.CleanPath(*spec.Linux.CgroupsPath)
	} else {
		myCgroupPath, err = cgroups.GetThisCgroupDir("devices")
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

	c := &configs.Cgroup{
		Path:      filepath.Join(myCgroupPath, name),
		Resources: &configs.Resources{},
	c.Resources.AllowedDevices = allowedDevices
	r := spec.Linux.Resources
	if r == nil {
		return c, nil
	for i, d := range spec.Linux.Resources.Devices {
		var (
			t     = 'a'
			major = int64(-1)
			minor = int64(-1)
		if d.Type != nil {
			t = *d.Type
		if d.Major != nil {
			major = *d.Major
		if d.Minor != nil {
			minor = *d.Minor
		if d.Access == nil || *d.Access == "" {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("device access at %d field canot be empty", i)
		dd := &configs.Device{
			Type:        t,
			Major:       major,
			Minor:       minor,
			Permissions: *d.Access,
			Allow:       d.Allow,
		c.Resources.Devices = append(c.Resources.Devices, dd)
	// append the default allowed devices to the end of the list
	c.Resources.Devices = append(c.Resources.Devices, allowedDevices...)
	if r.Memory != nil {
		if r.Memory.Limit != nil {
			c.Resources.Memory = int64(*r.Memory.Limit)
		if r.Memory.Reservation != nil {
			c.Resources.MemoryReservation = int64(*r.Memory.Reservation)
		if r.Memory.Swap != nil {
			c.Resources.MemorySwap = int64(*r.Memory.Swap)
		if r.Memory.Kernel != nil {
			c.Resources.KernelMemory = int64(*r.Memory.Kernel)
		if r.Memory.Swappiness != nil {
			c.Resources.MemorySwappiness = int64(*r.Memory.Swappiness)
	if r.CPU != nil {
		if r.CPU.Shares != nil {
			c.Resources.CpuShares = int64(*r.CPU.Shares)
		if r.CPU.Quota != nil {
			c.Resources.CpuQuota = int64(*r.CPU.Quota)
		if r.CPU.Period != nil {
			c.Resources.CpuPeriod = int64(*r.CPU.Period)
		if r.CPU.RealtimeRuntime != nil {
			c.Resources.CpuRtRuntime = int64(*r.CPU.RealtimeRuntime)
		if r.CPU.RealtimePeriod != nil {
			c.Resources.CpuRtPeriod = int64(*r.CPU.RealtimePeriod)
		if r.CPU.Cpus != nil {
			c.Resources.CpusetCpus = *r.CPU.Cpus
		if r.CPU.Mems != nil {
			c.Resources.CpusetMems = *r.CPU.Mems
	if r.Pids != nil {
		c.Resources.PidsLimit = *r.Pids.Limit
	if r.BlockIO != nil {
		if r.BlockIO.Weight != nil {
			c.Resources.BlkioWeight = *r.BlockIO.Weight
		if r.BlockIO.LeafWeight != nil {
			c.Resources.BlkioLeafWeight = *r.BlockIO.LeafWeight
		if r.BlockIO.WeightDevice != nil {
			for _, wd := range r.BlockIO.WeightDevice {
				weightDevice := configs.NewWeightDevice(wd.Major, wd.Minor, *wd.Weight, *wd.LeafWeight)
				c.Resources.BlkioWeightDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioWeightDevice, weightDevice)
		if r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadBpsDevice != nil {
			for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadBpsDevice {
				throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, *td.Rate)
				c.Resources.BlkioThrottleReadBpsDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioThrottleReadBpsDevice, throttleDevice)
		if r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteBpsDevice != nil {
			for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteBpsDevice {
				throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, *td.Rate)
				c.Resources.BlkioThrottleWriteBpsDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioThrottleWriteBpsDevice, throttleDevice)
		if r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadIOPSDevice != nil {
			for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleReadIOPSDevice {
				throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, *td.Rate)
				c.Resources.BlkioThrottleReadIOPSDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioThrottleReadIOPSDevice, throttleDevice)
		if r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteIOPSDevice != nil {
			for _, td := range r.BlockIO.ThrottleWriteIOPSDevice {
				throttleDevice := configs.NewThrottleDevice(td.Major, td.Minor, *td.Rate)
				c.Resources.BlkioThrottleWriteIOPSDevice = append(c.Resources.BlkioThrottleWriteIOPSDevice, throttleDevice)
	for _, l := range r.HugepageLimits {
		c.Resources.HugetlbLimit = append(c.Resources.HugetlbLimit, &configs.HugepageLimit{
			Pagesize: *l.Pagesize,
			Limit:    *l.Limit,
	if r.DisableOOMKiller != nil {
		c.Resources.OomKillDisable = *r.DisableOOMKiller
	if r.Network != nil {
		if r.Network.ClassID != nil {
			c.Resources.NetClsClassid = string(*r.Network.ClassID)
		for _, m := range r.Network.Priorities {
			c.Resources.NetPrioIfpriomap = append(c.Resources.NetPrioIfpriomap, &configs.IfPrioMap{
				Interface: m.Name,
				Priority:  int64(m.Priority),
	return c, nil