Пример #1
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		return nil, errs.ToAggregate()
	return config, nil

type projectRequestLimit struct {
	client client.Interface
	config *ProjectRequestLimitConfig
	cache  *projectcache.ProjectCache

// ensure that the required Openshift admission interfaces are implemented
var _ = oadmission.WantsProjectCache(&projectRequestLimit{})
var _ = oadmission.WantsOpenshiftClient(&projectRequestLimit{})
var _ = oadmission.Validator(&projectRequestLimit{})

// Admit ensures that only a configured number of projects can be requested by a particular user.
func (o *projectRequestLimit) Admit(a admission.Attributes) (err error) {
	if a.GetResource() != projectapi.Resource("projectrequests") {
		return nil
	if _, isProjectRequest := a.GetObject().(*projectapi.ProjectRequest); !isProjectRequest {
		return nil
	userName := a.GetUserInfo().GetName()
	projectCount, err := o.projectCountByRequester(userName)
	if err != nil {
		return err
Пример #2
type imagePolicyPlugin struct {
	config *api.ImagePolicyConfig
	client client.Interface

	accepter rules.Accepter

	integratedRegistryMatcher integratedRegistryMatcher

	resolveGroupResources []unversioned.GroupResource

	projectCache *cache.ProjectCache
	resolver     imageResolver

var _ = oadmission.WantsOpenshiftClient(&imagePolicyPlugin{})
var _ = oadmission.Validator(&imagePolicyPlugin{})
var _ = oadmission.WantsDefaultRegistryFunc(&imagePolicyPlugin{})

type integratedRegistryMatcher struct {

// imageResolver abstracts identifying an image for a particular reference.
type imageResolver interface {
	ResolveObjectReference(ref *kapi.ObjectReference, defaultNamespace string) (*rules.ImagePolicyAttributes, error)

// imagePolicyPlugin returns an admission controller for pods that controls what images are allowed to run on the
// cluster.
func newImagePolicyPlugin(client clientset.Interface, parsed *api.ImagePolicyConfig) (*imagePolicyPlugin, error) {
Пример #3

type jenkinsBootstrapper struct {

	privilegedRESTClientConfig restclient.Config
	serviceClient              coreclient.ServicesGetter
	openshiftClient            client.Interface

	jenkinsConfig configapi.JenkinsPipelineConfig

var _ = oadmission.WantsJenkinsPipelineConfig(&jenkinsBootstrapper{})
var _ = oadmission.WantsRESTClientConfig(&jenkinsBootstrapper{})
var _ = oadmission.WantsOpenshiftClient(&jenkinsBootstrapper{})

// NewJenkinsBootstrapper returns an admission plugin that will create required jenkins resources as the user if they are needed.
func NewJenkinsBootstrapper(serviceClient coreclient.ServicesGetter) admission.Interface {
	return &jenkinsBootstrapper{
		Handler:       admission.NewHandler(admission.Create),
		serviceClient: serviceClient,

func (a *jenkinsBootstrapper) Admit(attributes admission.Attributes) error {
	if a.jenkinsConfig.AutoProvisionEnabled != nil && !*a.jenkinsConfig.AutoProvisionEnabled {
		return nil
	if len(attributes.GetSubresource()) != 0 {
		return nil
Пример #4
	oadmission "github.com/openshift/origin/pkg/cmd/server/admission"

func init() {
	admission.RegisterPlugin("BuildByStrategy", func(c clientset.Interface, config io.Reader) (admission.Interface, error) {
		return NewBuildByStrategy(), nil

type buildByStrategy struct {
	client client.Interface

var _ = oadmission.WantsOpenshiftClient(&buildByStrategy{})
var _ = oadmission.Validator(&buildByStrategy{})

// NewBuildByStrategy returns an admission control for builds that checks
// on policy based on the build strategy type
func NewBuildByStrategy() admission.Interface {
	return &buildByStrategy{
		Handler: admission.NewHandler(admission.Create, admission.Update),

var (
	buildsResource       = buildapi.Resource("builds")
	buildConfigsResource = buildapi.Resource("buildconfigs")
Пример #5
			return NewRestrictUsersAdmission(kclient)

// restrictUsersAdmission implements admission.Interface and enforces
// restrictions on adding rolebindings in a project to permit only designated
// subjects.
type restrictUsersAdmission struct {

	oclient    oclient.Interface
	kclient    kclientset.Interface
	groupCache *usercache.GroupCache

var _ = oadmission.WantsOpenshiftClient(&restrictUsersAdmission{})
var _ = oadmission.WantsGroupCache(&restrictUsersAdmission{})
var _ = oadmission.Validator(&restrictUsersAdmission{})

// NewRestrictUsersAdmission configures an admission plugin that enforces
// restrictions on adding role bindings in a project.
func NewRestrictUsersAdmission(kclient kclientset.Interface) (admission.Interface, error) {
	return &restrictUsersAdmission{
		Handler: admission.NewHandler(admission.Create, admission.Update),
		kclient: kclient,
	}, nil

func (q *restrictUsersAdmission) SetOpenshiftClient(c oclient.Interface) {
	q.oclient = c
Пример #6
		func(kClient clientset.Interface, config io.Reader) (admission.Interface, error) {
			return NewOriginResourceQuota(kClient), nil

// originQuotaAdmission implements an admission controller that can enforce quota constraints on images and image
// streams
type originQuotaAdmission struct {
	kQuotaAdmission admission.Interface
	// must be able to read/write ResourceQuota
	kClient clientset.Interface

var _ = oadmission.WantsOpenshiftClient(&originQuotaAdmission{})
var _ = oadmission.Validator(&originQuotaAdmission{})

// NewOriginResourceQuota creates a new OriginResourceQuota admission plugin that takes care of admission of
// origin resources abusing resource quota.
func NewOriginResourceQuota(kClient clientset.Interface) admission.Interface {
	// defer an initialization of upstream controller until os client is set
	return &originQuotaAdmission{
		Handler: admission.NewHandler(admission.Create, admission.Update),
		kClient: kClient,

func (a *originQuotaAdmission) Admit(as admission.Attributes) error {
	return a.kQuotaAdmission.Admit(as)