Пример #1
// Run runs a command in the container, it assumes that `branch` has already
// been created.
// Notice that any failure in this function leads to the branch having
// uncommitted dirty changes. This state needs to be cleaned up before the
// pipeline is rerun. The reason we don't do it here is that even if we try our
// best the process crashing at the wrong time could still leave it in an
// inconsistent state.
func (p *pipeline) run(cmd []string) error {
	// this function always increments counter
	defer func() { p.counter++ }()
	// Check if the commit already exists
	exists, err := btrfs.FileExists(path.Join(p.outRepo, p.runCommit()))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	// if the commit exists there's no work to be done
	if exists {
		return nil
	// Set the command
	p.config.Config.Cmd = []string{"sh"}
	//p.config.Config.Volumes["/out"] = emptyStruct()
	// Map the out directory in as a bind
	hostPath := btrfs.HostPath(path.Join(p.outRepo, p.branch))
	bind := fmt.Sprintf("%s:/out", hostPath)
	p.config.HostConfig.Binds = append(p.config.HostConfig.Binds, bind)
	// Make sure this bind is only visible for the duration of run
	defer func() { p.config.HostConfig.Binds = p.config.HostConfig.Binds[:len(p.config.HostConfig.Binds)-1] }()
	// Start the container
	p.container, err = startContainer(p.config)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if err := pipeToStdin(p.container, strings.NewReader(strings.Join(cmd, " ")+"\n")); err != nil {
		return err
	// Create a place to put the logs
	f, err := btrfs.CreateAll(path.Join(p.outRepo, p.branch, ".log"))
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer f.Close()
	// Copy the logs from the container in to the file.
	if err = containerLogs(p.container, f); err != nil {
		return err
	// Wait for the command to finish:
	exit, err := waitContainer(p.container)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if exit != 0 {
		// The command errored
		return fmt.Errorf("Command:\n\t%s\nhad exit code: %d.\n",
			strings.Join(cmd, " "), exit)
	return btrfs.Commit(p.outRepo, p.runCommit(), p.branch)
Пример #2
// inject injects data from an external source into the output directory
func (p *pipeline) inject(name string, public bool) error {
	switch {
	case strings.HasPrefix(name, "s3://"):
		bucket, err := s3utils.GetBucket(name)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		client := s3utils.NewClient(public)
		var wg sync.WaitGroup
		s3utils.ForEachFile(name, public, "", func(file string, modtime time.Time) error {
			// Grab the path, it's handy later
			_path, err := s3utils.GetPath(name)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if err != nil {
				return err
			// Check if the file belongs on shit shard
			match, err := route.Match(file, p.shard)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if !match {
				return nil
			// Check if the file has changed
			changed, err := btrfs.Changed(path.Join(p.outRepo, p.branch,
				strings.TrimPrefix(file, _path)), modtime)
			if err != nil {
				return err
			if !changed {
				return nil
			// TODO match the on disk timestamps to s3's timestamps and make
			// sure we only pull data that has changed
			go func() {
				defer wg.Done()
				response, err := client.GetObject(&s3.GetObjectInput{
					Bucket: &bucket,
					Key:    &file,
				if err != nil {

				src := response.Body
				dst, err := btrfs.CreateAll(path.Join(p.outRepo, p.branch, strings.TrimPrefix(file, _path)))
				if err != nil {
				defer dst.Close()
				_, err = io.Copy(dst, src)
				if err != nil {
				err = btrfs.Chtimes(path.Join(p.outRepo, p.branch, strings.TrimPrefix(file, _path)), modtime, modtime)
				if err != nil {
			return nil
		log.Print("Unknown protocol: ", name)
		return ErrUnknownProtocol
	return nil