Пример #1
func guestEntry(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, m map[string]interface{}) {

	c := appengine.NewContext(r)
	path := m["dir"].(string) + m["base"].(string)

	cntr, _ := sc.Count(c, path)

	tplAdder, tplExec := tplx.FuncTplBuilder(w, r)
	tplAdder("n_html_title", "New guest book entry", nil)
	tplAdder("n_cont_0", c_new_gbe, cntr)
	tplExec(w, r)

Пример #2
func guestView(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, m map[string]interface{}) {

	c := appengine.NewContext(r)
	path := m["dir"].(string) + m["base"].(string)

	cntr, _ := sc.Count(c, path)

	gbEntries, report := gbp.ListEntries(w, r)

	tplAdder, tplExec := tplx.FuncTplBuilder(w, r)
	tplAdder("n_html_title", "List of guest book entries", nil)
	tplAdder("n_cont_0", c_view_gbe, gbEntries)
	tplAdder("n_cont_1", "<pre>{{.}}</pre>", report)
	tplAdder("n_cont_2", "Visitors: {{.}}", cntr)
	tplExec(w, r)

Пример #3
func backend2(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, m map[string]interface{}) {

	c := appengine.NewContext(r)

	path := m["dir"].(string) + m["base"].(string)
	cntr, _ := sc.Count(c, path)

	add, tplExec := tplx.FuncTplBuilder(w, r)
	add("n_html_title", "Backend", nil)
	//add("n_cont_0", c_link, links)
	add("n_cont_0", tplx.PrefixLff+"backend_body", blocks2)
	add("tpl_legend", tplx.PrefixLff+"backend_body_embed01", "")

	//add("n_cont_1", "<pre>{{.}}</pre>", "pure text")
	add("n_cont_2", "<p>{{.}} views</p>", cntr)

	tplExec(w, r)

Пример #4
func backend3(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, m map[string]interface{}) {

	c := appengine.NewContext(r)

	var nColsBlock = 4
	if r.FormValue("nColsBlock") != "" {
		nColsBlock = util.Stoi(r.FormValue("nColsBlock"))
	var nColsViewport = 6
	if r.FormValue("nColsViewport") != "" {
		nColsViewport = util.Stoi(r.FormValue("nColsViewport"))

	myB0.VB1 = X
	myB0.NumB1 = len(myB0.VB1)
	myB0.NumB2 = 0
	myB0.NColsViewport = nColsViewport

	// compute basic meta data
	for i1, _ := range myB0.VB1 {
		myB0.NumB2 += len(myB0.VB1[i1].VB2)
		for i2, _ := range myB0.VB1[i1].VB2 {
			// number of chars
			ro := myB0.VB1[i1].VB2[i2] // read only
			myB0.VB1[i1].VB2[i2].Size = len(ro.Linktext) + len(ro.Description)
			myB0.VB1[i1].VB2[i2].EditorialIndex = i2

	// compute NCols - NRows for the block
	for i1, _ := range myB0.VB1 {
		myB0.VB1[i1].NCols = nColsBlock
		if myB0.VB1[i1].NColsEditorial > 0 {
			myB0.VB1[i1].NCols = myB0.VB1[i1].NColsEditorial
		if len(myB0.VB1[i1].VB2) < nColsBlock && len(myB0.VB1[i1].VB2) > 0 {
			myB0.VB1[i1].NCols = len(myB0.VB1[i1].VB2)
		myB0.VB1[i1].NRows = complementRowsOrCols(len(myB0.VB1[i1].VB2), myB0.VB1[i1].NCols)
		myB0.VB1[i1].Discrepancy = myB0.VB1[i1].NCols*myB0.VB1[i1].NRows - len(myB0.VB1[i1].VB2)

		myB0.MaxNCols = util.Max(myB0.MaxNCols, myB0.VB1[i1].NCols)
		myB0.MaxNRows = util.Max(myB0.MaxNRows, myB0.VB1[i1].NRows)

	// compute NCols - NRows - sizeup to MaxNRows
	for i1, _ := range myB0.VB1 {
		if myB0.VB1[i1].NRows < myB0.MaxNRows {
			myB0.VB1[i1].NRows = myB0.MaxNRows
			myB0.VB1[i1].NCols = complementRowsOrCols(len(myB0.VB1[i1].VB2), myB0.VB1[i1].NRows)
			myB0.VB1[i1].Discrepancy = myB0.VB1[i1].NCols*myB0.VB1[i1].NRows - len(myB0.VB1[i1].VB2)

	// is first or last
	for i1, _ := range myB0.VB1 {
		for i2, _ := range myB0.VB1[i1].VB2 {
			myB0.VB1[i1].VB2[i2].IsFirst = false
			myB0.VB1[i1].VB2[i2].IsLast = false
			if i2%myB0.VB1[i1].NCols == 0 {
				myB0.VB1[i1].VB2[i2].IsFirst = true
			if i2%myB0.VB1[i1].NCols == (myB0.VB1[i1].NCols - 1) {
				myB0.VB1[i1].VB2[i2].IsLast = true
			//aelog.Infof(c,"first-last %v %v \n", i2, i2%myB0.VB1[i1].NCols)

	// create slices with the data to be sorted
	for i1, _ := range myB0.VB1 {
		sh1 := make([]Order, len(myB0.VB1[i1].VB2))
		myB0.VB1[i1].BySize = ByInt(sh1)
		sh2 := make([]Order, len(myB0.VB1[i1].VB2))
		myB0.VB1[i1].ByHeading = ByStr(sh2)
		// fill in the data - to be sorted later
		for i2, _ := range myB0.VB1[i1].VB2 {
			ro := myB0.VB1[i1].VB2[i2] // read only
			myB0.VB1[i1].BySize[i2].IdxSrc = i2
			myB0.VB1[i1].BySize[i2].ByI = len(ro.Linktext) + len(ro.Description)
			myB0.VB1[i1].ByHeading[i2].IdxSrc = i2
			myB0.VB1[i1].ByHeading[i2].ByS = strings.ToLower(ro.Linktext)

	// actual rearranging of the sorting date
	for i1, _ := range myB0.VB1 {
		aelog.Infof(c, "-- Sorting %v", myB0.VB1[i1].Heading)
		// for i, v := range myB0.VB1[i1].BySize {
		// 	aelog.Infof(c,"---- %v %v %v", i, v.IdxSrc, v.ByI)
		// }
		// for i, v := range myB0.VB1[i1].ByHeading {
		// 	aelog.Infof(c,"---- %v %v %v", i, v.IdxSrc, v.ByS)
		// }

	path := m["dir"].(string) + m["base"].(string)

	cntr, _ := sc.Count(c, path)

	add, tplExec := tplx.FuncTplBuilder(w, r)
	add("n_html_title", "Backend", nil)

	add("n_cont_0", "<style>"+htmlfrag.CSSColumnsWidth(nColsViewport)+"</style>", "")
	add("n_cont_1", tplx.PrefixLff+"backend3_body", myB0)
	add("tpl_legend", tplx.PrefixLff+"backend3_body_embed01", "")
	add("n_cont_2", "<p>{{.}} views</p>", cntr)

	sDumped := ""
	//sDumped = spew.Sdump(myB0)
	add("n_cont_3", "<pre>{{.}} </pre>", sDumped)

	tplExec(w, r)

Пример #5
// Adapter() checks the path, takes the time, precomputes values into a map
// provides a global panic catcher
// The typed signature is cleaner than the long version:
//   func Adapter(given func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, map[string]interface{})) http.HandlerFunc {
func Adapter(given ExtendedHandler) http.HandlerFunc {

	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

		start := time.Now()

		c, _ := util_appengine.SafelyExtractGaeCtxError(r)
		lgi := log.Printf
		lge := log.Fatalf
		if c != nil {
			defer logServerTime(c, start)
			// lgi = c.Infof
			lgi = func(format string, v ...interface{}) {
				aelog.Infof(c, format, v...)

			// lge = c.Errorf
			lge = func(format string, v ...interface{}) {
				aelog.Errorf(c, format, v...)

			C = c

		if !authenticate(w, r) {

		//check_against := r.URL.String()
		check_against := r.URL.Path
		matches := validRequestPath.FindStringSubmatch(check_against)
		if matches == nil {
			s := "illegal chars in path: " + check_against
			http.Error(w, s, http.StatusInternalServerError)

		s, err := url.Parse(r.URL.String())
		if err != nil {
			panic("Could not url.Parse current url")
		mp := map[string]interface{}{
			"dir":  path.Dir(s.Path),
			"base": path.Base(s.Path),

		defer func() {
			// note: Println works even in panic

			panicSignal := recover()
			if panicSignal != nil {
				miniStacktrace := ""
				for i := 1; i < 11; i++ {
					_, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(i)
					if strings.Index(file, `/src/pkg/runtime/`) > -1 {
						miniStacktrace += fmt.Sprintf("<br>\n\t\t %s:%d ", file[len(file)-20:], line)
					} else {
						dir := filepath.Dir(file)
						dirLast := filepath.Base(dir)
						file = filepath.Join(dirLast, filepath.Base(file))

						// we cannot determine, whether html is already sent
						// we cannot determine, whether we are in plaintext or html context
						// thus we need the <br>
						miniStacktrace += fmt.Sprintf("<br>\n\t\t /%s:%d ", file, line)

				// headers := w.Header()
				// for k, v := range headers {
				// 	miniStacktrace += fmt.Sprintf("%#v %#v<br>\n", k, v)
				// }
				if panicSignal == "abort_handler_processing" {
					s := fmt.Sprint("\thttp processing aborted\n", miniStacktrace)
				} else if panicSignal != nil {
					s := fmt.Sprintf("\tPANIC caught by util_err.Adapter: %v %s\n", panicSignal, miniStacktrace)


		r.Header.Set("adapter_01", "a string set by adapter")

		if c == nil {
			given(w, r, mp)
		} else {
			var given1 AppengineHandler
			given1 = func(c context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

				given(w, r, mp)

				// automatically set on appengine live, but not on appengine dev
				if r.Header.Get("Content-Type") == "" {
					w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8")

				if r.Header.Get("X-Custom-Header-Counter") != "nocounter" {
					cntr := 0
					if true {
						// This seems to cause problems with new applications
						// possible because of missing indize
						distributed_unancestored.Increment(c, mp["dir"].(string)+mp["base"].(string))
						cntr, _ = distributed_unancestored.Count(c, mp["dir"].(string)+mp["base"].(string))
					fmt.Fprintf(w, "<br>\n%v Views<br>\n", cntr)

			if true || appengine.IsDevAppServer() {
				given1(c, w, r)
			} else {
				// wrapped := appstats.NewHandler(given1) // mjibson
				// wrapped.ServeHTTP(w, r)

