Пример #1
func main() {
	var dir string

	if len(os.Args) > 1 {
		dir = os.Args[1]
	} else {
		dir = sys.BitcoinHome() + "gocoin" + string(os.PathSeparator) + "btcnet" + string(os.PathSeparator) + "peers3"

	db, er := qdb.NewDB(dir, true)

	if er != nil {

	println(db.Count(), "peers in databse", dir)
	if db.Count() == 0 {

	tmp := make(manyPeers, db.Count())
	cnt := 0
	db.Browse(func(k qdb.KeyType, v []byte) uint32 {
		np := utils.NewPeer(v)
		if !sys.ValidIp4(np.Ip4[:]) {
			return 0
		if cnt < len(tmp) {
			tmp[cnt] = np
		return 0

	for cnt = 0; cnt < len(tmp) && cnt < 2500; cnt++ {
		ad := tmp[cnt]
		fmt.Printf("%3d) %16s   %5d  - seen %5d min ago\n", cnt+1,
			fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d", ad.Ip4[0], ad.Ip4[1], ad.Ip4[2], ad.Ip4[3]),
			ad.Port, (time.Now().Unix()-int64(ad.Time))/60)
Пример #2
func parse_command_line() {
	var CFG struct { // Options that can come from either command line or common file
		Testnet bool
		Datadir string

	GocoinHomeDir = sys.BitcoinHome() + "gocoin" + string(os.PathSeparator)

	cfgfilecontent, e := ioutil.ReadFile("gocoin.conf")
	if e != nil {
		cfgfilecontent, e = ioutil.ReadFile(".." + string(os.PathSeparator) +
			"client" + string(os.PathSeparator) + "gocoin.conf")
	if e == nil {
		e = json.Unmarshal(cfgfilecontent, &CFG)
		if e == nil {
			GocoinHomeDir = CFG.Datadir + string(os.PathSeparator)

	flag.BoolVar(&OnlyStoreBlocks, "b", false, "Only store blocks, without parsing them into UTXO database")
	flag.BoolVar(&Testnet, "t", CFG.Testnet, "Use Testnet3")
	flag.StringVar(&GocoinHomeDir, "d", GocoinHomeDir, "Specify the home directory")
	flag.StringVar(&LastTrustedBlock, "trust", "auto", "Specify the highest trusted block hash (use \"all\" for all)")
	flag.StringVar(&SeedNode, "s", "", "Specify IP of the node to fetch headers from")
	flag.UintVar(&MaxNetworkConns, "n", 10, "Set maximum number of network connections for chain download")
	flag.IntVar(&GCPerc, "g", 0, "Set waste percentage treshold for Go's garbage collector")

	flag.UintVar(&MemForBlocks, "m", 64, "Set memory buffer for cached block data (value in megabytes)")

	var help bool
	flag.BoolVar(&help, "h", false, "Show this help")
	if help {

	MemForBlocks <<= 20 // Convert megabytes to bytes
Пример #3
func parse_command_line() {
	GocoinHomeDir = sys.BitcoinHome() + "gocoin" + string(os.PathSeparator)

	flag.BoolVar(&OnlyStoreBlocks, "b", false, "Only store blocks, without parsing them into UTXO database")
	flag.BoolVar(&Testnet, "t", false, "Use Testnet3")
	flag.StringVar(&GocoinHomeDir, "d", GocoinHomeDir, "Specify the home directory")
	flag.StringVar(&LastTrustedBlock, "trust", "auto", "Specify the highest trusted block hash (use \"all\" for all)")
	flag.StringVar(&SeedNode, "s", "", "Specify IP of the node to fetch headers from")
	flag.UintVar(&MaxNetworkConns, "n", 20, "Set maximum number of network connections for chain download")
	flag.IntVar(&GCPerc, "g", 0, "Set waste percentage treshold for Go's garbage collector")
	flag.BoolVar(&DoThePings, "p", false, "Execute the pings procedure first to find the fastest peers")

	flag.UintVar(&MemForBlocks, "m", 64, "Set memory buffer for cached block data (value in megabytes)")

	var help bool
	flag.BoolVar(&help, "h", false, "Show this help")
	if help {

	MemForBlocks <<= 20 // Convert megabytes to bytes
Пример #4
func InitConfig() {
	// Fill in default values
	CFG.Net.ListenTCP = true
	CFG.Net.MaxOutCons = 9
	CFG.Net.MaxInCons = 10
	CFG.Net.MaxBlockAtOnce = 3

	CFG.TextUI.Enabled = true

	CFG.WebUI.Interface = ""
	CFG.WebUI.AllowedIP = ""
	CFG.WebUI.ShowBlocks = 25
	CFG.WebUI.AddrListLen = 15

	CFG.TXPool.Enabled = true
	CFG.TXPool.AllowMemInputs = true
	CFG.TXPool.FeePerByte = 1
	CFG.TXPool.MaxTxSize = 10e3
	CFG.TXPool.MinVoutValue = 0
	CFG.TXPool.TxExpireMinPerKB = 180
	CFG.TXPool.TxExpireMaxHours = 12

	CFG.TXRoute.Enabled = true
	CFG.TXRoute.FeePerByte = 1
	CFG.TXRoute.MaxTxSize = 10e3
	CFG.TXRoute.MinVoutValue = 500 * CFG.TXRoute.FeePerByte // Equivalent of 500 bytes tx fee

	CFG.Memory.GCPercTrshold = 100 // 100%
	CFG.Memory.MaxCachedBlocks = 500

	CFG.MiningStatHours = 24
	CFG.HashrateHours = 6
	CFG.UserAgent = DefaultUserAgent
	CFG.PayCommandName = "pay_cmd.txt"

	cfgfilecontent, e := ioutil.ReadFile(ConfigFile)
	if e == nil && len(cfgfilecontent) > 0 {
		e = json.Unmarshal(cfgfilecontent, &CFG)
		if e != nil {
			println("Error in", ConfigFile, e.Error())
	} else {
		// Create default config file
		println("Stored default configuration in", ConfigFile)

	flag.BoolVar(&FLAG.Rescan, "r", false, "Rebuild the unspent DB (fixes 'Unknown input TxID' errors)")
	flag.BoolVar(&CFG.Testnet, "t", CFG.Testnet, "Use Testnet3")
	flag.StringVar(&CFG.ConnectOnly, "c", CFG.ConnectOnly, "Connect only to this host and nowhere else")
	flag.BoolVar(&CFG.Net.ListenTCP, "l", CFG.Net.ListenTCP, "Listen for incoming TCP connections (on default port)")
	flag.StringVar(&CFG.Datadir, "d", CFG.Datadir, "Specify Gocoin's database root folder")
	flag.UintVar(&CFG.Net.MaxUpKBps, "ul", CFG.Net.MaxUpKBps, "Upload limit in KB/s (0 for no limit)")
	flag.UintVar(&CFG.Net.MaxDownKBps, "dl", CFG.Net.MaxDownKBps, "Download limit in KB/s (0 for no limit)")
	flag.StringVar(&CFG.WebUI.Interface, "webui", CFG.WebUI.Interface, "Serve WebUI from the given interface")
	flag.StringVar(&CFG.Beeps.MinerID, "miner", CFG.Beeps.MinerID, "Monitor new blocks with the string in their coinbase TX")
	flag.BoolVar(&CFG.TXRoute.Enabled, "txp", CFG.TXPool.Enabled, "Enable Memory Pool")
	flag.BoolVar(&CFG.TXRoute.Enabled, "txr", CFG.TXRoute.Enabled, "Enable Transaction Routing")
	flag.BoolVar(&CFG.TextUI.Enabled, "textui", CFG.TextUI.Enabled, "Enable processing TextUI commands (from stdin)")

	if CFG.Datadir == "" {
		CFG.Datadir = sys.BitcoinHome() + "gocoin"

	if CFG.Walletdir == "" {
		CFG.Walletdir = CFG.Datadir + string(os.PathSeparator) + DataSubdir() + string(os.PathSeparator) + "wallet"

	if flag.Lookup("h") != nil {

Пример #5
func InitConfig() {
	// Fill in default values
	CFG.Net.ListenTCP = true
	CFG.Net.MaxOutCons = 9
	CFG.Net.MaxInCons = 10
	CFG.Net.MaxBlockAtOnce = 3

	CFG.TextUI.Enabled = true

	CFG.WebUI.Interface = ""
	CFG.WebUI.AllowedIP = ""
	CFG.WebUI.ShowBlocks = 144
	CFG.WebUI.AddrListLen = 15
	CFG.WebUI.Title = "Gocoin"
	CFG.WebUI.PayCommandName = "pay_cmd.txt"

	CFG.RPC.Username = "******"
	CFG.RPC.Password = "******"

	CFG.TXPool.Enabled = true
	CFG.TXPool.AllowMemInputs = true
	CFG.TXPool.FeePerByte = 20
	CFG.TXPool.MaxTxSize = 100e3
	CFG.TXPool.TxExpireMinPerKB = 180
	CFG.TXPool.TxExpireMaxHours = 12

	CFG.TXRoute.Enabled = true
	CFG.TXRoute.FeePerByte = 25
	CFG.TXRoute.MaxTxSize = 100e3

	CFG.Memory.GCPercTrshold = 100 // 100%
	CFG.Memory.MaxCachedBlocks = 500

	CFG.HashrateHours = 12
	CFG.MiningStatHours = 48
	CFG.AverageFeeBlocks = 4 * 6        /*last 4 hours*/
	CFG.AverageBlockSizeBlocks = 12 * 6 /*half a day*/
	CFG.UserAgent = DefaultUserAgent

	CFG.AllBalances.MinValue = 1e5 // 0.001 BTC

	CFG.DropPeers.DropEachMinutes = 5  // minutes
	CFG.DropPeers.BlckExpireHours = 48 // hours
	CFG.DropPeers.PingPeriodSec = 15   // seconds

	cfgfilecontent, e := ioutil.ReadFile(ConfigFile)
	if e == nil && len(cfgfilecontent) > 0 {
		e = json.Unmarshal(cfgfilecontent, &CFG)
		if e != nil {
			println("Error in", ConfigFile, e.Error())
	} else {
		// Create default config file
		println("Stored default configuration in", ConfigFile)

	flag.BoolVar(&FLAG.Rescan, "r", false, "Rebuild UTXO database (fixes 'Unknown input TxID' errors)")
	flag.BoolVar(&FLAG.VolatileUTXO, "v", false, "Use UTXO database in volatile mode (speeds up rebuilding)")
	flag.BoolVar(&CFG.Testnet, "t", CFG.Testnet, "Use Testnet3")
	flag.StringVar(&CFG.ConnectOnly, "c", CFG.ConnectOnly, "Connect only to this host and nowhere else")
	flag.BoolVar(&CFG.Net.ListenTCP, "l", CFG.Net.ListenTCP, "Listen for incoming TCP connections (on default port)")
	flag.StringVar(&CFG.Datadir, "d", CFG.Datadir, "Specify Gocoin's database root folder")
	flag.UintVar(&CFG.Net.MaxUpKBps, "ul", CFG.Net.MaxUpKBps, "Upload limit in KB/s (0 for no limit)")
	flag.UintVar(&CFG.Net.MaxDownKBps, "dl", CFG.Net.MaxDownKBps, "Download limit in KB/s (0 for no limit)")
	flag.StringVar(&CFG.WebUI.Interface, "webui", CFG.WebUI.Interface, "Serve WebUI from the given interface")
	flag.StringVar(&CFG.Beeps.MinerID, "miner", CFG.Beeps.MinerID, "Monitor new blocks with the string in their coinbase TX")
	flag.BoolVar(&CFG.TXRoute.Enabled, "txp", CFG.TXPool.Enabled, "Enable Memory Pool")
	flag.BoolVar(&CFG.TXRoute.Enabled, "txr", CFG.TXRoute.Enabled, "Enable Transaction Routing")
	flag.BoolVar(&CFG.TextUI.Enabled, "textui", CFG.TextUI.Enabled, "Enable processing TextUI commands (from stdin)")
	flag.UintVar(&FLAG.UndoBlocks, "undo", 0, "Undo UTXO with this many blocks and exit")
	flag.BoolVar(&FLAG.TrustAll, "trust", FLAG.TrustAll, "Trust all scripts inside new blocks (for fast syncig)")
	flag.BoolVar(&FLAG.UnbanAllPeers, "unban", FLAG.UnbanAllPeers, "Un-ban all peers in databse, before starting")

	if CFG.Datadir == "" {
		CFG.Datadir = sys.BitcoinHome() + "gocoin"

	if flag.Lookup("h") != nil {

Пример #6
func main() {
	if len(os.Args) < 2 {
		fmt.Println("Specify at least one parameter - a path to the blk0000?.dat files.")
		fmt.Println("By default it should be:", sys.BitcoinHome()+"blocks")
		fmt.Println("If you specify a second parameter, that's where output data will be stored.")
		fmt.Println("Otherwise the output data will go to Gocoin's default data folder.")

	BtcRootDir = RemoveLastSlash(os.Args[1])
	fn := BtcRootDir + string(os.PathSeparator) + "blk00000.dat"
	fmt.Println("Looking for file", fn, "...")
	f, e := os.Open(fn)
	if e != nil {
	_, e = f.Read(Magic[:])
	if e != nil {

	if len(os.Args) > 2 {
		GocoinHomeDir = RemoveLastSlash(os.Args[2]) + string(os.PathSeparator)
	} else {
		GocoinHomeDir = sys.BitcoinHome() + "gocoin" + string(os.PathSeparator)

	if Magic == [4]byte{0x0B, 0x11, 0x09, 0x07} {
		// testnet3
		fmt.Println("There are Testnet3 blocks")
		GenesisBlock = btc.NewUint256FromString("000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943")
		GocoinHomeDir += "tstnet" + string(os.PathSeparator)
	} else if Magic == [4]byte{0xF9, 0xBE, 0xB4, 0xD9} {
		fmt.Println("There are valid Bitcoin blocks")
		GenesisBlock = btc.NewUint256FromString("000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f")
		GocoinHomeDir += "btcnet" + string(os.PathSeparator)
	} else {
		println("blk00000.dat has an unexpected magic")

	fmt.Println("Importing blockchain data into", GocoinHomeDir, "...")

	if exists(GocoinHomeDir+"blockchain.dat") ||
		exists(GocoinHomeDir+"blockchain.idx") ||
		exists(GocoinHomeDir+"unspent") {
		println("Destination folder contains some database files.")
		println("Either move them somewhere else or delete manually.")
		println("None of the following files/folders must exist before you proceed:")
		println(" *", GocoinHomeDir+"blockchain.dat")
		println(" *", GocoinHomeDir+"blockchain.idx")
		println(" *", GocoinHomeDir+"unspent")

Пример #7
func host_init() {
	var e error
	BtcRootDir := sys.BitcoinHome()
	common.GocoinHomeDir = common.CFG.Datadir + string(os.PathSeparator)

	common.Testnet = common.CFG.Testnet // So chaging this value would will only affect the behaviour after restart
	if common.CFG.Testnet {             // testnet3
		common.GenesisBlock = btc.NewUint256FromString("000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943")
		common.Magic = [4]byte{0x0B, 0x11, 0x09, 0x07}
		common.GocoinHomeDir += common.DataSubdir() + string(os.PathSeparator)
		BtcRootDir += "testnet3" + string(os.PathSeparator)
		common.MaxPeersNeeded = 2000
	} else {
		common.GenesisBlock = btc.NewUint256FromString("000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f")
		common.Magic = [4]byte{0xF9, 0xBE, 0xB4, 0xD9}
		common.GocoinHomeDir += common.DataSubdir() + string(os.PathSeparator)
		common.MaxPeersNeeded = 5000

	// Lock the folder
	os.MkdirAll(common.GocoinHomeDir, 0770)

	fi, e := os.Stat(common.GocoinHomeDir + "blockchain.dat")
	if e != nil {
		fmt.Println("You seem to be running Gocoin for the fist time on this PC")
		fi, e = os.Stat(BtcRootDir + "blocks/blk00000.dat")
		if e == nil && fi.Size() > 1024*1024 {
			fmt.Println("There is a database from Satoshi client on your disk...")
			if textui.AskYesNo("Do you want to import this database into Gocoin?") {
				import_blockchain(BtcRootDir + "blocks")

	fmt.Println("Loading UTXO-db and P2SH/P2KH outputs of", btc.UintToBtc(common.AllBalMinVal), "BTC or more")

	__exit := make(chan bool)
	__done := make(chan bool)
	go func() {
		for {
			select {
			case s := <-killchan:
				chain.AbortNow = true
			case <-__exit:
				__done <- true

	ext := &chain.NewChanOpts{NotifyTxAdd: wallet.TxNotifyAdd,
		NotifyTxDel: wallet.TxNotifyDel, LoadWalk: wallet.NewUTXO,
		UTXOVolatileMode:     common.FLAG.VolatileUTXO,
		UndoBlocks:           common.FLAG.UndoBlocks,
		SetBlocksDBCacheSize: true, BlocksDBCacheSize: int(common.CFG.Memory.MaxCachedBlocks)}

	sta := time.Now().UnixNano()
	common.BlockChain = chain.NewChainExt(common.GocoinHomeDir, common.GenesisBlock, common.FLAG.Rescan, ext)
	sto := time.Now().UnixNano()
	if chain.AbortNow {
		fmt.Printf("Blockchain opening aborted after %.3f seconds\n", float64(sto-sta)/1e9)
	al, sy := sys.MemUsed()
	fmt.Printf("Blockchain open in %.3f seconds.  %d + %d MB of RAM used (%d)\n",
		float64(sto-sta)/1e9, al>>20, qdb.ExtraMemoryConsumed>>20, sy>>20)
	common.StartTime = time.Now()
	__exit <- true
	_ = <-__done

Пример #8
func host_init() {
	var e error
	BtcRootDir := sys.BitcoinHome()

	if common.CFG.Datadir == "" {
		common.GocoinHomeDir = BtcRootDir + "gocoin" + string(os.PathSeparator)
	} else {
		common.GocoinHomeDir = common.CFG.Datadir + string(os.PathSeparator)

	common.Testnet = common.CFG.Testnet // So chaging this value would will only affect the behaviour after restart
	if common.CFG.Testnet {             // testnet3
		common.GenesisBlock = btc.NewUint256FromString("000000000933ea01ad0ee984209779baaec3ced90fa3f408719526f8d77f4943")
		common.Magic = [4]byte{0x0B, 0x11, 0x09, 0x07}
		common.GocoinHomeDir += "tstnet" + string(os.PathSeparator)
		BtcRootDir += "testnet3" + string(os.PathSeparator)
		network.AlertPubKey, _ = hex.DecodeString("04302390343f91cc401d56d68b123028bf52e5fca1939df127f63c6467cdf9c8e2c14b61104cf817d0b780da337893ecc4aaff1309e536162dabbdb45200ca2b0a")
		common.MaxPeersNeeded = 100
	} else {
		common.GenesisBlock = btc.NewUint256FromString("000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f")
		common.Magic = [4]byte{0xF9, 0xBE, 0xB4, 0xD9}
		common.GocoinHomeDir += "btcnet" + string(os.PathSeparator)
		network.AlertPubKey, _ = hex.DecodeString("04fc9702847840aaf195de8442ebecedf5b095cdbb9bc716bda9110971b28a49e0ead8564ff0db22209e0374782c093bb899692d524e9d6a6956e7c5ecbcd68284")
		common.MaxPeersNeeded = 1000

	// Lock the folder
	os.MkdirAll(common.GocoinHomeDir, 0770)
	os.MkdirAll(common.GocoinHomeDir+"wallet", 0770)

	fi, e := os.Stat(common.GocoinHomeDir + "blockchain.dat")
	if e != nil {
		fmt.Println("You seem to be running Gocoin for the fist time on this PC")
		fi, e = os.Stat(BtcRootDir + "blocks/blk00000.dat")
		if e == nil && fi.Size() > 1024*1024 {
			fmt.Println("There is a database from Satoshi client on your disk...")
			if textui.AskYesNo("Do you want to import this database into Gocoin?") {
				import_blockchain(BtcRootDir + "blocks")

	// cache the current balance of all the addresses from the current wallet files

	fmt.Println("Loading UTXO database while checking balance of", len(wallet.MyWallet.Addrs),
		"addresses... (press Ctrl-C to interrupt)")

	__exit := make(chan bool)
	__done := make(chan bool)
	go func() {
		for {
			select {
			case s := <-killchan:
				chain.AbortNow = true
			case <-__exit:
				__done <- true

	ext := &chain.NewChanOpts{NotifyTx: wallet.TxNotify,
		NotifyStealthTx: wallet.StealthNotify,
		LoadWalk:        wallet.NewUTXO, LoadFlush: wallet.DoPendingStealths}

	sta := time.Now().UnixNano()
	common.BlockChain = chain.NewChainExt(common.GocoinHomeDir, common.GenesisBlock, common.FLAG.Rescan, ext)
	sto := time.Now().UnixNano()
	if chain.AbortNow {
		fmt.Printf("Blockchain opening aborted after %.3f seconds\n", float64(sto-sta)/1e9)
	al, sy := sys.MemUsed()
	fmt.Printf("Blockchain open in %.3f seconds.  %d + %d MB of RAM used (%d)\n",
		float64(sto-sta)/1e9, al>>20, qdb.ExtraMemoryConsumed>>20, sy>>20)
	common.StartTime = time.Now()
	__exit <- true
	_ = <-__done