Пример #1
func (p *Pipeline) findMatchingDsocialContact(ds DataStoreService, dsocialUserId string, contact *Contact) (extDsocialContact *dm.Contact, isSame bool, err os.Error) {
	emptyContact := new(dm.Contact)
	if contact.DsocialContactId != "" {
		extDsocialContact, _, _ = ds.RetrieveDsocialContact(dsocialUserId, contact.DsocialContactId)
		if extDsocialContact != nil {
			_, isSame = emptyContact.IsSimilarOrUpdated(extDsocialContact, contact.Value)
			fmt.Printf("[PIPELINE]: findMatchingDsocialContact for %s with based on existing contact id will use %s and isSame %v\n", contact.Value.DisplayName, extDsocialContact.DisplayName, isSame)
	if extDsocialContact == nil {
		// this is a new contact from an existing service
		potentialMatches, err := ds.SearchForDsocialContacts(dsocialUserId, contact.Value)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, false, err
		for _, potentialMatch := range potentialMatches {
			var isSimilar bool
			if isSimilar, isSame = emptyContact.IsSimilarOrUpdated(potentialMatch, contact.Value); isSimilar {
				extDsocialContact = potentialMatch
		if extDsocialContact != nil {
			fmt.Printf("[PIPELINE]: findMatchingDsocialContact for %s was %s and isSame %v\n\tStoring mapping: %s/%s/%s -> %s\n", contact.Value.DisplayName, extDsocialContact.DisplayName, isSame, contact.ExternalServiceId, contact.ExternalUserId, contact.ExternalContactId, extDsocialContact.Id)
			_, _, err = ds.StoreDsocialExternalContactMapping(contact.ExternalServiceId, contact.ExternalUserId, contact.ExternalContactId, dsocialUserId, extDsocialContact.Id)
			contact.DsocialContactId = extDsocialContact.Id
		} else {
			fmt.Printf("[PIPELINE]: findMatchingDsocialContact cannot find similar for %s\n", contact.Value.DisplayName)
	return extDsocialContact, isSame, err
Пример #2
// Stores dsocial contact
// Returns:
//   dsocialContact : the contact, modified to include items like Id and LastModified/Created
//   err : error or nil
func (p *InMemoryDataStore) StoreDsocialContactForExternalContact(externalServiceId, externalUserId, externalContactId, dsocialUserId string, contact *dm.Contact) (dsocialContact *dm.Contact, err os.Error) {
	//k := strings.Join([]string{dsocialUserId, externalServiceId, externalUserId, externalContactId}, "/")
	k := strings.Join([]string{externalServiceId, externalUserId, externalContactId}, "|")
	if externalServiceId == "" || externalUserId == "" || externalContactId == "" {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("One of the following three strings are empty: externalServiceId: %s, externalUserId: %s, externalContactId: %s\n", externalServiceId, externalUserId, externalContactId))
	} else if strings.Contains(externalServiceId, "|") || strings.Contains(externalUserId, "|") || strings.Contains(externalContactId, "|") {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("One of the following three strings contain pipe character: externalServiceId: %s, externalUserId: %s, externalContactId: %s\n", externalServiceId, externalUserId, externalContactId))
	extid := dsocialUserId + "/" + k
	bc.AddIdsForDsocialContact(contact, p, dsocialUserId)
	c := new(dm.Contact)
	*c = *contact
	c.Id = extid
	dsocialContact = contact
Пример #3
func (p *InMemoryDataStore) SearchForDsocialContacts(dsocialUserId string, contact *dm.Contact) (contacts []*dm.Contact, err os.Error) {
	if contact == nil {
		return make([]*dm.Contact, 0), nil
	collection := p.retrieveContactCollection()
	l := list.New()
	for _, v := range collection.Data {
		if c, ok := v.(*dm.Contact); ok && c != nil {
			if isSimilar, _ := contact.IsSimilarOrUpdated(contact, c); isSimilar {
				c2 := new(dm.Contact)
				*c2 = *c
	rc := make([]*dm.Contact, l.Len())
	for i, iter := 0, l.Front(); iter != nil; i, iter = i+1, iter.Next() {
		if iter.Value != nil {
			rc[i] = iter.Value.(*dm.Contact)
	return rc, nil
Пример #4
// Stores dsocial contact
// Returns:
//   dsocialContact : the contact, modified to include items like Id and LastModified/Created
//   err : error or nil
func (p *InMemoryDataStore) StoreDsocialContact(dsocialUserId, dsocialContactId string, contact *dm.Contact) (dsocialContact *dm.Contact, err os.Error) {
	if dsocialContactId == "" {
		dsocialContactId = p.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "contact")
		fmt.Printf("[DS]: Generated Id for storing dsocial contact: %v\n", dsocialContactId)
		contact.Id = dsocialContactId
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("[DS]: Using existing contact id: %v\n", dsocialContactId)
	bc.AddIdsForDsocialContact(contact, p, dsocialUserId)
	//k := strings.Join([]string{dsocialUserId, dsocialContactId}, "/")
	c := new(dm.Contact)
	*c = *contact
	p.store(dsocialUserId, _INMEMORY_CONTACT_COLLECTION_NAME, dsocialContactId, c)
	dsocialContact = contact
Пример #5
func (p *Pipeline) contactImport(cs ContactsService, ds DataStoreService, dsocialUserId string, contact *Contact, allowAdd, allowDelete, allowUpdate bool) (*dm.Contact, string, os.Error) {
	emptyContact := new(dm.Contact)
	if contact == nil || contact.Value == nil {
		return nil, "", nil
	fmt.Printf("[PIPELINE]: Importing contact with ExternalServiceId = %v, ExternalUserId = %v, ExternalContactId = %v, DsocialUserId = %v, DsocialContactId = %v\n", contact.ExternalServiceId, contact.ExternalUserId, contact.ExternalContactId, contact.DsocialUserId, contact.DsocialContactId)
	extDsocialContact, _, err := ds.RetrieveDsocialContactForExternalContact(contact.ExternalServiceId, contact.ExternalUserId, contact.ExternalContactId, dsocialUserId)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, "", err
	var matchingContact *dm.Contact
	var isSame bool
	if extDsocialContact == nil {
		// We don't have a mapping for this external contact to an internal contact mapping
		// meaning we've never imported this contact previously from THIS service, but we may
		// already have the contact in our system, so let's see if we can find it
		matchingContact, isSame, err = p.findMatchingDsocialContact(ds, dsocialUserId, contact)
		if err != nil {
			return matchingContact, "", err
		if matchingContact != nil {
			contact.DsocialContactId = matchingContact.Id
			extContact := cs.ConvertToExternalContact(matchingContact, nil, dsocialUserId)
			ds.StoreExternalContact(contact.ExternalServiceId, contact.ExternalUserId, dsocialUserId, contact.ExternalContactId, extContact)
			extDsocialContact = cs.ConvertToDsocialContact(extContact, matchingContact, dsocialUserId)
			if extDsocialContact != nil {
				AddIdsForDsocialContact(extDsocialContact, ds, dsocialUserId)
				//contact.ExternalContactId = extDsocialContact.Id
				extDsocialContact, err = ds.StoreDsocialContactForExternalContact(contact.ExternalServiceId, contact.ExternalUserId, contact.ExternalContactId, dsocialUserId, extDsocialContact)
				if extDsocialContact == nil || err != nil {
					return matchingContact, "", err
				if contact.DsocialContactId != "" {
					if _, _, err = ds.StoreDsocialExternalContactMapping(contact.ExternalServiceId, contact.ExternalUserId, contact.ExternalContactId, dsocialUserId, contact.DsocialContactId); err != nil {
						return matchingContact, "", err
	} else {
		// we have a mapping for this external contact to an internal contact mapping
		// from THIS service, therefore let's use it
		if contact.DsocialContactId == "" {
			contact.DsocialContactId, err = ds.DsocialIdForExternalContactId(contact.ExternalServiceId, contact.ExternalUserId, dsocialUserId, contact.ExternalContactId)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, "", err
		if contact.DsocialContactId != "" {
			matchingContact, _, err = ds.RetrieveDsocialContact(dsocialUserId, contact.DsocialContactId)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, "", err
	// ensure we have a contact Id
	if contact.DsocialContactId == "" {
		if matchingContact != nil {
			contact.DsocialContactId = matchingContact.Id
			fmt.Printf("[PIPELINE]: Will be using matchingContact Id: %v\n", matchingContact.Id)
		if contact.DsocialContactId == "" {
			newContact := &dm.Contact{UserId: dsocialUserId}
			AddIdsForDsocialContact(newContact, ds, dsocialUserId)
			thecontact, err := ds.StoreDsocialContact(dsocialUserId, newContact.Id, newContact)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, "", err
			contact.DsocialContactId = thecontact.Id
	if _, isSame = emptyContact.IsSimilarOrUpdated(extDsocialContact, contact.Value); isSame {
		return matchingContact, "", nil
	l := new(list.List)
	emptyContact.GenerateChanges(extDsocialContact, contact.Value, nil, l)
	l = p.removeUnacceptedChanges(l, allowAdd, allowDelete, allowUpdate)
	changes := make([]*dm.Change, l.Len())
	for i, iter := 0, l.Front(); iter != nil; i, iter = i+1, iter.Next() {
		changes[i] = iter.Value.(*dm.Change)
	changeset := &dm.ChangeSet{
		CreatedAt:      time.UTC().Format(dm.UTC_DATETIME_FORMAT),
		ChangedBy:      contact.ExternalServiceId,
		ChangeImportId: contact.ExternalContactId,
		RecordId:       contact.DsocialContactId,
		Changes:        changes,
	_, err = ds.StoreContactChangeSet(dsocialUserId, changeset)
	if err != nil {
		return matchingContact, changeset.Id, err
	if extDsocialContact == nil {
		fmt.Printf("[PIPELINE]: OriginalExternalContact is nil and contact.DsocialContactId is %v and contact.Value.Id was %v\n", contact.DsocialContactId, contact.Value.Id)
		contact.Value.Id = contact.DsocialContactId
		AddIdsForDsocialContact(contact.Value, ds, dsocialUserId)
		contact.Value, err = ds.StoreDsocialContact(dsocialUserId, contact.DsocialContactId, contact.Value)
		fmt.Printf("[PIPELINE]: After storing contact.Value, contact.Value.Id is %v\n", contact.Value.Id)
		if err != nil {
			return matchingContact, changeset.Id, err
		storedDsocialContact, err := ds.StoreDsocialContactForExternalContact(contact.ExternalServiceId, contact.ExternalUserId, contact.ExternalContactId, dsocialUserId, contact.Value)
		fmt.Printf("[PIPELINE]: After storing external contact, contact.Value.Id is %v\n", contact.Value.Id)
		_, _, err2 := ds.StoreDsocialExternalContactMapping(contact.ExternalServiceId, contact.ExternalUserId, contact.ExternalContactId, dsocialUserId, contact.DsocialContactId)
		if err == nil {
			err = err2
		return storedDsocialContact, changeset.Id, err
	var storedDsocialContact *dm.Contact = nil
	if contact.DsocialContactId != "" {
		if storedDsocialContact, _, err = ds.RetrieveDsocialContact(dsocialUserId, contact.DsocialContactId); err != nil {
			return matchingContact, changeset.Id, err
	if storedDsocialContact == nil {
		storedDsocialContact = new(dm.Contact)
	for j, iter := 0, l.Front(); iter != nil; j, iter = j+1, iter.Next() {
		change := iter.Value.(*dm.Change)
		dm.ApplyChange(storedDsocialContact, change)
		changes[j] = change
	AddIdsForDsocialContact(storedDsocialContact, ds, dsocialUserId)
	_, err = ds.StoreDsocialContact(dsocialUserId, contact.DsocialContactId, storedDsocialContact)
	return storedDsocialContact, changeset.Id, err
Пример #6
func AddIdsForDsocialContact(c *dm.Contact, ds DataStoreService, dsocialUserId string) (err os.Error) {
	if c == nil {
	if c.UserId == "" {
		c.UserId = dsocialUserId
	if c.Acl.OwnerId == "" {
		c.Acl.OwnerId = dsocialUserId
	if c.Id == "" {
		c.Id = ds.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "contact")
	if c.PostalAddresses != nil {
		for _, addr := range c.PostalAddresses {
			if addr.Acl.OwnerId == "" {
				addr.Acl.OwnerId = dsocialUserId
			if addr.Id == "" {
				addr.Id = ds.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "address")
	if c.Educations != nil {
		for _, ed := range c.Educations {
			if ed.Acl.OwnerId == "" {
				ed.Acl.OwnerId = dsocialUserId
			if ed.Id == "" {
				ed.Id = ds.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "education")
	if c.WorkHistories != nil {
		for _, wh := range c.WorkHistories {
			if wh.Acl.OwnerId == "" {
				wh.Acl.OwnerId = dsocialUserId
			if wh.Id == "" {
				wh.Id = ds.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "workhistory")
	if c.PhoneNumbers != nil {
		for _, p := range c.PhoneNumbers {
			if p.Acl.OwnerId == "" {
				p.Acl.OwnerId = dsocialUserId
			if p.Id == "" {
				p.Id = ds.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "phone")
	if c.EmailAddresses != nil {
		for _, e := range c.EmailAddresses {
			if e.Acl.OwnerId == "" {
				e.Acl.OwnerId = dsocialUserId
			if e.Id == "" {
				e.Id = ds.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "email")
	if c.Uris != nil {
		for _, u := range c.Uris {
			if u.Acl.OwnerId == "" {
				u.Acl.OwnerId = dsocialUserId
			if u.Id == "" {
				u.Id = ds.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "uri")
	if c.Ims != nil {
		for _, im := range c.Ims {
			if im.Acl.OwnerId == "" {
				im.Acl.OwnerId = dsocialUserId
			if im.Id == "" {
				im.Id = ds.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "im")
	if c.Relationships != nil {
		for _, r := range c.Relationships {
			if r.Acl.OwnerId == "" {
				r.Acl.OwnerId = dsocialUserId
			if r.Id == "" {
				r.Id = ds.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "relationship")
	if c.Dates != nil {
		for _, d := range c.Dates {
			if d.Acl.OwnerId == "" {
				d.Acl.OwnerId = dsocialUserId
			if d.Id == "" {
				d.Id = ds.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "date")
	if c.DateTimes != nil {
		for _, d := range c.DateTimes {
			if d.Acl.OwnerId == "" {
				d.Acl.OwnerId = dsocialUserId
			if d.Id == "" {
				d.Id = ds.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "datetime")
	if c.Certifications != nil {
		for _, cert := range c.Certifications {
			if cert.Acl.OwnerId == "" {
				cert.Acl.OwnerId = dsocialUserId
			if cert.Id == "" {
				cert.Id = ds.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "certification")
	if c.Skills != nil {
		for _, s := range c.Skills {
			if s.Acl.OwnerId == "" {
				s.Acl.OwnerId = dsocialUserId
			if s.Id == "" {
				s.Id = ds.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "skill")
	if c.Languages != nil {
		for _, l := range c.Languages {
			if l.Acl.OwnerId == "" {
				l.Acl.OwnerId = dsocialUserId
			if l.Id == "" {
				l.Id = ds.GenerateId(dsocialUserId, "language")