Пример #1
func Quota(d *gdrive.Drive, sizeInBytes bool) error {
	info, err := d.About.Get().Do()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("An error occurred: %v\n", err)

	fmt.Printf("Used: %s\n", util.FileSizeFormat(info.QuotaBytesUsed, sizeInBytes))
	fmt.Printf("Free: %s\n", util.FileSizeFormat(info.QuotaBytesTotal-info.QuotaBytesUsed, sizeInBytes))
	fmt.Printf("Total: %s\n", util.FileSizeFormat(info.QuotaBytesTotal, sizeInBytes))
	return nil
Пример #2
// Upload file to drive
func UploadStdin(d *gdrive.Drive, input io.ReadCloser, title string, parentId string, share bool, mimeType string, convert bool) error {
	// File instance
	f := &drive.File{Title: title}
	// Set parent (if provided)
	if parentId != "" {
		p := &drive.ParentReference{Id: parentId}
		f.Parents = []*drive.ParentReference{p}
	getRate := util.MeasureTransferRate()

	if convert {
		fmt.Printf("Converting to Google Docs format enabled\n")

	info, err := d.Files.Insert(f).Convert(convert).Media(input).Do()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("An error occurred uploading the document: %v\n", err)

	// Total bytes transferred
	bytes := info.FileSize

	// Print information about uploaded file
	printInfo(d, info, false)
	fmt.Printf("MIME Type: %s\n", mimeType)
	fmt.Printf("Uploaded '%s' at %s, total %s\n", info.Title, getRate(bytes), util.FileSizeFormat(bytes, false))

	// Share file if the share flag was provided
	if share {
		err = Share(d, info.Id)
	return err
Пример #3
func printInfo(d *gdrive.Drive, f *drive.File, sizeInBytes bool) {
	fields := map[string]string{
		"Id":          f.Id,
		"Title":       f.Title,
		"Description": f.Description,
		"Size":        util.FileSizeFormat(f.FileSize, sizeInBytes),
		"Created":     util.ISODateToLocal(f.CreatedDate),
		"Modified":    util.ISODateToLocal(f.ModifiedDate),
		"Owner":       strings.Join(f.OwnerNames, ", "),
		"Md5sum":      f.Md5Checksum,
		"Shared":      util.FormatBool(isShared(d, f.Id)),
		"Parents":     util.ParentList(f.Parents),

	order := []string{
	util.Print(fields, order)
Пример #4
// Download file from drive
func Download(d *gdrive.Drive, fileId string, stdout, deleteAfterDownload bool, format string, force bool) error {
	// Get file info
	info, err := d.Files.Get(fileId).Do()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("An error occurred: %v\n", err)

	downloadUrl, extension, err := util.InternalDownloadUrlAndExtension(info, format)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Measure transfer rate
	getRate := util.MeasureTransferRate()

	// GET the download url
	res, err := d.Client().Get(downloadUrl)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("An error occurred: %v", err)

	// Close body on function exit
	defer res.Body.Close()

	// Write file content to stdout
	if stdout {
		io.Copy(os.Stdout, res.Body)
		return nil

	fileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", info.Title, extension)

	// Check if file exists
	if !force && util.FileExists(fileName) {
		return fmt.Errorf("An error occurred: '%s' already exists", fileName)

	// Create a new file
	outFile, err := os.Create(fileName)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("An error occurred: %v\n", err)

	// Close file on function exit
	defer outFile.Close()

	// Save file to disk
	bytes, err := io.Copy(outFile, res.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("An error occurred: %s", err)

	fmt.Printf("Downloaded '%s' at %s, total %s\n", fileName, getRate(bytes), util.FileSizeFormat(bytes, false))

	if deleteAfterDownload {
		err = Delete(d, fileId)
	return err
Пример #5
func List(d *gdrive.Drive, query, titleFilter string, maxResults int, sharedStatus, noHeader, includeDocs, sizeInBytes bool) error {
	caller := d.Files.List()

	if maxResults > 0 {

	if titleFilter != "" {
		q := fmt.Sprintf("title contains '%s'", titleFilter)

	if query != "" {

	list, err := caller.Do()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	items := make([]map[string]string, 0, 0)

	for _, f := range list.Items {
		if f.DownloadUrl == "" && !includeDocs {
			if f.MimeType != "application/vnd.google-apps.folder" {
		if f.Labels.Trashed {

		items = append(items, map[string]string{
			"Id":      f.Id,
			"Title":   util.TruncateString(f.Title, 40),
			"Size":    util.FileSizeFormat(f.FileSize, sizeInBytes),
			"Created": util.ISODateToLocal(f.CreatedDate),

	columnOrder := []string{"Id", "Title", "Size", "Created"}

	if sharedStatus {
		addSharedStatus(d, items)
		columnOrder = append(columnOrder, "Shared")

	util.PrintColumns(items, columnOrder, 3, noHeader)
	return nil
Пример #6
func uploadFileWorker(id int, jobs <-chan JobInfo, results chan<- int) error {
	for j := range jobs {
		fmt.Println("Accepted job")
		if j.title == "" {
			j.title = filepath.Base(j.inputInfo.Name())

		if j.mimeType == "" {
			j.mimeType = mime.TypeByExtension(filepath.Ext(j.title))

		// File instance
		f := &drive.File{Title: j.title, MimeType: j.mimeType}
		// Set parent (if provided)
		if j.parentId != "" {
			p := &drive.ParentReference{Id: j.parentId}
			f.Parents = []*drive.ParentReference{p}
		getRate := util.MeasureTransferRate()

		if j.convert {
			fmt.Printf("Converting to Google Docs format enabled\n")

		info, err := j.d.Files.Insert(f).Convert(j.convert).ResumableMedia(context.Background(), j.input, j.inputInfo.Size(), j.mimeType).Do()
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("An error occurred uploading the document: %v\n", err)

		// Total bytes transferred
		bytes := info.FileSize

		// Print information about uploaded file
		printInfo(j.d, info, false)
		fmt.Printf("MIME Type: %s\n", j.mimeType)
		fmt.Printf("Uploaded '%s' at %s, total %s\n", info.Title, getRate(bytes), util.FileSizeFormat(bytes, false))

		// Placeholder for results
		results <- 1

		// Share file if the share flag was provided
		if j.share {
			err = Share(j.d, info.Id)

	fmt.Println("Worker terminating")
	return nil
Пример #7
func uploadFile(d *gdrive.Drive, input *os.File, inputInfo os.FileInfo, fileId string, title string, parentId string, share bool, mimeType string, convert bool) error {
	if title == "" {
		title = filepath.Base(inputInfo.Name())

	if mimeType == "" {
		mimeType = mime.TypeByExtension(filepath.Ext(title))

	// File instance
	f := &drive.File{Title: title, MimeType: mimeType}
	// Set parent (if provided)
	if parentId != "" {
		p := &drive.ParentReference{Id: parentId}
		f.Parents = []*drive.ParentReference{p}
	getRate := util.MeasureTransferRate()

	if convert {
		fmt.Printf("Converting to Google Docs format enabled\n")

	var info *drive.File
	var err error
	if fileId == "" {
		info, err = d.Files.Insert(f).Convert(convert).ResumableMedia(context.Background(), input, inputInfo.Size(), mimeType).Do()
	} else {
		info, err = d.Files.Update(fileId, f).Convert(convert).Media(input).Do()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("An error occurred uploading the document: %v\n", err)

	// Total bytes transferred
	bytes := info.FileSize

	// Print information about uploaded file
	printInfo(d, info, false)
	fmt.Printf("MIME Type: %s\n", mimeType)
	fmt.Printf("Uploaded '%s' at %s, total %s\n", info.Title, getRate(bytes), util.FileSizeFormat(bytes, false))

	// Share file if the share flag was provided
	if share {
		err = Share(d, info.Id)
	return err
Пример #8
func List(d *gdrive.Drive, query, titleFilter string, maxResults int, sharedStatus, noHeader, includeDocs, sizeInBytes bool) error {
	caller := d.Files.List()
	queryList := []string{}

	if maxResults > 0 {

	if titleFilter != "" {
		q := fmt.Sprintf("title contains '%s'", titleFilter)
		queryList = append(queryList, q)

	if query != "" {
		queryList = append(queryList, query)
	} else {
		// Skip trashed files
		queryList = append(queryList, "trashed = false")

		// Skip google docs
		if !includeDocs {
			for _, mime := range googleMimeTypes {
				q := fmt.Sprintf("mimeType != '%s'", mime)
				queryList = append(queryList, q)

	if len(queryList) > 0 {
		q := strings.Join(queryList, " and ")

	list, err := caller.Do()
	if err != nil {
		return err

	files := list.Items

	for list.NextPageToken != "" {
		if maxResults > 0 && len(files) > maxResults {

		list, err = caller.Do()
		if err != nil {
			return err
		files = append(files, list.Items...)

	items := make([]map[string]string, 0, 0)

	for _, f := range files {
		if maxResults > 0 && len(items) >= maxResults {

		items = append(items, map[string]string{
			"Id":      f.Id,
			"Title":   util.TruncateString(f.Title, 40),
			"Size":    util.FileSizeFormat(f.FileSize, sizeInBytes),
			"Created": util.ISODateToLocal(f.CreatedDate),

	columnOrder := []string{"Id", "Title", "Size", "Created"}

	if sharedStatus {
		addSharedStatus(d, items)
		columnOrder = append(columnOrder, "Shared")

	util.PrintColumns(items, columnOrder, 3, noHeader)
	return nil