func (i IpamDriver) RequestPool(request *ipam.RequestPoolRequest) (*ipam.RequestPoolResponse, error) {
	logutils.JSONMessage("RequestPool", request)

	// Calico IPAM does not allow you to request a SubPool.
	if request.SubPool != "" {
		err := errors.New(
			"Calico IPAM does not support sub pool configuration " +
				"on 'docker create network'. Calico IP Pools " +
				"should be configured first and IP assignment is " +
				"from those pre-configured pools.",
		return nil, err

	if request.V6 {
		err := errors.New("IPv6 isn't supported")
		return nil, err

	// Default the poolID to the fixed value.
	poolID := i.poolIDV4
	pool := ""

	// If a pool (subnet on the CLI) is specified, it must match one of the
	// preconfigured Calico pools.
	if request.Pool != "" {
		poolsClient := i.client.IPPools()
		_, ipNet, err := caliconet.ParseCIDR(request.Pool)
		if err != nil {
			err := errors.New("Invalid CIDR")
			return nil, err

		pools, err := poolsClient.List(api.IPPoolMetadata{CIDR: *ipNet})
		if err != nil || len(pools.Items) < 1 {
			err := errors.New("The requested subnet must match the CIDR of a " +
				"configured Calico IP Pool.",
			return nil, err
		pool = request.Pool
		poolID = request.Pool

	// We use static pool ID and CIDR. We don't need to signal the
	// The meta data includes a dummy gateway address. This prevents libnetwork
	// from requesting a gateway address from the pool since for a Calico
	// network our gateway is set to a special IP.
	resp := &ipam.RequestPoolResponse{
		PoolID: poolID,
		Pool:   pool,
		Data:   map[string]string{"": ""},

	logutils.JSONMessage("RequestPool response", resp)

	return resp, nil
Пример #2
// getResourceFromArguments returns a resource instance from the command line arguments.
func getResourceFromArguments(args map[string]interface{}) (unversioned.Resource, error) {
	kind := args["<KIND>"].(string)
	name := argutils.ArgStringOrBlank(args, "<NAME>")
	node := argutils.ArgStringOrBlank(args, "--node")
	workload := argutils.ArgStringOrBlank(args, "--workload")
	orchestrator := argutils.ArgStringOrBlank(args, "--orchestrator")
	resScope := argutils.ArgStringOrBlank(args, "--scope")
	switch strings.ToLower(kind) {
	case "node", "nodes":
		p := api.NewNode()
		p.Metadata.Name = name
		return *p, nil
	case "hostendpoint", "hostendpoints":
		h := api.NewHostEndpoint()
		h.Metadata.Name = name
		h.Metadata.Node = node
		return *h, nil
	case "workloadendpoint", "workloadendpoints":
		h := api.NewWorkloadEndpoint()
		h.Metadata.Name = name
		h.Metadata.Orchestrator = orchestrator
		h.Metadata.Workload = workload
		h.Metadata.Node = node
		return *h, nil
	case "profile", "profiles":
		p := api.NewProfile()
		p.Metadata.Name = name
		return *p, nil
	case "policy", "policies":
		p := api.NewPolicy()
		p.Metadata.Name = name
		return *p, nil
	case "ippool", "ippools":
		p := api.NewIPPool()
		if name != "" {
			_, cidr, err := net.ParseCIDR(name)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			p.Metadata.CIDR = *cidr
		return *p, nil
	case "bgppeer", "bgppeers":
		p := api.NewBGPPeer()
		if name != "" {
			err := p.Metadata.PeerIP.UnmarshalText([]byte(name))
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
		p.Metadata.Node = node
		switch resScope {
		case "node":
			p.Metadata.Scope = scope.Node
		case "global":
			p.Metadata.Scope = scope.Global
		case "":
			p.Metadata.Scope = scope.Undefined
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unrecognized scope '%s', must be one of: global, node", resScope)
		return *p, nil

		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Resource type '%s' is not supported", kind)
func (i IpamDriver) RequestAddress(request *ipam.RequestAddressRequest) (*ipam.RequestAddressResponse, error) {
	logutils.JSONMessage("RequestAddress", request)

	hostname, err := osutils.GetHostname()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var IPs []caliconet.IP

	if request.Address == "" {
		// No address requested, so auto assign from our pools.
		log.Println("Auto assigning IP from Calico pools")

		// If the poolID isn't the fixed one then find the pool to assign from.
		// poolV4 defaults to nil to assign from across all pools.
		var poolV4 []caliconet.IPNet
		if request.PoolID != PoolIDV4 {
			poolsClient := i.client.IPPools()
			_, ipNet, err := caliconet.ParseCIDR(request.PoolID)

			if err != nil {
				err = errors.Wrapf(err, "Invalid CIDR - %v", request.PoolID)
				return nil, err
			pool, err := poolsClient.Get(api.IPPoolMetadata{CIDR: *ipNet})
			if err != nil {
				err := errors.New("The network references a Calico pool which " +
					"has been deleted. Please re-instate the " +
					"Calico pool before using the network.")
				return nil, err
			poolV4 = []caliconet.IPNet{caliconet.IPNet{IPNet: pool.Metadata.CIDR.IPNet}}
			log.Debugln("Using specific pool ", poolV4)

		// Auto assign an IP address.
		// IPv4 pool will be nil if the docker network doesn't have a subnet associated with.
		// Otherwise, it will be set to the Calico pool to assign from.
		IPsV4, IPsV6, err := i.client.IPAM().AutoAssign(
				Num4:      1,
				Num6:      0,
				Hostname:  hostname,
				IPv4Pools: poolV4,

		if err != nil {
			err = errors.Wrapf(err, "IP assignment error")
			return nil, err
		IPs = append(IPsV4, IPsV6...)
	} else {
		// Docker allows the users to specify any address.
		// We'll return an error if the address isn't in a Calico pool, but we don't care which pool it's in
		// (i.e. it doesn't need to match the subnet from the docker network).
		log.Debugln("Reserving a specific address in Calico pools")
		ip := net.ParseIP(request.Address)
		ipArgs := datastoreClient.AssignIPArgs{
			IP:       caliconet.IP{IP: ip},
			Hostname: hostname,
		err := i.client.IPAM().AssignIP(ipArgs)
		if err != nil {
			err = errors.Wrapf(err, "IP assignment error, data: %+v", ipArgs)
			return nil, err
		IPs = []caliconet.IP{{IP: ip}}

	// We should only have one IP address assigned at this point.
	if len(IPs) != 1 {
		err := errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected number of assigned IP addresses. "+
			"A single address should be assigned. Got %v", IPs))
		return nil, err

	// Return the IP as a CIDR.
	resp := &ipam.RequestAddressResponse{
		Address: fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v", IPs[0], "32"),

	logutils.JSONMessage("RequestAddress response", resp)

	return resp, nil