Пример #1
// StopRC stops the rc via qingctl's stop library
func StopRC(rc *api.ReplicationController, restClient *client.Client) error {
	reaper, err := qingctl.ReaperFor("ReplicationController", restClient)
	if err != nil || reaper == nil {
		return err
	_, err = reaper.Stop(rc.Namespace, rc.Name, 0, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return nil
Пример #2
// NewFactory creates a factory with the default QingYuan resources defined
// if optionalClientConfig is nil, then flags will be bound to a new clientcmd.ClientConfig.
// if optionalClientConfig is not nil, then this factory will make use of it.
func NewFactory(optionalClientConfig clientcmd.ClientConfig) *Factory {
	mapper := qingctl.ShortcutExpander{latest.RESTMapper}

	flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("", pflag.ContinueOnError)
	flags.SetNormalizeFunc(util.WarnWordSepNormalizeFunc) // Warn for "_" flags

	generators := map[string]qingctl.Generator{
		"run/v1":     qingctl.BasicReplicationController{},
		"service/v1": qingctl.ServiceGenerator{},

	clientConfig := optionalClientConfig
	if optionalClientConfig == nil {
		clientConfig = DefaultClientConfig(flags)

	clients := NewClientCache(clientConfig)

	return &Factory{
		clients:    clients,
		flags:      flags,
		generators: generators,

		Object: func() (meta.RESTMapper, runtime.ObjectTyper) {
			cfg, err := clientConfig.ClientConfig()
			cmdApiVersion := cfg.Version

			return qingctl.OutputVersionMapper{mapper, cmdApiVersion}, api.Scheme
		Client: func() (*client.Client, error) {
			return clients.ClientForVersion("")
		ClientConfig: func() (*client.Config, error) {
			return clients.ClientConfigForVersion("")
		RESTClient: func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping) (resource.RESTClient, error) {
			client, err := clients.ClientForVersion(mapping.APIVersion)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			return client.RESTClient, nil
		Describer: func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping) (qingctl.Describer, error) {
			client, err := clients.ClientForVersion(mapping.APIVersion)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			describer, ok := qingctl.DescriberFor(mapping.Kind, client)
			if !ok {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("no description has been implemented for %q", mapping.Kind)
			return describer, nil
		Printer: func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping, noHeaders, withNamespace bool, columnLabels []string) (qingctl.ResourcePrinter, error) {
			return qingctl.NewHumanReadablePrinter(noHeaders, withNamespace, columnLabels), nil
		PodSelectorForObject: func(object runtime.Object) (string, error) {
			// TODO: replace with a swagger schema based approach (identify pod selector via schema introspection)
			switch t := object.(type) {
			case *api.ReplicationController:
				return qingctl.MakeLabels(t.Spec.Selector), nil
			case *api.Pod:
				if len(t.Labels) == 0 {
					return "", fmt.Errorf("the pod has no labels and cannot be exposed")
				return qingctl.MakeLabels(t.Labels), nil
			case *api.Service:
				if t.Spec.Selector == nil {
					return "", fmt.Errorf("the service has no pod selector set")
				return qingctl.MakeLabels(t.Spec.Selector), nil
				kind, err := meta.NewAccessor().Kind(object)
				if err != nil {
					return "", err
				return "", fmt.Errorf("it is not possible to get a pod selector from %s", kind)
		PortsForObject: func(object runtime.Object) ([]string, error) {
			// TODO: replace with a swagger schema based approach (identify pod selector via schema introspection)
			switch t := object.(type) {
			case *api.ReplicationController:
				return getPorts(t.Spec.Template.Spec), nil
			case *api.Pod:
				return getPorts(t.Spec), nil
				kind, err := meta.NewAccessor().Kind(object)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("it is not possible to get ports from %s", kind)
		LabelsForObject: func(object runtime.Object) (map[string]string, error) {
			return meta.NewAccessor().Labels(object)
		Scaler: func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping) (qingctl.Scaler, error) {
			client, err := clients.ClientForVersion(mapping.APIVersion)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			return qingctl.ScalerFor(mapping.Kind, qingctl.NewScalerClient(client))
		Reaper: func(mapping *meta.RESTMapping) (qingctl.Reaper, error) {
			client, err := clients.ClientForVersion(mapping.APIVersion)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			return qingctl.ReaperFor(mapping.Kind, client)
		Validator: func() (validation.Schema, error) {
			if flags.Lookup("validate").Value.String() == "true" {
				client, err := clients.ClientForVersion("")
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				return &clientSwaggerSchema{client, api.Scheme}, nil
			return validation.NullSchema{}, nil
		DefaultNamespace: func() (string, error) {
			return clientConfig.Namespace()
		Generator: func(name string) (qingctl.Generator, bool) {
			generator, ok := generators[name]
			return generator, ok
Пример #3
// A basic test to check the deployment of an image using
// a replication controller. The image serves its hostname
// which is checked for each replica.
func ServeImageOrFail(c *client.Client, test string, image string) {
	ns := api.NamespaceDefault
	name := "my-hostname-" + test + "-" + string(util.NewUUID())
	replicas := 2

	// Create a replication controller for a service
	// that serves its hostname.
	// The source for the Docker containter qingyuan/serve_hostname is
	// in contrib/for-demos/serve_hostname
	By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating replication controller %s", name))
	controller, err := c.ReplicationControllers(ns).Create(&api.ReplicationController{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
			Name: name,
		Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{
			Replicas: replicas,
			Selector: map[string]string{
				"name": name,
			Template: &api.PodTemplateSpec{
				ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
					Labels: map[string]string{"name": name},
				Spec: api.PodSpec{
					Containers: []api.Container{
							Name:  name,
							Image: image,
							Ports: []api.ContainerPort{{ContainerPort: 9376}},
	// Cleanup the replication controller when we are done.
	defer func() {
		// Resize the replication controller to zero to get rid of pods.
		By("Cleaning up the replication controller")
		rcReaper, err := qingctl.ReaperFor("ReplicationController", c)
		if err != nil {
			Logf("Failed to cleanup replication controller %v: %v.", controller.Name, err)
		if _, err = rcReaper.Stop(ns, controller.Name, 0, nil); err != nil {
			Logf("Failed to stop replication controller %v: %v.", controller.Name, err)

	// List the pods, making sure we observe all the replicas.
	listTimeout := time.Minute
	label := labels.SelectorFromSet(labels.Set(map[string]string{"name": name}))
	pods, err := c.Pods(ns).List(label, fields.Everything())
	t := time.Now()
	for {
		Logf("Controller %s: Found %d pods out of %d", name, len(pods.Items), replicas)
		if len(pods.Items) == replicas {
		if time.Since(t) > listTimeout {
			Failf("Controller %s: Gave up waiting for %d pods to come up after seeing only %d pods after %v seconds",
				name, replicas, len(pods.Items), time.Since(t).Seconds())
		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
		pods, err = c.Pods(ns).List(label, fields.Everything())

	By("Ensuring each pod is running")

	// Wait for the pods to enter the running state. Waiting loops until the pods
	// are running so non-running pods cause a timeout for this test.
	for _, pod := range pods.Items {
		err = waitForPodRunning(c, pod.Name)

	// Verify that something is listening.
	By("Trying to dial each unique pod")
	retryTimeout := 2 * time.Minute
	retryInterval := 5 * time.Second
	err = wait.Poll(retryInterval, retryTimeout, podResponseChecker{c, ns, label, name, true, pods}.checkAllResponses)
	if err != nil {
		Failf("Did not get expected responses within the timeout period of %.2f seconds.", retryTimeout.Seconds())