Пример #1
func retrieveCurrentScan() {
	var client http.Client

	url := ""
	if len(config.ShelterConfig.WebClient.Listeners) > 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", config.ShelterConfig.WebClient.Listeners[0].IP,

	if len(url) == 0 {
		utils.Fatalln("There's no interface to connect to", nil)

	r, err := http.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", url, "/scans/?current"), nil)
	if err != nil {
		utils.Fatalln("Error creating the HTTP request", err)

	utils.BuildHTTPHeader(r, nil)

	response, err := client.Do(r)
	if err != nil {
		utils.Fatalln("Error sending request", err)

	responseContent, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
	if err != nil {
		utils.Fatalln("Error reading response content", err)

	if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
		utils.Fatalln(fmt.Sprintf("Expected HTTP status %d and got %d for method GET "+
			"and URI /scan/currentscan",
			http.StatusOK, response.StatusCode),

	var scansResponse protocol.ScansResponse
	if err := json.Unmarshal(responseContent, &scansResponse); err != nil {
		utils.Fatalln("Error decoding scan response", err)

	if len(scansResponse.Scans) != 1 {
		utils.Fatalln("Not returning the current scan in the result set or "+
			"more items than expected were found", nil)

	if scansResponse.Scans[0].Status != model.ScanStatusToString(model.ScanStatusWaitingExecution) {
		utils.Fatalln(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid status returned by current scan. Expected %s and got %s",
			model.ScanStatusToString(model.ScanStatusWaitingExecution), scansResponse.Scans[0].Status), nil)
Пример #2
// Convert a scan object data of the system into a format easy to interpret by the user
func ScanToScanResponse(scan model.Scan) ScanResponse {
	return ScanResponse{
		Status:                   model.ScanStatusToString(scan.Status),
		StartedAt:                PreciseTime{scan.StartedAt},
		FinishedAt:               PreciseTime{scan.FinishedAt},
		DomainsToBeScanned:       0,
		DomainsScanned:           scan.DomainsScanned,
		DomainsWithDNSSECScanned: scan.DomainsWithDNSSECScanned,
		NameserverStatistics:     scan.NameserverStatistics,
		DSStatistics:             scan.DSStatistics,
		Links: []Link{
				Types: []LinkType{LinkTypeSelf},
				HRef:  fmt.Sprintf("/scan/%s", scan.StartedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano)),
Пример #3
// Convert a current scan object data being executed of the system into a format easy to interpret
// by the user
func CurrentScanToScanResponse(currentScan model.CurrentScan) ScanResponse {
	return ScanResponse{
		Status:                   model.ScanStatusToString(currentScan.Status),
		ScheduledAt:              PreciseTime{currentScan.ScheduledAt},
		StartedAt:                PreciseTime{currentScan.StartedAt},
		FinishedAt:               PreciseTime{currentScan.FinishedAt},
		DomainsToBeScanned:       currentScan.DomainsToBeScanned,
		DomainsScanned:           currentScan.DomainsScanned,
		DomainsWithDNSSECScanned: currentScan.DomainsWithDNSSECScanned,
		NameserverStatistics:     currentScan.NameserverStatistics,
		DSStatistics:             currentScan.DSStatistics,
		Links: []Link{
				Types: []LinkType{LinkTypeSelf},
				HRef:  "/scan/current",
				Types: []LinkType{LinkTypeArchives},
				HRef:  fmt.Sprintf("/scans"),
Пример #4
func retrieveScan(startedAt time.Time) {
	var client http.Client

	url := ""
	if len(config.ShelterConfig.WebClient.Listeners) > 0 {
		url = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", config.ShelterConfig.WebClient.Listeners[0].IP,

	if len(url) == 0 {
		utils.Fatalln("There's no interface to connect to", nil)

	uri := fmt.Sprintf("/scan/%s", startedAt.Format(time.RFC3339Nano))
	r, err := http.NewRequest("GET", fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", url, uri), nil)
	if err != nil {
		utils.Fatalln("Error creating the HTTP request", err)

	utils.BuildHTTPHeader(r, nil)

	response, err := client.Do(r)
	if err != nil {
		utils.Fatalln("Error sending request", err)

	responseContent, err := ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
	if err != nil {
		utils.Fatalln("Error reading response content", err)

	if response.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
		utils.Fatalln(fmt.Sprintf("Expected HTTP status %d and got %d for method GET "+
			"and URI /scan/currentscan",
			http.StatusOK, response.StatusCode),

	var scanResponse protocol.ScanResponse
	if err := json.Unmarshal(responseContent, &scanResponse); err != nil {
		utils.Fatalln("Error decoding scan response", err)

	if scanResponse.Status != model.ScanStatusToString(model.ScanStatusExecuted) {
		utils.Fatalln("Invalid status returned by scan", nil)

	// Tolerance of one second
	if scanResponse.StartedAt.Sub(startedAt) > (1*time.Second) ||
		scanResponse.StartedAt.Sub(startedAt) < (-1*time.Second) {
		utils.Fatalln("Invalid start date returned by scan", nil)

	if scanResponse.DomainsScanned != 5000000 {
		utils.Fatalln("Invalid number of domains scanned returned by scan", nil)

	if scanResponse.DomainsWithDNSSECScanned != 250000 {
		utils.Fatalln("Invalid number of domains with DNSSEC scanned returned by scan", nil)

	if len(scanResponse.NameserverStatistics) != 2 {
		utils.Fatalln("Invalid nameserver statistics returned by scan", nil)

	if len(scanResponse.DSStatistics) != 2 {
		utils.Fatalln("Invalid dsset statistics returned by scan", nil)