Пример #1
// runTestsViaRunner runs all the tests at the given source path via the runner.
func runTestsViaRunner(runner TestRunner, path string) bool {
	log.Printf("Starting test run of %s via %v runner", path, runner.Title())

	// Run setup for the runner.
	err := runner.SetupIfNecessary()
	if err != nil {
		errHighlight := color.New(color.FgRed, color.Bold)
		errHighlight.Print("ERROR: ")

		text := color.New(color.FgWhite)
		text.Printf("Could not setup %s runner: %v\n", runner.Title(), err)
		return false

	// Iterate over each test file in the source path. For each, compile the code into
	// JS at a temporary location and then pass the temporary location to the test
	// runner.
	return compilerutil.WalkSourcePath(path, func(currentPath string, info os.FileInfo) (bool, error) {
		if !strings.HasSuffix(info.Name(), "_test"+parser.SERULIAN_FILE_EXTENSION) {
			return false, nil

		success, err := buildAndRunTests(currentPath, runner)
		if err != nil {
			return true, err

		if success {
			return true, nil
		} else {
			return true, fmt.Errorf("Failure in test of file %s", currentPath)
Пример #2
// formatFiles runs formatting of all matching source files found at the given source path.
func formatFiles(path string, importHandling importHandlingInfo, debug bool) bool {
	return compilerutil.WalkSourcePath(path, func(currentPath string, info os.FileInfo) (bool, error) {
		if !strings.HasSuffix(info.Name(), parser.SERULIAN_FILE_EXTENSION) {
			return false, nil

		return true, parseAndFormatSourceFile(currentPath, info, importHandling)