Пример #1
func activate(user model.User, sess *sessions.Session, req *http.Request) (interface{}, model.User) {
	outdata := &msgTpldata{Title: "Activate Account", Class: "error"}


	_userid := req.FormValue("U")
	code := req.FormValue("Code")

	if (_userid == "") || (code == "") {
		outdata.Msg = "User or code invalid. Check, if the activation link was correctly copied from the mail."
		return outdata, nil

	userid, err := db.ParseDBID(_userid)
	if err != nil {
		outdata.Msg = "User or code invalid. Check, if the activation link was correctly copied from the mail."
		return outdata, nil

	switch user, err = dbcon.UserByID(userid); err {
	case nil:
	case model.NotFound:
		outdata.Msg = "User not found."
		return outdata, nil
		log.Printf("Error while getting user by ID <%s>: %s", userid, err)
		outdata.Msg = "An unknown error occurred while loading user data."
		return outdata, nil

	if user.ActivationCode() != code {
		outdata.Msg = "Wrong activation code."
		return outdata, nil

	if err := user.SetActivationCode(""); err != nil {
		log.Printf("Error while resetting activation code: %s", err)
		outdata.Msg = "An unknown error occurred while activating the user."
		return outdata, nil

	if err := user.SetActive(true); err != nil {
		log.Printf("Error while resetting activation code: %s", err)
		outdata.Msg = "An unknown error occurred while activating the user."
		return outdata, nil

	outdata.Class = "success"
	outdata.Msg = "Account activated!"
	return outdata, nil
Пример #2
func pwreset(user model.User, sess *sessions.Session, req *http.Request) (interface{}, model.User) {
	if err := req.ParseForm(); err != nil {
		return &pwresetTpldata{Error: "Form data corrupted."}, user

	code := req.FormValue("Code")
	_uid := req.FormValue("U")
	pw1 := req.FormValue("Password")
	pw2 := req.FormValue("PasswordAgain")

	if code == "" {
		return &pwresetTpldata{Error: "Wrong password reset code"}, user

	uid, err := db.ParseDBID(_uid)
	if err != nil {
		return &pwresetTpldata{Error: "Invalid user ID"}, user

	if user, err = dbcon.UserByID(uid); err != nil {
		return &pwresetTpldata{Error: "User not found"}, user

	if user.ActivationCode() != code {
		return &pwresetTpldata{Error: "Wrong activation code"}, user

	outdata := &pwresetTpldata{UID: _uid, Code: code}

	if req.Method != "POST" {
		return outdata, user

	if pw1 == "" {
		outdata.Error = "Password must not be empty."
		return outdata, user

	if pw1 != pw2 {
		outdata.Error = "Passwords are not identical."
		return outdata, user

	hash, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(pw1), bcrypt.DefaultCost)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Could not has password: %s", err)
		outdata.Error = "Could not save password."
		return outdata, user

	if err := user.SetPWHash(hash); err != nil {
		log.Printf("Error while hashing password: %s", err)
		outdata.Error = "Could not save password."
		return outdata, user

	if err := user.SetActivationCode(""); err != nil {
		log.Printf("Error resetting acCode: %s", err)

	outdata.Success = "Password was changed"
	return outdata, user