Пример #1
func makeTransactionForChainWithHoursFee(t *testing.T, bc *Blockchain,
	ux coin.UxOut, sec cipher.SecKey, hours, fee uint64) (coin.Transaction, cipher.SecKey) {
	chrs := ux.CoinHours(bc.Time())
	if chrs < hours+fee {
		log.Panicf("CoinHours underflow. Have %d, need at least %d", chrs,
	assert.Equal(t, cipher.AddressFromPubKey(cipher.PubKeyFromSecKey(sec)), ux.Body.Address)
	knownUx, exists := bc.GetUnspent().Get(ux.Hash())
	assert.True(t, exists)
	assert.Equal(t, knownUx, ux)
	tx := coin.Transaction{}
	p, newSec := cipher.GenerateKeyPair()
	addr := cipher.AddressFromPubKey(p)
	tx.PushOutput(addr, 1e6, hours)
	coinsOut := ux.Body.Coins - 1e6
	if coinsOut > 0 {
		tx.PushOutput(genAddress, coinsOut, chrs-hours-fee)
	assert.Equal(t, len(tx.Sigs), 1)
	assert.Nil(t, cipher.ChkSig(ux.Body.Address, cipher.AddSHA256(tx.HashInner(), tx.In[0]), tx.Sigs[0]))
	assert.Nil(t, tx.Verify())
	err := bc.VerifyTransaction(tx)
	assert.Nil(t, err)
	return tx, newSec
Пример #2
func TransactionToJSON(tx coin.Transaction) string {

	var o TransactionJSON

	if err := tx.Verify(); err != nil {
		log.Panic("Input Transaction Invalid: Cannot serialize to JSON, fails verify")

	o.Hash = tx.Hash().Hex()
	o.InnerHash = tx.InnerHash.Hex()

	if tx.InnerHash != tx.HashInner() {
		log.Panic("TransactionToJSON called with invalid transaction, inner hash mising")

	o.Sigs = make([]string, len(tx.Sigs))
	o.In = make([]string, len(tx.In))
	o.Out = make([]TransactionOutputJSON, len(tx.Out))

	for i, sig := range tx.Sigs {
		o.Sigs[i] = sig.Hex()
	for i, x := range tx.In {
		o.In[i] = x.Hex() //hash to hex
	for i, y := range tx.Out {
		o.Out[i] = NewTransactionOutputJSON(y, tx.InnerHash)

	b, err := json.MarshalIndent(o, "", "  ")
	if err != nil {
		log.Panic("Cannot serialize transaction as JSON")

	return string(b)