Пример #1
func (x *cmdBooted) Execute(args []string) error {
	if len(args) > 0 {
		return ErrExtraArgs

	if release.OnClassic {
		fmt.Fprintf(Stdout, i18n.G("Ignoring 'booted' on classic"))
		return nil

	bootloader, err := partition.FindBootloader()
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf(i18n.G("cannot mark boot successful: %s"), err)

	if err := partition.MarkBootSuccessful(bootloader); err != nil {
		return err

	ovld, err := overlord.New()
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return boot.UpdateRevisions(ovld)
Пример #2
func (bs *bootedSuite) TestUpdateRevisionsOSErrorsEarly(c *C) {
	st := bs.overlord.State()
	bs.makeInstalledKernelOS(c, st)

	bs.bootloader.BootVars["snap_core"] = "ubuntu-core_99.snap"
	err := boot.UpdateRevisions(bs.overlord)
	c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, `cannot find revision 99 for snap "ubuntu-core"`)
Пример #3
func (bs *bootedSuite) TestUpdateRevisionsKernelErrorsEarly(c *C) {
	st := bs.overlord.State()
	bs.makeInstalledKernelOS(c, st)

	bs.bootloader.BootVars["snap_kernel"] = "canonical-pc-linux_99.snap"
	err := boot.UpdateRevisions(bs.overlord)
	c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, `cannot find revision 99 for snap "canonical-pc-linux"`)
Пример #4
func (bs *bootedSuite) TestUpdateRevisionsOSErrorsLate(c *C) {
	st := bs.overlord.State()

	// put ubuntu-core into the state but add no files on disk
	// will break in the tasks
	snapstate.Set(st, "ubuntu-core", &snapstate.SnapState{
		SnapType: "os",
		Active:   true,
		Sequence: []*snap.SideInfo{osSI1, osSI2},
		Current:  snap.R(2),

	bs.bootloader.BootVars["snap_kernel"] = "ubuntu-core_1.snap"
	err := boot.UpdateRevisions(bs.overlord)
	c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, `(?ms)cannot update revisions after boot changes:.*`)
Пример #5
func (bs *bootedSuite) TestUpdateRevisionsKernelSimple(c *C) {
	st := bs.overlord.State()
	bs.makeInstalledKernelOS(c, st)

	bs.bootloader.BootVars["snap_kernel"] = "canonical-pc-linux_1.snap"
	err := boot.UpdateRevisions(bs.overlord)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	defer st.Unlock()

	// canonical-pc-linux "current" got reverted but ubuntu-core did not
	var snapst snapstate.SnapState
	err = snapstate.Get(st, "canonical-pc-linux", &snapst)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(snapst.Current, Equals, snap.R(1))
	c.Assert(snapst.Active, Equals, true)

	err = snapstate.Get(st, "ubuntu-core", &snapst)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(snapst.Current, Equals, snap.R(2))
	c.Assert(snapst.Active, Equals, true)