Пример #1
func (s *mountSnapSuite) TestDoUndoMountSnap(c *C) {
	v1 := "name: core\nversion: 1.0\n"
	testSnap := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, v1, nil)

	defer s.state.Unlock()
	si1 := &snap.SideInfo{
		RealName: "core",
		Revision: snap.R(1),
	si2 := &snap.SideInfo{
		RealName: "core",
		Revision: snap.R(2),
	snapstate.Set(s.state, "core", &snapstate.SnapState{
		Sequence: []*snap.SideInfo{si1},
		Current:  si1.Revision,
		SnapType: "os",

	t := s.state.NewTask("mount-snap", "test")
	t.Set("snap-setup", &snapstate.SnapSetup{
		SideInfo: si2,
		SnapPath: testSnap,
	chg := s.state.NewChange("dummy", "...")

	terr := s.state.NewTask("error-trigger", "provoking total undo")


	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {


	// ensure undo was called the right way
	c.Check(s.fakeBackend.ops, DeepEquals, fakeOps{
			op:  "current",
			old: "/snap/core/1",
			op:    "setup-snap",
			name:  testSnap,
			revno: snap.R(2),
			op:    "undo-setup-snap",
			name:  "/snap/core/2",
			stype: "os",

Пример #2
func (s *imageSuite) TestDownloadUnpackGadget(c *C) {
	files := [][]string{
		{"subdir/canary.txt", "I'm a canary"},
	s.downloadedSnaps["pc"] = snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, packageGadget, files)
	s.storeSnapInfo["pc"] = infoFromSnapYaml(c, packageGadget, snap.R(99))

	gadgetUnpackDir := filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "gadget-unpack-dir")
	opts := &image.Options{
		GadgetUnpackDir: gadgetUnpackDir,
	local, err := image.LocalSnaps(opts)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	err = image.DownloadUnpackGadget(s, s.model, opts, local)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// verify the right data got unpacked
	for _, t := range []struct{ file, content string }{
		{"meta/snap.yaml", packageGadget},
		{files[0][0], files[0][1]},
	} {
		fn := filepath.Join(gadgetUnpackDir, t.file)
		content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fn)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Check(content, DeepEquals, []byte(t.content))
Пример #3
func (s *kernelOSSuite) TestExtractKernelAssetsNoUnpacksKernelForGrub(c *C) {
	// pretend to be a grub system
	mockGrub := boottest.NewMockBootloader("grub", c.MkDir())

	files := [][]string{
		{"kernel.img", "I'm a kernel"},
		{"initrd.img", "...and I'm an initrd"},
		{"meta/kernel.yaml", "version: 4.2"},
	si := &snap.SideInfo{
		RealName: "ubuntu-kernel",
		Revision: snap.R(42),
	fn := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, packageKernel, files)
	snapf, err := snap.Open(fn)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	info, err := snap.ReadInfoFromSnapFile(snapf, si)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	err = boot.ExtractKernelAssets(info, snapf)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// kernel is *not* here
	kernimg := filepath.Join(mockGrub.Dir(), "ubuntu-kernel_42.snap", "kernel.img")
	c.Assert(osutil.FileExists(kernimg), Equals, false)
Пример #4
func (s *storeTestSuite) makeTestSnap(c *C, snapYamlContent string) string {
	fn := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, snapYamlContent, nil)
	dst := filepath.Join(s.store.blobDir, filepath.Base(fn))
	err := osutil.CopyFile(fn, dst, 0)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	return dst
Пример #5
func (s *infoSuite) TestReadInfoFromSnapFileCatchesInvalidImplicitHook(c *C) {
	yaml := `name: foo
version: 1.0`
	snapPath := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, yaml, emptyHooks("123abc"))

	snapf, err := snap.Open(snapPath)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	_, err = snap.ReadInfoFromSnapFile(snapf, nil)
	c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, ".*invalid hook name.*")
Пример #6
func (s *imageSuite) setupSnaps(c *C, gadgetUnpackDir string) {
	err := os.MkdirAll(gadgetUnpackDir, 0755)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(gadgetUnpackDir, "grub.conf"), nil, 0644)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	s.downloadedSnaps["pc"] = snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, packageGadget, [][]string{{"grub.cfg", "I'm a grub.cfg"}})
	s.storeSnapInfo["pc"] = infoFromSnapYaml(c, packageGadget, snap.R(1))
	s.addSystemSnapAssertions(c, "pc")

	s.downloadedSnaps["pc-kernel"] = snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, packageKernel, nil)
	s.storeSnapInfo["pc-kernel"] = infoFromSnapYaml(c, packageKernel, snap.R(2))
	s.addSystemSnapAssertions(c, "pc-kernel")

	s.downloadedSnaps["core"] = snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, packageCore, nil)
	s.storeSnapInfo["core"] = infoFromSnapYaml(c, packageCore, snap.R(3))
	s.addSystemSnapAssertions(c, "core")

	s.downloadedSnaps["required-snap1"] = snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, requiredSnap1, nil)
	s.storeSnapInfo["required-snap1"] = infoFromSnapYaml(c, requiredSnap1, snap.R(3))
	s.addSystemSnapAssertions(c, "required-snap1")
Пример #7
func (s *setupSuite) TestSetupUndoIdempotent(c *C) {
	// make sure that a retry wouldn't stumble on partial work
	// use a kernel because that does and need to do strictly more

	// this cannot check systemd own behavior though around mounts!

	bootloader := boottest.NewMockBootloader("mock", c.MkDir())
	// we don't get real mounting

	testFiles := [][]string{
		{"kernel.img", "kernel"},
		{"initrd.img", "initrd"},
		{"modules/4.4.0-14-generic/foo.ko", "a module"},
		{"firmware/bar.bin", "some firmware"},
		{"meta/kernel.yaml", "version: 4.2"},
	snapPath := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, `name: kernel
version: 1.0
type: kernel
`, testFiles)

	si := snap.SideInfo{
		RealName: "kernel",
		Revision: snap.R(140),

	err := s.be.SetupSnap(snapPath, &si, &s.nullProgress)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	minInfo := snap.MinimalPlaceInfo("kernel", snap.R(140))

	err = s.be.UndoSetupSnap(minInfo, "kernel", &s.nullProgress)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// retry run
	err = s.be.UndoSetupSnap(minInfo, "kernel", &s.nullProgress)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// sanity checks
	l, _ := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapServicesDir, "*.mount"))
	c.Assert(l, HasLen, 0)
	c.Assert(osutil.FileExists(minInfo.MountDir()), Equals, false)

	c.Assert(osutil.FileExists(minInfo.MountFile()), Equals, false)

	l, _ = filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(bootloader.Dir(), "*"))
	c.Assert(l, HasLen, 0)
Пример #8
func (s *infoSuite) TestReadInfoFromSnapFileMissingEpoch(c *C) {
	yaml := `name: foo
version: 1.0
type: app`
	snapPath := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, yaml, nil)

	snapf, err := snap.Open(snapPath)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	info, err := snap.ReadInfoFromSnapFile(snapf, nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(info.Name(), Equals, "foo")
	c.Check(info.Version, Equals, "1.0")
	c.Check(info.Type, Equals, snap.TypeApp)
	c.Check(info.Revision, Equals, snap.R(0))
	c.Check(info.Epoch, Equals, "0") // Defaults to 0
Пример #9
func (s *kernelOSSuite) TestExtractKernelAssetsAndRemove(c *C) {
	files := [][]string{
		{"kernel.img", "I'm a kernel"},
		{"initrd.img", "...and I'm an initrd"},
		{"dtbs/foo.dtb", "g'day, I'm foo.dtb"},
		{"dtbs/bar.dtb", "hello, I'm bar.dtb"},
		// must be last
		{"meta/kernel.yaml", "version: 4.2"},

	si := &snap.SideInfo{
		RealName: "ubuntu-kernel",
		Revision: snap.R(42),
	fn := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, packageKernel, files)
	snapf, err := snap.Open(fn)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	info, err := snap.ReadInfoFromSnapFile(snapf, si)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	err = boot.ExtractKernelAssets(info, snapf)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// this is where the kernel/initrd is unpacked
	bootdir := s.bootloader.Dir()

	kernelAssetsDir := filepath.Join(bootdir, "ubuntu-kernel_42.snap")

	for _, def := range files {
		if def[0] == "meta/kernel.yaml" {

		fullFn := filepath.Join(kernelAssetsDir, def[0])
		content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fullFn)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		c.Assert(string(content), Equals, def[1])

	// remove
	err = boot.RemoveKernelAssets(info)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Check(osutil.FileExists(kernelAssetsDir), Equals, false)
Пример #10
func (s *infoSuite) checkInstalledSnapAndSnapFile(c *C, yaml string, contents string, hooks []string, checker func(c *C, info *snap.Info)) {
	// First check installed snap
	sideInfo := &snap.SideInfo{Revision: snap.R(42)}
	info0 := snaptest.MockSnap(c, yaml, contents, sideInfo)
	snaptest.PopulateDir(info0.MountDir(), emptyHooks(hooks...))
	info, err := snap.ReadInfo(info0.Name(), sideInfo)
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	checker(c, info)

	// Now check snap file
	snapPath := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, yaml, emptyHooks(hooks...))
	snapf, err := snap.Open(snapPath)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	info, err = snap.ReadInfoFromSnapFile(snapf, nil)
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	checker(c, info)
Пример #11
func (s *infoSuite) TestReadInfoFromSnapFileWithSideInfo(c *C) {
	yaml := `name: foo
version: 1.0
type: app`
	snapPath := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, yaml, nil)

	snapf, err := snap.Open(snapPath)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	info, err := snap.ReadInfoFromSnapFile(snapf, &snap.SideInfo{
		RealName: "baz",
		Revision: snap.R(42),
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(info.Name(), Equals, "baz")
	c.Check(info.Version, Equals, "1.0")
	c.Check(info.Type, Equals, snap.TypeApp)
	c.Check(info.Revision, Equals, snap.R(42))
Пример #12
func (s *infoSuite) TestReadInfoFromSnapFile(c *C) {
	yaml := `name: foo
version: 1.0
type: app
epoch: 1*
confinement: devmode`
	snapPath := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, yaml, nil)

	snapf, err := snap.Open(snapPath)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	info, err := snap.ReadInfoFromSnapFile(snapf, nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(info.Name(), Equals, "foo")
	c.Check(info.Version, Equals, "1.0")
	c.Check(info.Type, Equals, snap.TypeApp)
	c.Check(info.Revision, Equals, snap.R(0))
	c.Check(info.Epoch, Equals, "1*")
	c.Check(info.Confinement, Equals, snap.DevModeConfinement)
Пример #13
func (ms *mgrsSuite) TestInstallKernelSnapUpdatesBootloader(c *C) {
	bootloader := boottest.NewMockBootloader("mock", c.MkDir())
	defer partition.ForceBootloader(nil)

	restore := release.MockOnClassic(false)
	defer restore()

	const packageKernel = `
name: krnl
version: 4.0-1
type: kernel`

	files := [][]string{
		{"kernel.img", "I'm a kernel"},
		{"initrd.img", "...and I'm an initrd"},
		{"meta/kernel.yaml", "version: 4.2"},
	snapPath := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, packageKernel, files)

	st := ms.o.State()
	defer st.Unlock()

	ts, err := snapstate.InstallPath(st, &snap.SideInfo{RealName: "krnl"}, snapPath, "", 0)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	chg := st.NewChange("install-snap", "...")

	err = ms.o.Settle()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Assert(chg.Status(), Equals, state.DoneStatus, Commentf("install-snap change failed with: %v", chg.Err()))

	c.Assert(bootloader.BootVars, DeepEquals, map[string]string{
		"snap_try_kernel": "krnl_x1.snap",
		"snap_mode":       "try",
Пример #14
func (s *setupSuite) TestSetupDoUndoKernelUboot(c *C) {
	bootloader := boottest.NewMockBootloader("mock", c.MkDir())
	// we don't get real mounting

	testFiles := [][]string{
		{"kernel.img", "kernel"},
		{"initrd.img", "initrd"},
		{"modules/4.4.0-14-generic/foo.ko", "a module"},
		{"firmware/bar.bin", "some firmware"},
		{"meta/kernel.yaml", "version: 4.2"},
	snapPath := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, `name: kernel
version: 1.0
type: kernel
`, testFiles)

	si := snap.SideInfo{
		RealName: "kernel",
		Revision: snap.R(140),

	err := s.be.SetupSnap(snapPath, &si, &s.nullProgress)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	l, _ := filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(bootloader.Dir(), "*"))
	c.Assert(l, HasLen, 1)

	minInfo := snap.MinimalPlaceInfo("kernel", snap.R(140))

	// undo deletes the kernel assets again
	err = s.be.UndoSetupSnap(minInfo, "kernel", &s.nullProgress)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	l, _ = filepath.Glob(filepath.Join(bootloader.Dir(), "*"))
	c.Assert(l, HasLen, 0)
Пример #15
func (s *mountSnapSuite) TestDoMountSnapRemovesSnaps(c *C) {
	v1 := "name: mock\nversion: 1.0\n"
	testSnap := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, v1, nil)


	t := s.state.NewTask("mount-snap", "test")
	t.Set("snap-setup", &snapstate.SnapSetup{
		SideInfo: &snap.SideInfo{
			RealName: "foo",
			Revision: snap.R(33),
		SnapPath:     testSnap,
		DownloadInfo: &snap.DownloadInfo{DownloadURL: "https://some"},
	s.state.NewChange("dummy", "...").AddTask(t)



	c.Assert(osutil.FileExists(testSnap), Equals, false)
Пример #16
func (s *FirstBootTestSuite) TestPopulateFromSeedHappy(c *C) {
	// put a firstboot snap into the SnapBlobDir
	snapYaml := `name: foo
version: 1.0`
	mockSnapFile := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, snapYaml, nil)
	targetSnapFile := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "snaps", filepath.Base(mockSnapFile))
	err := os.Rename(mockSnapFile, targetSnapFile)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// put a firstboot local snap into the SnapBlobDir
	snapYaml = `name: local
version: 1.0`
	mockSnapFile = snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, snapYaml, nil)
	targetSnapFile2 := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "snaps", filepath.Base(mockSnapFile))
	err = os.Rename(mockSnapFile, targetSnapFile2)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	devAcct := assertstest.NewAccount(s.storeSigning, "developer", map[string]interface{}{
		"account-id": "developerid",
	}, "")
	devAcctFn := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "assertions", "developer.account")
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(devAcctFn, asserts.Encode(devAcct), 0644)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	snapDecl, err := s.storeSigning.Sign(asserts.SnapDeclarationType, map[string]interface{}{
		"series":       "16",
		"snap-id":      "snapidsnapid",
		"publisher-id": "developerid",
		"snap-name":    "foo",
		"timestamp":    time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
	}, nil, "")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	declFn := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "assertions", "foo.snap-declaration")
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(declFn, asserts.Encode(snapDecl), 0644)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	sha3_384, size, err := asserts.SnapFileSHA3_384(targetSnapFile)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	snapRev, err := s.storeSigning.Sign(asserts.SnapRevisionType, map[string]interface{}{
		"snap-sha3-384": sha3_384,
		"snap-size":     fmt.Sprintf("%d", size),
		"snap-id":       "snapidsnapid",
		"developer-id":  "developerid",
		"snap-revision": "128",
		"timestamp":     time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
	}, nil, "")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	revFn := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "assertions", "foo.snap-revision")
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(revFn, asserts.Encode(snapRev), 0644)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// add a model assertion and its chain
	assertsChain := s.makeModelAssertionChain(c)
	for i, as := range assertsChain {
		fn := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "assertions", strconv.Itoa(i))
		err := ioutil.WriteFile(fn, asserts.Encode(as), 0644)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// create a seed.yaml
	content := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
 - name: foo
   file: %s
   devmode: true
 - name: local
   unasserted: true
   file: %s
`, filepath.Base(targetSnapFile), filepath.Base(targetSnapFile2)))
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "seed.yaml"), content, 0644)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// run the firstboot stuff
	err = boot.PopulateStateFromSeed()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// and check the snap got correctly installed
	c.Check(osutil.FileExists(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapMountDir, "foo", "128", "meta", "snap.yaml")), Equals, true)

	c.Check(osutil.FileExists(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapMountDir, "local", "x1", "meta", "snap.yaml")), Equals, true)

	// verify
	r, err := os.Open(dirs.SnapStateFile)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	state, err := state.ReadState(nil, r)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	defer state.Unlock()
	// check foo
	info, err := snapstate.CurrentInfo(state, "foo")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(info.SnapID, Equals, "snapidsnapid")
	c.Assert(info.Revision, Equals, snap.R(128))
	c.Assert(info.DeveloperID, Equals, "developerid")

	var snapst snapstate.SnapState
	err = snapstate.Get(state, "foo", &snapst)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(snapst.DevMode(), Equals, true)

	// check local
	info, err = snapstate.CurrentInfo(state, "local")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(info.SnapID, Equals, "")
	c.Assert(info.Revision, Equals, snap.R("x1"))
	c.Assert(info.DeveloperID, Equals, "")
Пример #17
func (s *imageSuite) TestBootstrapToRootDirDevmodeSnap(c *C) {
	restore := sysdb.InjectTrusted(s.storeSigning.Trusted)
	defer restore()

	rootdir := filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "imageroot")

	// FIXME: bootstrapToRootDir needs an unpacked gadget yaml
	gadgetUnpackDir := filepath.Join(c.MkDir(), "gadget")

	err := os.MkdirAll(gadgetUnpackDir, 0755)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(gadgetUnpackDir, "grub.conf"), nil, 0644)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	s.setupSnaps(c, gadgetUnpackDir)

	s.downloadedSnaps["devmode-snap"] = snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, devmodeSnap, nil)
	s.storeSnapInfo["devmode-snap"] = infoFromSnapYaml(c, devmodeSnap, snap.R(0))

	// mock the mount cmds (for the extract kernel assets stuff)
	c1 := testutil.MockCommand(c, "mount", "")
	defer c1.Restore()
	c2 := testutil.MockCommand(c, "umount", "")
	defer c2.Restore()

	opts := &image.Options{
		Snaps: []string{s.downloadedSnaps["devmode-snap"]},

		RootDir:         rootdir,
		GadgetUnpackDir: gadgetUnpackDir,
	local, err := image.LocalSnaps(opts)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	err = image.BootstrapToRootDir(s, s.model, opts, local)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// check seed yaml
	seed, err := snap.ReadSeedYaml(filepath.Join(rootdir, "var/lib/snapd/seed/seed.yaml"))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Check(seed.Snaps, HasLen, 5)

	// check devmode-snap
	info := &snap.Info{
		SideInfo: snap.SideInfo{
			RealName: "devmode-snap",
			Revision: snap.R("x1"),
	fn := filepath.Base(info.MountFile())
	p := filepath.Join(rootdir, "var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps", fn)
	c.Check(osutil.FileExists(p), Equals, true)

	// ensure local snaps are put last in seed.yaml
	last := len(seed.Snaps) - 1
	c.Check(seed.Snaps[last], DeepEquals, &snap.SeedSnap{
		Name:       "devmode-snap",
		File:       fn,
		DevMode:    true,
		Unasserted: true,
Пример #18
func (s *FirstBootTestSuite) TestPopulateFromSeedHappy(c *C) {
	// put a firstboot snap into the SnapBlobDir
	snapYaml := `name: foo
version: 1.0`
	mockSnapFile := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, snapYaml, nil)
	targetSnapFile := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "snaps", filepath.Base(mockSnapFile))
	err := os.Rename(mockSnapFile, targetSnapFile)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// put a firstboot local snap into the SnapBlobDir
	snapYaml = `name: local
version: 1.0`
	mockSnapFile = snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, snapYaml, nil)
	targetSnapFile2 := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "snaps", filepath.Base(mockSnapFile))
	err = os.Rename(mockSnapFile, targetSnapFile2)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	devAcct := assertstest.NewAccount(s.storeSigning, "developer", map[string]interface{}{
		"account-id": "developerid",
	}, "")
	devAcctFn := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "assertions", "developer.account")
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(devAcctFn, asserts.Encode(devAcct), 0644)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	snapDecl, err := s.storeSigning.Sign(asserts.SnapDeclarationType, map[string]interface{}{
		"series":       "16",
		"snap-id":      "snapidsnapid",
		"publisher-id": "developerid",
		"snap-name":    "foo",
		"timestamp":    time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
	}, nil, "")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	declFn := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "assertions", "foo.snap-declaration")
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(declFn, asserts.Encode(snapDecl), 0644)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	sha3_384, size, err := asserts.SnapFileSHA3_384(targetSnapFile)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	snapRev, err := s.storeSigning.Sign(asserts.SnapRevisionType, map[string]interface{}{
		"snap-sha3-384": sha3_384,
		"snap-size":     fmt.Sprintf("%d", size),
		"snap-id":       "snapidsnapid",
		"developer-id":  "developerid",
		"snap-revision": "128",
		"timestamp":     time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
	}, nil, "")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	revFn := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "assertions", "foo.snap-revision")
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(revFn, asserts.Encode(snapRev), 0644)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// add a model assertion and its chain
	assertsChain := s.makeModelAssertionChain(c)
	for i, as := range assertsChain {
		fn := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "assertions", strconv.Itoa(i))
		err := ioutil.WriteFile(fn, asserts.Encode(as), 0644)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// create a seed.yaml
	content := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
 - name: foo
   file: %s
   devmode: true
 - name: local
   unasserted: true
   file: %s
`, filepath.Base(targetSnapFile), filepath.Base(targetSnapFile2)))
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "seed.yaml"), content, 0644)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// run the firstboot stuff
	st := s.overlord.State()
	defer st.Unlock()
	tsAll, err := devicestate.PopulateStateFromSeedImpl(st)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// the last task of the last taskset must be mark-seeded
	markSeededTask := tsAll[len(tsAll)-1].Tasks()[0]
	c.Check(markSeededTask.Kind(), Equals, "mark-seeded")
	// and the markSeededTask must wait for the other tasks
	prevTasks := tsAll[len(tsAll)-2].Tasks()
	otherTask := prevTasks[len(prevTasks)-1]
	c.Check(markSeededTask.WaitTasks(), testutil.Contains, otherTask)

	// now run the change and check the result
	chg := st.NewChange("run-it", "run the populate from seed changes")
	for _, ts := range tsAll {
	c.Assert(st.Changes(), HasLen, 1)

	c.Assert(chg.Err(), IsNil)

	// and check the snap got correctly installed
	c.Check(osutil.FileExists(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapMountDir, "foo", "128", "meta", "snap.yaml")), Equals, true)

	c.Check(osutil.FileExists(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapMountDir, "local", "x1", "meta", "snap.yaml")), Equals, true)

	// verify
	r, err := os.Open(dirs.SnapStateFile)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	state, err := state.ReadState(nil, r)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	defer state.Unlock()
	// check foo
	info, err := snapstate.CurrentInfo(state, "foo")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(info.SnapID, Equals, "snapidsnapid")
	c.Assert(info.Revision, Equals, snap.R(128))
	c.Assert(info.DeveloperID, Equals, "developerid")

	var snapst snapstate.SnapState
	err = snapstate.Get(state, "foo", &snapst)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(snapst.DevMode, Equals, true)

	// check local
	info, err = snapstate.CurrentInfo(state, "local")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(info.SnapID, Equals, "")
	c.Assert(info.Revision, Equals, snap.R("x1"))
	c.Assert(info.DeveloperID, Equals, "")

	// and ensure state is now considered seeded
	var seeded bool
	err = state.Get("seeded", &seeded)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(seeded, Equals, true)
Пример #19
func (s *FirstBootTestSuite) TestPopulateFromSeedHappyMultiAssertsFiles(c *C) {
	// put a firstboot snap into the SnapBlobDir
	snapYaml := `name: foo
version: 1.0`
	mockSnapFile := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, snapYaml, nil)
	fooSnapFile := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "snaps", filepath.Base(mockSnapFile))
	err := os.Rename(mockSnapFile, fooSnapFile)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// put a 2nd firstboot snap into the SnapBlobDir
	snapYaml = `name: bar
version: 1.0`
	mockSnapFile = snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, snapYaml, nil)
	barSnapFile := filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "snaps", filepath.Base(mockSnapFile))
	err = os.Rename(mockSnapFile, barSnapFile)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	devAcct := assertstest.NewAccount(s.storeSigning, "developer", map[string]interface{}{
		"account-id": "developerid",
	}, "")

	snapDeclFoo, err := s.storeSigning.Sign(asserts.SnapDeclarationType, map[string]interface{}{
		"series":       "16",
		"snap-id":      "foosnapidsnapid",
		"publisher-id": "developerid",
		"snap-name":    "foo",
		"timestamp":    time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
	}, nil, "")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	sha3_384, size, err := asserts.SnapFileSHA3_384(fooSnapFile)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	snapRevFoo, err := s.storeSigning.Sign(asserts.SnapRevisionType, map[string]interface{}{
		"snap-sha3-384": sha3_384,
		"snap-size":     fmt.Sprintf("%d", size),
		"snap-id":       "foosnapidsnapid",
		"developer-id":  "developerid",
		"snap-revision": "128",
		"timestamp":     time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
	}, nil, "")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	writeAssertionsToFile("foo.asserts", []asserts.Assertion{devAcct, snapRevFoo, snapDeclFoo})

	snapDeclBar, err := s.storeSigning.Sign(asserts.SnapDeclarationType, map[string]interface{}{
		"series":       "16",
		"snap-id":      "barsnapidsnapid",
		"publisher-id": "developerid",
		"snap-name":    "bar",
		"timestamp":    time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
	}, nil, "")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	sha3_384, size, err = asserts.SnapFileSHA3_384(barSnapFile)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	snapRevBar, err := s.storeSigning.Sign(asserts.SnapRevisionType, map[string]interface{}{
		"snap-sha3-384": sha3_384,
		"snap-size":     fmt.Sprintf("%d", size),
		"snap-id":       "barsnapidsnapid",
		"developer-id":  "developerid",
		"snap-revision": "65",
		"timestamp":     time.Now().UTC().Format(time.RFC3339),
	}, nil, "")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	writeAssertionsToFile("bar.asserts", []asserts.Assertion{devAcct, snapDeclBar, snapRevBar})

	// add a model assertion and its chain
	assertsChain := s.makeModelAssertionChain(c)
	writeAssertionsToFile("model.asserts", assertsChain)

	// create a seed.yaml
	content := []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`
 - name: foo
   file: %s
 - name: bar
   file: %s
`, filepath.Base(fooSnapFile), filepath.Base(barSnapFile)))
	err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapSeedDir, "seed.yaml"), content, 0644)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// run the firstboot stuff
	st := s.overlord.State()
	defer st.Unlock()

	tsAll, err := devicestate.PopulateStateFromSeedImpl(st)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	chg := st.NewChange("run-it", "run the populate from seed changes")
	for _, ts := range tsAll {
	c.Assert(st.Changes(), HasLen, 1)

	c.Assert(chg.Err(), IsNil)

	// and check the snap got correctly installed
	c.Check(osutil.FileExists(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapMountDir, "foo", "128", "meta", "snap.yaml")), Equals, true)

	// and check the snap got correctly installed
	c.Check(osutil.FileExists(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapMountDir, "bar", "65", "meta", "snap.yaml")), Equals, true)

	// verify
	r, err := os.Open(dirs.SnapStateFile)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	state, err := state.ReadState(nil, r)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	defer state.Unlock()
	// check foo
	info, err := snapstate.CurrentInfo(state, "foo")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(info.SnapID, Equals, "foosnapidsnapid")
	c.Assert(info.Revision, Equals, snap.R(128))
	c.Assert(info.DeveloperID, Equals, "developerid")

	// check bar
	info, err = snapstate.CurrentInfo(state, "bar")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(info.SnapID, Equals, "barsnapidsnapid")
	c.Assert(info.Revision, Equals, snap.R(65))
	c.Assert(info.DeveloperID, Equals, "developerid")
Пример #20
func makeTestSnap(c *C, snapYamlContent string) string {
	return snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, snapYamlContent, nil)
Пример #21
func (ms *mgrsSuite) TestInstallKernelSnapUpdatesBootloader(c *C) {
	bootloader := boottest.NewMockBootloader("mock", c.MkDir())
	defer partition.ForceBootloader(nil)

	restore := release.MockOnClassic(false)
	defer restore()

	brandAcct := assertstest.NewAccount(ms.storeSigning, "my-brand", map[string]interface{}{
		"account-id":   "my-brand",
		"verification": "certified",
	}, "")
	brandAccKey := assertstest.NewAccountKey(ms.storeSigning, brandAcct, nil, brandPrivKey.PublicKey(), "")

	brandSigning := assertstest.NewSigningDB("my-brand", brandPrivKey)
	model, err := brandSigning.Sign(asserts.ModelType, map[string]interface{}{
		"series":       "16",
		"authority-id": "my-brand",
		"brand-id":     "my-brand",
		"model":        "my-model",
		"architecture": "amd64",
		"store":        "my-brand-store-id",
		"gadget":       "gadget",
		"kernel":       "krnl",
		"timestamp":    time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339),
	}, nil, "")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	const packageKernel = `
name: krnl
version: 4.0-1
type: kernel`

	files := [][]string{
		{"kernel.img", "I'm a kernel"},
		{"initrd.img", "...and I'm an initrd"},
		{"meta/kernel.yaml", "version: 4.2"},
	snapPath := snaptest.MakeTestSnapWithFiles(c, packageKernel, files)

	st := ms.o.State()
	defer st.Unlock()

	// setup model assertion
	err = assertstate.Add(st, ms.storeSigning.StoreAccountKey(""))
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	err = assertstate.Add(st, brandAcct)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	err = assertstate.Add(st, brandAccKey)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	auth.SetDevice(st, &auth.DeviceState{
		Brand: "my-brand",
		Model: "my-model",
	err = assertstate.Add(st, model)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	ts, err := snapstate.InstallPath(st, &snap.SideInfo{RealName: "krnl"}, snapPath, "", snapstate.Flags{})
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	chg := st.NewChange("install-snap", "...")

	err = ms.o.Settle()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	c.Assert(chg.Status(), Equals, state.DoneStatus, Commentf("install-snap change failed with: %v", chg.Err()))

	c.Assert(bootloader.BootVars, DeepEquals, map[string]string{
		"snap_try_kernel": "krnl_x1.snap",
		"snap_mode":       "try",