Пример #1
func CreateMatch(mr types.MatchRequest) error {
	var err error
	err = nil

	if err = utilsservice.CheckIfUserExists(mr.FirstUserId); err == nil {
		if err = utilsservice.CheckIfUserExists(mr.SecondUserId); err == nil {
			var firstUsername string
			var secondUsername string

			if firstUsername, err = utilsservice.GetUserUsername(mr.FirstUserId); err == nil {
				if secondUsername, err = utilsservice.GetUserUsername(mr.SecondUserId); err == nil {
					var m types.Match

					m.UserId = uuid.Parse(mr.FirstUserId)
					m.MatchedUserId = uuid.Parse(mr.SecondUserId)
					m.MatchedUsername = secondUsername
					m.Timestamp = int64(time.Now().UTC().Unix())

					//create first match
					if err = chatRepo.CreateMatch(m); err == nil {
						m.UserId = uuid.Parse(mr.SecondUserId)
						m.MatchedUserId = uuid.Parse(mr.FirstUserId)
						m.MatchedUsername = firstUsername
						m.Timestamp = int64(time.Now().UTC().Unix())

						//create second match
						if err = chatRepo.CreateMatch(m); err == nil {
							var cr types.ChatRequest

							//create chat
							cr.FirstUserId = mr.FirstUserId
							cr.SecondUserId = mr.SecondUserId
							err = CreateChat(cr)

							//send push message to first user
							if lastActivity, errA := activityservice.GetUserActivity(mr.FirstUserId); errA == nil {
								notificationsservice.SendPushNotification(lastActivity.DeviceType, lastActivity.PushToken, "you've been matched!")

							//send push message to second user
							if lastActivity, errA := activityservice.GetUserActivity(mr.SecondUserId); errA == nil {
								notificationsservice.SendPushNotification(lastActivity.DeviceType, lastActivity.PushToken, "you've been matched!")

	return err