Пример #1
func processVars() {
	flag.String("targetDirs", "", "Local directories  to back up.")
	flag.String("s3Host", "", "S3 host.")
	flag.String("s3AccessKey", "", "S3 access key.")
	flag.String("s3SecretKey", "", "S3 secret key.")
	flag.String("s3BucketName", "", "S3 Bucket Name.")
	flag.Int("remoteWorkerCount", 5, "Number of workers performing actions against S3 host.")
	flag.Bool("dryRun", false, "Flag to indicate that this should be a dry run.")

	viper.BindPFlag("targetDirs", flag.CommandLine.Lookup("targetDirs"))
	viper.BindPFlag("s3Host", flag.CommandLine.Lookup("s3Host"))
	viper.BindPFlag("s3AccessKey", flag.CommandLine.Lookup("s3AccessKey"))
	viper.BindPFlag("s3SecretKey", flag.CommandLine.Lookup("s3SecretKey"))
	viper.BindPFlag("s3BucketName", flag.CommandLine.Lookup("s3BucketName"))
	viper.BindPFlag("remoteWorkerCount", flag.CommandLine.Lookup("remoteWorkerCount"))
	viper.BindPFlag("dryRun", flag.CommandLine.Lookup("dryRun"))


	viper.SetDefault("remoteWorkerCount", 5)
Пример #2
// Int creates a new entry in the flag set with Int value.
// The environment value used as a default, if it exists
func Int(flagName, envName string, value int, usage string) *int {
	verifyNames(flagName, envName)
	envValStr := lookupEnv(envName)
	if envValStr != "" {
		value, _ = strconv.Atoi(envValStr)

	flag.Int(flagName, value, usage)
	return pflag.Int(flagName, value, usage)
Пример #3
	etcdutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/storage/etcd/util"
	utilflag "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/flag"

// The name of the "master" Kubernetes Service.
const kubernetesSvcName = "kubernetes"

var (
	argDomain              = flag.String("domain", "cluster.local", "domain under which to create names")
	argEtcdMutationTimeout = flag.Duration("etcd-mutation-timeout", 10*time.Second, "crash after retrying etcd mutation for a specified duration")
	argEtcdServer          = flag.String("etcd-server", "", "URL to etcd server")
	argKubecfgFile         = flag.String("kubecfg-file", "", "Location of kubecfg file for access to kubernetes master service; --kube-master-url overrides the URL part of this; if neither this nor --kube-master-url are provided, defaults to service account tokens")
	argKubeMasterURL       = flag.String("kube-master-url", "", "URL to reach kubernetes master. Env variables in this flag will be expanded.")
	healthzPort            = flag.Int("healthz-port", 8081, "port on which to serve a kube2sky HTTP readiness probe.")

const (
	// Maximum number of attempts to connect to etcd server.
	maxConnectAttempts = 12
	// Resync period for the kube controller loop.
	resyncPeriod = 30 * time.Minute
	// A subdomain added to the user specified domain for all services.
	serviceSubdomain = "svc"
	// A subdomain added to the user specified dmoain for all pods.
	podSubdomain = "pod"

type etcdClient interface {
	Set(path, value string, ttl uint64) (*etcd.Response, error)
Пример #4
	flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"

	apitesting "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api/testing"

var fuzzIters = flag.Int("fuzz-iters", 20, "How many fuzzing iterations to do.")

var codecsToTest = []func(version unversioned.GroupVersion, item runtime.Object) (runtime.Codec, error){
	func(version unversioned.GroupVersion, item runtime.Object) (runtime.Codec, error) {
		return testapi.GetCodecForObject(item)

func fuzzInternalObject(t *testing.T, forVersion unversioned.GroupVersion, item runtime.Object, seed int64) runtime.Object {
	apitesting.FuzzerFor(t, forVersion, rand.NewSource(seed)).Fuzz(item)

	j, err := meta.TypeAccessor(item)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Unexpected error %v for %#v", err, item)
Пример #5
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package main

import (


var (
	argPort = pflag.Int("port", 8080, "The port to listen to for incomming HTTP requests")

func main() {
	glog.Info("Starting HTTP server on port ", *argPort)
	defer glog.Flush()

	// Run a HTTP server that serves static files from current directory.
	// TODO(bryk): Disable directory listing.
	http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./")))
	glog.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", *argPort), nil))
Пример #6
	goruntime "runtime"

	flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"

var (
	authConfig = flag.String("auth_config", os.Getenv("HOME")+"/.kubernetes_auth", "Path to the auth info file.")
	certDir    = flag.String("cert_dir", "", "Path to the directory containing the certs. Default is empty, which doesn't use certs.")
	host       = flag.String("host", "", "The host to connect to")
	repoRoot   = flag.String("repo_root", "./", "Root directory of kubernetes repository, for finding test files. Default assumes working directory is repository root")
	provider   = flag.String("provider", "", "The name of the Kubernetes provider")
	orderseed  = flag.Int64("orderseed", 0, "If non-zero, seed of random test shuffle order. (Otherwise random.)")
	times      = flag.Int("times", 1, "Number of times each test is eligible to be run. Individual order is determined by shuffling --times instances of each test using --orderseed (like a multi-deck shoe of cards).")
	testList   util.StringList

func init() {
	flag.VarP(&testList, "test", "t", "Test to execute (may be repeated or comma separated list of tests.) Defaults to running all tests.")

func main() {
	if *provider == "" {
		glog.Error("e2e needs the have the --provider flag set")
	if *times <= 0 {
	_ "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/plugin/pkg/scheduler/algorithmprovider"

	flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"

var (
	addr           = flag.String("addr", "", "The address to use for the apiserver.")
	port           = flag.Int("port", 8080, "The port for the apiserver to use.")
	dockerEndpoint = flag.String("docker_endpoint", "", "If non-empty, use this for the docker endpoint to communicate with")
	etcdServer     = flag.String("etcd_server", "http://localhost:4001", "If non-empty, path to the set of etcd server to use")
	// TODO: Discover these by pinging the host machines, and rip out these flags.
	nodeMilliCPU           = flag.Int64("node_milli_cpu", 1000, "The amount of MilliCPU provisioned on each node")
	nodeMemory             = flag.Int64("node_memory", 3*1024*1024*1024, "The amount of memory (in bytes) provisioned on each node")
	masterServiceNamespace = flag.String("master_service_namespace", api.NamespaceDefault, "The namespace from which the kubernetes master services should be injected into pods")
	enableProfiling        = flag.Bool("profiling", false, "Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/")
	deletingPodsQps        = flag.Float32("deleting_pods_qps", 0.1, "")
	deletingPodsBurst      = flag.Int("deleting_pods_burst", 10, "")

type delegateHandler struct {
	delegate http.Handler
Пример #8
	flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"


type updatedTitleMessage struct {
	Name  string
	Title string

// Flag specifications.
var (
	dbFilename         = flag.String("database", "feeds.db", "database to use")
	target             = flag.String("target", "", "target directory to download to")
	checkInterval      = flag.Int("check_interval", 3600, "seconds between checks during normal operation")
	rapidCheckInterval = flag.Int("rapid_check_interval", 60, "seconds between checks when we suspect there will be a new item")
	rapidCheckDuration = flag.Int("rapid_check_duration", 3600, "seconds that we suspect there will be a new item")
	downloadDelay      = flag.Int("download_delay", 30, "seconds to wait before downloading the file")
	requestDelay       = flag.Int("request_delay", 5, "seconds to wait between requests")
	checkImmediate     = flag.Bool("check_immediately", false, "if set, check immediately on startup")
	updateCommand      = flag.String("update_command", "", "command to run after an update is noticed")
	download           = flag.Bool("download", true, "if unset, do not actually download files")

var requestDelayTicker <-chan time.Time

func downloadUrl(url string) error {
	if !*download {
		return errors.New("downloading disabled by flag")
Пример #9
	client "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/client/clientset_generated/release_1_3"

const noValue = "MISSING"

var (
	// Flags to define the resource requirements.
	baseCPU        = flag.String("cpu", noValue, "The base CPU resource requirement.")
	cpuPerNode     = flag.String("extra-cpu", "0", "The amount of CPU to add per node.")
	baseMemory     = flag.String("memory", noValue, "The base memory resource requirement.")
	memoryPerNode  = flag.String("extra-memory", "0Mi", "The amount of memory to add per node.")
	baseStorage    = flag.String("storage", noValue, "The base storage resource requirement.")
	storagePerNode = flag.String("extra-storage", "0Gi", "The amount of storage to add per node.")
	threshold      = flag.Int("threshold", 0, "A number between 0-100. The dependent's resources are rewritten when they deviate from expected by more than threshold.")
	// Flags to identify the container to nanny.
	podNamespace  = flag.String("namespace", os.Getenv("MY_POD_NAMESPACE"), "The namespace of the ward. This defaults to the nanny pod's own namespace.")
	deployment    = flag.String("deployment", "", "The name of the deployment being monitored. This is required.")
	podName       = flag.String("pod", os.Getenv("MY_POD_NAME"), "The name of the pod to watch. This defaults to the nanny's own pod.")
	containerName = flag.String("container", "pod-nanny", "The name of the container to watch. This defaults to the nanny itself.")
	// Flags to control runtime behavior.
	pollPeriod = time.Millisecond * time.Duration(*flag.Int("poll-period", 10000, "The time, in milliseconds, to poll the dependent container."))
	estimator  = flag.String("estimator", "linear", "The estimator to use. Currently supported: linear, exponential")

func main() {
	// First log our starting config, and then set up.
	log.Infof("Invoked by %v", os.Args)
Пример #10

	flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"

var (
	etcdServerList util.StringList
	etcdConfigFile = flag.String("etcd_config", "", "The config file for the etcd client. Mutually exclusive with -etcd_servers")
	bindAddress    = util.IP(net.ParseIP(""))
	clientConfig   = &client.Config{}
	healthz_port   = flag.Int("healthz_port", 10249, "The port to bind the health check server. Use 0 to disable.")
	oomScoreAdj    = flag.Int("oom_score_adj", -899, "The oom_score_adj value for kube-proxy process. Values must be within the range [-1000, 1000]")

func init() {
	client.BindClientConfigFlags(flag.CommandLine, clientConfig)
	flag.Var(&etcdServerList, "etcd_servers", "List of etcd servers to watch (http://ip:port), comma separated (optional). Mutually exclusive with -etcd_config")
	flag.Var(&bindAddress, "bind_address", "The IP address for the proxy server to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")

func main() {
	defer util.FlushLogs()

	if err := util.ApplyOomScoreAdj(*oomScoreAdj); err != nil {
Пример #11
	_ "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/healthz"
	_ "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/plugin/pkg/scheduler/algorithmprovider"

	flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"

var (
	port              = flag.Int("port", ports.SchedulerPort, "The port that the scheduler's http service runs on")
	address           = util.IP(net.ParseIP(""))
	clientConfig      = &client.Config{}
	hadoopConfDir     = flag.String("hadoop_conf_dir", "", "The location of hadoop (YARN) configuration")
	algorithmProvider = flag.String("algorithm_provider", factory.DefaultProvider, "The scheduling algorithm provider to use")

func init() {
	flag.Var(&address, "address", "The IP address to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	client.BindClientConfigFlags(flag.CommandLine, clientConfig)

func main() {
	defer util.FlushLogs()
Пример #12
	kubeletapp "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/cmd/kubelet/app"

	flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"

var (
	addr           = flag.String("addr", "", "The address to use for the apiserver.")
	port           = flag.Int("port", 8080, "The port for the apiserver to use.")
	dockerEndpoint = flag.String("docker_endpoint", "", "If non-empty, use this for the docker endpoint to communicate with")
	etcdServer     = flag.String("etcd_server", "http://localhost:4001", "If non-empty, path to the set of etcd server to use")
	// TODO: Discover these by pinging the host machines, and rip out these flags.
	nodeMilliCPU           = flag.Int64("node_milli_cpu", 1000, "The amount of MilliCPU provisioned on each node")
	nodeMemory             = flag.Int64("node_memory", 3*1024*1024*1024, "The amount of memory (in bytes) provisioned on each node")
	masterServiceNamespace = flag.String("master_service_namespace", api.NamespaceDefault, "The namespace from which the kubernetes master services should be injected into pods")

func startComponents(etcdClient tools.EtcdClient, cl *client.Client, addr string, port int) {
	machineList := []string{"localhost"}

	standalone.RunApiServer(cl, etcdClient, addr, port, *masterServiceNamespace)
	standalone.RunControllerManager(machineList, cl, *nodeMilliCPU, *nodeMemory)
	nodeControllerPkg "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/cloudprovider/controller"
	replicationControllerPkg "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/controller"
	_ "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/pkg/healthz"

	flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"

var (
	port            = flag.Int("port", ports.ControllerManagerPort, "The port that the controller-manager's http service runs on")
	address         = util.IP(net.ParseIP(""))
	clientConfig    = &client.Config{}
	cloudProvider   = flag.String("cloud_provider", "", "The provider for cloud services.  Empty string for no provider.")
	cloudConfigFile = flag.String("cloud_config", "", "The path to the cloud provider configuration file.  Empty string for no configuration file.")
	minionRegexp    = flag.String("minion_regexp", "", "If non empty, and -cloud_provider is specified, a regular expression for matching minion VMs.")
	machineList     util.StringList
	// TODO: Discover these by pinging the host machines, and rip out these flags.
	// TODO: in the meantime, use resource.QuantityFlag() instead of these
	nodeMilliCPU = flag.Int64("node_milli_cpu", 1000, "The amount of MilliCPU provisioned on each node")
	nodeMemory   = resource.QuantityFlag("node_memory", "3Gi", "The amount of memory (in bytes) provisioned on each node")

func init() {
	flag.Var(&address, "address", "The IP address to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	flag.Var(&machineList, "machines", "List of machines to schedule onto, comma separated.")
Пример #14
	syncFrequency           = flag.Duration("sync_frequency", 10*time.Second, "Max period between synchronizing running containers and config")
	fileCheckFrequency      = flag.Duration("file_check_frequency", 20*time.Second, "Duration between checking config files for new data")
	httpCheckFrequency      = flag.Duration("http_check_frequency", 20*time.Second, "Duration between checking http for new data")
	manifestURL             = flag.String("manifest_url", "", "URL for accessing the container manifest")
	enableServer            = flag.Bool("enable_server", true, "Enable the info server")
	address                 = util.IP(net.ParseIP(""))
	port                    = flag.Uint("port", ports.KubeletPort, "The port for the info server to serve on")
	hostnameOverride        = flag.String("hostname_override", "", "If non-empty, will use this string as identification instead of the actual hostname.")
	networkContainerImage   = flag.String("network_container_image", kubelet.NetworkContainerImage, "The image that network containers in each pod will use.")
	dockerEndpoint          = flag.String("docker_endpoint", "", "If non-empty, use this for the docker endpoint to communicate with")
	etcdServerList          util.StringList
	etcdConfigFile          = flag.String("etcd_config", "", "The config file for the etcd client. Mutually exclusive with -etcd_servers")
	rootDirectory           = flag.String("root_dir", defaultRootDir, "Directory path for managing kubelet files (volume mounts,etc).")
	allowPrivileged         = flag.Bool("allow_privileged", false, "If true, allow containers to request privileged mode. [default=false]")
	registryPullQPS         = flag.Float64("registry_qps", 0.0, "If > 0, limit registry pull QPS to this value.  If 0, unlimited. [default=0.0]")
	registryBurst           = flag.Int("registry_burst", 10, "Maximum size of a bursty pulls, temporarily allows pulls to burst to this number, while still not exceeding registry_qps.  Only used if --registry_qps > 0")
	runonce                 = flag.Bool("runonce", false, "If true, exit after spawning pods from local manifests or remote urls. Exclusive with --etcd_servers, --api_servers, and --enable-server")
	enableDebuggingHandlers = flag.Bool("enable_debugging_handlers", true, "Enables server endpoints for log collection and local running of containers and commands")
	minimumGCAge            = flag.Duration("minimum_container_ttl_duration", 1*time.Minute, "Minimum age for a finished container before it is garbage collected.  Examples: '300ms', '10s' or '2h45m'")
	maxContainerCount       = flag.Int("maximum_dead_containers_per_container", 5, "Maximum number of old instances of a container to retain per container.  Each container takes up some disk space.  Default: 5.")
	authPath                = flag.String("auth_path", "", "Path to .kubernetes_auth file, specifying how to authenticate to API server.")
	cAdvisorPort            = flag.Uint("cadvisor_port", 4194, "The port of the localhost cAdvisor endpoint")
	oomScoreAdj             = flag.Int("oom_score_adj", -900, "The oom_score_adj value for kubelet process. Values must be within the range [-1000, 1000]")
	apiServerList           util.StringList
	clusterDomain           = flag.String("cluster_domain", "", "Domain for this cluster.  If set, kubelet will configure all containers to search this domain in addition to the host's search domains")
	masterServiceNamespace  = flag.String("master_service_namespace", api.NamespaceDefault, "The namespace from which the kubernetes master services should be injected into pods")
	clusterDNS              = util.IP(nil)
	reallyCrashForTesting   = flag.Bool("really_crash_for_testing", false, "If true, crash with panics more often.")

func init() {
Пример #15

	flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"

var (
	// Note: the weird ""+ in below lines seems to be the only way to get gofmt to
	// arrange these text blocks sensibly. Grrr.
	port = flag.Int("port", 8080, ""+
		"The port to listen on. Default 8080. It is assumed that firewall rules are "+
		"set up such that this port is not reachable from outside of the cluster. It is "+
		"further assumed that port 443 on the cluster's public address is proxied to this "+
		"port. This is performed by nginx in the default setup.")
	address               = util.IP(net.ParseIP(""))
	publicAddressOverride = flag.String("public_address_override", "", ""+
		"Public serving address. Read only port will be opened on this address, "+
		"and it is assumed that port 443 at this address will be proxied/redirected "+
		"to '-address':'-port'. If blank, the address in the first listed interface "+
		"will be used.")
	readOnlyPort = flag.Int("read_only_port", 7080, ""+
		"The port from which to serve read-only resources. If 0, don't serve on a "+
		"read-only address. It is assumed that firewall rules are set up such that "+
		"this port is not reachable from outside of the cluster.")
	securePort  = flag.Int("secure_port", 8443, "The port from which to serve HTTPS with authentication and authorization. If 0, don't serve HTTPS ")
	tlsCertFile = flag.String("tls_cert_file", "", ""+
		"File containing x509 Certificate for HTTPS.  (CA cert, if any, concatenated after server cert). "+