Пример #1
func (s *session) setOptions(o *opt.Options) {
	no := dupOptions(o)
	// Alternative filters.
	if filters := o.GetAltFilters(); len(filters) > 0 {
		no.AltFilters = make([]filter.Filter, len(filters))
		for i, filter := range filters {
			no.AltFilters[i] = &iFilter{filter}
	// Block cache.
	switch o.GetBlockCache() {
	case nil:
		no.BlockCache = cache.NewLRUCache(o.GetBlockCacheSize())
	case opt.NoCache:
		no.BlockCache = nil
	// Comparer.
	s.icmp = &iComparer{o.GetComparer()}
	no.Comparer = s.icmp
	// Filter.
	if filter := o.GetFilter(); filter != nil {
		no.Filter = &iFilter{filter}

	s.o = &cachedOptions{Options: no}
Пример #2
func (s *session) setOptions(o *opt.Options) {
	s.o = &opt.Options{}
	if o != nil {
		*s.o = *o
	// Alternative filters.
	if filters := o.GetAltFilters(); len(filters) > 0 {
		s.o.AltFilters = make([]filter.Filter, len(filters))
		for i, filter := range filters {
			s.o.AltFilters[i] = &iFilter{filter}
	// Block cache.
	switch o.GetBlockCache() {
	case nil:
		s.o.BlockCache = cache.NewLRUCache(opt.DefaultBlockCacheSize)
	case opt.NoCache:
		s.o.BlockCache = nil
	// Comparer.
	s.cmp = &iComparer{o.GetComparer()}
	s.o.Comparer = s.cmp
	// Filter.
	if filter := o.GetFilter(); filter != nil {
		s.o.Filter = &iFilter{filter}
Пример #3
func newSession(d storage.Storage, o *opt.Options) *session {
	s := new(session)
	s.stor = d
	s.cmp = &iComparer{o.GetComparer()}
	s.o = newIOptions(s, *o)
	s.tops = newTableOps(s, s.o.GetMaxOpenFiles())
	s.setVersion(&version{s: s})
	return s
Пример #4
func newSession(d desc.Desc, o *opt.Options) *session {
	s := new(session)
	s.desc = d
	s.o = &iOptions{s, o}
	s.cmp = &iComparer{o.GetComparer()}
	filter := o.GetFilter()
	if filter != nil {
		s.filter = &iFilter{filter}
	s.tops = newTableOps(s, s.o.GetMaxOpenFiles())
	s.setVersion(&version{s: s})
	return s
Пример #5
func openSession(stor storage.Storage, o *opt.Options) (s *session, err error) {
	if stor == nil || o == nil {
		return nil, os.ErrInvalid
	storLock, err := stor.Lock()
	if err != nil {
	s = new(session)
	s.stor = stor
	s.storLock = storLock
	s.cmp = &iComparer{o.GetComparer()}
	s.o = newIOptions(s, *o)
	s.tops = newTableOps(s, s.o.GetMaxOpenFiles())
	s.setVersion(&version{s: s})
Пример #6
func (s *session) setOptions(o *opt.Options) {
	no := dupOptions(o)
	// Alternative filters.
	if filters := o.GetAltFilters(); len(filters) > 0 {
		no.AltFilters = make([]filter.Filter, len(filters))
		for i, filter := range filters {
			no.AltFilters[i] = &iFilter{filter}
	// Comparer.
	s.icmp = &iComparer{o.GetComparer()}
	no.Comparer = s.icmp
	// Filter.
	if filter := o.GetFilter(); filter != nil {
		no.Filter = &iFilter{filter}

	s.o = &cachedOptions{Options: no}
Пример #7
// NewWriter creates a new initialized table writer for the file.
// Table writer is not safe for concurrent use.
func NewWriter(f io.Writer, o *opt.Options) *Writer {
	w := &Writer{
		writer:          f,
		cmp:             o.GetComparer(),
		filter:          o.GetFilter(),
		compression:     o.GetCompression(),
		blockSize:       o.GetBlockSize(),
		comparerScratch: make([]byte, 0),
	// data block
	w.dataBlock.restartInterval = o.GetBlockRestartInterval()
	// The first 20-bytes are used for encoding block handle.
	w.dataBlock.scratch = w.scratch[20:]
	// index block
	w.indexBlock.restartInterval = 1
	w.indexBlock.scratch = w.scratch[20:]
	// filter block
	if w.filter != nil {
		w.filterBlock.generator = w.filter.NewGenerator()
	return w
Пример #8
// NewReader creates a new initialized table reader for the file.
// The cache and bpool is optional and can be nil.
// The returned table reader instance is goroutine-safe.
func NewReader(f io.ReaderAt, size int64, cache cache.Namespace, bpool *util.BufferPool, o *opt.Options) *Reader {
	if bpool == nil {
		bpool = util.NewBufferPool(o.GetBlockSize() + blockTrailerLen)
	r := &Reader{
		reader:     f,
		cache:      cache,
		bpool:      bpool,
		cmp:        o.GetComparer(),
		checksum:   o.GetStrict(opt.StrictBlockChecksum),
		strictIter: o.GetStrict(opt.StrictIterator),
	if f == nil {
		r.err = errors.New("leveldb/table: Reader: nil file")
		return r
	if size < footerLen {
		r.err = errors.New("leveldb/table: Reader: invalid table (file size is too small)")
		return r
	var footer [footerLen]byte
	if _, err := r.reader.ReadAt(footer[:], size-footerLen); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
		r.err = fmt.Errorf("leveldb/table: Reader: invalid table (could not read footer): %v", err)
	if string(footer[footerLen-len(magic):footerLen]) != magic {
		r.err = errors.New("leveldb/table: Reader: invalid table (bad magic number)")
		return r
	// Decode the metaindex block handle.
	metaBH, n := decodeBlockHandle(footer[:])
	if n == 0 {
		r.err = errors.New("leveldb/table: Reader: invalid table (bad metaindex block handle)")
		return r
	// Decode the index block handle.
	indexBH, n := decodeBlockHandle(footer[n:])
	if n == 0 {
		r.err = errors.New("leveldb/table: Reader: invalid table (bad index block handle)")
		return r
	// Read index block.
	r.indexBlock, r.err = r.readBlock(indexBH, true)
	if r.err != nil {
		return r
	// Read metaindex block.
	metaBlock, err := r.readBlock(metaBH, true)
	if err != nil {
		r.err = err
		return r
	// Set data end.
	r.dataEnd = int64(metaBH.offset)
	metaIter := metaBlock.newIterator(nil, false, nil)
	for metaIter.Next() {
		key := string(metaIter.Key())
		if !strings.HasPrefix(key, "filter.") {
		fn := key[7:]
		var filter filter.Filter
		if f0 := o.GetFilter(); f0 != nil && f0.Name() == fn {
			filter = f0
		} else {
			for _, f0 := range o.GetAltFilters() {
				if f0.Name() == fn {
					filter = f0
		if filter != nil {
			filterBH, n := decodeBlockHandle(metaIter.Value())
			if n == 0 {
			// Update data end.
			r.dataEnd = int64(filterBH.offset)
			filterBlock, err := r.readFilterBlock(filterBH, filter)
			if err != nil {
			r.filterBlock = filterBlock
	return r
Пример #9
// NewReader creates a new initialized table reader for the file.
// The fi, cache and bpool is optional and can be nil.
// The returned table reader instance is goroutine-safe.
func NewReader(f io.ReaderAt, size int64, fd storage.FileDesc, cache *cache.CacheGetter, bpool *util.BufferPool, o *opt.Options) (*Reader, error) {
	if f == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("leveldb/table: nil file")

	r := &Reader{
		fd:             fd,
		reader:         f,
		cache:          cache,
		bpool:          bpool,
		o:              o,
		cmp:            o.GetComparer(),
		verifyChecksum: o.GetStrict(opt.StrictBlockChecksum),

	if size < footerLen {
		r.err = r.newErrCorrupted(0, size, "table", "too small")
		return r, nil

	footerPos := size - footerLen
	var footer [footerLen]byte
	if _, err := r.reader.ReadAt(footer[:], footerPos); err != nil && err != io.EOF {
		return nil, err
	if string(footer[footerLen-len(magic):footerLen]) != magic {
		r.err = r.newErrCorrupted(footerPos, footerLen, "table-footer", "bad magic number")
		return r, nil

	var n int
	// Decode the metaindex block handle.
	r.metaBH, n = decodeBlockHandle(footer[:])
	if n == 0 {
		r.err = r.newErrCorrupted(footerPos, footerLen, "table-footer", "bad metaindex block handle")
		return r, nil

	// Decode the index block handle.
	r.indexBH, n = decodeBlockHandle(footer[n:])
	if n == 0 {
		r.err = r.newErrCorrupted(footerPos, footerLen, "table-footer", "bad index block handle")
		return r, nil

	// Read metaindex block.
	metaBlock, err := r.readBlock(r.metaBH, true)
	if err != nil {
		if errors.IsCorrupted(err) {
			r.err = err
			return r, nil
		} else {
			return nil, err

	// Set data end.
	r.dataEnd = int64(r.metaBH.offset)

	// Read metaindex.
	metaIter := r.newBlockIter(metaBlock, nil, nil, true)
	for metaIter.Next() {
		key := string(metaIter.Key())
		if !strings.HasPrefix(key, "filter.") {
		fn := key[7:]
		if f0 := o.GetFilter(); f0 != nil && f0.Name() == fn {
			r.filter = f0
		} else {
			for _, f0 := range o.GetAltFilters() {
				if f0.Name() == fn {
					r.filter = f0
		if r.filter != nil {
			filterBH, n := decodeBlockHandle(metaIter.Value())
			if n == 0 {
			r.filterBH = filterBH
			// Update data end.
			r.dataEnd = int64(filterBH.offset)

	// Cache index and filter block locally, since we don't have global cache.
	if cache == nil {
		r.indexBlock, err = r.readBlock(r.indexBH, true)
		if err != nil {
			if errors.IsCorrupted(err) {
				r.err = err
				return r, nil
			} else {
				return nil, err
		if r.filter != nil {
			r.filterBlock, err = r.readFilterBlock(r.filterBH)
			if err != nil {
				if !errors.IsCorrupted(err) {
					return nil, err

				// Don't use filter then.
				r.filter = nil

	return r, nil