Пример #1
func getUrl(url string, urc chan urlReply) urlReply {
	httpHandler := hx.New("", "haxe.Http", 1, url)
	hx.Code("", "_a.param(0).val.onData=_a.param(1).val;", httpHandler, hx.CallbackFunc(
		func(data string) {
			urc <- urlReply{err: nil, dat: data}
	hx.Code("", "_a.param(0).val.onError=_a.param(1).val;", httpHandler, hx.CallbackFunc(
		func(msg string) {
			urc <- urlReply{err: errors.New(msg), dat: ""}
	hx.Meth("", httpHandler, "haxe.Http", "request", 0)
	return <-urc
Пример #2
// Main allows code that might be targeted to broser-based JS code to schedule TARDISgo code periodically, separate from call-backs.
// For non-JS targets it simply calls the given mainFN.
// This should be the last function called in main.main()
func BrowserMain(mainFN func(), msInvocationInterval, runLimit int) {
	if runtime.GOARCH == "js" { // probably only want to do this in a browser
		JScallbackOK = true
		ht := hx.New("js", "haxe.Timer", 1, msInvocationInterval)
		go func() { // put the main program into a goroutine
			hx.Meth("js", ht, "haxe.Timer", "stop", 0)
		hx.SetInt("js", "Scheduler.runLimit", runLimit)
		hx.Code("js", "_a.param(0).val.run=Scheduler.timerEventHandler;", ht)
	} else {
Пример #3
func (c Conn) Go(serviceMethod string, args, reply interface{}, done chan *Call) *Call {
	call := &Call{
		ServiceMethod: serviceMethod,
		Args:          args,
		Reply:         reply,
		Error:         nil,
		Done:          done,
	hx.Meth("", c.conn, "TgoConnect", "setErrorHandler", 1, func(e uintptr) {
		call.Error = errors.New(hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, e))
		done <- call
	//fmt.Printf("DEBUG args=%v:%T\n", args, args)
	var networkOut bytes.Buffer
	enc := gob.NewEncoder(&networkOut)
	err := enc.Encode(args)
	if err != nil {
		call.Error = err
		done <- call
		return call
	var networkOut2 bytes.Buffer
	enc2 := gob.NewEncoder(&networkOut2)
	err = enc2.Encode(reply)
	if err != nil {
		call.Error = err
		done <- call
		return call

	ifa := []interface{}{serviceMethod,

	//fmt.Printf("DEBUG ifa %#v:%T\n", ifa, ifa)

	haxeArgs := interfaceToDynamic(ifa)
	//fmt.Println("DEBUG haxe ifa", hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, haxeArgs))

	hx.Meth("", c.conn, "TgoConnect", "call", 2, haxeArgs, func(r uintptr) {
		c.mutex.Unlock() // another call can begin before processing what's below
		//hx.Call("", "trace", 1, r)
		rA, ok := dynamicToInterface(r).([]interface{})
		if !ok {
			call.Error = errors.New("returned value not an []interface{} in tgocall")
		} else {
			errMsg, ok := rA[1].(string)
			if !ok {
				call.Error = errors.New("returned error message not a string in tgocall")
			} else {
				if errMsg != "" {
					call.Error = errors.New(errMsg)
				} else {
					back64, ok := rA[0].(string)
					//println("back64: " + back64)
					if !ok {
						call.Error = errors.New("returned encoded data not a string in tgocall")
					} else {
						backBuf, err64 := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(back64)
						if err64 != nil {
							//println("DEBUG TgoConnect returned base64 string " +
							//	back64 + " has error " + err64.Error())
							call.Error = err64
						} else {
							networkBack := bytes.NewBuffer(backBuf)
							dec := gob.NewDecoder(networkBack)
							err = dec.Decode(call.Reply)
							if err != nil {
								call.Error = err
		done <- call
	return call