func (self *Fs2UniqueIndex) Has(sg *goiso.SubGraph) bool { self.mutex.Lock() defer self.mutex.Unlock() key := sg.Serialize() if len(key) < 0 { panic(fmt.Errorf("Could not serialize sg, %v\n%v\n%v", len(key), sg, key)) } has, err := self.bpt.Has(key) assert_ok(err) return has }
func (c *ParCollector) send(sg *goiso.SubGraph) { label := sg.ShortLabel() lg := &labelGraph{label, sg} bkt := hash(label) % len(c.chs) next := bkt for i := 0; i < len(c.chs); i++ { select { case c.chs[next] <- lg: return default: next = (next + 1) % len(c.chs) } } c.chs[bkt] <- lg }
func (self *Fs2UniqueIndex) Add(sg *goiso.SubGraph) { self.mutex.Lock() defer self.mutex.Unlock() if sg == nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("sg was a nil\n%p", sg)) } key := sg.Serialize() if len(key) < 0 { panic(fmt.Errorf("Could not serialize sg, %v\n%v\n%v", len(key), sg, key)) } assert_ok(self.bpt.Add(key, []byte{})) has, err := self.bpt.Has(key) assert_ok(err) if !has { panic("didn't have key just added") } // assert_ok( }
func (m *RandomWalkMiner) PrMatrices(sg *goiso.SubGraph) (vp int, Q, R, u Sparse, err error) { defer func() { if e := recover(); e != nil { stack := string(debug.Stack()) err = fmt.Errorf("%v\n%v", e, stack) } }() lattice := sg.Lattice() log.Printf("lattice size %d %v", len(lattice.V), sg.Label()) p := m.probabilities(lattice) log.Println("got transistion probabilities", p) vp = m.startingPoints.Size() Q = Sparse{ Rows: len(lattice.V) - 1, Cols: len(lattice.V) - 1, Entries: make([]*SparseEntry, 0, len(lattice.V)-1), } R = Sparse{ Rows: len(lattice.V) - 1, Cols: 1, Entries: make([]*SparseEntry, 0, len(lattice.V)-1), } u = Sparse{ Rows: 1, Cols: len(lattice.V) - 1, Entries: make([]*SparseEntry, 0, len(lattice.V)-1), } for i, x := range lattice.V { if len(x.V) == 1 && len(x.E) == 0 && i < len(lattice.V)-1 { u.Entries = append(u.Entries, &SparseEntry{0, i, 1.0 / float64(vp), vp}) } } for _, e := range lattice.E { if e.Targ >= len(lattice.V)-1 { R.Entries = append(R.Entries, &SparseEntry{e.Src, 0, 1.0 / float64(p[e.Src]), p[e.Src]}) } else { Q.Entries = append(Q.Entries, &SparseEntry{e.Src, e.Targ, 1.0 / float64(p[e.Src]), p[e.Src]}) } } return vp, Q, R, u, nil }
func (self *Fs2BpTree) Add(key []byte, sg *goiso.SubGraph) { self.mutex.Lock() defer self.mutex.Unlock() if len(key) < 0 { panic(fmt.Errorf("Key was a bad value %d %v %p\n%p", len(key), key, key, sg)) } if sg == nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("sg was a nil %d %v %p\n%p", len(key), key, key, sg)) } value := sg.Serialize() if len(value) < 0 { panic(fmt.Errorf("Could not serialize sg, %v\n%v\n%v", len(value), sg, value)) } assert_ok(self.bpt.Add(key, value)) has, err := self.bpt.Has(key) assert_ok(err) if !has { panic("didn't have key just added") } // assert_ok( }
func (c *SerialCollector) send(sg *goiso.SubGraph) { <- &labelGraph{sg.ShortLabel(), sg} }
func (c *ParHashCollector) send(sg *goiso.SubGraph) { label := sg.ShortLabel() idx := hash(label) % len(c.chs) c.chs[idx] <- &labelGraph{label, sg} }
func serializeValue(value *goiso.SubGraph) []byte { return value.Serialize() }
func SerializeSubGraph(sg *goiso.SubGraph) []byte { return sg.Serialize() }