Пример #1
// Adds a new region to our regions cache.
func (c *Client) discoverRegion(ctx context.Context, metaRow *pb.GetResponse) (*region.Client, *regioninfo.Info, error) {
	if metaRow.Result == nil {
		return nil, nil, errors.New("table not found")
	var host string
	var port uint16
	var reg *regioninfo.Info
	for _, cell := range metaRow.Result.Cell {
		switch string(cell.Qualifier) {
		case "regioninfo":
			var err error
			reg, err = regioninfo.InfoFromCell(cell)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
		case "server":
			value := cell.Value
			if len(value) == 0 {
				continue // Empty during NSRE.
			colon := bytes.IndexByte(value, ':')
			if colon < 1 { // Colon can't be at the beginning.
				return nil, nil,
					fmt.Errorf("broken meta: no colon found in info:server %q", cell)
			host = string(value[:colon])
			portU64, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(value[colon+1:]), 10, 16)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, nil, err
			port = uint16(portU64)
			// Other kinds of qualifiers: ignore them.
			// TODO: If this is the parent of a split region, there are two other
			// KVs that could be useful: `info:splitA' and `info:splitB'.
			// Need to investigate whether we can use those as a hint to update our
			// regions_cache with the daughter regions of the split.

	var res newRegResult
	ret := make(chan newRegResult)
	go newRegion(ret, host, port, c.rpcQueueSize, c.flushInterval)

	select {
	case res = <-ret:
	case <-ctx.Done():
		return nil, nil, ErrDeadline

	if res.Err != nil {
		return nil, nil, res.Err

	c.addRegionToCache(reg, res.Client)

	return res.Client, reg, nil
Пример #2
// parseMetaTableResponse parses the contents of a row from the meta table.
// It's guaranteed to return a region info and a host/port OR return an error.
func (c *Client) parseMetaTableResponse(metaRow *pb.GetResponse) (
	*regioninfo.Info, string, uint16, error) {

	var reg *regioninfo.Info
	var host string
	var port uint16

	for _, cell := range metaRow.Result.Cell {
		switch string(cell.Qualifier) {
		case "regioninfo":
			var err error
			reg, err = regioninfo.InfoFromCell(cell)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, "", 0, err
		case "server":
			value := cell.Value
			if len(value) == 0 {
				continue // Empty during NSRE.
			colon := bytes.IndexByte(value, ':')
			if colon < 1 { // Colon can't be at the beginning.
				return nil, "", 0,
					fmt.Errorf("broken meta: no colon found in info:server %q", cell)
			host = string(value[:colon])
			portU64, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(value[colon+1:]), 10, 16)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, "", 0, err
			port = uint16(portU64)
			// Other kinds of qualifiers: ignore them.
			// TODO: If this is the parent of a split region, there are two other
			// KVs that could be useful: `info:splitA' and `info:splitB'.
			// Need to investigate whether we can use those as a hint to update our
			// regions_cache with the daughter regions of the split.

	if reg == nil {
		// There was no regioninfo in the row in meta, this is really not
		// expected.
		err := fmt.Errorf("Meta seems to be broken, there was no regioninfo in %s",
		return nil, "", 0, err
	} else if port == 0 { // Either both `host' and `port' are set, or both aren't.
		return nil, "", 0, fmt.Errorf("Meta doesn't have a server location in %s",

	return reg, host, port, nil