Пример #1
// readExpBackoffConfig handles the internal logic of determining what the
// backoff policy is.  By default if no information is available, NoBackoff.
// TODO Generalize this see #17727 .
func readExpBackoffConfig() BackoffManager {
	backoffBase := os.Getenv(envBackoffBase)
	backoffDuration := os.Getenv(envBackoffDuration)

	backoffBaseInt, errBase := strconv.ParseInt(backoffBase, 10, 64)
	backoffDurationInt, errDuration := strconv.ParseInt(backoffDuration, 10, 64)
	if errBase != nil || errDuration != nil {
		return &NoBackoff{}
	return &URLBackoff{
		Backoff: flowcontrol.NewBackOff(
func TestSerializedPuller(t *testing.T) {
	pod := &api.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
			Name:            "test_pod",
			Namespace:       "test-ns",
			UID:             "bar",
			ResourceVersion: "42",
			SelfLink:        "/api/v1/pods/foo",

	cases := []struct {
		containerImage  string
		policy          api.PullPolicy
		calledFunctions []string
		inspectErr      error
		pullerErr       error
		expectedErr     []error
		{ // pull missing image
			containerImage:  "missing_image",
			policy:          api.PullIfNotPresent,
			calledFunctions: []string{"IsImagePresent", "PullImage"},
			inspectErr:      nil,
			pullerErr:       nil,
			expectedErr:     []error{nil}},

		{ // image present, dont pull
			containerImage:  "present_image",
			policy:          api.PullIfNotPresent,
			calledFunctions: []string{"IsImagePresent"},
			inspectErr:      nil,
			pullerErr:       nil,
			expectedErr:     []error{nil, nil, nil}},
		// image present, pull it
		{containerImage: "present_image",
			policy:          api.PullAlways,
			calledFunctions: []string{"IsImagePresent", "PullImage"},
			inspectErr:      nil,
			pullerErr:       nil,
			expectedErr:     []error{nil, nil, nil}},
		// missing image, error PullNever
		{containerImage: "missing_image",
			policy:          api.PullNever,
			calledFunctions: []string{"IsImagePresent"},
			inspectErr:      nil,
			pullerErr:       nil,
			expectedErr:     []error{ErrImageNeverPull, ErrImageNeverPull, ErrImageNeverPull}},
		// missing image, unable to inspect
		{containerImage: "missing_image",
			policy:          api.PullIfNotPresent,
			calledFunctions: []string{"IsImagePresent"},
			inspectErr:      errors.New("unknown inspectError"),
			pullerErr:       nil,
			expectedErr:     []error{ErrImageInspect, ErrImageInspect, ErrImageInspect}},
		// missing image, unable to fetch
		{containerImage: "typo_image",
			policy:          api.PullIfNotPresent,
			calledFunctions: []string{"IsImagePresent", "PullImage"},
			inspectErr:      nil,
			pullerErr:       errors.New("404"),
			expectedErr:     []error{ErrImagePull, ErrImagePull, ErrImagePullBackOff, ErrImagePull, ErrImagePullBackOff, ErrImagePullBackOff}},

	for i, c := range cases {
		container := &api.Container{
			Name:            "container_name",
			Image:           c.containerImage,
			ImagePullPolicy: c.policy,

		backOff := flowcontrol.NewBackOff(time.Second, time.Minute)
		fakeClock := util.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
		backOff.Clock = fakeClock

		fakeRuntime := &ctest.FakeRuntime{}
		fakeRecorder := &record.FakeRecorder{}
		puller := NewSerializedImagePuller(fakeRecorder, fakeRuntime, backOff)

		fakeRuntime.ImageList = []Image{{"present_image", nil, nil, 0}}
		fakeRuntime.Err = c.pullerErr
		fakeRuntime.InspectErr = c.inspectErr

		for tick, expected := range c.expectedErr {
			err, _ := puller.PullImage(pod, container, nil)
			assert.Equal(t, expected, err, "in test %d tick=%d", i, tick)
