Пример #1
// RunUntil starts a watch and handles watch events. Will restart the watch if it is closed.
// RunUntil starts a goroutine and returns immediately. It will exit when stopCh is closed.
func (r *Reflector) RunUntil(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
	glog.V(3).Infof("Starting reflector %v (%s) from %s", r.expectedType, r.resyncPeriod, r.name)
	go wait.Until(func() {
		if err := r.ListAndWatch(stopCh); err != nil {
	}, r.period, stopCh)
// Run begins quota controller using the specified number of workers
func (rq *ResourceQuotaController) Run(workers int, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
	defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
	go rq.rqController.Run(stopCh)
	// the controllers that replenish other resources to respond rapidly to state changes
	for _, replenishmentController := range rq.replenishmentControllers {
		go replenishmentController.Run(stopCh)
	// the workers that chug through the quota calculation backlog
	for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
		go wait.Until(rq.worker, time.Second, stopCh)
	// the timer for how often we do a full recalculation across all quotas
	go wait.Until(func() { rq.enqueueAll() }, rq.resyncPeriod(), stopCh)
	glog.Infof("Shutting down ResourceQuotaController")
Пример #3
// Run starts a watch and handles watch events. Will restart the watch if it is closed.
// Run starts a goroutine and returns immediately.
func (r *Reflector) Run() {
	glog.V(3).Infof("Starting reflector %v (%s) from %s", r.expectedType, r.resyncPeriod, r.name)
	go wait.Until(func() {
		if err := r.ListAndWatch(wait.NeverStop); err != nil {
	}, r.period, wait.NeverStop)
Пример #4
func NewSourceFile(path string, nodeName string, period time.Duration, updates chan<- interface{}) {
	config := &sourceFile{
		path:     path,
		nodeName: nodeName,
		updates:  updates,
	glog.V(1).Infof("Watching path %q", path)
	go wait.Until(config.run, period, wait.NeverStop)
// NewSerializedImagePuller takes an event recorder and container runtime to create a
// image puller that wraps the container runtime's PullImage interface.
// Pulls one image at a time.
// Issue #10959 has the rationale behind serializing image pulls.
func NewSerializedImagePuller(recorder record.EventRecorder, runtime Runtime, imageBackOff *flowcontrol.Backoff) ImagePuller {
	imagePuller := &serializedImagePuller{
		recorder:     recorder,
		runtime:      runtime,
		backOff:      imageBackOff,
		pullRequests: make(chan *imagePullRequest, 10),
	go wait.Until(imagePuller.pullImages, time.Second, wait.NeverStop)
	return imagePuller
Пример #6
// Run begins watching and syncing.
func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) Run(workers int, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
	defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
	go rsc.rsController.Run(stopCh)
	go rsc.podController.Run(stopCh)
	for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
		go wait.Until(rsc.worker, time.Second, stopCh)
	glog.Infof("Shutting down ReplicaSet Controller")
Пример #7
// nodesSyncLoop lists nodes ever 15 seconds, calling Update() on the TunnelList
// each time (Update() is a noop if no changes are necessary).
func (c *SSHTunneler) nodesSyncLoop() {
	// TODO (cjcullen) make this watch.
	go wait.Until(func() {
		addrs, err := c.getAddresses()
		glog.Infof("Calling update w/ addrs: %v", addrs)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to getAddresses: %v", err)
		atomic.StoreInt64(&c.lastSync, c.clock.Now().Unix())
	}, 15*time.Second, c.stopChan)
Пример #8
// Run runs the petset controller.
func (psc *PetSetController) Run(workers int, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
	defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
	glog.Infof("Starting petset controller")
	go psc.podController.Run(stopCh)
	go psc.psController.Run(stopCh)
	for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
		go wait.Until(psc.worker, time.Second, stopCh)
	glog.Infof("Shutting down petset controller")
Пример #9
func newPortRangeAllocator(r net.PortRange) PortAllocator {
	if r.Base == 0 || r.Size == 0 {
		panic("illegal argument: may not specify an empty port range")
	ra := &rangeAllocator{
		PortRange: r,
		ports:     make(chan int, portsBufSize),
		rand:      rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),
	go wait.Until(func() { ra.fillPorts(wait.NeverStop) }, nextFreePortCooldown, wait.NeverStop)
	return ra
func (cm *containerManagerImpl) Start() error {
	// Setup the node
	if err := cm.setupNode(); err != nil {
		return err
	// Don't run a background thread if there are no ensureStateFuncs.
	numEnsureStateFuncs := 0
	for _, cont := range cm.systemContainers {
		if cont.ensureStateFunc != nil {
	if numEnsureStateFuncs >= 0 {
		// Run ensure state functions every minute.
		go wait.Until(func() {
			for _, cont := range cm.systemContainers {
				if cont.ensureStateFunc != nil {
					if err := cont.ensureStateFunc(cont.manager); err != nil {
						glog.Warningf("[ContainerManager] Failed to ensure state of %q: %v", cont.name, err)
		}, time.Minute, wait.NeverStop)


	if len(cm.periodicTasks) > 0 {
		go wait.Until(func() {
			for _, task := range cm.periodicTasks {
				if task != nil {
		}, 5*time.Minute, wait.NeverStop)

	return nil
Пример #11
// acquire loops calling tryAcquireOrRenew and returns immediately when tryAcquireOrRenew succeeds.
func (le *LeaderElector) acquire() {
	stop := make(chan struct{})
	wait.Until(func() {
		succeeded := le.tryAcquireOrRenew()
		if !succeeded {
			glog.V(4).Infof("failed to renew lease %v/%v", le.config.EndpointsMeta.Namespace, le.config.EndpointsMeta.Name)
			time.Sleep(wait.Jitter(le.config.RetryPeriod, JitterFactor))
		le.config.EventRecorder.Eventf(&api.Endpoints{ObjectMeta: le.config.EndpointsMeta}, api.EventTypeNormal, "%v became leader", le.config.Identity)
		glog.Infof("sucessfully acquired lease %v/%v", le.config.EndpointsMeta.Namespace, le.config.EndpointsMeta.Name)
	}, 0, stop)
Пример #12
// Run the main goroutine responsible for watching and syncing jobs.
func (jm *JobController) Run(workers int, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
	defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
	go jm.jobController.Run(stopCh)
	for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
		go wait.Until(jm.worker, time.Second, stopCh)

	if jm.internalPodInformer != nil {
		go jm.internalPodInformer.Run(stopCh)

	glog.Infof("Shutting down Job Manager")
Пример #13
// renew loops calling tryAcquireOrRenew and returns immediately when tryAcquireOrRenew fails.
func (le *LeaderElector) renew() {
	stop := make(chan struct{})
	wait.Until(func() {
		err := wait.Poll(le.config.RetryPeriod, le.config.RenewDeadline, func() (bool, error) {
			return le.tryAcquireOrRenew(), nil
		if err == nil {
			glog.V(4).Infof("succesfully renewed lease %v/%v", le.config.EndpointsMeta.Namespace, le.config.EndpointsMeta.Name)
		le.config.EventRecorder.Eventf(&api.Endpoints{ObjectMeta: le.config.EndpointsMeta}, api.EventTypeNormal, "%v stopped leading", le.config.Identity)
		glog.Infof("failed to renew lease %v/%v", le.config.EndpointsMeta.Namespace, le.config.EndpointsMeta.Name)
	}, 0, stop)
Пример #14
func (im *realImageManager) Start() error {
	go wait.Until(func() {
		// Initial detection make detected time "unknown" in the past.
		var ts time.Time
		if im.initialized {
			ts = time.Now()
		err := im.detectImages(ts)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Warningf("[ImageManager] Failed to monitor images: %v", err)
		} else {
			im.initialized = true
	}, 5*time.Minute, wait.NeverStop)

	return nil
Пример #15
// Run begins watching and syncing daemon sets.
func (dsc *DaemonSetsController) Run(workers int, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
	defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
	glog.Infof("Starting Daemon Sets controller manager")
	go dsc.dsController.Run(stopCh)
	go dsc.podController.Run(stopCh)
	go dsc.nodeController.Run(stopCh)
	for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
		go wait.Until(dsc.runWorker, time.Second, stopCh)

	if dsc.internalPodInformer != nil {
		go dsc.internalPodInformer.Run(stopCh)

	glog.Infof("Shutting down Daemon Set Controller")
Пример #16
// Create a new Cacher responsible from service WATCH and LIST requests from its
// internal cache and updating its cache in the background based on the given
// configuration.
func NewCacherFromConfig(config CacherConfig) *Cacher {
	watchCache := newWatchCache(config.CacheCapacity)
	listerWatcher := newCacherListerWatcher(config.Storage, config.ResourcePrefix, config.NewListFunc)

	// Give this error when it is constructed rather than when you get the
	// first watch item, because it's much easier to track down that way.
	if obj, ok := config.Type.(runtime.Object); ok {
		if err := runtime.CheckCodec(config.Storage.Codec(), obj); err != nil {
			panic("storage codec doesn't seem to match given type: " + err.Error())

	cacher := &Cacher{
		storage:    config.Storage,
		watchCache: watchCache,
		reflector:  cache.NewReflector(listerWatcher, config.Type, watchCache, 0),
		watchers:   make(map[int]*cacheWatcher),
		versioner:  config.Versioner,
		keyFunc:    config.KeyFunc,
		// We need to (potentially) stop both:
		// - wait.Until go-routine
		// - reflector.ListAndWatch
		// and there are no guarantees on the order that they will stop.
		// So we will be simply closing the channel, and synchronizing on the WaitGroup.
		stopCh: make(chan struct{}),
	// See startCaching method for explanation and where this is unlocked.

	stopCh := cacher.stopCh
	go func() {
		defer cacher.stopWg.Done()
			func() {
				if !cacher.isStopped() {
			}, time.Second, stopCh,
	return cacher
// Runs e; will not return until stopCh is closed. workers determines how many
// endpoints will be handled in parallel.
func (e *EndpointController) Run(workers int, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
	defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
	go e.serviceController.Run(stopCh)
	go e.podController.Run(stopCh)
	for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
		go wait.Until(e.worker, time.Second, stopCh)
	go func() {
		defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
		time.Sleep(5 * time.Minute) // give time for our cache to fill

	if e.internalPodInformer != nil {
		go e.internalPodInformer.Run(stopCh)

Пример #18
func NewSSHTunnelList(user, keyfile string, healthCheckURL *url.URL, stopChan chan struct{}) *SSHTunnelList {
	l := &SSHTunnelList{
		adding:         make(map[string]bool),
		tunnelCreator:  &realTunnelCreator{},
		user:           user,
		keyfile:        keyfile,
		healthCheckURL: healthCheckURL,
	healthCheckPoll := 1 * time.Minute
	go wait.Until(func() {
		defer l.tunnelsLock.Unlock()
		// Healthcheck each tunnel every minute
		numTunnels := len(l.entries)
		for i, entry := range l.entries {
			// Stagger healthchecks evenly across duration of healthCheckPoll.
			delay := healthCheckPoll * time.Duration(i) / time.Duration(numTunnels)
			l.delayedHealthCheck(entry, delay)
	}, healthCheckPoll, stopChan)
	return l
Пример #19
func (c *SSHTunneler) installSSHKeySyncLoop(user, publicKeyfile string) {
	go wait.Until(func() {
		if c.InstallSSHKey == nil {
			glog.Error("Won't attempt to install ssh key: InstallSSHKey function is nil")
		key, err := ssh.ParsePublicKeyFromFile(publicKeyfile)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to load public key: %v", err)
		keyData, err := ssh.EncodeSSHKey(key)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to encode public key: %v", err)
		if err := c.InstallSSHKey(user, keyData); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Failed to install ssh key: %v", err)
		atomic.StoreInt64(&c.lastSSHKeySync, c.clock.Now().Unix())
	}, 5*time.Minute, c.stopChan)
Пример #20
// InitLogs initializes logs the way we want for kubernetes.
func InitLogs() {
	// The default glog flush interval is 30 seconds, which is frighteningly long.
	go wait.Until(glog.Flush, *logFlushFreq, wait.NeverStop)
Пример #21
// Start starts the control loop to observe and response to low compute resources.
func (m *managerImpl) Start(podFunc ActivePodsFunc, monitoringInterval time.Duration) {
	go wait.Until(func() { m.synchronize(podFunc) }, monitoringInterval, wait.NeverStop)
Пример #22
// Run starts an asynchronous loop that monitors the status of cluster nodes.
func (nc *NodeController) Run(period time.Duration) {
	if nc.allocateNodeCIDRs {
		if nc.serviceCIDR != nil {
		} else {
			glog.Info("No Service CIDR provided. Skipping filtering out service addresses.")

	go nc.nodeController.Run(wait.NeverStop)
	go nc.podController.Run(wait.NeverStop)
	go nc.daemonSetController.Run(wait.NeverStop)

	// Incorporate the results of node status pushed from kubelet to master.
	go wait.Until(func() {
		if err := nc.monitorNodeStatus(); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Error monitoring node status: %v", err)
	}, nc.nodeMonitorPeriod, wait.NeverStop)

	// Managing eviction of nodes:
	// 1. when we delete pods off a node, if the node was not empty at the time we then
	//    queue a termination watcher
	//    a. If we hit an error, retry deletion
	// 2. The terminator loop ensures that pods are eventually cleaned and we never
	//    terminate a pod in a time period less than nc.maximumGracePeriod. AddedAt
	//    is the time from which we measure "has this pod been terminating too long",
	//    after which we will delete the pod with grace period 0 (force delete).
	//    a. If we hit errors, retry instantly
	//    b. If there are no pods left terminating, exit
	//    c. If there are pods still terminating, wait for their estimated completion
	//       before retrying
	go wait.Until(func() {
		defer nc.evictorLock.Unlock()
		nc.podEvictor.Try(func(value TimedValue) (bool, time.Duration) {
			remaining, err := nc.deletePods(value.Value)
			if err != nil {
				utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to evict node %q: %v", value.Value, err))
				return false, 0

			if remaining {
			return true, 0
	}, nodeEvictionPeriod, wait.NeverStop)

	// TODO: replace with a controller that ensures pods that are terminating complete
	// in a particular time period
	go wait.Until(func() {
		defer nc.evictorLock.Unlock()
		nc.terminationEvictor.Try(func(value TimedValue) (bool, time.Duration) {
			completed, remaining, err := nc.terminatePods(value.Value, value.AddedAt)
			if err != nil {
				utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unable to terminate pods on node %q: %v", value.Value, err))
				return false, 0

			if completed {
				glog.V(2).Infof("All pods terminated on %s", value.Value)
				nc.recordNodeEvent(value.Value, api.EventTypeNormal, "TerminatedAllPods", fmt.Sprintf("Terminated all Pods on Node %s.", value.Value))
				return true, 0

			glog.V(2).Infof("Pods terminating since %s on %q, estimated completion %s", value.AddedAt, value.Value, remaining)
			// clamp very short intervals
			if remaining < nodeEvictionPeriod {
				remaining = nodeEvictionPeriod
			return false, remaining
	}, nodeEvictionPeriod, wait.NeverStop)

	go wait.Until(nc.cleanupOrphanedPods, 30*time.Second, wait.NeverStop)

	for i := 0; i < cidrUpdateWorkers; i++ {
		go func(stopChan <-chan struct{}) {
			for {
				select {
				case workItem, ok := <-nc.nodeCIDRUpdateChannel:
					if !ok {
						glog.Warning("NodeCIDRUpdateChannel read returned false.")
				case <-stopChan:
					glog.V(0).Info("StopChannel is closed.")
func (dswp *desiredStateOfWorldPopulator) Run(stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
	wait.Until(dswp.populatorLoopFunc(), dswp.loopSleepDuration, stopCh)
Пример #24
// Start spawns a goroutine to relist periodically.
func (g *GenericPLEG) Start() {
	go wait.Until(g.relist, g.relistPeriod, wait.NeverStop)
Пример #25
func (gcc *PodGCController) Run(stop <-chan struct{}) {
	go gcc.podStoreSyncer.Run(stop)
	go wait.Until(gcc.gc, gcCheckPeriod, stop)