Пример #1
// getJobsByKeys gets jobs with the given keys (current and complete)
func (s *Server) getJobsByKeys(q *queue.Queue, keys []string, getStd bool, getEnv bool) (jobs []*Job, srerr string, qerr string) {
	var notfound []string
	for _, jobkey := range keys {
		// try and get the job from the in-memory queue
		item, err := q.Get(jobkey)
		var job *Job
		if err == nil && item != nil {
			job = s.itemToJob(item, getStd, getEnv)
		} else {
			notfound = append(notfound, jobkey)

		if job != nil {
			jobs = append(jobs, job)

	if len(notfound) > 0 {
		// try and get the jobs from the permanent store
		found, err := s.db.retrieveCompleteJobsByKeys(notfound, getStd, getEnv)
		if err != nil {
			srerr = ErrDBError
			qerr = err.Error()
		} else if len(found) > 0 {
			jobs = append(jobs, found...)

Пример #2
// getJobsByRepGroup gets jobs in the given group (current and complete)
func (s *Server) getJobsByRepGroup(q *queue.Queue, repgroup string, limit int, state string, getStd bool, getEnv bool) (jobs []*Job, srerr string, qerr string) {
	// look in the in-memory queue for matching jobs
	for key := range s.rpl.lookup[repgroup] {
		item, err := q.Get(key)
		if err == nil && item != nil {
			job := s.itemToJob(item, false, false)
			jobs = append(jobs, job)

	// look in the permanent store for matching jobs
	if state == "" || state == "complete" {
		var complete []*Job
		complete, srerr, qerr = s.getCompleteJobsByRepGroup(repgroup)
		if len(complete) > 0 {
			// a job is stored in the db with only the single most recent
			// RepGroup it had, but we're able to retrieve jobs based on any of
			// the RepGroups it ever had; set the RepGroup to the one the user
			// requested *** may want to change RepGroup to store a slice of
			// RepGroups? But that could be massive...
			for _, cj := range complete {
				cj.RepGroup = repgroup
			jobs = append(jobs, complete...)

	if limit > 0 || state != "" {
		jobs = s.limitJobs(jobs, limit, state, getStd, getEnv)

Пример #3
// for the many j* methods in handleRequest, we do this common stuff to get
// the desired item and job.
func (s *Server) getij(cr *clientRequest, q *queue.Queue) (item *queue.Item, job *Job, errs string) {
	// clientRequest must have a Job
	if cr.Job == nil {
		errs = ErrBadRequest

	item, err := q.Get(cr.Job.key())
	if err != nil || item.Stats().State != "run" {
		errs = ErrBadJob
	job = item.Data.(*Job)

	if !uuid.Equal(cr.ClientID, job.ReservedBy) {
		errs = ErrMustReserve
