Пример #1
// AddErrorBars adds XErrorBars and YErrorBars
// to a plot.  The variadic arguments must be
// of type plotter.XYer, and must be either a
// plotter.XErrorer, plotter.YErrorer, or both.
// Each errorer is added to the plot the color from
// the Colors function corresponding to its position
// in the argument list.
func AddErrorBars(plt *plot.Plot, vs ...interface{}) {
	for i, v := range vs {
		added := false

		if xerr, ok := v.(interface {
		}); ok {
			e := plotter.NewXErrorBars(xerr)
			e.Color = Color(i)
			added = true

		if yerr, ok := v.(interface {
		}); ok {
			e := plotter.NewYErrorBars(yerr)
			e.Color = Color(i)
			added = true

		if added {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("AddErrorBars expects plotter.XErrorer or plotter.YErrorer, got %T", v))
Пример #2
// AddLinePoints adds Line and Scatter plotters to a
// plot.  The variadic arguments must be either strings
// or plotter.XYers.  Each plotter.XYer is added to
// the plot using the next color, dashes, and glyph
// shape via the Color, Dashes, and Shape functions.
// If a plotter.XYer is immediately preceeded by
// a string then a legend entry is added to the plot
// using the string as the name.
func AddLinePoints(plt *plot.Plot, vs ...interface{}) {
	name := ""
	var i int
	for _, v := range vs {
		switch t := v.(type) {
		case string:
			name = t

		case plotter.XYer:
			l, s := plotter.NewLinePoints(t)
			l.Color = Color(i)
			l.Dashes = Dashes(i)
			s.Color = Color(i)
			s.Shape = Shape(i)
			plt.Add(l, s)
			if name != "" {
				plt.Legend.Add(name, l, s)
				name = ""

			panic(fmt.Sprintf("AddLinePoints handles strings and plotter.XYers, got %T", t))
Пример #3
// AddYErrorBars adds YErrorBars to a plot.
// The variadic arguments must be
// of type plotter.XYer, and plotter.YErrorer.
// Each errorer is added to the plot the color from
// the Colors function corresponding to its position
// in the argument list.
func AddYErrorBars(plt *plot.Plot, es ...interface {
}) {
	for i, e := range es {
		bars := plotter.NewYErrorBars(e)
		bars.Color = Color(i)
Пример #4
// AddBoxPlots adds box plot plotters to a plot and
// sets the X axis of the plot to be nominal.
// The variadic arguments must be either strings
// or plotter.Valuers.  Each valuer adds a box plot
// to the plot at the X location corresponding to
// the number of box plots added before it.  If a
// plotter.Valuer is immediately preceeded by a
// string then the string value is used to label the
// tick mark for the box plot's X location.
func AddBoxPlots(plt *plot.Plot, width vg.Length, vs ...interface{}) {
	var names []string
	name := ""
	for _, v := range vs {
		switch t := v.(type) {
		case string:
			name = t

		case plotter.Valuer:
			plt.Add(plotter.NewBoxPlot(width, float64(len(names)), t))
			names = append(names, name)
			name = ""

			panic(fmt.Sprintf("AddScatters handles strings and plotter.XYers, got %T", t))