Пример #1
func (*BoilerplateConfigSuite) TestBoilerPlateAliases(c *gc.C) {
	defer osenv.SetJujuHome(osenv.SetJujuHome(c.MkDir()))
	boilerplate_text := environs.BoilerplateConfig()
	// There should be only one occurrence of "manual", despite
	// there being an alias ("null"). There should be nothing for
	// aliases.
	n := strings.Count(boilerplate_text, "type: manual")
	c.Assert(n, gc.Equals, 1)
	n = strings.Count(boilerplate_text, "type: null")
	c.Assert(n, gc.Equals, 0)
Пример #2
func (h *FakeHome) Restore() {
	for name, value := range h.oldEnvironment {
		os.Setenv(name, value)
Пример #3
func (suite *EnvironProviderSuite) TestAgentNameShouldNotBeSetByHand(c *gc.C) {
	testJujuHome := c.MkDir()
	defer osenv.SetJujuHome(osenv.SetJujuHome(testJujuHome))
	attrs := testing.FakeConfig().Merge(testing.Attrs{
		"type":            "maas",
		"maas-oauth":      "aa:bb:cc",
		"maas-server":     "http://maas.testing.invalid/maas/",
		"maas-agent-name": "foobar",
	config, err := config.New(config.NoDefaults, attrs)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	ctx := testing.Context(c)
	_, err = suite.makeEnviron().Provider().Prepare(ctx, config)
	c.Assert(err, gc.Equals, errAgentNameAlreadySet)
Пример #4
func (s *JujuConnSuite) tearDownConn(c *gc.C) {
	serverAlive := testing.MgoServer.Addr() != ""

	// Bootstrap will set the admin password, and render non-authorized use
	// impossible. s.State may still hold the right password, so try to reset
	// the password so that the MgoSuite soft-resetting works. If that fails,
	// it will still work, but it will take a while since it has to kill the
	// whole database and start over.
	if err := s.State.SetAdminMongoPassword(""); err != nil && serverAlive {
		c.Logf("cannot reset admin password: %v", err)
	err := s.Conn.Close()
	if serverAlive {
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	err = s.APIConn.Close()
	if serverAlive {
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	s.Conn = nil
	s.State = nil
	s.oldHome = ""
	s.RootDir = ""
Пример #5
func (s *TestingEnvironSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) {
	s.home = osenv.Home()
	s.jujuHome = os.Getenv("JUJU_HOME")

	os.Setenv("JUJU_HOME", "/home/eric/juju")
Пример #6
func (s *MainSuite) TestHelpTopics(c *gc.C) {
	// Check that we have correctly registered all the topics
	// by checking the help output.
	defer osenv.SetJujuHome(osenv.SetJujuHome(c.MkDir()))
	out := badrun(c, 0, "help", "topics")
	lines := strings.Split(out, "\n")
	var names []string
	for _, line := range lines {
		f := strings.Fields(line)
		if len(f) == 0 {
		names = append(names, f[0])
	// The names should be output in alphabetical order, so don't sort.
	c.Assert(names, gc.DeepEquals, topicNames)
Пример #7
func (suite *EnvironProviderSuite) TestOpenReturnsNilInterfaceUponFailure(c *gc.C) {
	testJujuHome := c.MkDir()
	defer osenv.SetJujuHome(osenv.SetJujuHome(testJujuHome))
	const oauth = "wrongly-formatted-oauth-string"
	attrs := testing.FakeConfig().Merge(testing.Attrs{
		"type":        "maas",
		"maas-oauth":  oauth,
		"maas-server": "http://maas.testing.invalid/maas/",
	config, err := config.New(config.NoDefaults, attrs)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	env, err := suite.makeEnviron().Provider().Open(config)
	// When Open() fails (i.e. returns a non-nil error), it returns an
	// environs.Environ interface object with a nil value and a nil
	// type.
	c.Check(env, gc.Equals, nil)
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, ".*malformed maas-oauth.*")
Пример #8
func (suite *EnvironProviderSuite) TestSecretAttrsReturnsSensitiveMAASAttributes(c *gc.C) {
	testJujuHome := c.MkDir()
	defer osenv.SetJujuHome(osenv.SetJujuHome(testJujuHome))
	const oauth = "aa:bb:cc"
	attrs := testing.FakeConfig().Merge(testing.Attrs{
		"type":        "maas",
		"maas-oauth":  oauth,
		"maas-server": "http://maas.testing.invalid/maas/",
	config, err := config.New(config.NoDefaults, attrs)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	secretAttrs, err := suite.makeEnviron().Provider().SecretAttrs(config)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	expectedAttrs := map[string]string{"maas-oauth": oauth}
	c.Check(secretAttrs, gc.DeepEquals, expectedAttrs)
Пример #9
// InitJujuHome initializes the charm, environs/config and utils/ssh packages
// to use default paths based on the $JUJU_HOME or $HOME environment variables.
// This function should be called before calling NewConn or Conn.Deploy.
func InitJujuHome() error {
	jujuHome := osenv.JujuHomeDir()
	if jujuHome == "" {
		return stderrors.New(
			"cannot determine juju home, required environment variables are not set")
	charm.CacheDir = osenv.JujuHomePath("charmcache")
	if err := ssh.LoadClientKeys(osenv.JujuHomePath("ssh")); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("cannot load ssh client keys: %v", err)
	return nil
Пример #10
func (s *MainSuite) TestHelpGlobalOptions(c *gc.C) {
	// Check that we have correctly registered all the topics
	// by checking the help output.
	defer osenv.SetJujuHome(osenv.SetJujuHome(c.MkDir()))
	out := badrun(c, 0, "help", "global-options")
	c.Assert(out, gc.Matches, `Global Options

These options may be used with any command, and may appear in front of any
	lines := strings.Split(out, "\n")
	var flags []string
	for _, line := range lines {
		f := strings.Fields(line)
		if len(f) == 0 || line[0] != '-' {
		flags = append(flags, line)
	c.Assert(len(flags), gc.Equals, len(globalFlags))
	for i, line := range flags {
		c.Assert(line, gc.Matches, globalFlags[i])
Пример #11
func (suite *EnvironProviderSuite) TestUnknownAttrsContainAgentName(c *gc.C) {
	testJujuHome := c.MkDir()
	defer osenv.SetJujuHome(osenv.SetJujuHome(testJujuHome))
	attrs := testing.FakeConfig().Merge(testing.Attrs{
		"type":        "maas",
		"maas-oauth":  "aa:bb:cc",
		"maas-server": "http://maas.testing.invalid/maas/",
	config, err := config.New(config.NoDefaults, attrs)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	ctx := testing.Context(c)
	environ, err := suite.makeEnviron().Provider().Prepare(ctx, config)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	preparedConfig := environ.Config()
	unknownAttrs := preparedConfig.UnknownAttrs()

	uuid, ok := unknownAttrs["maas-agent-name"]

	c.Assert(ok, jc.IsTrue)
	c.Assert(uuid, jc.Satisfies, utils.IsValidUUIDString)
Пример #12
func MakeEmptyFakeHomeWithoutJuju(c *gc.C) *FakeHome {
	oldHomeEnv := osenv.Home()
	oldEnvironment := make(map[string]string)
	for _, name := range []string{
	} {
		oldEnvironment[name] = os.Getenv(name)
	fakeHome := c.MkDir()
	os.Setenv(osenv.JujuHomeEnvKey, "")
	os.Setenv(osenv.JujuEnvEnvKey, "")
	os.Setenv(osenv.JujuLoggingConfigEnvKey, "")
	jujuHome := filepath.Join(fakeHome, ".juju")
	oldJujuHome := osenv.SetJujuHome(jujuHome)
	return &FakeHome{
		oldHomeEnv:     oldHomeEnv,
		oldEnvironment: oldEnvironment,
		oldJujuHome:    oldJujuHome,
		files:          []TestFile{},
Пример #13
func (*BoilerplateConfigSuite) TestBoilerPlateGeneration(c *gc.C) {
	defer osenv.SetJujuHome(osenv.SetJujuHome(c.MkDir()))
	boilerplate_text := environs.BoilerplateConfig()
	_, err := environs.ReadEnvironsBytes([]byte(boilerplate_text))
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
Пример #14
func (s *JujuConnSuite) setUpConn(c *gc.C) {
	if s.RootDir != "" {
		panic("JujuConnSuite.setUpConn without teardown")
	s.RootDir = c.MkDir()
	s.oldHome = osenv.Home()
	home := filepath.Join(s.RootDir, "/home/ubuntu")
	err := os.MkdirAll(home, 0777)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	s.oldJujuHome = osenv.SetJujuHome(filepath.Join(home, ".juju"))
	err = os.Mkdir(osenv.JujuHome(), 0777)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	err = os.MkdirAll(s.DataDir(), 0777)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	s.PatchEnvironment(osenv.JujuEnvEnvKey, "")

	// TODO(rog) remove these files and add them only when
	// the tests specifically need them (in cmd/juju for example)
	s.writeSampleConfig(c, osenv.JujuHomePath("environments.yaml"))

	err = ioutil.WriteFile(osenv.JujuHomePath("dummyenv-cert.pem"), []byte(testing.CACert), 0666)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	err = ioutil.WriteFile(osenv.JujuHomePath("dummyenv-private-key.pem"), []byte(testing.CAKey), 0600)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	store, err := configstore.Default()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	s.ConfigStore = store

	ctx := testing.Context(c)
	environ, err := environs.PrepareFromName("dummyenv", ctx, s.ConfigStore)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	// sanity check we've got the correct environment.
	c.Assert(environ.Name(), gc.Equals, "dummyenv")
	s.PatchValue(&dummy.DataDir, s.DataDir())
	s.LogDir = c.MkDir()
	s.PatchValue(&dummy.LogDir, s.LogDir)

	versions := PreferredDefaultVersions(environ.Config(), version.Binary{Number: version.Current.Number, Series: "precise", Arch: "amd64"})
	versions = append(versions, version.Current)

	// Upload tools for both preferred and fake default series
	envtesting.MustUploadFakeToolsVersions(environ.Storage(), versions...)
	c.Assert(bootstrap.Bootstrap(ctx, environ, environs.BootstrapParams{}), gc.IsNil)

	s.BackingState = environ.(GetStater).GetStateInAPIServer()

	conn, err := juju.NewConn(environ)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	s.Conn = conn
	s.State = conn.State

	apiConn, err := juju.NewAPIConn(environ, api.DialOpts{})
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	s.APIConn = apiConn
	s.APIState = apiConn.State
	s.environ = environ
Пример #15
func (s *JujuHomeSuite) TestStandardHome(c *gc.C) {
	testJujuHome := c.MkDir()
	defer osenv.SetJujuHome(osenv.SetJujuHome(testJujuHome))
	c.Assert(osenv.JujuHome(), gc.Equals, testJujuHome)
Пример #16
func (s *JujuHomeSuite) TestHomePath(c *gc.C) {
	testJujuHome := c.MkDir()
	defer osenv.SetJujuHome(osenv.SetJujuHome(testJujuHome))
	envPath := osenv.JujuHomePath("environments.yaml")
	c.Assert(envPath, gc.Equals, filepath.Join(testJujuHome, "environments.yaml"))
Пример #17
func (*CloudInitSuite) testUserData(c *gc.C, bootstrap bool) {
	testJujuHome := c.MkDir()
	defer osenv.SetJujuHome(osenv.SetJujuHome(testJujuHome))
	tools := &tools.Tools{
		URL:     "http://foo.com/tools/releases/juju1.2.3-linux-amd64.tgz",
		Version: version.MustParseBinary("1.2.3-linux-amd64"),
	envConfig, err := config.New(config.NoDefaults, dummySampleConfig())
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	allJobs := []params.MachineJob{
	cfg := &cloudinit.MachineConfig{
		MachineId:    "10",
		MachineNonce: "5432",
		Tools:        tools,
		StateInfo: &state.Info{
			Addrs:    []string{""},
			Password: "******",
			CACert:   "CA CERT\n" + testing.CACert,
			Tag:      "machine-10",
		APIInfo: &api.Info{
			Addrs:    []string{""},
			Password: "******",
			CACert:   "CA CERT\n" + testing.CACert,
			Tag:      "machine-10",
		DataDir:                 environs.DataDir,
		LogDir:                  agent.DefaultLogDir,
		Jobs:                    allJobs,
		CloudInitOutputLog:      environs.CloudInitOutputLog,
		Config:                  envConfig,
		AgentEnvironment:        map[string]string{agent.ProviderType: "dummy"},
		AuthorizedKeys:          "wheredidileavemykeys",
		MachineAgentServiceName: "jujud-machine-10",
	if bootstrap {
		cfg.Bootstrap = true
		cfg.StateServingInfo = &params.StateServingInfo{
			StatePort:  envConfig.StatePort(),
			APIPort:    envConfig.APIPort(),
			Cert:       testing.ServerCert,
			PrivateKey: testing.ServerKey,
	script1 := "script1"
	script2 := "script2"
	cloudcfg := coreCloudinit.New()
	result, err := environs.ComposeUserData(cfg, cloudcfg)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	unzipped, err := utils.Gunzip(result)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	config := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
	err = goyaml.Unmarshal(unzipped, &config)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	// The scripts given to userData where added as the first
	// commands to be run.
	runCmd := config["runcmd"].([]interface{})
	c.Check(runCmd[0], gc.Equals, script1)
	c.Check(runCmd[1], gc.Equals, script2)

	if bootstrap {
		// The cloudinit config should have nothing but the basics:
		// SSH authorized keys, the additional runcmds, and log output.
		// Note: the additional runcmds *do* belong here, at least
		// for MAAS. MAAS needs to configure and then bounce the
		// network interfaces, which would sever the SSH connection
		// in the synchronous bootstrap phase.
		c.Check(config, gc.DeepEquals, map[interface{}]interface{}{
			"output": map[interface{}]interface{}{
				"all": "| tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log",
			"runcmd": []interface{}{
				"script1", "script2",
				"set -xe",
				"install -D -m 644 /dev/null '/var/lib/juju/nonce.txt'",
				"printf '%s\\n' '5432' > '/var/lib/juju/nonce.txt'",
			"ssh_authorized_keys": []interface{}{"wheredidileavemykeys"},
	} else {
		// Just check that the cloudinit config looks good,
		// and that there are more runcmds than the additional
		// ones we passed into ComposeUserData.
		c.Check(config["apt_upgrade"], gc.Equals, true)
		c.Check(len(runCmd) > 2, jc.IsTrue)