Пример #1
func (*tagSuite) TestParseTag(c *gc.C) {
	for i, test := range parseTagTests {
		c.Logf("test %d: %q expectKind %q", i, test.tag, test.expectKind)
		kind, id, err := names.ParseTag(test.tag, test.expectKind)
		if test.resultErr != "" {
			c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, test.resultErr)
			c.Assert(kind, gc.Equals, "")
			c.Assert(id, gc.Equals, "")

			// If the tag has a valid kind which matches the
			// expected kind, test that using an empty
			// expectKind does not change the error message.
			if tagKind, err := names.TagKind(test.tag); err == nil && tagKind == test.expectKind {
				kind, id, err := names.ParseTag(test.tag, "")
				c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, test.resultErr)
				c.Assert(kind, gc.Equals, "")
				c.Assert(id, gc.Equals, "")
		} else {
			c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
			c.Assert(id, gc.Equals, test.resultId)
			if test.expectKind != "" {
				c.Assert(kind, gc.Equals, test.expectKind)
			} else {
				expectKind, err := names.TagKind(test.tag)
				c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
				c.Assert(kind, gc.Equals, expectKind)
			// Check that it's reversible.
			if f := makeTag[kind]; f != nil {
				reversed := f(id)
				c.Assert(reversed, gc.Equals, test.tag)
			// Check that it parses ok without an expectKind.
			kind1, id1, err1 := names.ParseTag(test.tag, "")
			c.Assert(err1, gc.IsNil)
			c.Assert(kind1, gc.Equals, test.expectKind)
			c.Assert(id1, gc.Equals, id)
Пример #2
func (*tagSuite) TestTagKind(c *gc.C) {
	for i, test := range tagKindTests {
		c.Logf("test %d: %q -> %q", i, test.tag, test.kind)
		kind, err := names.TagKind(test.tag)
		if test.err == "" {
			c.Assert(test.kind, gc.Equals, kind)
			c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		} else {
			c.Assert(kind, gc.Equals, "")
			c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, test.err)
Пример #3
func newRsyslogConfigHandler(st *apirsyslog.State, mode RsyslogMode, tag, namespace string, stateServerAddrs []string) (*RsyslogConfigHandler, error) {
	var syslogConfig *syslog.SyslogConfig
	if mode == RsyslogModeAccumulate {
		syslogConfig = syslog.NewAccumulateConfig(
			tag, logDir, 0, namespace,
	} else {
		syslogConfig = syslog.NewForwardConfig(
			tag, logDir, 0, namespace, stateServerAddrs,

	// Historically only machine-0 includes the namespace in the log
	// dir/file; for backwards compatibility we continue the tradition.
	if tag != "machine-0" {
		namespace = ""
	kind, err := names.TagKind(tag)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if kind == names.MachineTagKind {
		if namespace == "" {
			syslogConfig.ConfigFileName = "25-juju.conf"
		} else {
			syslogConfig.ConfigFileName = fmt.Sprintf("25-juju-%s.conf", namespace)
	} else {
		syslogConfig.ConfigFileName = fmt.Sprintf("26-juju-%s.conf", tag)

	syslogConfig.ConfigDir = rsyslogConfDir
	syslogConfig.LogDir = logDir
	if namespace != "" {
		syslogConfig.LogDir += "-" + namespace
	return &RsyslogConfigHandler{
		st:           st,
		mode:         mode,
		syslogConfig: syslogConfig,
	}, nil
Пример #4
// Login logs in with the provided credentials.
// All subsequent requests on the connection will
// act as the authenticated user.
func (a *srvAdmin) Login(c params.Creds) (params.LoginResult, error) {
	defer a.mu.Unlock()
	if a.loggedIn {
		// This can only happen if Login is called concurrently.
		return params.LoginResult{}, errAlreadyLoggedIn
	// Users are not rate limited, all other entities are
	if kind, err := names.TagKind(c.AuthTag); err != nil || kind != names.UserTagKind {
		if !a.limiter.Acquire() {
			logger.Debugf("rate limiting, try again later")
			return params.LoginResult{}, common.ErrTryAgain
		defer a.limiter.Release()
	entity, err := doCheckCreds(a.root.srv.state, c)
	if err != nil {
		return params.LoginResult{}, err
	if a.reqNotifier != nil {
	// We have authenticated the user; now choose an appropriate API
	// to serve to them.
	// TODO: consider switching the new root based on who is logging in
	newRoot := newSrvRoot(a.root, entity)
	if err := a.startPingerIfAgent(newRoot, entity); err != nil {
		return params.LoginResult{}, err

	// Fetch the API server addresses from state.
	hostPorts, err := a.root.srv.state.APIHostPorts()
	if err != nil {
		return params.LoginResult{}, err
	logger.Debugf("hostPorts: %v", hostPorts)

	a.root.rpcConn.Serve(newRoot, serverError)
	return params.LoginResult{hostPorts}, nil