Пример #1
func load() error {
	var confPath string
	if len(os.Args) == 2 {
		if _, err := os.Stat(os.Args[1]); err == nil {
			confPath = os.Args[1]
	if confPath == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("usage: %s <config path>", filepath.Base(os.Args[0]))
	conf, err := store.ReadConfig(confPath)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if conf.MongoURL == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("missing mongo-url in config file")
	s, err := store.Open(conf.MongoURL)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer s.Close()
	err = store.PublishCharmsDistro(s, lpad.Production)
	if _, ok := err.(store.PublishBranchErrors); ok {
		// Ignore branch errors since they're commonplace here.
		// They're logged, though.
		return nil
	return err
Пример #2
func (s *StoreSuite) TestPublishCharmDistro(c *gc.C) {
	branch := s.dummyBranch(c, "~joe/charms/oneiric/dummy/trunk")

	// The Distro call will look for bare /charms, first.
	testing.Server.Response(200, jsonType, []byte("{}"))

	// And then it picks up the tips.
	data := fmt.Sprintf(`[`+
		`["file://%s", "rev1", ["oneiric", "precise"]],`+
		`["file://%s", "%s", []],`+
		`["file:///non-existent/~jeff/charms/precise/bad/trunk", "rev2", []],`+
		`["file:///non-existent/~jeff/charms/precise/bad/skip-me", "rev3", []]`+
		branch.path(), branch.path(), branch.digest())
	testing.Server.Response(200, jsonType, []byte(data))

	apiBase := lpad.APIBase(testing.Server.URL)
	err := store.PublishCharmsDistro(s.store, apiBase)

	// Should have a single failure from the trunk branch that doesn't
	// exist. The redundant update with the known digest should be
	// ignored, and skip-me isn't a supported branch name so it's
	// ignored as well.
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `1 branch\(es\) failed to be published`)
	berr := err.(store.PublishBranchErrors)[0]
	c.Assert(berr.URL, gc.Equals, "file:///non-existent/~jeff/charms/precise/bad/trunk")
	c.Assert(berr.Err, gc.ErrorMatches, "(?s).*bzr: ERROR: Not a branch.*")

	for _, url := range []string{"cs:oneiric/dummy", "cs:precise/dummy-0", "cs:~joe/oneiric/dummy-0"} {
		dummy, err := s.store.CharmInfo(charm.MustParseURL(url))
		c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
		c.Assert(dummy.Meta().Name, gc.Equals, "dummy")

	// The known digest should have been ignored, so revision is still at 0.
	_, err = s.store.CharmInfo(charm.MustParseURL("cs:~joe/oneiric/dummy-1"))
	c.Assert(err, gc.Equals, store.ErrNotFound)

	// bare /charms lookup
	req := testing.Server.WaitRequest()
	c.Assert(req.Method, gc.Equals, "GET")
	c.Assert(req.URL.Path, gc.Equals, "/charms")

	// tips request
	req = testing.Server.WaitRequest()
	c.Assert(req.Method, gc.Equals, "GET")
	c.Assert(req.URL.Path, gc.Equals, "/charms")
	c.Assert(req.Form["ws.op"], gc.DeepEquals, []string{"getBranchTips"})
	c.Assert(req.Form["since"], gc.IsNil)

	// Request must be signed by juju.
	c.Assert(req.Header.Get("Authorization"), gc.Matches, `.*oauth_consumer_key="juju".*`)