Пример #1
func UpdateWarningSent(entity *models.Warning, db gorp.SqlExecutor) bool {
	entity.Sent = true
	entity.Last_modified_date = time.Now().String()
	_, err := db.Update(entity)
	checkErr(err, "ERROR UpdateWarningSent ERROR")
	return err == nil
Пример #2
func GetReplyByHash(enc Encoder, db gorp.SqlExecutor, parms martini.Params) (int, string) {

	var warning *models.Warning
	hash := parms["hash"]

	respReply := getReplyRespHash(hash, db)
	readReply := getReplyReadHash(hash, db)

	if respReply == nil && readReply == nil {
		fmt.Println("FAILED: neither resp or read hash matches")
		return http.StatusBadRequest, ""

	} else if respReply != nil {

		respReply.Read_hash = ""
		warning = GetWarning(respReply.Id_warning, db)
		warning.WarnResp = respReply

	} else if readReply != nil {

		readReply.Resp_hash = ""
		warning = GetWarning(readReply.Id_warning, db)
		warning.WarnResp = readReply



	return http.StatusOK, Must(enc.EncodeOne(warning))

Пример #3
func clearReturn(entity *models.Warning) {
	entity.Message = ""
	entity.Ip = ""
	entity.Browser = ""
	entity.Operating_system = ""
	entity.Device = ""
	entity.Raw = ""
	entity.Created_by = ""
	entity.Last_modified_by = ""
	entity.Last_modified_date = ""

	entity.WarnResp.Reply_to = ""
	entity.WarnResp.Ip = ""
	entity.WarnResp.Browser = ""
	entity.WarnResp.Operating_system = ""
	entity.WarnResp.Device = ""
	entity.WarnResp.Raw = ""
	if entity.WarnResp.Reply_date == "0000-00-00 00:00:00" {
		entity.WarnResp.Reply_date = ""

	if entity.WarnResp.Response_read == "0000-00-00 00:00:00" {
		entity.WarnResp.Response_read = ""
Пример #4
// After registered in the Database, the warn is processed in order to verify:
// - @isSameWarnSentByIp
// - @isSameWarnSentTwiceOrMoreDifferentIp
// - if none of above occurs the warn is processed by its type(Email, SMS, Whatsapp, etc...)
//		- @routers.email.ProcessEmail
//		- @routers.sms.ProcessSMS
func processWarn(warning *models.Warning, db gorp.SqlExecutor, status *models.DefaultStruct) {

	status.Lang_key = warning.Lang_key
	if isSameWarnSentByIp(warning, db) {
		status.Id = http.StatusBadRequest
		status.Name = strings.Replace(messages.GetLocaleMessage(warning.Lang_key, "MSG_SMS_SAME_WARN_BY_IP"), "{{ip}}", warning.Ip, 1)
		status.Name = strings.Replace(status.Name, "{{time}}", "2", 1)
	} else if isSameWarnSentTwiceOrMoreDifferentIp(warning, db) {
		status.Id = http.StatusBadRequest
		status.Name = strings.Replace(messages.GetLocaleMessage(warning.Lang_key, "MSG_SMS_SAME_WARN_DIFF_IP"), "{{time}}", "2", 1)
	} else {
		if warning.WarnResp != nil && warning.WarnResp.Reply_to != "" {
			ProcessWarnReply(warning, db)
		} else {
			warning.WarnResp = nil

		switch warning.Id_contact_type {
		case 1:
			go ProcessEmail(warning, db)
		case 2:
			ProcessSMS(warning, db, status)
		case 3:
			go ProcessWhatsapp(warning, db)

Пример #5
// Receives a warning tru, inserts the request and process the warning and then respond to the interface
//TODO: use (session sessions.Session, r *http.Request) to prevent flood
func AddWarning(entity models.Warning, enc Encoder, db gorp.SqlExecutor, r *http.Request) (int, string) {
	if isInvalidWarning(&entity) {
		return http.StatusBadRequest, Must(enc.EncodeOne(entity))

	status := &models.DefaultStruct{
		Id:       http.StatusOK,
		Name:     messages.GetLocaleMessage(entity.Lang_key, "MSG_WARNING_SENT_SUCCESS"),
		Lang_key: entity.Lang_key,
		Type:     models.MSG_TYPE_WARNING,

	entity.Sent = false
	entity.Created_by = "system"
	//entity.Created_date = time.Now().String()

	err := db.Insert(&entity)
	checkErr(err, "INSERT WARNING ERROR")
	if err != nil {
		return http.StatusBadRequest, Must(enc.EncodeOne(entity))

	ingnored := InIgnoreList(db, entity.Contact)

	if ingnored != nil && ingnored.Confirmed {
		status = &models.DefaultStruct{
			Id:       http.StatusBadRequest,
			Name:     messages.GetLocaleMessage(entity.Lang_key, "MSG_IGNORED_USER"),
			Lang_key: entity.Lang_key,
			Type:     models.MSG_TYPE_WARNING,
	} else {
		processWarn(&entity, db, status)

	return http.StatusCreated, Must(enc.EncodeOne(status))
Пример #6
func sendSMSWarn(entity *models.Warning, db gorp.SqlExecutor) {

	message := SelectMessage(db, entity.Id_message)
	sms_message := messages.GetLocaleMessage(entity.Lang_key, "MSG_SMS_GREET") + "\r\n" + "'" + message.Name + "'"
	if entity.WarnResp == nil {
		sms_message += "\r\n" + messages.GetLocaleMessage(entity.Lang_key, "MSG_FOOTER")
	} else {

		if entity.WarnResp.Id_contact_type == 1 {
			go SendEmailReplyRequestAcknowledge(entity.WarnResp, db)
		} else {
			go SendWhatsappReplyRequestAcknowledge(entity, db)

		sms_message += "\r\n" + messages.GetLocaleMessage(entity.Lang_key, "MSG_REPLY_FOOTER") + " " + ShortUrl(models.URL_REPLY+"/"+entity.WarnResp.Resp_hash)

	sms := &models.SMS{
		CredencialKey: os.Getenv("WARNACREDENCIAL"),
		Content:       sms_message,
		URLPath:       models.URL_MAIN_MOBILE_PRONTO,
		Scheme:        "http",
		Host:          models.URL_DOMAIN_MOBILE_PRONTO,
		Project:       os.Getenv("WARNAPROJECT"),
		AuxUser:       "******",
		MobileNumber:  strings.Replace(entity.Contact, "+", "", 1),
		SendProject:   "N",

	sent, response := SendSMS(sms)

	if sent {
		entity.Message = response
		UpdateWarningSent(entity, db)

Пример #7
//Deploys the message to be sent into an email struct, call the service and in case of successful send, update the warn as sent.
func sendEmailWarn(entity *models.Warning, db gorp.SqlExecutor) {

	//reads the e-mail template from a local file
	wab_email_template := wab_root + "/resource/warning.html"

	if entity.WarnResp != nil {
		wab_email_template = wab_root + "/resource/warning-reply.html"
	template_byte, err := ioutil.ReadFile(wab_email_template)
	checkErr(err, "Email File Opening ERROR")
	template_email_string := string(template_byte[:])

	subject := GetRandomSubject(entity.Lang_key)

	email_content := sendWarningSetup(subject.Name, template_email_string, entity, db)

	email := &models.Email{
		TemplatePath: wab_email_template,
		Content:      email_content,
		Subject:      subject.Name,
		ToAddress:    entity.Contact,
		FromName:     models.WARN_A_BRODA,
		LangKey:      entity.Lang_key,
		Async:        false,
		UseContent:   true,
		HTMLContent:  true,

	sent, response := SendMail(email)

	if sent {
		entity.Message = response
		UpdateWarningSent(entity, db)